Cum aplici la multe joburi în UK? Scrisoare de intenție generată automat cu macro Word (English cover letter for UK)

Notă – nu îmi asum eventualele probleme care pot apărea în urma folosirii unui macro!

Întâi de toate, e bine să înțelegi ce înseamnă un macro Word. Am detaliat aici.

Apoi, să zicem că ești în postura în care aplici la foarte multe joburi în UK și ți se cere cover letter (scrisoare de intenție).

Eu obișnuiam să scriu o scrisoare în care luam cele mai importante puncte din lista de cerințe a angajatorilor, și răspundeam punct cu punct.

Întrebau de experiență? Ziceam că am atâta experiență.

Cereau pe cineva care să aibă următoarele skill-uri personale, umane? Răspundeam așa și pe dincolo.

Voiau o calificare? Spuneam că o am, dădeam detalii.

Sugestia mea e să fiți atenți cu scrisoarea de intenție, trebuie să iasă ceva perfect. Mai jos, e perfect + volum, în același timp (în opinia mea, desigur).

Dacă vă interesează să faceți, automat, așa scrisoare de intenție, vedeți mai jos.

Ce face macro-ul meu e că dacă îi “dai” doar acest text, scrii în Word doar acest text:

Entry-level Cybersecurity Specialist
Provide quick, accurate, and cutom communication
Solve customers’ issues by developing expertise
Accountable for design and implementation of technical programs
Currently enrolled student (college or university)

Și rulezi macro-ul, obții asta (fără partea în bold):

Dear Sir / Madam,


I’m John Doe and I apply to “Entry-level Cybersecurity Specialist” position.


Here are some of the reasons for which you might want to set an interview with me:

  • You want, first of all “Provide quick, accurate, and cutom communication”: DECOMPLETAT
  • Also, you request “Solve customers’ issues by developing expertise”: DECOMPLETAT
  • On the subject of “Accountable for design and implementation of technical programs”: DECOMPLETAT
  • Lastly, “Currently enrolled student (college or university)”: DECOMPLETAT


PS: I’ve been working with computers since 1991 and I love (current_profession). Also, I think living abroad is a nice experience. I’ve worked in London for one year.

P.S. #2: I have diverse knowledge from many industries, which gives me good creativity in problem-solving.


Sincerely yours,

John Doe

29th of October, 2021, Bucharest



Skype: my_skype_ID

Partea bună e că dacă îi dai să rulezi de mai multe ori macro-ul acesta, vei obține rezultate diferite.

Astfel, dacă aplici în UK la 5 joburi, și din întâmplare la 2 din acele joburi e același recruiter (aceeași agenție de recrutare), nu te vei prezenta cu aceeași scrisoare de intenție, ci cu una diferită.

Ce e de făcut de cei care folosesc acest macro este ajustarea conform nevoilor a textelor din el.

Partea bună? Odată setate datele, și înțeles cum funcționează sistemul, se va putea crea o scrisoare de intenție mai mult sau mai puțin diferită de altele, și mai ușor de creat.

Apeși un buton în Word, și se completează automat.

Macro pentru Word. Detalii #1 ». Detalii #2.

Notă – am folosit macroul acesta pentru a aplica la zeci de joburi din UK. Dar oricine poate citi despre cum să facă un cover letter, nu neapărat am găsit eu ceva foarte inovator, numai eu știu să aplic, sau metoda mea e cea mai bună. Cu ce te poate ajuta soluția mea cu macrouri e să aplici la multe joburi mai ușor. Dar poate ai altă abordare pentru scrisorile de intenție.

Dacă vreți să descărcați macro-ul:

Sub zzz_Scrisoare_De_Intentie_Joburi_UK()
‘ De ce să folosești acest macro?
‘ Îți dă flexibilitate la 5-10 joburi la care aplici la același recruiter (de exemplu, agenție de recrutare cu mai multe joburi)
‘ Pare că un cover letter creat custom
‘ Nu e OK pentru joburi foarte speciale pentru tine (un job foarte important), sau la care candidatura trebuie unică
‘ E OK că poți crea într-o stare bună (compui textele când te simți energic și fresh) și aplică într-o stare boring (să aplici seara, obosit)
‘ E 80% din ce obții cu un efort mult mai mare
‘ Arată că ești mai creativ! Că poți compune texte noi, că nu ai aceeași formulă; și, în același timp, e particularizată; dacă cineva de la o agenție de recrutare vede 3 scrisori de-ale tale, vor fi diferite
‘ Energia ar trebui pe răspuns la cerințe și particularizat, nu pe copy & paște. Cu asta te ajută layoutul meu.
‘ Este perfect pentru a obține 80% din rezultate
‘ Foarte potrivită pentru joburi tehnice, cu cerințe tehnice specifice (IT, Inginerie, Marketing tehnic)
‘ Te ajută să eviți erori
‘ Te ajută să te axezi pe ce contează mai mult – să răspunzi la întrebările persoanei, nu să compui
‘ se aplică în special pentru joburile la care nu știi și nu poți afla nimic despre angajator
‘ întotdeauna ar trebui să recitești cv-ul și scrisoarea de câteva ori
‘ Nu răspund niciodată la team player și la “attention to detail”; La prima n-ai ce să îți dai seama din nimic, nu poți demonstra; la a doua reiese din candidatură, sau din urmele pe care le lași în online
‘ Ia pauze periodic; stai o zi fără să aplici, uită-te la rezultate, evaluează; o să te ajute; e de preferat 2 zile intens + 2 zile pauză la aplicat, decât să aplici 4 zile consecutiv

Dim chose As Variant
‘we will reuse this variable

‘Randommly pick a text (pentru introducere)
Dim TextIntroducere As String
Intro = Array(“Dear Sir/Madam,”, “Dear Sir / Madam,”, “Dear Sir or Madam,”, “Dear Sir / Dear Madam,”, “Dear Sir/Madam,”, “Dear Sir / Madam,”, “Dear Sir or Madam,”, “Dear Sir/Madam,”, “Dear Sir / Madam,”)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
‘Aici am definit variabila intro
TextIntroducere = Intro(chose)

Dim FirstLine As String
Intro = Array(“My name is John Doe and I apply to the “””, “I am John Doe and I apply to the “””, “My name is John Doe and I wish to apply to the “””, _
“My name is John Doe and I am happy to apply to the “””, “My name is John Doe and I’m glad to apply to the “””, “I’m John Doe and I’m happy to apply to the “””, _
“I am John Doe and I apply to “””, “I’m John Doe and I apply to “””, “My name is John Doe and I apply to “””)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
‘Alegem random
FirstLine = Intro(chose)

Dim JobName As String
Intro = Array(“”” position.”, “”” job.”, “”” posted job.”, “”” posted position.”, “”” listed job.”, “”” job posted online.”, “”” online job listing.”, “”” job ad.”, “”” online job ad.”)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
JobName = Intro(chose)

Dim GettingToThePoint As String
Intro = Array(“Getting to the point, please allow me to give you the top reasons to set an interview with me:”, “I want to give you the top reasons to set an interview with me:”, _
“Here are the top reasons to set an interview with me: “, “Why would you set an interview with me?”, _
“I would like to invite you to set an interview with me based on the following:”, “I think I answer to your requirements well enough to set an interview with me:”, _
“You might be interested in the top reasons to set an interview with me:”, “I would like to give you the top reasons for setting an interview with me:”, _
“Here are some of the reasons for which you might want to set an interview with me:”)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
GettingToThePoint = Intro(chose)

Dim text1 As String
Intro = Array(” • First, you ask for “””, ” • You start the job requirements with “””, ” • Your first request is “””, ” • You want, first of all “””, _
” • You request, first of all, “””, ” • The first thing you ask for “””, ” • The first thing you request is “””, ” • You said you want “””, _
” • You demand your applicants, first of all, “””)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
text1 = Intro(chose)

Dim text2 As String
Intro = Array(” • Then, “””, ” • Also, “””, ” • More than this, “””, ” • More than this, you request “””, ” • Also, you request “””, ” • Then, you request “””, _
” • Also, you ask for “””, ” • You also ask for “””, ” • The next thing you ask for is “””)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
text2 = Intro(chose)

Dim text3 As String
Intro = Array(” • Regarding “””, ” • About “””, ” • On “””, ” • As for “””, ” • As to “””, ” • In regard to “””, ” • On the subject of “””, ” • With reference to “””, ” • With respect to “””)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
text3 = Intro(chose)

Dim text4 As String
Intro = Array(” • You also specify “””, ” • You also ask for “””, ” • You also demand “””, ” • You also need “””, ” • You also say you need “””, ” • You also search for “””, _
” • You also want “””, ” • You also call for “””, ” • You also solicit “””)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
text4 = Intro(chose)

Dim text5 As String
Intro = Array(” • Referring to “””, ” • In relation to “””, ” • In respect to “””, ” • In connection to “””, ” • Concerning “””, ” • Referring to “””, ” • In respect to “””, _
” • In relation to “””, ” • Concerning “””)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
text5 = Intro(chose)

Dim text6 As String
Intro = Array(” • Again, “””, ” • Also, “””, ” • More than this, “””, ” • Yet again, “””, ” • Also, “””, ” • Again, “””, ” • Yet again, “””, ” • More than this, “””, ” • Also, “””)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
text6 = Intro(chose)

Dim text7 As String
Intro = Array(” • Regarding “””, ” • About “””, ” • On “””, ” • As for “””, ” • As to “””, ” • In regard to “””, ” • On the subject of “””, ” • With reference to “””, ” • With respect to “””)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
text7 = Intro(chose)

Dim text8 As String
Intro = Array(” • You also specify “””, ” • You also ask for “””, ” • You also demand “””, ” • You also need “””, ” • You also say you need “””, ” • You also search for “””, _
” • You also want “””, ” • You also call for “””, ” • You also solicit “””)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
text8 = Intro(chose)

Dim text9 As String
Intro = Array(” • Finally, “””, ” • Lastly, “””, ” • Lastly, “””, ” • Lastly, “””, ” • Finally, “””, ” • Lastly, “””, ” • Lastly, “””, ” • Finally, “””, ” • Lastly. “””)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
text9 = Intro(chose)

Dim PStext As String
Intro = Array(“PS: I love (current_profession). Also, I think living abroad is a nice experience.”, “P.S.: I love (current_profession). I’ve been working with computers since 1991. Also, I think living abroad is a nice experience.”, _
“PS: I’ve been working with computers since 1991 and I love (current_profession). Also, I think living abroad is a nice experience.”, “P.S.: I love (current_profession). I type 72 WPM. Also, I can relocate in one week’s notice.”, _
“P.S.: I love (current_profession). Also, I can relocate in one week’s notice.”, “P.S.: I love current_profession. Also, I think an international experience goes well with my global (current_profession) / (another_profession) perspective.”, _
“P.S.: I love (current_profession). I’m very good with productivity IT shortcuts. Also, I think an international experience goes well with my global (current_profession) / (other profession).”, _
“P.S.: I love (current_profession). Also, I think an international experience goes well with my global current_profession / marketing perspective.”, “PS: I love current_profession and I’m very good with productivity IT shortcuts. Also, I type 72 WPM.”)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))
PStext = Intro(chose)

Dim Sincerely As String
Intro = Array(“Yours sincerely,”, “Sincerely,”, “Sincerely yours,”, “Best regards,”, “Regards,”, “Cordially,”, “Thank you for your time,”, _
“Thank you for your consideration,”, “Yours respectfully,”)
chose = Int(rnd * (UBound(Intro) + 1))


Sincerely = Intro(chose)


‘make the font very very small, so that lines are interpreted correctly

Selection.Font.Size = 1
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory

Dim char As Long
Dim x As Long
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdMove
x = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(“NUMBER OF LINES”)
For i = 1 To x
char = Selection.EndKey(Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdMove)
If (char > 0) Then
Count = Count + 1
End If
ActiveDocument.Application.Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdMove
Next i
‘MsgBox “Number of nonblank lines = ” & Count
Count = Count + 1
‘ WHEN YOU WANT TO, deleted: – 1
‘add -1 if the first line is with the job title

Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory

Selection.TypeText Text:=TextIntroducere
Selection.TypeText Text:=FirstLine
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:=JobName
Selection.TypeText Text:=GettingToThePoint
Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1

‘ The code below writes TO at the end of the document
‘ Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
‘ Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend
‘ Selection.Cut
‘ Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory
‘ Selection.TypeParagraph
‘ Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory

Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=5

If Count > 3 Then
Selection.TypeText Text:=text1
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:=”””: ”
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End If

If Count > 4 Then
Selection.TypeText Text:=text2
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:=”””: ”
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End If

If Count > 5 Then
Selection.TypeText Text:=text3
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:=”””: ”
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End If

If Count > 6 Then
Selection.TypeText Text:=text4
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:=”””: ”
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End If

If Count > 7 Then
Selection.TypeText Text:=text5
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:=”””: ”
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End If

If Count > 8 Then
Selection.TypeText Text:=text6
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:=”””: ”
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End If

If Count > 9 Then
Selection.TypeText Text:=text7
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:=”””: ”
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End If

If Count > 10 Then
Selection.TypeText Text:=text8
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:=”””: ”
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End If

‘always write “finally …”

Selection.TypeText Text:=text9
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:=”””: ”
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

‘ PS:

Selection.TypeText Text:=PStext
Selection.TypeText Text:=” I’ve worked in London for one year.”
Selection.TypeText Text:=”P.S. #2: I have diverse knowledge from many industries, which gives me good creativity in problem-solving.”

‘ Signature + date

Selection.TypeText Text:=Sincerely
Selection.TypeText Text:=”John Doe”

‘ Get the current day

Dim Ziua As String
Ziua = Day(Date)

Dim Luna As String
Luna = MonthName(Month(Date))

Dim Anul As String
Anul = Year(Date)

Selection.TypeText Text:=Ziua
Selection.TypeText Text:=”th of ”
Selection.TypeText Text:=Luna
Selection.TypeText Text:=”, ”
Selection.TypeText Text:=Anul
Selection.TypeText Text:=”, Bucharest”
Selection.TypeText Text:=”(+4)0700-000-000″
Selection.TypeText Text:=””
Selection.TypeText Text:=”Skype: my_skype_ID”

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

‘ A little clean-up process, you can delete the search & replace below, to me it was useful, though
With Selection.Find
.Text = ” “”:”
.Replacement.Text = “””:”
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = True
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
With Selection.Find
.Text = “.””:”
.Replacement.Text = “””:”
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = True
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
With Selection.Find
.Text = “,””:”
.Replacement.Text = “””:”
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = True
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
‘ end of search & replace

‘ Selection.TypeParagraph
‘ Selection.TypeParagraph
‘ Selection.TypeParagraph
‘ Selection.TypeParagraph
‘ Selection.TypeParagraph
‘ Selection.TypeText Text:=”To: ”

Selection.Font.Size = 11

‘to will not be selected

Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory
Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdLine, Count:=4
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend

‘If you want to select the whole text, including “To”, leave the ones below un-commented, remove the apostrophe


End Sub

Cover Letter

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