Seaside Stories – The third play I enjoyed watching a lot, without even seeing it

I liked two plays a lot until recently:

What do these two plays have in common? They’re highly engaging and entertaining. In this case, the main emotion is humor, but it’s not 100% just that.

Yesterday evening I saw Seaside Stories – Teatrul de Stat Constanța.

My feedback on it?

  • I could watch it. This might come as a surprise for a play, but I’ve seen quite a few plays that, at least to me, were unwatchable. I could be there, looking at the play, and the words would pass by me, not engaging me. More on the matter ». This was not the case here.
  • I got quite some emotions by watching the play.
  • I’m not an expert in judging actors’ ability to enter a character. Still, I found it very fine.
  • It was well done visually. I enjoyed watching it.
  • I think most movies/plays should put their viewer to a variety of emotions – that’s what this play does.
  • In Teambuilding (2022), they use swearing words, probably, as a way to look more natural. But I didn’t find other parts of the movie compensating for this. In the case of Seaside Stories, while there were some swear words, the play had some things to compensate for this (the quality of the play itself).
  • Due to the distance from Constanța and the fact that it lasted for three hours, I only stayed at the first part of the play. I plan to see it fully.
  • PS; 2023.05.24: Later edit: I saw the play in it entirety, and I enjoyed it a lot.

Ștefan Mihai, Theodor Șoptelea


PS, 2023.06.14:

Premiul pentru cel mai bun spectacol:
„Seaside Stories” de Marius Chivu, Lavinica Mitu, Dan Alexe, Simona Goșu, Tudor Ganea, Nicoleta Dabija, regia, scenariul, universul sonor Radu Afrim, scenografia Theodor Cristian Niculae, Teatrul de Stat Constanța
Premiul a fost ridicat de ERWIN ȘIMȘENSOHN, directorul Teatrului de Stat Constanța împreună cu o parte din echipa spectacolului.



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