Opening links on mobile vs. desktop

I don’t like to use a smartphone that much – a tiny screen, a hard-to-use keyboard, no mouse & precision.

So, a lot of things I share and use come from the desktop PC.

A small comparison between the two:

  • If you don’t have an app for a specific link (YouTube link, Instagram link, 9Gag link), you’ll likely open a link in a browser, perhaps an in-app browser and the navigation might not be good on mobile.
  • If, on the other hand, instead of providing the person with a link, I just give them a photo/video to view directly on mobile, there will be no context. The image has no source; the video has no comments; I am to blindly believe what I see.

In conclusion, I prefer desktop devices, but I do understand why some people prefer to use photos/videos directly in apps rather than giving links (they’re easier to consume, even if they provide no context).

Henrik Jespersen - kids smartphone India
Henrik Jespersen – kids smartphone India,

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