I wrote here – Ce filme mi-au placut in mod deosebit? – Fii eficient! – the following:
Ambition to Meaning: Finding Your Life’s Purpose (Video 2009) – “Nu”-urile pentru film țin de gradul de credibilitate a mesajului. “Da”-ul pentru film vine din faptul că are o perspectivă interesantă asupra vieții, care te pune pe gânduri. Un film non-excepțional de excepție. Poate fi văzut cu subtitrare în română: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtbaOOrDQvY
What do I want to add?
- In life you can do mainly two things: get results of your actions, results which can be quantified and work without actually seeing results that can be quantified. In life, people tend to go doing things which can be quantified – “I work, get this amount of money, do X and Y with the money” or “I work, I get this amount of visitors, advertising is paid, I get influence, I’m on TV, I get this amount of viewers, more people buy my book, I get this money, I do X and Y with the money”. Very rarely we have moments like “I’ve touched the person so much and deeply, I’ve changed his/her life” or “Following the conversation, I changed the course of life for X”. This rarely happens. Most of the modern society is built on measuring things – X results, Y amount of money, Z number of people. “I’ve made you happier” – this doesn’t seem to count. Well, the movie’s message is that it should. I’m not so sure. But I am sure that comparing two persons: A, a successful business entrepreneur and B a lazy poet, writing poems from time to time, with very little success and impact, should not be so straightforward. Sure, it’s best to have success, to influence people and get results. But it’s just not the only thing which matters.
- You may want to read this article, somewhat based on the above thinking, this time aimed at art – Writing Wednesdays: Working on Two Tracks (source for the link – Seth’s Blog: We say we want a revolution…).