High five or prayer emoji? 🙏🏻

There’s a debate on what this symbol represents: 🙏🏻.

It’s long been thought that it’s a “prayer” or “thank you with gratitude”—something along those lines.

It might mean “high five,” so two different people join hands.

Some articles on this:

Prayer, high five? Users confused over emoji’s meaning;

People baffled after discovering what this hands emoji actually means – Mirror Online.

My view on it? If both parties in the communication acknowledge the same symbol, I think we are fine.

On the other hand (pun intended), using symbols with their intended meaning would also be fine.

Elias Rovielo - Emoji esculptures, República Subway Station, São Paulo, Brazil
Elias Rovielo – Emoji esculptures, República Subway Station, São Paulo, Brazil., https://flic.kr/p/M5uT3P

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