Improve travelling

logo_transport_urban2Back in 2006-2007, I took some theater classes. One of the locations for the classes was far from city center. For a couple of months, I traveled by metro, then I had to switch two buses. During the end time of that period, I found out there is a tram which goes right from the front of my block to a place very close to the location.

I worked for Cratima for more than a year. I never knew during that time that I could take the same tram to work. It wasn’t a better solution than the one I used, but it was a similar one. My regret is I didn’t discovered it in time.

I lived in Agronomie for two years during my College years. There was a bus I could take to go to school, and the alternatives to the bus where not great. I didn’t have a metro card, so I only very rarely traveled by metro. In the last two years of College I lived in a place where the metro, although not way much better, could have been a better solution, at least at times. Yet, I waited until graduation to start travelling by metro, and I never looked back.

How could have I known better?

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