Motivation: As inflation and the economic crisis are sweeping the markets, there is a high need for training professionals who are willing to take a freelancing/entrepreneurial stand in their fields. Students who are willing to learn, practice, and prove their long-term compatibility with these positions are sought for by organizations and professionals who are willing to offer a project-based or part-time collaboration in a long-term professional relationship. Distance training for each of these positions can be provided by professionals or through pre-recorded courses for free, by experts in various industries.
The specified monetary values are informative, in January 2021, for entry-level, and they depend upon how much work is actually produced for the specified amount of time and the quality of that work. These values are to be negotiated only after the first trial tasks. The ideas presented here are for mere orientation, they are not a promise.
Please take into account that all of these services can be provided 100% virtually, remotely, using just a computer and maybe a smartphone and those interested in providing them are getting into a competition against many other freelancers from 200+ countries.
This is not a project. It’s an ongoing activity for looking out collaborations together with a partner institution (such as a university, a high school, or an association) in order to give a chance to their students to not only have a survival chance on the labor market against the artificial intelligence but to thrive, in collaboration with professionals from various countries.
If this initiative is not supported, it is likely that in less than 5 years many of the organizations and the entrepreneurs that are willing to make this work now will go bankrupt and the students they could have trained would be jobless.
If you know such an institution, please get them in touch with Marcus Victor Grant.
What is offered to the participants:
- intermediation of positions for practice (or volunteering), based on personal choice and tests;
- possibility of different types of collaboration after the practice or volunteering stage is completed, including paid;
- free training and/or learning resources;
- free mentorship.
What is NOT offered:
- full time work contracts as employees;
- career counselling;
- detailed explanation/interpretation of results to tests and questionnaires.
What is NOT required (at this point):
- Experience;
- proven track record;
- professional certificates;
- registered entity for receiving payments.
What is required:
- fulfillment of questionnaires and/or tests;
- a certain level of English language (depends on the position);
- will to learn and develop skills;
- intrapreneurship/freelancing initiative,
- a certain amount of unpaid entry-level work after the free training, usually between 20-80 hours (how much, it depends on the position, project, and the specialist who supervises the training/learning);
- some may require confidentiality.
What is NOT required (at this point):
- Experience;
- proven track record;
- professional certificates;
- registered entity for receiving payments.
Sought-for positions
- Design, graphics, illustrations
- Lead/media/web research
- Supply chain/logistics/sourcing search specialist
- Audio/video interviewing with clients, potential clients, or collaborators on different timetables in real time, over the internet.
- Content curation & social bookmarking
- Social media curation
- Transcriptions and correcting automated transcriptions
- Creating captions or subtitles for multimedia materials to be shared
- Keywords research work
- Lead generation
- Copywriting
- Fundraising
- Client/prospects communication
- Joint Venturing
- Plain text graphics
- Photo reportage & journaling
- Social media account management
- contract filling & forwarding
- E-mail marketing
- Content Management System backend
- Affiliate marketing management
Brief descriptions of work that professionals, organizations, and their clients are looking to outsource to their long-term collaborators.
- Design, graphics, illustrations
Graphic, conceptual, and suggestive illustrations of specific information or conceptual representations of abstract ideas, as well as workflow diagrams, integrated or not into virtual visual presentations. This work will be used for the books and articles and for marketing materials for companies and clients.
This requires the skill of combining text with images productively and aesthetically and organizing information with various software for publishing and marketing.
Examples of software that may be used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Keynote, Microsoft Powerpoint, Quark Express, Microsoft Publisher, Lucid Chars, Miro, xMind.
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 30-50 euros.
- Lead/media/web research
Before a company representative contacts or meets a person, there is the need to do some background research on that person, so that the representative would have an idea about how to approach the client, what specialties does (s)he have, what (s)he likes, what (s)he doesn’t like, what kind of experience the person has, how it is appropriate to be approached, how to correctly spell and pronounce their name, etc. This work is done by the lead/media/web research.
Also, this work involves identifying key phrases for research over the internet that describe an unspecified need or want of a certain audience or that a certain service delivers. Such transderivational search has as target to identify the correct or the most relevant key phrases correlated with certain areas, services, products, or ideas. This service is important for online marketing.
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 10-12.5 euros.
- Supply chain/logistics/sourcing search specialist
For various specific needs of various organizations and their clients, there is the requirement to identify specific suppliers and procedures for the delivery of products and services. In the context of the corona crisis, supply chains keep being perturbed and some services and products require different procedures (which keep changing). More and more providers need to find reliable and best suppliers for the products and even more for the services the organizations need for themselves and their customers.
This kind of work requires finding the organization’s specific information by sorting out potential suppliers on key criteria, contacting suppliers, clients, and institutions to understand the full extent in cost of money and time for sales, deliveries, and acquisitions. It also involves checking certain potential opportunities if they are legitimate or scam/fraud, finding out the shipment logistics for sending packages between various countries and reformulating questions and needs of clients for logistics procedures purposes.
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 10-12.5 euros.
- Audio/video interviewing with clients, potential clients, or collaborators on different timetables in real time, over the internet.
This requires applying specific questions in a sequence, that outlies either of these:
- the strategic knowledge that the interviewee has about a certain topic of expertise
- the personal and professional experience of the interviewee in a certain field
- the feedback and impressions that the interviewee has about receiving a certain product or service
- the qualities that the interviewee has for a certain position of collaboration that we seeking out to outsource
Everything written has to be Grammarly-proof.
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 19-23 euros.
- Content curation & social bookmarking
Processing information already cataloged, finding and classifying information around specific topics by organizing them in taxonomies (categories ramifications) and folksonomies (with tags). It also involves using social bookmarking and online sharing software to distribute cured and commented content on specific topics to specific channels (such as information about the specific industry and online marketing in that field, for example). This also involves occasionally updating the content of various websites so they show relevant and evergreen information. Al, this should be done with careful consideration of respecting the copyrights of all parties involved.
This work is used to:
- share valuable free information on social media about the topics of companies and clients
- build and index databases of organized information with links
- create a resources library for the inner use of an organization and their collaborators
- position companies and clients as knowledge brokers for the audiences
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 10-15 euros.
- Social media curation
Organizing and optimizing the content created by the organizations, their clients, and the content curation & social bookmarking specialists to distribute and monitor on various social media channels specific relevant information.
This also involves using the keyphrases identified by the lead/media/web research to hashtag the content provided by the content curation & social bookmarking providers and writing very very short introductions of the content that is being shared on social media marketing channels, such as pages, groups, and profiles (for both individuals and companies).
This also involves correcting with Grammarly and other automatic software the content on social media platforms so they are spelled correctly in English.
Everything written has to be Grammarly-proof.
This also involves following and choosing the most influential hashtags in a specific industry and sharing them with all other social media curators working within the client’s environment.
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 10-15 euros.
If someone wishes to assume the three positions of lead/media/web research, content curation & social bookmarking, and social media curator, then the worth per hour of such a specialist is worth more than 15 euros and may go up to 18 euros.
- Transcriptions and correcting automated transcriptions
Transcriptions of pre-recorded multimedia materials with one or (most likely) several speakers in the English language. Such materials may be interviews, meetings, seminars, courses, promotional presentations done by specialists in very different fields. The purpose of such transcriptions is to create content usable for:
- publishing in books
- publishing in online media for promotion
- creating captions/subtitles for multimedia materials to be shared online
- correcting previous transcriptions or captions/subtitles
- content conversion and repurposing: using the content in article series, e-books integration into graphic presentations
The transcription supposes familiarity with software which allows modifying the playing parameters of the materials (ex: slowing down, increasing the volume) to ensure the correct, accurate, and complete understanding of what is spoken in full comprehension of various accents that the speakers may use for English. This also requires the transcriber to understand the purpose(s) for which the multimedia content is being transcribed and adapting the final material so that it makes the work of whoever is going to further use the text easier, not harder. Everything written has to be Grammarly-proof.
Work is paid on the amount of material that is being transcribed, such as 1 hour of recorded material transcribed is paid with 20-30 euros and it usually requires 4 to 6 hours of actual work.
- Creating captions or subtitles for multimedia materials to be shared
The captions or subtitles can either be embedded or added as a separate track, depending on the environment where they will be used. Everything written has to be Grammarly-proof.
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 12.5-17.5 euros.
- Keywords research work
This is done specifically for identifying client demographics, SEO and SEM applied on websites, social media profiles, and communities.
→ Auditing Website
→ Keyword Research
→ Website Analysis
→ Competitive Analysis
→On-site SEO Optimization
→ OFF-Site SEO Optimization (Link Building & safe Back-links)
→ identifying needs & wants of buyer persona in research terms
This work is partially intertwined with Lead/media/web research but it differs because it is mostly done with specific tools in specific sites, in opposition with lead/media/web research which is being done on search engines. The work of the people doing this kind of work can be correlated and we are encouraging those who do one of these activities to understand very well and collaborate with those who do the other.
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 4-6 euros.
- Lead generation
Using LinkedIn and other social media professional platforms with free accounts or paid accounts (by the organizations) to obtain contact information, contact potential clients, partners, and affiliates, to promote certain services, products, and/or ideas professionally to potential clients strategically identified based on keyphrases, lists, and predefined criteria.
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 7-9 euros.
- Copywriting
Creating commercial descriptions for services, products, people, and ideas and creating text for online communication that would be appropriate, approved, and action-generating in various formats: landing pages, newsletters, Shopify, Amazon listings, eBay descriptions, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, social media. Everything written has to be Grammarly-proof.
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 7-15 euros/hour.
- Fundraising.
Worldwide, there are opportunities for financing various initiatives, both in loans and in grant format. Every industry needs such capital infusions, which require project writing skills.
Another major resource for fundraising is obtaining sponsorships.
Both activities require complex, adaptable, and fast-paced skills to identify and capitalize on opportunities, take initiative and make contracts. Each fundraiser would be paid 8-10% of the money actually coming into the client organization from the sponsors or projects financed.
The fundraising may be project-based, activity-based, or organization-based.
To do this activity, it may be necessary to find partners and broker joint ventures with them, which is something for which the fundraiser may be paid extra. Depending on the size of the deal, this amount awarded to the fundraiser may be significant.
Fundraising works well together with joint venturing, selling, and copywriting.
The fundraising activity is never paid in advance, only on delivery.
- Client/prospects communication
Communicating with prospects and clients is sensitive work that needs to be done both online and over the phone. This involves approaching and messaging the clients based on a lead profile analysis, webchat communication with visitors, and following up with potentially interested prospects on various platforms (Facebook, Linked In, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Instagram, etc.).
Making a sale is not required at this stage for many organizations, but it is welcomed. The prospects must be lead to the salesmen.
The communication with contracted clients must be managed via almost the same platforms, but using different procedures.
This activity does not involve doing the lead/media web research or running the e-mail marketing or the social media accounts for that organization, but it does involve strong collaboration with all these, so if whoever is interested in several of these want to take several positions, this is highly encouraged.
- Joint Venturing
For launching services, products or projects, it is important or required to collaborate at a high level with niche partners, who have the complementary or necessary resources to make certain initiatives a success. The partners are not buying the services of the organization. They are using some of their own resources to contribute to the success of the product/service/project of another partner. Out of this collaboration, sales should result, which are shared between the partners of the joint venture and the one who sets up the deals.
Statistically, most of the approached partners will refuse the collaboration, but the ones who look interested need to be convinced through a persuasive process of creating a relationship. It is the joint venturer’s mission to improve the conversion rate of the prospect into an actual partner.
Once developed the relationship with a certain partner, it can be used again in the future.
The joint venturing activity is not paid in advance, it is paid as a percentage of the sales generated through the contracted initiative.
- Plain text graphics
This activity includes generating text in images to be used in social media such as Facebook, infographics, bar charts, or other statistics-based information with Excel, SPSS, and/or other software. This activity is not driven by aesthetics so it doesn’t have to be visually artistic, but it must be and look well organized and professional. Each text must be presented in such a way that would make it relevant for the defined audience. Thus, it is an activity that lies in the middle between graphic design, research, and copywriting.
- Photo reportage & journaling
Storytelling with graphics/photos requires talent in both the visuals and the narrative. Product storytelling proficiency is required before understanding how to connect the visual elements of a story. It is relevant to be able to do this both with created graphics/photos and with materials already delivered by the client. In some cases, the material should be added or cut and it is required for who is doing the photo reportage or journaling to choose what they want to do (transmit information or convey emotion) and which is best with the resources available for each project.
- Social media account management
Collaboration on this position with someone who has or strives to obtain mastery of various social media platforms AND proves or trains concentration ability so that (s)he wouldn’t get distracted by the tools to be used. Fierce organization and attention to detail while not losing perspective is key for this work, as is measuring the direct results of the activity.
- contract filling & forwarding
Contracting for various rights, permissions and requirements is always a work in progress due to the internationalization of collaborations and changes in legislation. Thus, for each organization working with lots of individual clients, the contract formats should be kept updated and the contractors should receive their forms in time so that they would be filled and inventoried at the right moment not too late and not too early. This responsibility is important for those who want to work within the legal and financial frame. Whatever virtual tools are needed to do this work will be provided. The various software used for this activity is also always changing and must be on the track to also follow that.
- E-mail marketing
When someone subscribes or opts-in a system that promises to deliver a certain type of information, (s)he must be guided towards the desired outcome based on their expectations and the possible alternative client journeys from reader to prospect to client. Doing so requires using online marketing backend software to tailor each e-mail as a part of a campaign to generate a certain outcome.
This is a position oriented equally towards technical software and towards content marketing knowledge.
- Content Management System backend
Every website has an infrastructure that is administered online by an administrator, an editor, or a supervisor. According to each collaborator’s level of permissions, (s)he may set or modify the settings which are in their access.
Each website has several maintenance activities which must be operated to make sure the purpose of the website is fulfilled. This may require, for example, changing the content, providing access to different resources for various people, removing broken links, extracting keyphrases from statistics, and sharing information with other people involved with using the content on the website in some way.
The worth of an hour of such work is credited on the international market between 10-15 euros/hour.
- Affiliate marketing management
Affiliates are key networkers in certain niches which attract prospects and convert some of them into clients. When they do and the client is locked in (maintains the acquisition after 30 days), each affiliate gets a certain percent. Communication with affiliates is for some lines of work THE MOST IMPORTANT POSSIBLE ACTIVITY. The unique position of running affiliates offers direct access to the selling pipeline which fuels an entire business.
The affiliates manager has to make sure the affiliates have all they need, stay connected and keep recommending the client organization to the professionals they encounter in their environment.
The affiliate marketing manager is usually getting paid a fixed sum of money + percentual fee based on the results.