Google Alert for knowing your web site got hacked

OK, let’s say you manage one or more web sites; how to know if you have your web site(s) hacked? Why not use a Google Alert for these keywords: viagra OR casino OR porn OR ringtones OR gambling?

So, you have a web site. It can be plain HTML, it can use a CMS, anyhow, it’s vulnerable to attack (the server, the CMS, the login area, the FTP service, all present possible hacking problems).

It’s best not to get hacked in the first place, but if you do, you should at least know it.

How to know if your site gets hacked?

One solution is setting up a Google Alert:
1. Go to Google Alerts (you must be logged into a Google Account, create one if you don’t have one already);
2. Create a new alert;
3.  Type:
„viagra OR casino OR porn OR ringtones OR gambling” (no quotes);
„viagra OR casino OR porn OR ringtones OR gambling” (no quotes);
„viagra OR casino OR porn OR ringtones OR gambling” (no quotes);
4. I prefer „Everything” for the type,  all results, and delivery to RSS feed (and I read the results via Google Reader);
If you chose email delivery, I suggest to choose „as-it-happens” as a timeframe;

You can repeat the procedure for more than one web site.

See my Google Alerts page for multiple web sites (I have removed the name of the web sites):

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