Știrile lunii ianuarie 2020

Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna ianuarie 2020.

A. Postat pe Olivian Breda

LISTA 2020: Opt surse de bani pentru firme românești.

Fonduri europene, ajutoare nerambursabile de la bugetul de stat, credite bancare în condiții avantajoase, fonduri de investiții – StartupCafe.ro vă prezintă o listă scurtă de 8 surse de finanțare pentru afaceri mici și mijlocii, în anul 2020.

La unele dintre aceste finanțări înscrierile sunt în toi, iar la altele sesiunile au fost bugetate pentru a putea fi pregătite.

The Best 2020 Travel Deals for Every Month

If you haven’t finished making your travel plans for 2020, here’s a rundown of where the best places are to go each month for a little inspiration.

Keep in mind, these suggestions only take airfare into account, so you’ll want to check out hotel prices as well before you book that flight.

LinkedIn Skill Assessments – pentru un profil LinkedIn ceva mai bun! – Blog de Olivian Breda

Pentru programatori / designeri / taskuri de tip Microsoft Office, în special, cei de la LinkedIn au o opțiune de a verifica abilitățile într-un anumit domeniu.

The Psychology of choice: How we make decisions – Learn UX

So, if you make 226 decision about food in day, how many decisions do you think you make about everything, in a typical day?

35,000! It’s a lot isn’t it?

La mulți ani!
Dacă vreți să citiți despre tendințe noi în tehnologie în 2020, 3 articole:
Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020
Industry analyst Gartner has identified the most relevant strategic technology trends that CIOs and IT executives should know about for 2020.

10 technology trends that will impact our lives in 2020 | VentureBeat

2020 — it’s when the world will see transformational changes in how technology impacts our lives. Here’s a look at the top technology trends that will influence us.

Quantum Supremacy Is Coming: Here’s What You Should Know | Quanta Magazine

Researchers are getting close to building a quantum computer that can perform tasks a classical computer can’t. Here’s what the milestone will mean.

Viorel Ilişoi – PressOne: Scrisoare către eroul meu (Mugur Călinescu)

Dragă prietene,

Îngăduie-mi să-ți zic așa, chiar dacă nu ne-am cunoscut, chiar dacă tu nu mai ești în viață. Ne-am fi putut cunoaște la noi, în Botoșani, și ne-am fi împrietenit, dacă nu te omorau securiștii la nici 20 de ani. Eu cred că asta s-a întâmplat. Într-un fel sau altul, direct sau indirect, asta au făcut. Dar știu că și tu i-ai chinuit rău!

Felix Tătaru: „Milioane de români, o generație sau două, nu mai știu unde e acasă”

La summitul RBL, un profesor de la Stanford a arătat cum investiția în educație duce la creșterea PIB-ului de 1000 de ori sau ceva de genul, oricum efectul era exponențial.

L-a întrebat moderatoarea, „Ce ai face tu aici, în România? Care e sfatul tău?” – Și a zis: „aș face trei lucruri: aș investi în profesori, în profesori și în profesori”. Lăsați sistemul, lăsați abordarea asta. Până să se schimbe sistemul, trebuie să ajungeți la profesor – dacă se schimbă ceva în abordarea lui, atunci ați atins esența.

For Better Brain Health, Preserve Your Hearing – The New York Times

He urges people who listen to music through headphones or earbuds to invest in ones with a noise-canceling feature that blocks ambient sound. This enables people to listen to their preferred music or programs at a lower volume that is less damaging to hearing.

Mediterranean Diet Repeats as Best Overall of 2020

For the third year in a row, the Mediterranean diet has been named the best diet overall in the U.S. News & World Report annual rankings.

How to Get a Real Google Search Box in Chrome

You know that Google search bar you see when you open a new tab in Google Chrome? Well, it’s not a “true” search field. It actually just redirects all the activity to your browser’s address bar and doesn’t return any search results within the new tab page. Frankly, it’s little more than a useless decoration—at least by default.

Kenyan teacher Peter Tabichi wins $1 million Global Teacher Prize — Quartz

Tabichi left his job at a private school to join the Keriko Secondary School (in Pwani Village, Nakuru, Kenya), where 95% of the students are poor and almost a third are orphans. Drug abuse, teen pregnancies, drop-outs, and suicide are common, and the school has one computer, poor internet access, and a student-teacher ratio of 58:1.

In spite of those circumstances, Tabichi’s science students have won various national science competitions, and qualified to participate at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2019 in the US.

Eurostat: România, pe primul loc în UE la sănătatea copiilor | PROFIT.ro

România ocupă primul loc în Uniunea Europeană în funcție de ponderea copiilor care cu o stare a sănătății “bună sau foarte bună”, potrivit unui raport al biroului european de statistică Eurostat, bazat pe date din 2017.

Câteva idei din articolul de mai jos: Temperatura ideală pentru dormit – 16-19 grade Celsius. Vara – ventilatoare, mai degrabă decât aer condiționat.

What Is the Perfect Temperature for Sleep – The Atlantic

What is the ideal temperature for sleep?

Majoritatea rapoartelor privitoare la viitorul muncii (Future of Work) estimează că roboții, inteligența artificială și alte tehnologii vor elimina între 5-15% dintre locurile de muncă în următorii 10 ani. În același timp, noile tehnologii vor crea cel mai probabil un număr similar de locuri de muncă, dar în alte domenii.

Shh! Keep Your Big Goals to Yourself.

Sharing too much information apparently diminishes the likelihood you will follow through with your life-changing intentions, research shows. Here’s what to do instead.

În fiecare săptămână în corpul unui om ajung 5 grame de plastic, cât un card de credit – Terra – HotNews.ro

În fiecare săptămână în corpul unui pământean ajung 5 grame de plastic, echivalentul unui card de credit, arată un studiu WWF International, citat de Reuters și Mediafax.

I asked my students to turn in their cell phones and write about living without them – MIT Technology Review

I extemporized a solution: I offered them extra credit if they would give me their phones for nine days and write about living without them. Twelve students—about a third of the class—took me up on the offer. What they wrote was remarkable, and remarkably consistent. These university students, given the chance to say what they felt, didn’t gracefully submit to the tech industry and its devices.

The Best Book Yet on Parenting Screen-Addicted Kids

Graber asks her seventh-grade students to commit to a 24-hour technology fast. At first most students don’t think they can do it. But when they do, they often remember that they enjoy doing things like going outside and riding their bike. Graber encourages parents to try this digital cleanse, too. Use the time to compose a list with your children of 100 nonscreen activities. Post the list on the fridge, and consult it when you feel the pull of your devices.

Deci, dacă oamenii nu pot fi convinși cu argumente, atunci cum pot ei fi convinși? Răspunsul la întrebarea asta e simplu: nu pot fi, se conving singuri. Întrebarea mai importantă însă, aici, e de ce ați vrea să-i convingeți? Demersul de convingere, în totalitatea lui, e profund viciat din capul locului, pentru că pleacă de la premiza că există două puncte de vedere, unul 100% corect și altul 100% fals și că e important să câștige cel corect. Această premiză este, evident, complet falsă, practic de fiecare dată.

How reading and writing can help us live longer, healthier lives | World Economic Forum

Some aspects of our language abilities, such as our knowledge of word meanings, actually improve during middle and late adulthood.

Ce superputeri vor avea poliţiştii români de la finalul lunii ianuarie | adevarul.ro

Poliţiştii vor avea puteri sporite de la sfârşitul lunii, când intră în vigoare legea care le dă dreptul să intre în locuinţele suspecţilor fără acordul proprietarilor.

Ce arunci la groapa de gunoi vine înapoi! [83]

Gropile de gunoi din România au devenit adevărate bombe ecologice și afectează grav sănătatea oamenilor și mediul înconjurător din cauza lipsei sortării gunoiului și ratei slabe la reciclare. Suntem pe penultimul loc în Europa la reciclare. Sub 5%.

The Boy Who Saved Batman

How a teenage comic book enthusiast grew up to make one of the most iconic and successful movies to star his favorite super hero.

Dollo: Urmările faptelor noastre | Dollo zice Bine

Petarde, artificii și javre. La noi și în Germania. Două povești despre educație și ipocrizie.

20 Technology Metatrends That Will Define the Next Decade

Welcome to a new decade of runaway technological booms, historic watershed moments, and extraordinary abundance.

Let’s dive in.

Air filters create huge educational gains – Vox

The impact of the air filters is strikingly large given what a simple change we’re talking about. The school district didn’t reengineer the school buildings or make dramatic education reforms; they just installed $700 commercially available filters that you could plug into any room in the country. But it’s consistent with a growing literature on the cognitive impact of air pollution, which finds that everyone from chess players to baseball umpires to workers in a pear-packing factory suffer deteriorations in performance when the air is more polluted.

STUDIU Copiilor cărora li se citeşte frecvent li se dezvoltă creierul mai repede FOTO | adevarul

Copiii cărora li se citesc frecvent poveşti şi care nu au acces la ecrane (TV, tabletă, telefon) au un creier mai dezvoltat decât micuţii care sunt expuşi la televizor şi  jocuri online.
Cercetarea este prima care furnizează şi dovezi neurobiologice ale beneficiilor potenţiale ale cititului şi ale efectului negativ pe care îl au ecranele asupra dezvoltării creierului preşcolarilor, conform cnn.com.


Kale Is a Surprise on 2019’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ List

While it may still be considered a super food, kale took third place on this year’s “Dirty Dozen” list of fruits and vegetables with the most pesticide residue.

Immune cell which kills most cancers discovered by accident by British scientists in major breakthrough

A new type of immune cell which kills most cancers has been discovered by accident by British scientists, in a finding which could herald a major breakthrough in treatment.

Seth Godin: Awareness vs. experience | Seth’s Blog
We are more aware than ever before. More aware of victims of violence, or a natural disaster. More aware of insane wealth or grinding poverty. It gets beamed to us, regularly.
But there’s a difference between hearing about it and experiencing it.

The Most Commonly Cited Barriers to Innovation in Large Companies? Internal Politics
Politics, turf wars, and a lack of alignment (cited by 55% of respondents.)
Cultural issues (45% of respondents.)
Inability to act on signals crucial to the future of the business (42% of respondents.)
Lack of budget (41% of respondents.)
Lack of the right strategy or vision (36% of respondents.)

3 tricks to start working despite not feeling like it
Ever wish you felt like creating that presentation? Felt like doing that research? Felt like doing the dishes?
Most of us do.
It’s easy to start when we feel like it.
Unfortunately, we often don’t.

How to Be a Better Web Searcher
Researchers who study how we use search engines share common mistakes, misperceptions, and advice.

Happier Babies Have an Edge – Scientific American Blog Network
So, what can we take from all of this? Happiness (at all ages) is important for learning and central to success. Further, we can aim for simple and inexpensive ways to create happiness by connecting with children, playing with them, modeling kindness or practicing gratitude—without overthinking it or aiming for peak experiences.

6 Common Causes of Procrastination | Psychology Today
The roots of procrastination are more complex than you might guess.

EXCLUSIV Cum ne omoară poluarea din București – concluziile raportului Institutului de Sănătate Publică – Administratie Locala – HotNews.ro

Studiul făcut de Institutul Național de Sănătate Publică, realizat pentru perioada 2010-2017, arată că în București este o asociere certă între creșterea poluării cu PM10 și PM2,5 (praf) și numărul tot mai mare de boli grave care afectează bucureștenii: infarct acut de miocard, infecţii acute ale căilor respiratorii superioare,accident vascular cerebral, bronhopneumopatie obstructivă cronică (BPOC). Documentul obținut de HotNews.ro arată că, dacă poluarea ar fi scăzut la nivelul asumat în 2010, bucureștenii ar avea o speranță de viaţă mai lungă cu 4 ani.

“Better” Means Stronger, Kinder, and Wiser
What better is really about is about being stronger, kinder, and wiser. That’s the kind of growth I think we ought to be after. I know I don’t want to have any traditional measures of performance on my tombstone. But I do want folks to remember me as strong, kind and wise — those are the attributes that really matter; and the journey ought to be about becoming them.

The Dunning-Kruger effect, and how to fight it, explained by psychologist David Dunning – Vox

Brian Resnick:
Is there a healthy way to be skeptical, humble, and aware of these cognitive blind spots we have?

David Dunning:
Ask yourself where you could be wrong if the decision is an important one. Or how can your plans end up in disaster?

Think that through — it matters. Think about what you don’t know. That is, check your assumptions.

Paul Graham – The Lesson to Unlearn

The most damaging thing you learned in school wasn’t something you learned in any specific class. It was learning to get good grades.

Dr. Simona Tivadar: „Una dintre greşelile de alimentaţie este că am scăzut consumul de legume şi l-am crescut nejustificat pe cel de fructe”

Perioada sărbătorilor aduce, de obicei, şi câteva kilograme în plus de care vrem să scăpăm prin diete, luate adesea de pe internet. Simona Tivadar, medic primar specializat în diabet, nutriţie şi boli metabolice, arată într-un interviu pentru MedicHub care sunt greşelile pe care le fac cei mai mulţi dintre oameni atunci când vine vorba de diete.

Time Management Is About More Than Life Hacks
Three particular skills separate time management success from failure:
– Awareness: thinking realistically about your time by understanding it is a limited resource.
– Arrangement: designing and organizing your goals, plans, schedules, and tasks to effectively use time.
– Adaptation: monitoring your use of time while performing activities, including adjusting to interruptions or changing priorities.

(imagine cu rezoluție foarte mare cu Universul)
This striking view of the central parts of the Milky Way was obtained with the VISTA survey telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. This huge picture is 108 200 by 81 500 pixels and contains nearly nine billion pixels. It was created by combining thousands of individual images from VISTA, taken through three different infrared filters, into a single monumental mosaic.

De asemenea »

România lui 2030: țară, țară, vrem popor!
Cum poate crește România
Toate aceste estimări se bazează pe tendințele actuale și pe faptul că nu se iau măsuri radicale pentru a schimba direcția economiei. Totuși, avem un potențial uriaș, iar diferența între un dezastru și o țară prosperă va fi făcută de abilitatea noastră, ca societate (deci nu doar a autorităților) de a folosi acest potențial.
Sunt trei elemente-cheie care pot schimba lucrurile în bine.

Emma Willard’s Maps of Time – The Public Domain Review
In the 21st-century, infographics are everywhere. In the classroom, in the newspaper, in government reports, these concise visual representations of complicated information have changed the way we imagine our world. Susan Schulten explores the pioneering work of Emma Willard (1787–1870), a leading feminist educator whose innovative maps of time laid the groundwork for the charts and graphics of today.

(despre cum să nu fii distras de la muncă de telefonul mobil / rețele sociale)
Nir Eyal interview: The power to become “indistractable” – Omniconvert Blog
Time management is pain management:
The root cause of distraction comes from the moment when people start feeling stressed, anxious or fatigued, thus reaching out to take their mind off the problem. Ask yourself a crucial question in this case: what are you escaping from? The answer lies in the fact that you believe there is no other solution, method, technique or tool to help deal with a certain discomfort in a healthier manner. Therefore, Nir mentions in his book that time management is perceived as pain management.

(de ce să faci binele, chiar dacă ești doar unul)
The Power of the People Around You
Consider a 2010 study of United States Air Force Cadets in which psychologists from the National Bureau of Economic Research tracked a cohort of cadets over 4 years. […]
It turns out the determining factor as to whether the 30 cadets within a squadron improved was the motivation of the least fit person in the group. If the least fit person was motivated to improve, then his enthusiasm spread and everyone improved. If, on the other hand, the least fit person was apathetic or, worse, negative, he dragged everyone down. Just like diseases easily spread through tight-knit groups, so does motivation. And it’s quite contagious.

Telescope captures most detailed pictures yet of the sun | Science | The Guardian
The striking images reveal a surprising level of structure hidden within the churning plasma exterior, bringing a previously hazy impression of the sun’s patchwork surface sharply into focus for the first time.
“These are the highest resolution images of the solar surface ever taken,” said Thomas Rimmele, the director of the Inouye solar telescope project. “What we previously thought looked like a bright point – one structure – is now breaking down into many smaller structures.”

Dependența de telefon și rețelele sociale: 15 tehnici să scapi de ea
Dependența de telefon și rețelele sociale are repercusiuni asupra sănătății și relațiilor personale îndepărtându-te de cei dragi, scăzându-ți puterea de concetrare sau chiar dezvoltându-ți depresii sau anumite anxietăți.

O firmă din Belgia oferă anagajaților concediu plătit nelimitat
Din luna martie, compania Jonckers va înlătura limitarea zilelor libere pentru angajații din Belgia, conform presei locale, astfel încât fiecare dintre cei 172 de angajați ai firmei își pot lua zile de concediu cu plată după cum doresc.

Fiţe, fumuri, farafastîcuri – Dilema veche

Nu exagerez deloc cînd spun că am văzut familii care navighează anevoie printre aisbergurile capriciilor celor care o compun. Mame care gătesc vreo trei feluri de mîncare ca să mulțumească pe toată lumea. Tați cu riduri de îngrijorare pe frunte că trebuie să ducă și să ia copiii de la înot, desen și franceză, drumuri în care nu încape nici greșeală, nici întîrziere. Soți aflați pe muchia unei căderi nervoase pentru că soțiilor li s-a pus pătrunjel în ciorbă, iar alea nu suportă pătrunjelul.

You want to reduce the carbon footprint of your food? Focus on what you eat, not whether your food is local – Our World in Data

‘Eating local’ is a recommendation you hear often – even from prominent sources, including the United Nations. While it might make sense intuitively – after all, transport does lead to emissions – it is one of the most misguided pieces of advice.


GHG emissions from transportation make up a very small amount of the emissions from food and what you eat is far more important than where your food traveled from.

Infographic: 50 Cognitive Biases in the Modern World

Cognitive biases are widely accepted as something that makes us human.

Every day, systematic errors in our thought process impact the way we live and work. But in a world where everything we do is changing rapidly—from the way we store information to the way we watch TV—what really classifies as rational thinking?

One Egg Per Day Is Heart-Healthy, After All – WebMD

Moderate egg intake, which is about one egg per day in most people, does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or mortality even if people have a history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes, said study lead author Mahshid Dehghan. She’s an investigator at the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) of McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada.

Seth Godin: Something’s more interesting than this | Seth’s Blog

And now, that’s always true.

Whatever you’re doing.

No matter who you’re with.

Why Americans Are Always Running Out of Time – The Atlantic

Each of these innovations could have saved hours of labor. But none of them did. At first, these new machines compensated for the decline in home servants. (They helped cause that decline, as well.) Then housework expanded to fill the available hours. In 1920, full-time housewives spent 51 hours a week on housework, according to Juliet Schor, an economist and the author of The Overworked American. In the 1950s, they worked 52 hours a week. In the 1960s, they worked 53 hours. Half a century of labor-saving technology does not appear to have saved the typical housewife even one minute of labor.

Humans are hardwired to dismiss facts that don’t fit their worldview

This picture is a bit grim, because it suggests that facts alone have limited power to resolve politicized issues like climate change or immigration policy. But properly understanding the phenomenon of denial is surely a crucial first step to addressing it.

B. Postat pe grupuri conferințe

Kenyan teacher Peter Tabichi wins $1 million Global Teacher Prize — Quartz https://qz.com/1579345/kenyan-teacher-peter-tabichi-wins-1-million-global-teacher-prize/

Tabichi left his job at a private school to join the Keriko Secondary School (in Pwani Village, Nakuru, Kenya), where 95% of the students are poor and almost a third are orphans. Drug abuse, teen pregnancies, drop-outs, and suicide are common, and the school has one computer, poor internet access, and a student-teacher ratio of 58:1.

In spite of those circumstances, Tabichi’s science students have won various national science competitions, and qualified to participate at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2019 in the US.


Love Museums, Theater? The Arts Might Extend Your Life – WebMD https://www.webmd.com/balance/news/20191219/love-museums-theater-the-arts-might-extend-your-life

THURSDAY, Dec. 19, 2019 (HealthDay News) — If you’re a senior who loves to take in the latest art exhibit or check out a new musical, it might do more than stimulate your senses: New research suggests it could lengthen your life.


20 Gratitude Questions to Spark Your Ideas | Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-practice/201912/20-gratitude-questions-spark-your-ideas

Maybe you find it hard to think past the food truck that parks outside your office, even in the snow, or how much you love your Tesla or your dog. If you’re feeling low on creativity and need some inspiration, try these 20 gratitude questions.


Shh! Keep Your Big Goals to Yourself. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/329168

Sharing too much information apparently diminishes the likelihood you will follow through with your life-changing intentions, research shows. Here’s what to do instead.

Neuroscientist: To Keep Your Brain Young, Go Hiking | Inc.com https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/neuroscientist-to-keep-your-brain-young-go-hiking.html

Walking anywhere is great for your body. Walking outside is great for your mind too.

C. Postate pe grupuri SEO

LISTA 2020: Opt surse de bani pentru firme românești https://www.startupcafe.ro/bani-europeni/surse-bani-firme-romanesti-2020.htm

Fonduri europene, ajutoare nerambursabile de la bugetul de stat, credite bancare în condiții avantajoase, fonduri de investiții – StartupCafe.ro vă prezintă o listă scurtă de 8 surse de finanțare pentru afaceri mici și mijlocii, în anul 2020.

La unele dintre aceste finanțări înscrierile sunt în toi, iar la altele sesiunile au fost bugetate pentru a putea fi pregătite.


LinkedIn Skill Assessments – pentru un profil LinkedIn ceva mai bun! – Blog de Olivian Breda https://olivian.ro/linkedin-skill-assessments/

Pentru programatori / designeri / taskuri de tip Microsoft Office, în special, cei de la LinkedIn au o opțiune de a verifica abilitățile într-un anumit domeniu.


Pixels vs. Relative Units in CSS: why it’s still a big deal – 24 Accessibility https://www.24a11y.com/2019/pixels-vs-relative-units-in-css-why-its-still-a-big-deal/

Allowing the user to control their web browsing experience isn’t a new concept, in fact it’s something that’s been written about in the web’s early days. Lately, that concept seems to have been forgotten as the browser features have improved.


How to Create 10x SEO Reports – Whiteboard Friday – Moz https://moz.com/blog/10x-seo-reports

New year, new you — when it comes to SEO reporting, at least! We’re kicking off 2020 with a comprehensive yet gloriously simple recipe from Cyrus Shepard for creating truly effective SEO reports. From tying KPIs to business metrics to delivering bad news effectively, your reports have never looked so good.


Top 50 Selected Digital Influencers in 2019 – Dr Mehmet Yildiz – Medium https://medium.com/@myildizmel/top-50-selected-digital-influencers-in-2019-6cc17daf45ca

My aim is to introduce the selection criteria to become an influencer in social media and digital world, the measurement method, how to recognise genuine and emerging influencers on the market, and provide you with a published chart including a list of top digital influencers recognised in 2019.


The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Speed Optimization @ MyThemeShop https://mythemeshop.com/blog/wordpress-speed-optimization/

In order to be able to assess the effectiveness of our very own recommendations and this WordPress speed optimization guide, we’ve created a completely new website and carried out all of the optimizations ourselves.


How I used app store optimization to get my game downloaded 2M times https://thenextweb.com/syndication/2019/12/23/how-i-used-app-store-optimization-to-get-my-game-downloaded-2m-times/

So I decided to develop a mobile game. My goal was to validate the hypothesis that in the super-competitive mobile gaming market, you can launch a product that will grow into something large solely through organic traffic.


How to Develop Actionable and Impactful SEO Audits: The SP2 Principles https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/search-engine-optimization/how-to-winning-seo-website-audit-growth/

To avoid these SEO audit “challenges” I try to follow a set of principles to develop the SEO audit for actionable and impactful SEO recommendations, what I call the “actionable SP2 SEO audit“, because of the 2 S’s and P’s of the principles to follow.


How to Get a Real Google Search Box in Chrome https://lifehacker.com/how-to-get-a-real-google-search-box-in-chrome-1840730795

You know that Google search bar you see when you open a new tab in Google Chrome? Well, it’s not a “true” search field. It actually just redirects all the activity to your browser’s address bar and doesn’t return any search results within the new tab page. Frankly, it’s little more than a useless decoration—at least by default.


How to Develop Actionable and Impactful SEO Audits: The SP2 Principles https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/search-engine-optimization/how-to-winning-seo-website-audit-growth/

Through the years I’ve found that based on the way you focus and format your SEO audits, you can maximize your chances to gain execution support towards your recommendations that will drive the SEO process or you can also end up challenging the understanding of the SEO recommendations importance, how critical they are, how they can impact the business bottom line, and how to correctly prioritize and allocate resources towards their implementation for a positive ROI.


The new dot com bubble is here: it’s called online advertising – The Correspondent https://thecorrespondent.com/100/the-new-dot-com-bubble-is-here-its-called-online-advertising/13228924500-22d5fd24

On 2018 $273bn was spent on digital ads globally. We delve into the world of clicks, banners and keywords to find out if any of it is real. What do we really know about the effectiveness of digital advertising?


88% of Americans use a second screen while watching TV. Why? | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/12/88-of-americans-use-a-second-screen-while-watching-tv-why/

Second screens and the sickness unto death.


Better world by Mavericks https://mavericks.ro/better-world

Vrem să facem bine și anul acesta! În 2019 am ajutat 10 ONG-uri cu setup de webanalytics, ajutor în aplicarea și activarea contului de Google Ads Grants campanii de performance media iar anul acesta vrem să continuăm proiectul, doar puțin reinterpretat.


Gomag MeetUp Bucuresti: cum sa vinzi online in 2020 https://www.facebook.com/events/484813125565084/

Primul eveniment din 2020 marca Gomag are loc in luna februarie, in Bucuresti, alaturi de 8 speakeri de exceptie!

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Inscrie-te gratuit la Gomag MeetUp Bucuresti si primeste cele mai performante strategii pentru un nou an plin de vanzari profitabile pe piata de eCommerce!

Data: 12 februarie 2020

Ora 16:00 – 21:00

Loc: Crystal Palace Ballrooms in Bucuresti, Calea Rahovei 198A, Sector 5.


WordPress Divi Theme Code Injection Vulnerability – Search Engine Journal https://www.searchenginejournal.com/elegant-themes-vulnerability/342079/

Elegant Themes announced that several of their products contained a code injection vulnerability and should be updated right away. The vulnerability allows an untrustworthy user to execute PHP functions.


HTTP Status Codes and SEO: what you need to know https://www.contentkingapp.com/academy/http-status-codes/

HTTP status codes are three-digit responses that a server returns at the request of a client (a browser or search engine). There are five classes of status codes, and each class conveys a different type of message.


Retrospectivă 2019: Marketing & Comerț Online https://onlinemastery.ro/2019/12/31/retrospectiva-2019-marketing-comert-online/

Pe final de an este important să privești în urmă la noutățile de marketing & comerț online din 2019 ca să știi cum îți vor influența afacerea din punct de vedere al comunicării și vânzărilor online.

Cronica SEO 2019 – cele mai importante noutati SEO si update-uri Google – DWF https://dwf.ro/blog/cronica-seo-2019-cele-mai-importante-noutati-seo-si-update-uri-google/

Desi nu este un proces usor, la DWF am inteles ca este esential sa tinem pasul cu aceste lucruri, pentru a putea sa oferim performanta in campaniile SEO pe care le gestionam. Sincer vorbind, nu am descoperit inca “marele secret”. Nu avem solutia magica SEO pentru orice site, din orice industrie. Invatam permanent, din reusite si din esecuri.

New browser on the block: Flow – QuirksBlog https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2020/01/new_browser_on.html

2020 is only three weeks old, but there has been a lot of browser news that decreases rendering engine diversity. It’s time for some good news on that front: a new rendering engine, Flow. Below I conduct an interview with Piers Wombwell, Flow’s lead developer.

The new landing page is to have no landing page at all https://uxdesign.cc/the-new-landing-page-is-to-have-no-landing-page-at-all-bb57ca1548f1

Quicker to value means quicker to pay.

3 Checklist-uri pentru strategia ta PPC cu Google si Facebook Ads https://www.gomag.ro/blog/3-checklist-ppc-google-si-facebook-ads/

Ce ti-ai propus sa faci pentru strategia ta PPC cu Google si Facebook Ads, in acest an?

Indiferent ca acum abia ai inceput sa te gandesti sa folosesti PPC pentru magazinul tau online, ai deja experienta pe aceste canale sau vrei sa investesti un buget mai consistent, e important sa ai strategia bine pusa la punct.

Take It Offline – Bucharest Tickets, Fri, May 15, 2020 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/take-it-offline-bucharest-tickets-84267872475

Two day event, featuring unconferences, interactive panels and networking with the brightest & best digital marketers & SEO geeks


Highlight No Follow / UGC / Sponsored Links Bookmarklet ~ Supple https://supple.com.au/tools/nofollow-ugc-sponsored-bookmarklet/

Want a quick way to check for nofollow links and the recently introduced – the ugc and sponsored links on a webpage?

Avast’s Shutdown of Jumpshot Will Harm the Web and the World | SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/avasts-shutdown-of-jumpshot-will-harm-the-web-and-the-world/

Jumpshot was one of the best and only sources for collecting high quality, aggregated, fully anonymized data about how people use the web. It’s loss will be felt keenly across numerous industries, including the web marketing world. But, in my opinion, the greatest loss is for those who seek to hold powerful tech companies to account for their lies and anti-competitive behavior.


Top Social Media Influencers to Follow in 2020 – Planable https://planable.io/blog/top-social-media-influencers/

Tweets, LinkedIn posts, blogs, newsletters, RSS apps and oh so many more. Between all of those, how can we really know what and who to follow? Every marketer out there knows the feeling of drowning in information. And that’s where social media influencers come in. They come with a great feed – clean, relevant & with powerful opinions – giving us exactly what we’re looking for. That’s why we love them.


The secret tricks hidden inside restaurant menus – BBC Future https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20171120-the-secret-tricks-hidden-inside-restaurant-menus

Great thought and effort go into creating restaurant menus – and there are some very powerful psychological tricks employed to make you choose.


Dan Shure on Twitter: “You can “win” at SEO by being really technical which is great but you can also win at SEO by being really good with people, so don’t feel bad if you’re not super advanced and technical, there’s still a place for you :)” / Twitter https://twitter.com/dan_shure/status/1220481800927088647

You can “win” at SEO by being really technical which is great but you can also win at SEO by being really good with people, so don’t feel bad if you’re not super advanced and technical, there’s still a place for you :)


Highlight No Follow / UGC / Sponsored Links Bookmarklet ~ Supple https://supple.com.au/tools/nofollow-ugc-sponsored-bookmarklet/

Want a quick way to check for nofollow links and the recently introduced – the ugc and sponsored links on a webpage?

Just drag and drop the Highlight Links button shown above, to the browser’s bookmark bar.

Meta descriptions and branding have the most influence on search clickthrough, survey finds – Search Engine Land https://searchengineland.com/meta-descriptions-and-branding-have-the-most-influence-on-search-clickthrough-survey-finds-328579

The biggest influence on clickthrough. When asked which factor most influenced their decision to click on a result, 62.9% of respondents said it was the description, 24.2% said it was the brand name and 13% said it was the title. However, as a somewhat contradictory finding, 55.1% of participants said that they only click on a brand they know within the search results.

Rethinking Technical SEO Audits – Andrew Charlton https://bertiecharlton.com/rethinking-technical-seo-audits/

Technical audits can be one of the most inefficient SEO deliverables shared with clients. They’re inefficient because the time invested in completing them is offset by the low volume of recommendations implemented by the client. If your clients aren’t implementing your recommendations, you’re wasting your time. The majority of clients don’t have enterprise budgets, so time is everything, and there’s none to waste.


Raport GPeC E-Commerce România 2019: Cumpărături online de peste 4,3 miliarde de euro, în creștere cu 20% față de 2018 | Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/raport-gpec-e-commerce-romania-2019-cumparaturi-online-de-peste-43-miliarde-de-euro-in-crestere-cu-20-fata-de-2018

Potrivit estimărilor ARMO (Asociația Română a Magazinelor Online), sectorul de e-commerce a depășit pragul de 4,3 miliarde de euro la finalul anului 2019, cu 20-22% mai mult decât în 2018 când valoarea comerțului online a fost estimată la aprox. 3,6 miliarde de euro.


Facebook’s growth in the 2010s, by the numbers – Axios https://www.axios.com/facebooks-decade-of-unstoppable-growth-078d0c81-6983-4367-88a0-8b4fb04153a2.html

Despite an onslaught of scrutiny and scandal over the past few years, Facebook closed out the second decade of the millennium stronger than ever.

D. Postate pe grupuri de tip IT

JetBrains Mono: A free and open source typeface for developers | JetBrains: Developer Tools for Professionals and Teams https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/mono/

Increased height for a better reading experience

Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to… — programming is terrible https://programmingisterrible.com/post/139222674273/write-code-that-is-easy-to-delete-not-easy-to

“Every line of code is written without reason, maintained out of weakness, and deleted by chance” Jean-Paul Sartre’s Programming in ANSI C.

30 Tips & Tricks with the Firefox Developer Tools – Alex Lakatos – Medium https://medium.com/@lakatos/30-tips-tricks-with-the-firefox-developer-tools-2e3f2ca5bc61

I’ve curated a series of productivity tips and tricks that help me debug web applications with the Firefox Developer Tools.

Why You Should Choose HTML5 <article> Over <section> — Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/01/html5-article-section/

Browsers’ visual display of headings nested inside <section> elements makes it look as if they are assigning a logical hierarchy to those headings. However, this is purely visual and is not communicated to assistive technologies. What use is <section>, and how should authors mark up headings that are hugely important to AT users?

I’m a Developer. I Won’t Teach My Kids to Code, and Neither Should You. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/i-m-a-developer-i-won-t-teach-my-kids-to-code-and-neither-should-you

Programming requires much more than the cut and dry language taught in children’s books.

Introducing The #ProjectEuler100 Challenge: the “Dark Souls” of Coding Achievements https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/projecteuler100-coding-challenge-competitive-programming/

But today, I have something more concrete for you. A challenge that will expand your computer science and math knowledge – all while giving you a ton of programming practice.

It’s called #ProjectEuler100. And a lot of people have already publicly accepted the challenge.

Top 50 Selected Digital Influencers in 2019 – Dr Mehmet Yildiz – Medium


My aim is to introduce the selection criteria to become an influencer in social media and digital world, the measurement method, how to recognise genuine and emerging influencers on the market, and provide you with a published chart including a list of top digital influencers recognised in 2019.

Understanding CSS Grid: Grid Lines — Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/01/understanding-css-grid-lines/

Once you have a grid, you have a set of grid lines. In this article, you will learn how to place items against those lines by adding properties to the direct children of the grid container.

Browser Default Styles https://browserdefaultstyles.com/

Should you self-host Google Fonts? | Tune The Web https://www.tunetheweb.com/blog/should-you-self-host-google-fonts/

Now, to be totally up front, I’ll admit that fonts are not my strong point. I’m much more practical than design-y (look at this website for evidence of that!) and have never totally got the need for fonts. Sure they look a bit nicer, and can understand they make a message seem more on-brand, but for the main body of text at least they seem more of a nice to have – I’ve never read an article more or less (or treated the contents any differently) because it had a pretty font. However, I’ve also been acutely aware of the performance implications of them so maybe that’s clouded my view of them.

iHateRegex – regex cheatsheet for haters http://ihateregex.io/

The lines of code that changed everything. https://slate.com/technology/2019/10/consequential-computer-code-software-history.html

Apollo 11, the JPEG, the first pop-up ad, and 33 other bits of software that have transformed our world.

The A-Z of AI https://atozofai.withgoogle.com/intl/en-GB/

Inspirational Websites Roundup #12 | Codrops https://tympanus.net/codrops/2020/01/27/inspirational-websites-roundup-12/

Our first websites roundup of 2020 that showcases our favorite projects from the past few weeks.

5 Development Trends You Need to Know in 2020 – By Michael https://hackernoon.com/5-development-trends-you-need-to-know-in-2020-045s36np

As a developer, it’s important to keep your skills up-to-date. We’re called upon to not only be experts in our day-to-day technologies, but to also stay informed of up-and-coming technologies. This allows us to continue to make the best decisions for our products and teams. Knowing the newest tech and in-demand skills is not only satisfying, but it also keeps us employed.

Jason de Villa – Old news, https://flic.kr/p/98jLH

Notă: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri).

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