How to set the Voice and Tone for a web site? The answer – try MailChimp’s solution!

I like MailChimp‘s messages a lot.

For example, right as you enter the web site, it says: “Send Better Email”.

If you want to join, it tells you: “Join more than 8 million people who use MailChimp to design and send 600 million emails every day.”, and, more, the button invites you to sign up for free.

The journey continues when you plan to register: “Sign up in 30 seconds. No credit card required.”.

Even after you create your account, messages like these are commonplace: “Send a lovely HTML email along with a plain-text alternative version.” or “This is your moment of glory!” (prior to sending a campaign).

Initially, I thought all the logic behind is to try and make things a bit friendlier, funnier and pleasant.

I’ve seen some other CRO (conversion rate optimization) recommending practices like this.

And, then, I go to this web site:

Voice and Tone »

Now, I know there’s much more to these message than I previously thought.

It looks like there’s quite a science behind this, with user’s feelings including things like “Curiosity / Interest / Optimism” and so on.

I suggest you have a look at the web site and consider adding similar things to your web site.


Voice and Tone »

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