“Ține-ți mintea în iad și nu deznădăjdui” – Sfântul Siluan Athonitul

“Ține-ți mintea în iad și nu deznădăjdui” – Sfântul Siluan Athonitul

I was there, once, in my life. It wasn’t pleasant. Actually, it was as unpleasant as one bad thing could be.

There’s a book in which a dog goes through pain. When the pain is over, he’s not the same as it once was.

A thing to remember.

Keep the faith, try, focus on the positive, insist.

But the bad things leave a trace.

Is there hope? It sure is:

Rana este locul pe unde intră lumina în tine… – Protosinghel Hrisostom Filipescu

Caitlin Tobias - HoPe
Caitlin Tobias – HoPe, https://flic.kr/p/24Sse3X

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