I recently saw lots of movies, like:
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) – IMDb
- The Dark Knight Rises (2012) – IMDb
- The Fountain (2006) – IMDb
- Yves Saint Laurent (2014) – IMDb
- Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) – IMDb
- The Giver (2014) – IMDb
- How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) – IMDb
- Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014) – IMDb
- Transcendence (2014) – IMDb
I got an insight from the last movie I saw.
But that’s the problem!
Very few insights, considering the number of movies I saw.
Let’s take the list again:
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) – very smart movie, very funny; almost no insights.
- The Dark Knight Rises (2012) – smart & very smart; scary movie; no insights;
- The Fountain (2006) – not-so-smart, spiritual-wannabe; no insights;
- Yves Saint Laurent (2014) – a bit dramatic, at times, interesting; no insights;
- Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) – not funny, not smart, not interesting; no insights;
- The Giver (2014) – smart, creative ideas; no insights;
- How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) – very very smart, funny at times, dark; close to insights; I really fought hard to get to these insights, but there’s nothing spectacular;
- Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014) – a bit interesting, at times stupid, most of the times not funny; no insights;
- Transcendence (2014) – smart-wannabe, not succeeding; dark & sad; no insights.
There’s a big list above and the most important insight I got was “No one’s 100% a dick”. Not exactly Christmas, as a quote from James Bond says.
(James Bond: [on receiving his equipment from Q.] A gun and a radio. It’s not exactly Christmas, is it?Q: Were you expecting an exploding pen? We don’t really go in for that anymore. (source))
I really had higher expectations from this.
Andrei Pleșu says when you read, you need to start with some questions. That’s why you can’t recommend a book to anyone, you need to know the person:
Nu poți face sugestii de lectură decât celor pe care îi cunoști, cărora le știi “felul”, tulburările, cautările, și apetiturile. Fiecare vârstă își are țesătura ei, fiecare individ umam are o chimie interioară care nu se poate sistematiza. (Despre frumusețea uitată a vieții)
And he says more:
În ce mă priveşte, cred că lectura matură şi fertilă este lectura dictată de un orizont de interogativitate propriu. Ai o întrebare anumită, ai o preocupare dominantă şi citeşti pentru a căuta repere, provocări ajutătoare, soluţii. Citeşti în plasa unei problematici antecedente. O asemenea lectură orientată are cel puţin două avantaje: (1) e superior selectivă, te ghidonează în labirintul descurajant al bibliotecii şi (2) pune ordine chiar şi în ceea ce poate fi, la un moment dat, lectură întîmplătoare. Cînd ai obsesivitatea bună a unei întrebări vii, tot ce-ţi cade în mînă poate fi revelator, de la ziar la roman, de la roman la tratat. (source)
I don’t know, right now I’m really not a big fan of flick-flack action-I-want-to-be-popular movies. I still have a few on my list to watch, but I’m very disappointed.
The biggest problem? They want to make something which doesn’t work (a 6-grade movie on IMDb) and do it better. But not by giving insights, but by making the script smarter and the jokes funnier. But that’s not why I watch movies.
I need to reconsider.