Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna noiembrie 2021. Pot fi suprapuneri de la o secțiune la alta.
- A. Generale
- B. SEO (optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare)
- C. IT (tehnologie și comunicații)
- D. Psihologie
- E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu)
A. Generale
I Wrote a Song Using Only Hate Comments 2 – YouTube
Am tot auzit: « Nu-l votez pe Valeriu Nicolae pentru că nu are un partid în spate și nu poate face nimic de unul singur ». Există un răspuns… – razvanbb
N-am văzut alt om cu o dorință atât de mare de a face bine.
People’s words and actions can actually shape your brain — a neuroscientist explains how |
We humans are a social species. We live in groups. We take care of one another. We build civilizations.
Colinde de Crăciun, românești și internaționale (2018.12.24) – YouTube
Paharul este plin la aceste alegeri – nwradu blog
Există întotdeauna un risc. Riscul este să ajungi prea departe, să nu ai în funcțiune mecanisme democratice care să împiedice un derapaj substanțial sau să ignori ceea ce-ar putea fi caracterizat drept o lovitură de stat.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Selects the Eight Books Every Intelligent Person on the Planet Should Read – Brain Pickings
How to “glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world.”
Veste bună pentru români! Începe Rabla pentru electrocasnice. Cum poți obține un voucher de 500 de lei | Evenimentul Zilei
Ministerul Mediului, Apelor și Pădurilor lansează marți, 15 decembrie, Programul Rabla pentru Electrocasnice dedicat persoanelor fizice, care la această ediție aduce noutăți de bun augur.
Un documentar/mărturie deosebit 1989. Jurnalul Unei Revoluții – YouTube
If 7 film directors designed your home office – Insurance Solved Blog | Budget Direct
We’ve created seven digital renders of home offices to die for: studies with interior design how Sofia Coppola, Wes Anderson, and other highly visual film directors might conjure for their remote working heroes.
Angela Merkel îi îndeamnă pe germani să se vadă de Crăciun prin apeluri video – Coronavirus –
Cancelarul Angela Merkel i-a îndemnat pe germani, sâmbătă, să evite să îşi viziteze familiile de Crăciun şi să folosească apelurile video pentru a-şi vedea rudele, aşa cum procedează soldaţii aflaţi în străinătate, relatează Reuters, citat de
Angajații care se vor autorecenza la recensământul din 2021 au dreptul la o zi liberă – Esential –
Salariaţii care se vor autorecenza prin intermediul internetului, la recensământul din 2021, au dreptul la o zi liberă, plătită de angajator, scrie Mediafax.
“Psychological Flexibility” May Be Key To Good Relationships Between Couples And Within Families – Research Digest
Based on a meta-analysis of 174 separate studies, Jennifer S. Daks and Ronald Rogge at the University of Rochester conclude that flexibility helps — and inflexibility hinders — our most important relationships.
Marc Andreessen On Productivity, Scheduling, Reading Habits, Work, and More – Andreessen Horowitz
Let’s get into it. Over a decade ago, you wrote a famous post called the ‘Pmarca guide to productivity‘. What is the 2020 version of the Marc Andreessen guide to productivity?
Want to change the world? Start by being brave enough to care | Cleo Wade – YouTube
100 Tips for a Better Life – LessWrong
The other day I made an advice thread based on Jacobian’s from last year! If you know a source for one of these, shout and I’ll edit it in.
Reguli de bune maniere la evenimente mondene si la mese private
Iata setul de reguli de bune maniere care este predat la cele mai importante scoli de maniere din Europa
Climate change: You’ve got cheap data, how about cheap power too? – BBC News
You’re probably reading this on your phone. If not, take it out your pocket and look at it.
A different urgency | Seth’s Blog
What if we used the time to move system deficiencies from the “later” pile to the “it’s essential to do this right now” pile?
Every thought about giving and taking advice I’ve ever had, as concisely as possible – Alexey Guzey
It’s easy to give useless advice that feels profound.
How to Survive a Critique: A Guide to Giving and Receiving Feedback
Here are some suggestions for students and critics on participating in an effective critique.
Cînd rîzi ca prostul – Dilema veche
Normal că de mine vorbesc.
Spend your money where you spend your time – Mike Crittenden
If I use that car for 7 years that’s about 1300 hours of driving time. That means that the extra $10,000 comes out to about $7.70 per hour.
Stop trying to be impressive. Start trying to be warm. – Mike Crittenden
Warmth brings a team together. Warmth makes you a leader rather than a dictator. Warmth brings out the best in people. Warmth encourages trust.
A tiny guide to adulting – Mike Crittenden
Premiile nwradu pentru 2020 – nwradu blog
Categoriile urmăresc subiectele predilecte ale blogului, precum tehnologie, mâncare, băutură șamd, iar anul acesta am mai adăugat câteva în listă.
Perioada pentru încheierea unui contract de furnizare a energiei pe piața liberă, pentru ofertele valabile la 1 ianuarie, va fi prelungită până pe 31 martie- proiect de Ordin – Energie –
Autoritatea Națională de Reglementare în Domeniul Energiei vrea să prelungească până pe 31 martie 2021 perioada în care pot fi încheiate contracte de furnizare a energiei electrice astfel încât clienții casnici să beneficieze de prețul din oferta concurențială, potrivit unui proiect de ordin pus în dezbatere publică.
Când ar putea fi reluat programul Rabla pentru electrocasnice. Se așteaptă votarea bugetului – Revista Biz
Programul Rabla pentru electrocasnice care a fost anulat în luna decembrie, din cauza suspiciunilor că platforma electronică nu ar fi sigură, ar putea fi reluat în luna februarie, dacă primește toate aprobările.
My 12 favourite problems
A few years ago, I started making a list of my principles.
Julian Shapiro on Twitter: “THREAD: 10 significant lies you’re told about the world. On startups, writing, and your career:” / Twitter
Longevity Linked to Proteins That Calm Overexcited Neurons
New research makes a molecular connection between the brain and aging — and shows that overactive neurons can shorten life span.
EXCLUSIV Românul care a salvat traficul din New York: soluţii pentru aglomeraţia din Bucureşti |
Expertul care s-a ocupat de traficul şi de transportul public din New York, reuşind să reducă aglomeraţia de acolo, va da o mână de ajutor pentru descongestionarea Bucureştiului.
This is your life! 24 hours, and every object you touched – in pictures | Art and design | The Guardian
Paula Zuccotti travelled around the world and asked everyone from a cowboy in Tucson to a toddler in Tokyo to list every single thing they touched in a day – then she photographed them.
Cel mai bogat om de pe Coasta de Azur
Jojo n-a fost niciodată fericit. Mărturisește că și-a pus de prea puține ori problema în termenii aceștia, dar poate că un gol al Barcelonei, în minutul 90, sau o anumită melodie de la Mariah Carey să-i fi permis să ajungă în vecinătatea unui astfel de sentiment.
Cum m-am bătut cu statistica și am ieșit învingătoare | Cătălina Olteanu | TEDxUniversityofBucharest – YouTube
25+ Free Coursera Certificate Courses to Kick Off 2021 [Ends Jan 31] — Class Central
To redeem a course:
Click on the course name in the list below.
Click on the Go to Class button, on the top right.
Log in or Join Coursera.
Wait for the promo bar to appear at the top.
Click on Enroll for Free.
Each one leads to more | Seth’s Blog
We can choose to commit to a recursive and infinite path that elegantly creates more of the same.
Famous conductors | Seth’s Blog
It’s a form of leadership that happens in private, but once in a while, we see it on stage.
What Is Eat the Frog? A Dead Simple System for Productivity Minimalists
If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning
Biz lansează Show Me the Money! Cifrele care fac diferența în business – Blog de Olivian Breda
Cifrele stau la baza strategiei de business, sunt motorul dezvoltării de noi produse și servicii și oferă o imagine obiectivă asupra evoluției unei companii. Este motivul pentru care jurnaliștii Biz și-au propus să prezinte cifrele de business ale anului 2021 în newsletterul Show Me the Money.
Te Duci Cu Sticla De Acasă și-o Umpli în Magazin! O Tânără A Deschis Primul Magazin „fără Risipă” Din București | Libertatea | Libertatea
„Facem prea multă risipă”, și-a tot spus Ana Maria Răducanu ani la rând, până când a găsit soluția care ar putea reduce cantitățile imense de plastic pe care oamenii le aruncă: magazinul zero waste.
12 Career Lessons – The Future Does Not Fit In The Containers Of The Past
The Future Does Not Fit in the Containers of the Past. Edition 11.
Canal de Twitter cu idei – Andrew Wilkinson (@awilkinson) / Twitter
B. Lumea SEO PPC
Digital Debrief – Creating Events and Conversions in the GA4 User Interface
Another VERY exciting and new addition to Google Analytics 4 properties is the ability to create events directly within the User Interface.
Salesforce is acquiring workplace chat app Slack for $27.7 billion – The Verge
A major acquisition in the business software industry
Hai la SocialPedia 21 despre Influencer Marketing – Sabina Cornovac Online
Obiectivul nostru? Sã contribuim la creșterea calitativă a comunității de social media din țară.
How Do I Learn PPC? List of Free Courses, Books, Blogs, and Communities – ZATO Marketing
If your cousin just got out of college and wants to begin a career in Paid Search Marketing, here are my go-to resources.
Manualul SEO : Cumulative Layout Shift ✅ Gun Media : Gun Media
Odata cu aparitia noilor metrici de performanta si UX, Google a introdus un mod foarte ingenios de testare a proprietatilor web: folosirea datelor in timp real.
Primii pași către investiții la Bursă – 2Performant Blog
De aceea l-am invitat pe Rareș Mihăilă, investitor cu experiență atât pe piața internă cât și pe piețe externe și fondatorul platformei bursiere, să ne vorbească despre primii pași către investițiile la Bursă.
Content Marketing Challenge #cugomag | Facebook
Afla cum faci content marketing pe repede ‘nainte, fara secrete, in doar 5 ZILE
Oferta GPeC Early Adopters
Ți-am pregătit cele mai bune oferte pentru evenimentele GPeC 2021, așadar prinde Oferta de Crăciun GPeC și beneficiezi de reduceri uriașe! Oferta este valabilă în perioada 02 – 23 decembrie 2020, ora 23:59.
Google December 2020 Core Update rolling out
Google announced it is rolling out a new core update, the December 2020 core update. This is the third core update of the 2020 year, the first one was the January 2020 core update and the second one was May 2020 core update.
Google Page Experience Update Ranking Signals Will Apply To Mobile Search Only
So yesterday, I accidentally published a story too quickly, around a new FAQ around Google’s Page Experience Update. One point in there that is new information is this line “using page experience as a signal for ranking will apply only to mobile Search.”
Google Page Experience & Core Web Vitals Indicator In Search Results
Well, we may be seeing Google testing this visual indicator or icon or label in the search results. It looks like a star within a gray circle.
Where Google is placing its bets in 2021
A look at where Google might be headed in 2021.
How to Find The Best Times To Tweet | Bulkly
If you are like me, I have come across dozens of blog posts and infographics telling me when I should tweet.
Unfortunately, every single one of them is wrong.
50 Top Digital Influencers to Follow at the end of 2020 and in 2021 | Blog – IPFCconline
Here’s our new annual Fine List of 50 Top Global Digital Influencers to Follow on Twitter in 2021 [ranked by our home made algorithm]. This list is of course non exhaustive 😉
Rank Math vs Yoast SEO: Which One Is Better for SEO? (2020 Edition)
Trying to decide between Rank Math vs Yoast SEO to handle search engine optimization on your WordPress site?
De ce să faci un curs de scris și câteva recomandări
Pe scurt: deși există multe prejudecăți și temeri, oricine poate beneficia de pe urma unui curs de scris și, dacă te bate gândul, da, merită să faci unul.
European Digital Commerce: Retail meets eCommerce – Conferintele
European Digital Commerce, powered by VTEX, este un eveniment online interactiv dedicat comerțului electronic, care aduce laolaltă principalii jucători din retail cu jucătorii de e-commerce.
Cum iti organizezi strategia de continut si iti amplifici vanzarile [Checklist]
Stiai ca, indiferent cat de experimentati ar fi, pilotii nu pleaca in cursa pana nu fac tot ce le spune checklist-ul?
Ecommerce SEO – Google core algorithm update impact | Re:signal
Following this, we have updated our eCommerce SEO report to see how the 250 UK retailers’ visibility has changed and which brands have been impacted the most.
Noua aplicație mobilă NewsMAN – Instagram of Newsletters – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman
Ce-ar fi ca și aplicațiile mobile pentru servicii să aiba un look & feel friendly precum rețelele de socializare?
Pantone Color of the Year 2021 / Introduction | Pantone
A marriage of color conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and uplifting.
You can now edit Microsoft Office files straight from Gmail
Gmail is building up its integration with Microsoft Office files, allowing users to directly edit Office documents that they receive in attachments.
Automatically generate a Table of Contents using PHP – 10stripe
A few weeks ago, I was rearranging the Table of Contents for one of the pages here on 10stripe when it hit me. Why not automate this tedious, dull task?
Chrome is Bad
Short story: Google Chrome installs something called Keystone on your computer, which nefariously hides itself from Activity Monitor and makes your whole computer slow even when Chrome isn’t running.
Optimize Largest Contentful Paint
It can be used to determine when the main content of the page has finished rendering on the screen.
SEO Pro Extension – Chrome Web Store
Get all meta, link and script tags just in a few clicks! Speed up and simplify your daily SEO tasks by installing it now!
JavaScript | 2020 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
But nothing is free, and that’s especially true for JavaScript—all that code has a cost. Let’s dig in and take a closer look at how much script we use, how we use it, and what the fallout is.
Exclusive-Facebook to move UK users to California terms, avoiding EU privacy rules | Reuters
Facebook Inc will shift all its users in the United Kingdom into user agreements with the corporate headquarters in California, moving them out of their current relationship with Facebook’s Irish unit and out of reach of Europe’s privacy laws.
While(1) vs. Extended vs. Blugento – Evaluare obiectivă: Păreri, Prețuri și Motive să alegi platformele » Servicii de Marketing Digital – Agentie Publicitate online – Promovare Site Web
Toate platformele testate în recenzia de față îndeplinesc criteriile principale pentru un magazin online. Ne-a plăcut implementarea de către While (1) a funcției de ERP. Nu avem o concluzie clară privind o platformă recomandată, sugerăm să analizați bine site-urile furnizorilor și să solicitați o ofertă particularizată.
The 2020 Local Search Ranking Factors Survey Analysis – Whitespark
Back in September I presented the results of the 2020 Local Search Ranking Factors at Whitespark’s inaugural Local Search Summit, and today, finally, I am pleased to release the written analysis and full survey results. Sorry for the long delay!
An update on the Structured Data Testing Tool
In July, we announced that the Rich Results Test is out of beta. In that blog post, we said that the Structured Data Testing Tool would be deprecated. Since then, we’ve heard your feedback and we’d like to give an update on what the future looks like for the Structured Data Testing Tool.
Google SearchLiaison on Twitter: “The December 2020 Core Update rollout is complete.” / Twitter
Zoom to Lift 40-minute Meeting Limit for Holiday Celebrations | Digital Trends
Using Zoom, you’ll be able to chat to your heart’s content during these periods:
10 a.m. ET Thursday, December 17, to 6 a.m. ET Saturday, December 19
10 a.m. ET Wednesday, December 23, to 6 a.m. ET Saturday, December 26
10 a.m. ET on Wednesday, December. 30, to 6 a.m. ET on Saturday, January 2
A map I made of every image that came up first when I searched each country’s name : MapPorn
[OC] Google Year in Search 2020 Top Search Terms : dataisbeautiful
Evenimente – Evensys
Blob Opera — Google Arts & Culture
Play four voices with the help of Machine Learning.
De vorbă cu câștigătorii Black Friday Challenge – 2Performant Blog
Cum a arătat Black Friday pentru afiliații de top, care au câștigat competiția de anul acesta, Black Friday Mountain Expedition Challenge: M. Cătălin (locul 1 – 900 EUR), Ionuț Șendrea cu proiectul (locul 2 – 500 EUR) și Gabriel Nica (locul 3 – 400 EUR).
Cosmin Sipoș, Kooperativa 2.0: În PPC un rol-cheie îl are cadrul de tracking, care trebuie setat corect dacă vrei să ai o privire de ansamblu asupra performanței
Ce înseamnă pe scurt PPC Advertising? O metodă de promovare hipermăsurabilă, precisă în targetare și cost-effective pentru businessul tău. În detaliu? Găsești amănunte în articolul de mai jos.
The Big Christmas SEO Quiz – OnCrawl
As a reminder, your participation has automatically registered you for our prize draw which could allow you to win one of our 3 gift boxes. Results will be announced on the 28th of December.
Consumer Privacy cartoon | Marketoonist | Tom Fishburne
13 Things We Learned from 10 Years of Writing SEO Friendly Blog Posts
We have written and optimized – for our own blog or other pages – thousands of articles and SEO friendly blog posts in the last 10 years.
Elogiu lenei – Adrian Stanciu
Aș că mai degrabă decât să vă vorbesc despre calitățile mele am să vă vorbesc despre unul dintre defecte și despre cum m-a ajutat el în viață.
Optimizare SEO Off Page – Moloso
Daca doresti sa cresti gradul de constientizare a brandului tau in randul publicului si sa aduci in site-ul tau trafic organic care sa conteze, ei bine ai ajuns in locul potrivit, astazi dorim sa iti explicam detaliat care sunt practicile SEO off-page cu adevarat eficiente.
The Facebook Ad Boycott Is Pretty Much Over
Arguably, this marks the end of the boycott that—when you look a little closer—was never really much of a boycott to begin with.
WSJ: Google, Facebook agreed to team up against potential antitrust action
The Wall Street Journal reported that Google and Facebook pledged to help one another if they ever faced an investigation into their pact to work together in online advertising.
Modulul Blog din platforma Gomag – Incepe sa castigi mai mult trafic
Acum poti folosi modulul Blog direct in platforma Gomag, fara sa mai fie nevoie sa implementezi WordPress sau alte editoare de text!
Google’s December 2020 Broad Core Algorithm Update: Analysis, Observations, Tremors and Reversals, and More Key Points for Site Owners [Part 1 of 2]
Google Goldilocks & The Holiday Shopping Season – Not Too Early, Not Too Late, Just Right For Most Site Owners
Mobile-first Indexing: What You Need to Know
Mobile-first indexing means that Google is shifting how they index and rank content from the desktop to the mobile version of sites.
Shut down puțin. S-ar putea să te ajute | Dragos Smeu
Acest articol ar trebui să fie despre cât de important e shut down-ul; sper totuși să nu fi deviat prea mult. Nu e neapărat vorba despre burnout, un subiect destul de dezbătut (și e bine că se întâmplă asta) ci mai degrabă despre un lucru ce poți face pentru a nu ajunge acolo din perspectiva timpurilor în care trăim și muncim.
We rendered a million web pages to find out what makes the web slow | by Lars Eidnes | Dec, 2020 | ITNEXT
In this article, we analyze what the data can tell us about creating high performance web sites.
Google Search Console brings back request indexing tool
Google has reenabled the request indexing tool, within the URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console.
How To Make Money In Media Without Ads | Medium
To benefit anyone trying to build a content business, I’ve compiled a list of successful revenue models.
Marketing Objectives: How to Set Them Right (with Examples)
Marketing objectives are clearly defined goals that guide your marketing efforts. They’re a key component of every marketing strategy and provide benchmarks for evaluation.
Căutăm Specialist Data Analytics – Job disponibil în cadrul DWF
Îți place să lucrezi cu date și îți bei cafeaua dimineață uitându-te la ecranul cu cifre? Te bucuri ca un copil atunci când graficele arată bine? Ești sceptic (în sensul bun), curios și tragi concluzii faine pe baza datelor?
Some early observations on the Google December core update
Some of these observations are based on the quality raters guidelines, the past core updates, and sound SEO advice.
Let’s Encrypt comes up with workaround for abandonware Android devices | Ars Technica
When you haven’t been updated since 2016, expiring certificates are a problem.
Top platforme marketplace în Romania. Ajută la SEO listarea pe marketplace-uri? – TargetWeb
Platformele marketplace sunt site-uri online unde selerii își listează produsele pentru a primi mai multe vânzări, folosindu-se de notorietatea platformei, de un public generos și consacrat, de instrumentele și de serviciile de prelucrare a comenzii și livrare, după caz.
Două seturi de reclame
Best Christmas Ads 2020 – YouTube
20 of the Most Emotionally Engaging Christmas Ads of 2020 (So Far)
Double-clicking On The Web
Here’s a usability feature for the web: disable double-clicks on links and form submits.
Before you think I’m a complete idiot, allow me to talk some sense into the idea.
Social Media Usage and the Level of Depressive Symptoms in the United States∗ Qin Jiang.pdf – Google Drive
Most existing studies find a positive correlation between using social media and the level of depressive symptoms and support a “bad social media” opinion. At the same time, social media user population has grown steadily over the last decades. It is puzzling that these two trends both exist. This paper tries to solve this puzzle and understands how social media affects users’ feelings.
Monitoring in SEO
SEO means working with a large amount of data. A single website can have even up to thousands of subpages, key words, internal links. If it’s operating in a competitive industry, it needs external links from thousands of domains. And what if you’re optimizing many websites? You end up with some real Big Data.
Reefkig Budgets, solutia de monitorizare a bugetelor de promovare pe Google, Facebook, Instagram si YouTube
Ionut Radu Munteanu a investit in start-up-ul de tehnologie Reefkig, care face accesibila tuturor o solutie folosita de agentiile de digital marketing si performance marketing de top pentru monitorizarea investitiilor in promovarea online.
(la serviciul de hosting Simplenet sunt incluse în găzduire ambele; ambele sunt foarte bune pentru viteză, alături de OceanWP sunt/erau considerate cele mai bune pentru viteză)
GeneratePress vs Astra: Which WordPress Theme Should You Use in 2021?
Trying to decide between GeneratePress vs Astra as your WordPress site’s theme?
Am un articol pe tema vitezei pe WordPress, inclusiv legat de teme:
No, your clean code won’t save the planet • Buttondown
Need to channel my election anxiety into something productive, so here you go.
Cum răspunde eMAG după ce a fost amendată cu 6,7 milioane euro
eMAG și Consiliul Concurenței au ajuns la o înțelegere comună privind faptele investigate, aferente perioadei 2013 – iunie 2019.(…) Platforma eMAG a funcționat în primii 12 ani de activitate doar cu vânzare directă, transmit reprezentanţii eMAG. Iată cum cum explică firma amenda de 6,7 milioane de euro primită de la Consiliul Concurenţei.
The SaaS SEO MBA is a collection of the internet’s best resources on SEO for SaaS companies.
Never Accept a Job That Uses Brain Teasers in Your Job Interview
It’s a trap.
What Is SEO Writing? How to Be a Better SEO Writer
SEO writing is the process of researching, outlining, creating, and optimizing content to rank for a target keyword in Google and other search engines.
Search Intent and SEO. A practical guide – I Love SEO
It is practically obvious by now to say that getting organic traffic is something increasingly complex and that these are no longer the days of the now legendary Ten Blue Links.
As internet forums die off, finding community can be harder than ever | Engadget
Twitter and Facebook just aren’t as good as a message board for fostering discussions.
Two New Local Search Ranking Studies for 2021
In this week’s local SEO and digital marketing Q&A session, Darren Shaw (Whitespark) and Chris Dryer ( join us to talk about their new local search ranking studies.
SEO year in review 2020: COVID forces platforms to adapt their local and e-commerce offerings, and more
Even a pandemic couldn’t slow down developments in the search industry. Here’s our recap of the year’s most important stories and news.
Google’s John Mueller 2021 Google SEO Advice From SMX
At SMX Virtual earlier this month, John Mueller of Google graciously accepted to speak at the event and he shared a lot of amazing tips and changes in search in his presentation. But he also shared some outlook ideas looking forward to 2021 in search and SEO.
12 Marketing Tools We Are Thankful for This Year by Convince & Convert
Back in the early-ish days of marketing technology in 2011, there were about 150 martech solutions available.
Digital Tools I Wish Existed :: Up and to the Right — Jonathan Borichevskiy
There’s a lot of generalization in my summary but the core issue is an extraordinarily high level of friction in the process of finding, organizing, and sharing digital content.
CMS market share analysis November 2020 •
Every 6 months I analyze the CMS market share numbers provided by W3Techs in depth. I look at the top 10 CMSes, which content management systems have grown, which have shrunk.
Facebook adds support for uploading AVIF images
Chrome and Firefox users can now upload AVIF images to Facebook posts. Facebook automatically converts the AVIF images to JPEG format.
User-Experience Quiz
Test your usability knowledge by taking our quiz. All questions and answers are based on articles published last year.
2020: The Year in Review for PPC | WordStream
To close out the year, I wanted to take some time to revisit the changes we saw in the PPC industry and give you some resources if you didn’t keep up with them.
URL shorteners set ad tracking cookies – luke miles
These cookies give them the ability to track me across every other site that uses their advertising tech.
Precizia cuvintelor in SEO – ECOMpedia
Uneori, în activitatea de SEO (optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare – search engine optimization) întâlnesc situații în care trebuie să mă întreb – “oare sensul cuvintelor înțelese de mine este identic cu sensul dorit de interlocutor”?
4 Key Activities To Maximize and 3 To Stop For Your 2021 SEO Success
2020 is over and what many expected finally happened: Voice search DIDN’T become the mainstream way to search.
What I learned about SEO from using the 10 most used JS frameworks – DEV Community
JavaScript will define and impact the future of most SEO consultants. A big chunk of websites has, is or will move over to a JS framework driven platform.
Something is Rotten in Online Advertising | SparkToro
No wonder a lot of savvy people believe adtech and the entire online advertising industry are due for a subprime-mortgage-style reckoning.
Hai la SocialPedia 22 despre blog în 2021 – Sabina Cornovac Online
Ediția 22 a SocialPedia are loc pe 19 ianuarie 2021, de la ora 18:00, live pe ZOOM. Speakerii acestei ediții sunt: Andrei Cismaru, Mihai Vasilescu, Dan Dragomir, bloggeri, și Alex Dincovici, antropolog și doctor în sociologie.
Google Page Experience update is all set to launch in May 2021 – Webmasters, hang in there!
Here’s how Google’s new algorithm changes can affect your page rankings, as well as the practical steps you can take to stay on top.
5 instrumente cu care poți “spiona” competiția în digital marketing – Digital Star
În rândurile de mai jos voi prezenta câteva instrumente care te pot ajuta să înțelegi ce fac bine competitorii tăi, care sunt acțiunile lor de succes și ce tehnologii folosesc în platformele lor digitale.
2020 Must-Read SEO Posts and Bonus Resources – MarketingSyrup
2020 is ending (yay?). No matter what has happened, there has been a lot of great information in the SEO industry. I decided to keep the tradition of posting the best resources that I did in 2018 and 2019. So welcome the best resources of 2020!
21 Smart Google SEO Tips for 2021 – Moz
Happy new year, readers! We’re back with a brand new season of Whiteboard Friday episodes for your viewing pleasure.
Iulian Stanciu Q&A. Cum să te gândești la viitor, educație și prosperitate, valoarea esențială a greșelii și viteză în decizii – Andreea Roșca
Spotify – Iulian Stanciu Q&A. Cum să te gândești la viitor, educație și prosperitate, valoarea esențială a greșelii și viteză în decizii – Vast and Curious, cu Andreea Roșca | Podcast on Spotify
Google’s SMITH Algorithm Outperforms BERT
SMITH is a new model for trying to understand entire documents. Models such as BERT are trained to understand words within the context of sentences.
200 CX Thought Leaders to follow to kickstart 2021
Whether you’re looking for inspiration, or you’re interested in getting fantastic insights on the latest Customer Experience and Artificial Intelligence trends, Engati CX is the place to be. Meet our 200 luminaries who have taken these worlds by storm and have created a community like no other.
7 UX Principles to Apply to Your SEO | Webdesigner Depot Webdesigner Depot » Blog Archive
User experience is one of the most important aspects of web design, but many experts overlook that UX doesn’t just apply to web pages. User experience as a concept encompasses all aspects of end-user interaction with a company.
Google Ads and SMBs: How to drive results on a low budget
A low ad budget doesn’t have to mean minimal results. SMBs with spend under $5,000 can use these tips to improve their conversions.
The B2B Content Marketing Report
We analyzed 502 B2B companies to better understand how they approach content marketing. And to help identify content marketing approaches that work best in the B2B space.
JavaScript SEO Best Practices Guide for Beginners
JavaScript SEO encompasses everything you need to do to make a JavaScript-reliant website perform well in search engines. Think of it as a specialization within Technical SEO.
The lines of code that changed everything.
Apollo 11, the JPEG, the first pop-up ad, and 33 other bits of software that have transformed our world.
Front-End Performance Checklist 2021 — Smashing Magazine
An annual front-end performance checklist (available as PDF, Apple Pages, MS Word), with everything you need to know to create fast experiences on the web today, from metrics to tooling and front-end techniques.
WhatsApp clarifies it cannot see your private messages
WhatsApp is under fire due to a change in the company’s Terms of Service, effective Feb. 8, which now states that WhatsApp will share user data with parent company Facebook.
Cum funcționează Fulfilment by eMAG și de ce sellerii ar trebui să îl acceseze? Investiția eMAG în acest serviciu: 1.000.000 de euro
În România, Marketplace-ul eMAG este cea mai mare “vitrină” online, iar recent platforma a lansat serviciul Fulfilment by eMAG (FBE) cu o investiție în tehnologie în valoare de 1.000.000 de euro.
The Adjacent User Theory at andrewchen
The Adjacent Users are aware of a product and possibly tried using the it, but are not able to successfully become an engaged user. This is typically because the current product positioning or experience has too many barriers to adoption for them.
Top 10 B2B Digital Marketing Conferences to Attend in 2021 – Marketing Insider Group
In 2021, many top marketing agencies and tech companies are still hosting digital marketing conferences.
Some are virtual, while others are still planning (and we are all hoping for in-person B2B digital marketing events later in 2021.
30 years later, QBasic is still the best | Personal Registry Editor
My oldest son Noah turned 7 three months ago. If he could trade his family for a 2 hour session of playing minecraft, he would do it in a heartbeat.
Exactly how much physical memory is installed?
I’ve often wanted to calculate the exact amount of physical memory installed in a system running Linux, and I finally stumbled across a satisfying solution today: look under /sys/devices/system/memory.
Tendințe PPC 2021 – Canopy
Haideți să vedem ce platforme sunt în trend în 2021, ce tipuri de conținut vom vedea cel mai des anul acesta, dar și ce noutăți vin în zona de PPC.
Evenimente – Evensys
PR Forum
21 de tendințe în marcom și online pentru 2021 – Doza de Comunicare
Nu am întrebat 100 de români, dar am întrebat 21 de profesioniști din marcom și online care consideră ei că sunt cele mai importante tendințe pentru 2021.
The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Remarketing
Facebook’s ad manager can sometimes feel like a maze of options, leaving marketers unsure which direction they should choose.
10 Common Mistakes In Google Ads
As Google Ads has matured, it’s more challenging to stay on top of features and potential problems. Here are 10 common issues in accounts.
Inferred Links Will Replace the Link Graph | SparkToro
For 25 years, links have been core to how Google ranks web pages. But, today, I think most marketers dramatically overestimate their importance.
Gomag Virtual Summit 2021 – Totul Despre Comert si Marketing Online
8 – 12 februarie
Trenduri in marketing digital 2021 | adLemonade
In urma unui an 2020 plin de provocari, in care comportamentul consumatorilor s-a schimbat la nivel global ca urmare a pandemiei de Covid-19, iar piata online a inregistrat cresteri semnificative, trendurile din 2021 in marketing digital se concentreaza pe continut video, creativitate, automatizari, dar si pe testare si adaptare pentru rezultate performante.
Milliseconds Make Millions | Deloitte Ireland
A study on how improvements in mobile site speed positively affect a brands bottom line
A Few Thoughts On Writing · Collaborative Fund
Whoever says the most stuff in the fewest words wins.
Robin Rendle › Newsletters
Newsletters; or, an enormous rant about writing on the web that doesn’t really go anywhere and that’s okay with me
TikTok a depășit Instagram în România M A N A F U *
În același timp, TikTok a venit puternic din spate. Lansată global în august 2018, după achiziția de către compania mamă ByteDance, aplicația a reușit în numai 2 ani să înregistreze o creștere fără precedent în social media.
[Event Trends] Dragoș Stanca: Nu mai există o piață de evenimente, în acest moment, mai nicăieri în lume
Așa cum îl știm, Dragoș Stanca spune lucrurilor pe nume, fără menajamente.
5 Hours of Technical SEO – YouTube
Implementare de infinite scrolling făcută bine:
(John Mueller)
via: – xdavidhu’s bug bounty writeups.
In my opinion, the more you understand a system, the more ideas about how to break it will just naturally come to mind.
Cum vinzi pe Facebook si Instagram in 2021 – Trenduri, planuri si 10 sfaturi
Vezi ce iti aduce noul an in materie de update-uri la cele mai utilizate retele sociale si cum vinzi pe Facebook si Instagram.
Peste 1 milion de vânzări pentru magazinele online generate prin 2Performant în 2020 – 2Performant Blog
Afiliații au adus magazinelor online din 2Performant peste 55 de milioane de click-uri și peste 1 milion de vânzări, cu 28% mai mult ca anul trecut
Valoarea medie a coșului de cumpărături crește cu 5,7 procente în 2020 și ajunge la 49,70 euro fără TVA
Rob Hope 🇿🇦 on Twitter: “Leading up to my Landing Page course, here are 100 Landing Page hot tips over the next 100 days. Simply follow this thread 👇 or get em dripped to email: 🔥 Landing Page Hot Tip #01 – Utilize testimonials to further highlight features & answer doubts:” / Twitter
SEO Notebook—Free SEO Spreadsheets¬eKey=a4c9c4b92c07a2d8&–%2BFree%2BSEO%2BSpreadsheets
Here are some of the most popular spreadsheets I’ve created over the past year. Get ready for some serious strategy and fancy Excel formulas :D
Site Audit
Dacă legați un site cu GSC sau altă metodă de verificare, puteți rula un crawl gratuit de 10.000 de URL-uri ale unui site pe lună, și puteți vedea toate datele de linkuri.
Extensii de Chrome și FireFox pe care le folosesc – Lumea SEO PPC
Extensii de Google Chrome și Mozilla Firefox pe care le folosesc. Pun cu bold extensiile mai importante.
See the questions people also asked…
The Digital PR Summit (Online) – Digitaloft
February 11th 2021, 10.00am GMT
A FREE one-day virtual event that brings together some of the brightest minds in digital PR to share tips, tricks and insights to help you to launch successful campaigns.
JavaScript SEO Best Practices Guide for Beginners
Learn how Google handles JavaScript sites, and what best practices you can apply to make your JavaScript site perform as well as any other site!
17 Link Building Strategies for Startups and Developers
When it comes to SEO, having external links pointing to your startup’s website or your company’s tech blog can help you rank higher in Google. In a big way.
21 de tendințe în marcom și online pentru 2021 (2/2)
Am promis, am revenit! Iată încă 11 tendințe pentru 2021 în marcom și online care vor ține în priză profesioniștii din industrie.
Franța: Google a trebuit să semneze un acord de remunerare a presei – International –
Google și Alianța presei de informații generale (Apig), care reprezintă cotidianele naționale și regionale franceze, au anunțat semnarea unui acord care deschide calea pentru remunerarea presei naționale de către gigantul internetului, a anunțat AFP citată azi de Le Figaro.
7 Marketing KPIs Actually Worth Tracking
Focusing on the right metrics and choosing the most suitable marketing KPIs for your business is essential for your marketing strategy to succeed.
LinkedIn Launches 6 Free Advertising Courses
LinkedIn is launching an all-new on-demand learning center for advertising which is full of free resources.
Dacă vreți să programați cu mai multe persoane o întâlnire, și aveți mai multe opțiuni (luni la 5, marți la 9 etc.), și e complicat să întrebați pe fiecare în parte care/cum dorește, o soluție ar putea fi site-ul:
E cu vot, cu tot felul de opțiuni. E ușor de reținut, în loc de Google, e Doodle, foarte similar.
Unleash Your Faceted Navigation | Andy Chadwick
I was recently introduced to a friend of a friend who had launched a start up, bespoke furniture company just over a year ago. They’d been trading for 7 months already before they contacted me as they weren’t getting the enquiries they’d anticipated.
Gmail Ads Absorbing Into Discovery Campaigns
Advertisers who are fans of Google’s Gmail Ads may be frustrated to learn they will no longer be a standalone ad type as of July.
45 Experts Reveal Their Top Local SEO Tips (Top 10 Revealed)
Knowing where to focus your efforts as a local business can be tricky. Fortunately 45 of the industries top local SEO experts have come together to share their top local SEO tips.
Google Redesigns Mobile Search Results
Google is rolling out a redesigned version of mobile search results which has an edge-to-edge design that’s easier to read.
The UI & UX Tips Collection: Volume One. | Marc Andrew
In this article I’ve put together a collection of my popular UI & UX tips from the past 12 months that can, with little effort, help improve both your designs, and the overall user experience.
Canalul de YouTube al Ralucăi Radu, cu pastile de Digital Marketing
Raluca Radu – YouTube
Ce știe Google despre tine
Dacă sunteți conectați în contul Google mergeți direct la și aflați ce profil aveți în ochii Google, în funcție de site-urile vizitate, informațiile din cont, acțiunile de pe alte site-uri și așa mai departe. Pe baza acestor informații vi se afișează reclame.
Deschiderea unui cont pe o reţea de socializare folosind numele altei persoane este infracţiune și se pedepsește cu închisoarea – decizie a instanței supreme – Esential –
Deschiderea pe rețelele de socializare a unui cont pe numele altei persoane și postarea de informaţii, fotografii şi imagini video pe acel cont, fără acordul persoanei respective, constituie infracțiune și se pedepsește cu închisoare între 1 an și 5 ani, a stabilit Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție (ICCJ).
Google Pushing More Local News In Search
William Vambenepe, the head of the Product Management team of Google News, said Google is not just pushing local news in the Google News Showcase feature but also directly in Google Search.
Cum sa faci o inregistrare de domeniu web care sa te ajute la SEO – TargetWeb
Un nume ales greșit poate aduce cu sine o serie de neplăceri, iar un nume potrivit poate da startul unei afaceri profitabile și de success.
Webinar gratuit – Verde la vânzare online peste hotare
Miercuri, 3 Feb 2021, 4:15 PM
Află bune practici despre cum poți începe să vinzi online peste hotare, cu o amprentă mică asupra mediului. Cei 3 speakeri îți vor prezenta comerțul online internațional din perspectiva marketingului, a livrărilor și a antreprenoriatului.
Senior Middle PPC Specialist la Canopy – Canopy
Anul 2021 a început și pentru tine cu noi rezoluții și obiective? Îți dorești diversitate de la noul job? Dacă vrei să faci parte dintr-o echipă care te va aprecia și unde task-urile repetitive nu există, avem un job de Senior Middle PPC Specialist în echipa Canopy, la biroul din București.
The SEO Pro Extension You Heard About – MarketingSyrup
All On-Page SEO Info in 1 Second. For Free.
Let’s talk AVIF – and why we’re not adding support just yet – Blog
However, while we’re excited about what it’s bringing to the market in the long term, we’re not quite ready to hop on to it just yet for our automatic image optimization.
Let’s explore why.
How the Best Marketers Get Ahead: They Make Time to Learn | CXL
The world’s best marketers don’t get to the top of their field by accident. They consume the right sources; they read the right books. They take what they learn and put it into practice.
Website Speed Test | Check Web Performance » Dotcom-Tools
in real browsers from 25 locations worldwide
NeoMam Jealousy List 2020: The 28 Best Campaigns We Didn’t Produce – NeoMam Blog
Every year the Bloomberg Businessweek’s team publishes a compilation of the great pieces of journalism produced by other news organisations “that left their team sick with resentment”.
Oficial, am deschis înscrierile pentru Școala de Iarnă GPeC!
În perioada 24-28 Februarie v-am pregătit 5 zile de cursuri intensive cu unii dintre cei mai buni traineri din domeniu, team-building creativ și multe momente frumoase alături de Comunitatea GPeC!
Mai mult, până pe 3 Februarie la miezul nopții, beneficiați de 50 EUR discount prin oferta Early Bird!
Explicația scandalului dintre Apple, Facebook și alți advertiseri legat de trackingul utilizatorilor – nwradu blog
Scandalul și modificările momentului în domeniul trackingului sunt legate de schimbările din iOS numite App Tracking Transparency, prescurtat ATT, schimbări prin care Apple face mult mai dificil ca advertiserii să te poată urmări cu reclamele lor prin diverse aplicații.
Elementele unui banner web: cum le putem utiliza pentru a creste rata de click – Extended
In acest articol, vom aprofunda mai mult acest subiect, mai exact care sunt elementele unui banner web si cum le putem utiliza pentru a creste rata de click.
Study Confirms Moz Has the Largest Link Data Set – Moz
With this in mind, we’re excited to share that Moz has the largest link data set, according to a study done by Perficient.
YouTube Is Finally Getting a Video Clipping Feature | Digital Trends
YouTube has finally gotten around to offering a clipping feature that lets you select a short piece of video for sharing online.
Ce se mai schimbă la Facebook din 2021 – Netlogiq
În acest articol, vom trece în revistă câteva dintre update-urile pe care Facebook le-a adus platformei sale în ultimele săptămâni, vizând în special paginile de brand / business.
Agentie SEO – Principalele “servicii” de care sa te feresti – SEOmark
In continuare vreau sa prezint – din experienta proprie – cateva din principalele “servicii de seo” oferite de “agentii” (cu ghlimelele de rigoare) care nu isi justifica banii si fac mai mult rau decat bine.
Dark Patterns at Scale: Findings from a Crawl of 11K Shopping Websites
We conducted a large-scale study, analyzing ~53K product pages from ~11K shopping websites to characterize and quantify the prevalence of dark patterns.
PPC award winners talk strategies for competitive times, industries, and marketplaces
The Search Engine Land SEM Awards winners discuss strategies for driving charity donations, CRO in competitive industries, and advertising with tight margins on Amazon.
The Anatomy of the Perfect Pitch Email – Moz
If you need to get backlinks and generate brand awareness for clients, a great way to start is by creating original research and then pitching that research to writers.
Free Page Experience Tools (Core Web Vitals, HTTPs Usage, Safe Browsing, No Intrusive Interstitials) – Google Sheets
Mobile UX: Avoid Using Subpages within the Product Details Page (26% Don’t) – Articles – Baymard Institute
The amount of content available on a typical mobile product page makes maintaining an overview and sense of orientation difficult for many users.
How To Run An Internal SEO Training Program – Ian Lurie
This is a quick training (see what I did there?) I recorded on the topic. It has everything: Cats, background noise, me stammering away as I deal with countless other distractions…
Curators Are the New Creators. The Business Model of Good Taste | by Gaby Goldberg | Medium
The Business Model of Good Taste
5 Hours of Technical SEO
Want to streamline your tech SEO efforts? Watch the replay of our five-hour live marathon where the brightest pros in the industry shared their expertise. Use their tried-and-tested tips to get technical SEO right!
242 Point SEO Audit Checklist for 2020/2021 | iQ SEO™
If you are unsure that everything is running correctly with your website, then you will likely want to figure out what the problems are. This is where you need to turn to an SEO Audit (why this SEO audit checklist was created in the first place) and it’s something that I do on a daily basis, and have been doing for many years now.
A Google Sheets Regex Generator [Tool] | Sam Underwood
Do you ever need to use regex to filter and monitor a list of queries or URLs?
I do, pretty frequently.
How To Get Into Product Management (And Thrive) ✨ – Lenny’s Newsletter
Figure out if this role is for you, how to make the move, and what skills you’ll need to build in order to be successful
List of learning Materials for Deeplearning (free)!!! | by Nirajan Dhakal | Nov, 2020 | Medium
Deeplearning comes under a section of machine learning which further is a branch of AI (artificial intelligence).
Dart programming language | Dart
Tesla va deschide un centru la Bucureşti şi face angajări
Tesla a intrat în linie dreaptă cu deschiderea centrului din Bucureşti şi a scos la concurs mai multe posturi pe site-ul oficial al companiei, scrie Mediafax.
Testing 5G latency on a RC hobby racetrack – Ericsson
What latency gains can we expect from today’s 5G networks?
Write code. Not too much. Mostly functions. | Brandon’s Website
There’s a well-known quote by author Michael Pollan: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” I like it because it doesn’t attempt to be dogmatic: it encapsulates some basic guiding principles that get you 90% of the way there 90% of the time.
Names are not type safety
Haskell programmers spend a lot of time talking about type safety.
What I learnt in my first four months as a self-taught developer – Alex Buaiscia personal space
This post was supposed to be after three months into my work. But time passed, and so here it is with the experience of a couple more months.
How we made our SaaS homepage cookie-free 🍪
If you’ve browsed the web in the last 10 years then you’ll have seen more than your fair share of cookie banners!
Amazon Academy
Unleash the winning edge in JEE with Amazon Academy
Now Offering IIT JEE courses – Class 11 and 12
Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically – additional packages are available using the APT package manager.
Moving BBC Online to the cloud. The story of how the BBC website has… | by Matthew Clark | BBC Design + Engineering | Medium
This post is the first of several looking at the what, the why, and most importantly the how: the approach we took to creating a new site that’s ready for the future.
6 Scary Outage Stories from CTOs – The New Stack
So in the spirit of Halloween, and more importantly in the spirit of sharing experiences to better prevent them from happening in the future, let’s take a look at six scary outages stories, as told by CTOs themselves.
Creating a Snake Clone in Rust, with Bevy :: A blog — Just a blog
Bevy has seen rapid adoption recently, but the learning resources are still fairly scarce. This is an attempt to provide a next step after the Bevy book.
500 Lines or Less | A Pedometer in the Real World
Dessy is an engineer by trade, an entrepreneur by passion, and a developer at heart. She’s currently the CTO and co-founder of Nudge Rewards When she’s not busy building product with her team, she can be found teaching others to code, attending or hosting a Toronto tech event, and online at and @dess_e.
Why I’m switching from Vim to IntelliJ
In the end, I have decided that the pros for IntelliJ greatly outweigh the cons. I have been really happy with the platform and look forward to using it in the future.
10 Different Types of Developers You’re Likely to Find
That’s our sweet spot for one reason: there is no such thing as perfection and building a good product is never a one-man-show.
No, your clean code won’t save the planet • Buttondown
Need to channel my election anxiety into something productive, so here you go.
Pluralistic: 06 Nov 2020 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
The printer-ink business model has always been a form of commercial sadism in which you are expected to put giant manufacturers’ interests ahead of your own with no expectation of any sort of reciprocity.
Colin Stebbins Gordon
Below is a loosely-categorized collection of links to CS textbooks in a variety of areas that are freely available online…
Guess the Correlation
PHP: a fractal of bad design / fuzzy notepad
PHP is the lone exception. Virtually every feature in PHP is broken somehow. The language, the framework, the ecosystem, are all just bad.
What distinguishes great software engineers?
After synthesizing the findings, we believe that the top five distinguishing characteristics of great engineers are writing good code, adjusting behaviors to account for future value and costs, practicing informed decision-making, avoiding making others’ jobs harder, and learning continuously.
Improving on QBasic’s Random Number Generator
The result is the entire 24-bit state. RND divides this by 2^24 and returns it as a single precision float so that the caller receives a value between 0 and 1 (exclusive). Needless to say, this is a very poor PRNG.
As it tends to do, time continues to move on. The project and code in it eventually becomes legacy code (aka, someone else’s problem to maintain).
Browsh is a fully-modern text-based browser. It renders anything that a modern browser can; HTML5, CSS3, JS, video and even WebGL.
My daughter was a creative genius, and then we bought her an iPhone | by Stephanie Gruner Buckley | Modern Parent | Nov, 2020 | Medium
My daughter used to be an artist.
Dev Fonts
You don’t code? Do machine learning straight from Microsoft Excel | VentureBeat
Pure Digital CSS, Swiss made, clock. No JavaScript, no HTML(*). Not even for the text.
Production Oriented Development
Staging doesn’t matter, code on your laptop doesn’t matter, QA doesn’t matter, only production matters. Everything else is debt.
Building Your Color Palette
You can’t build anything with five hex codes. To build something real, you need a much more comprehensive set of colors to choose from.
How Close Are We—Really—to Building a Quantum Computer?
Intel’s head of quantum computing talks about the challenges of developing algorithms, software programs and other necessities for a technology that doesn’t yet exist.
Much of this data was entered by hand (obtained by contacting past conference organizers, retrieving cached conference websites, and searching CVs) so please email me if you notice any errors or omissions:
Ask HN: Where are the Beautiful clean HTML/CSS templates? | Hacker News
Everytime I start a new project (i.e. weekly) I go looking for a clean and beautiful html template. It’s always sooo hard to find some. What’s your go-to for clean html template?
Progress bars still lie: Please fix them – Austin Z. Henley
Every time I upload a lecture video to YouTube, it goes back-and-forth from “0% processed” and “100% processed”, repeatedly, until it is actually done. I’ve never seen it say any other number.
reasoning about colors
This article will be a whirlwind tour of things you can do to individual colors, and at the end how I put these blocks together.
In defense of Functional CSS – Mike Crittenden
Functional CSS basically means that you have a ton of tiny, single purpose classes that are named based on their visual function.
Ask HN: Who’s looking for a co-founder? | Hacker News
I just stumbled upon an old Ask HN with the same topic from 2010 and I thought this could be useful to resurrect.
The 100 Year Computer – Tales From The Dork Web
We look back at older computers with rose tinted spectacles, but can we look forward with them?
Cele mai bune 10 ţări din lume în care să lucrezi de acasă în 2021 Costul de trai ieftin din România și costurile de bandă largă o plasează pe locul 3 – International –
Canada a fost desemnată cea mai bună țară din lume pentru „munca de acasă” în 2021, datorită combinației sale de viteze rapide în bandă largă, a chiriilor relativ accesibile și a politicilor de viză prietenoase cu migranții, potrivit Evening Standard, citat Rador.
Vin scumpiri de electronice? – nwradu blog
Așa o fi. Vedem în curând dacă se scumpesc sau nu lucrurile.
Stay True: Technology advances make life better for everyone?
Technology plays an important role in a large majority of our lives nowadays. Our quality of life has improved thanks to advances in technology, such as smart phones, tablets, GPS and medical treatment.
A Brief History of Deep Learning Frameworks | Synced
The past decade has seen a burst of algorithms and applications in machine learning especially deep learning.
50+ Top Resources to Build Your 2021 Data Science Portfolio (Updated)
A step by step guide, with 50+ resources to make 2021 your year of meaningful Data Science (by Rohith Paul).
The birth of the Web | CERN
Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, while working at CERN. The web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automated information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world.
Build Your Own Text Editor
Welcome! This is an instruction booklet that shows you how to build a text editor in C.
Common pronunciations of Linux directories, commands, etc |
When you’re on a conference call at work or just dealing with colleagues face to face you want to make sure you know what they’re talking about.
How To Become a Data Engineer
The demand for data engineers is growing rapidly. According to the demand has increased by 45% in 2019.
Eager To Burst His Own Bubble, A Techie Made Apps To Randomize His Life : All Tech Considered : NPR
This week, the podcast and show Invisibilia examines the nature of reality, with a Silicon Valley techie who created apps to randomize his life, a psychologist who trains herself to experience the world like dogs do and a wildlife biologist who thinks bears aren’t dangerous.
Google Fonts | Everything
The Apple goto fail vulnerability: lessons learned
This paper is part of the essay suite Learning from Disaster.
Antreprenorul Sergiu Biriș lansează, la UPGRADE 100, primul curs profesionist în limba română despre cum să atragi bani de la investitorii din tehnologie – UPGRADE 100 News
Antreprenorul Sergiu Biriș lansează luni în cadrul emisiunii UPGRADE 100 cu Dragoș Stanca de la Radio Guerrilla proiectul, primul proiect complex de e-learning destinat antreprenorilor dornici să înțeleagă tot mecanismul aflat dincolo de idee și produs.
Custom Retro Design by steampunkable on Etsy
The Seven Deadly Sins of AI Predictions
Mistaken extrapolations, limited imagination, and other common mistakes that distract us from thinking more productively about the future.
How to teach technical concepts with cartoons
People sometimes tell me these days “wow julia, you are so good at drawing, it is so cool!”
23 Best PHP Editors and IDEs (Free and Premium)
To write high-quality PHP code, you’ll need a high-quality PHP editor that best fits your programming needs, preferences, and workflow.
D. Psihologie
What If You Pursued Contentment Rather Than Happiness?
Contentment—the knowledge that things are OK exactly as they are, right now—is highly valued by many cultures.
Feedback At Netflix: 4 Powerful Guidelines
Even more powerful than these ‘exotic’ practices is how they give and receive feedback.
Lonely people have a unique brain signature, perhaps due to so much imagined social contact
A new study of almost 40,000 adults has found that the brains of lonely people differ from those of people who are not lonely, in significant and detectable ways.
swissmiss | When I Feel Overwhelmed
When I feel overwhelmed or stressed or lose my center…
Hindsight Bias: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices
Hindsight bias occurs when people feel that they “knew it all along” – when they believe that an event is more predictable after it becomes known than it was before it became known.
Should you work hard? Depending on your definition of “hard,” it’s a controversial question.
Why Do Smart People Do Foolish Things?
Intelligence is not the same as critical thinking—and the difference matters.
How To Rank On Google: 25-Step Master SEO Checklist – Moz
In truth, there are 1000s of articles, guides, and tutorials published about SEO every year. Most of these guides are either very introductory or broad, or go to the opposite end of the spectrum and cover a very specific topic.
Elon Musk Gave Some Brilliant Career Advice. Here It Is in One Sentence
In a 2017 TED interview, the serial entrepreneur hit on what it takes to develop a successful mindset.
Despre plecarea din fiecare zi – Dilema veche
Ca un rîu care curge, o apă purtînd cu sine atîtea plecări, așa e și viața noastră. Plecăm din fiecare zi, din relații, din case, de la locuri de muncă, uneori și din țară, plecăm din iubire, iar la final plecăm din viață.
Children Can Acquire Fear Vicariously, By Watching Their Parents’ Reactions – Research Digest
How do children learn to fear things that aren’t obviously scary, but that do pose a threat — to learn, say, that touching the base of a lit barbecue is a very bad idea, so should never be done?
Self-Control: Staying Calm, Focused, Present, and Productive | Psychology Today
How to help your child with coping, resilience, achievement, health, and success
The Tricks to Make Yourself Effortlessly Charming
From the first moment you walk into a room, people are making judgments about how much they like you. Fortunately, there are ways to improve your chances.
Covid poses ‘greatest threat to mental health since second world war’ | Society | The Guardian
UK’s leading psychiatrist predicts impact will be felt for years after pandemic ends
What is Mind-Wandering and How To Use it To Your Advantage? |
Our conscious experience is unstable. We can rarely stay focused on a single topic for extended periods of time.
How to spend money for maximal happiness | Popular Science
Years of behavioral and psychological research have given us insight into how to splurge optimally.
How Successful People Make Decisions Differently
Once you realize which decisions are really important, use these four strategies to make sure you get what you want.
A Simple Strategy For Happiness | Ashley Whillans | TEDxCambridge – YouTube
Which of these 6 time traps is eating up all your time? |
There is an 8 out of 10 chance that you are one of the poorest people in the world. However, when I say you’re poor, I’m not talking about your bank account (although material poverty is indeed a pressing concern for many of us).
Psychologists Express Growing Concern With Mindfulness Meditation
“It’s not bare-knuckle, that’s for sure.”
Less screen time and more sleep critical for preventing depression | Western Sydney University
A cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of data from the UK Biobank, involving almost 85,000 people, has found that lifestyle factors such as less screen time, adequate sleep, a better-quality diet, and physical activity strongly impact depression.
A 2-Year Study of More Than 5,000 People Shows This 1 Activity Destroys Your Emotional and Physical Health
This may sound like typical anti-social media crankiness from academia, but this time they have some impressive research to back up their case.
On Taking Criticism | Observational Hazard
I want to grow, but I also don’t want to stop. So, I can’t let the reviews get me too down, but I have to read them.
swissmiss | Your Home
Your home is an extension of your energy field.
A Johns Hopkins Study Reveals the Scientific Secret to Double How Fast You Learn
Making one small change to the way you practice can make a huge difference in how quickly you gain new skills.
Nadia Eghbal | Shamelessness as a strategy
Increasingly, I think the “shameless” approach is becoming a dominant strategy today. It was first popularized in modern canon by Paris Hilton, who played the “dumb blonde heiress” stereotype so smoothly that everyone assumed she really was as stupid as she seemed.
6 Coping Strategies to Ease Your Pandemic Anxiety | Psychology Today
Positive reframing and active coping are good defenses against Covid-19 stress.
Don’t have a single purpose or passion? That’s OK |
I sat with him, and I said, “Gene, you have lived in America for 100 years. Do you have any advice during these current times?” He smiled and said to me simply, “Yes. Be good to as many people as possible.”
People’s words and actions can actually shape your brain — a neuroscientist explains how |
Your family, friends and even strangers contribute to the structure and function of your brain and help it keep your body humming along.
What leader are you? It depends on your parents – BBC Worklife
Your parents’ good intentions might have undermined your confidence – but you can do something about it.
Procrastination is common – but in extreme cases it can be bad for your health, putting you under extra stress as the missed deadlines whizz by.
We’re Optimizing Ourselves to Death – Zander Nethercutt
The importance of the prisoner’s dilemma is understanding that in selecting a strategy, each player should account for the effectiveness of that strategy given what the other player might do.
How I Spend My Attention – my third brain
What you pay attention to becomes your life.
New Year’s Resolutions That Will Make You Happier – The Atlantic
Set goals to improve your well-being—not your wallet or your waistline
How to Deal with Boredom
Boredom doesn’t feel good, but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Understanding it can help resist the urge to run from it.
Facebook a devenit un cancer al societății – nwradu blog
Facebook era, pe vremuri, acel loc plăcut în care puteai vedea pe unde au mai fost prietenii tăi și ce cărți recomandă ei.
How to overcome Phone Addiction [Solutions + Research] | Cognition Today
Phone addiction is one of the biggest non-drug addiction in human history.
3 Signs You’re the Toxic Person in Your Workplace (and What to Do About It)
People tend to have a natural aversion to those who make it all about themselves.
Making success controllable – Mike Crittenden
I’ll tell you what I try to do and that is to select projects where I win even if it fails.
All self-help boils down to “choose long-term over short-term.” – Mike Crittenden
When have you chosen short-term this week? Do you regret it? Should you regret it?
Ask HN: How do you work through large ideas? | Hacker News
I’m wondering if there is an approach people have that best helps to organize, prune, and work through large, fundamental ideas such as these that they’d be willing to share.
Worker, Interrupted: The Cost of Task Switching
Fast Interview: When is interruption is helpful? Why can’t most of us stay on task for more than three minutes? Is the best way to achieve flow to just unplug?
How the way you think was shaped centuries ago – BBC Future
Most research on human psychology focuses on Western societies, but the way people in the West think can be traced to changes in family structures in the Middle Ages.
An exercise Stanford professors developed to map out how your life will unfold removes the agony from major decisions | Business Insider
One big thing that makes life decisions so stressful — for me, at least — is the assumption that there’s a right choice and a wrong choice.
The Key to a Good Life? Lose Yourself in Something.
Whether it’s you that benefits most or someone else, don’t be afraid to go all in.
Sănătatea mintală va fi una dintre cele mai mari probleme cu care ne vom confrunta în 2021 – Coronavirus –
Odată cu progresul înregistrat de vaccinurile anti Covid-19 și de demararea campaniei de vaccinare se pare că luminița de la căpătul tunelului pandemic este tot mai vizibilă.
The Only Thing You Have To Do Before 9 A.M. | by Michael Thompson | P.S. I Love You
If you leave your house in the morning miserable you’ve already lost
The Art of Decision-Making | The New Yorker
Your life choices aren’t just about what you want to do; they’re about who you want to be.
swissmiss | Where We Feel Emotion
‘Plain old untrendy troubles and emotions’ | David Foster Wallace | The Guardian
David Foster Wallace, who died last week, was the most brilliant American writer of his generation.
Memories Can Be Injected and Survive Amputation and Metamorphosis
If a headless worm can regrow a memory, then where is the memory stored? And, if a memory can regenerate, could you transfer it?
Why your brain is not a computer | Science | The Guardian
For decades it has been the dominant metaphor in neuroscience. But could this idea have been leading us astray all along?
11 Affirmations Successful People Repeat Every Single Day |
The thought is parent to the deed—and that’s especially true where success and happiness are concerned.
Conspiracy theories went wild in 2020. Psychology can tell us why.
They’re not stupid.
Listen and Connect: How Parents Can Support Teens’ Mental Health Right Now – MindShift
There’s no handbook for how to raise teenagers during a pandemic. Adolescents are struggling for valid reasons and many parents are grappling with how to support their teens while also navigating their own pressing concerns.
You Should Work Less Hours—Darwin Did
When you examine the lives of history’s most creative figures, you are immediately confronted with a paradox: They organize their lives around their work, but not their days.
What Are the Five Dimensions of Curiosity? | Psychology Today
For over 20 years, I have been studying curiosity.
A finred who has dlseiyxa dsbierced to me how she epxceeriens renadig. She can read, but it teaks a lot of cetcartnnoion, and the lteetrs smees to “jmup aounrd”.
Advice for finding hope during the pandemic and Trump presidency | Popular Science
It’s more enduring than optimism, but you to have to dig a little deeper to find it.
What a Brief Jog Can Do for Your Brain
Just 15 minutes of movement is all it takes.
William James on the Psychology of Habit – Brain Pickings
“We are spinning our own fates, good or evil, and never to be undone.”
Images reconstructed from brain activity – 9GAG
Easy Answers — Real Life
The more we can google, the less we know
How to write good prompts: using spaced repetition to create understanding
As a child, I had a goofy recurring daydream: maybe if I type just the right sequence of keys, the computer would beep a few times in sly recognition, then a hidden world would suddenly unlock before my eyes. I’d find myself with new powers which I could use to transcend my humdrum life.
You’re Not Meant to Be Happy … and That’s a Good Thing | by Nir Eyal | Jan, 2021 | Medium
Happiness is temporary but the pursuit of our values provides long-lasting benefits.
Want To Rewire Your Brain For Meaningful Life Changes? Do These Things Immediately
The simplest, most direct way to be smart is to build deep knowledge about things you care about.
Advice for Taking Care of Yourself During Times of Chaos | Forge
Change is inevitable, so focus on what you can control
Three types of kindness | Seth’s Blog
There is the kindness of ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ And the kindness of “I was wrong, I’m sorry.”
Consistency beats quality – Mike Crittenden
I only know of one superpower, but it applies to everything: consistency. Do anything consistently for a long time (meaning multiple years), and you’ll be good at it.
Context switching costs more than we give it credit for. – Thinking Through
Batching things by function can skyrocket your productivity.
George Mack on Twitter: “THREAD: 15 of the most useful razors and rules I’ve found. Rules of thumb that simplify decisions.” / Twitter
McDonald’s Theory On How Best to Rescue Conversations | by Karthik Rajan | Jan, 2021 | Medium
95% of the people have experienced starting trouble. The rest 5% lie.
The High Cost of Productivity Lost To Task Switching | Wrike
Oftentimes, multitasking has the effect of making people think they’re accomplishing more. The truth is that multitasking and task switching can have detrimental effects on productivity.
How to be lucky | Psyche Guides
Most of us think that luck just happens (or doesn’t) but everyone can learn to look for the unexpected and find serendipity
Random Words of Kindness | Psychology Today
New research explores the impact of giving compliments.
The Secret to True Kindness | Forge
Research shows it’s measured by the benefit of the doubt
Memory bias: how selective recall can impact your memories – Ness Labs
Our memory is far from perfect, and the memory bias effect doesn’t help.
The Powerful Addiction of Variable Rewards – The Hard Fork by Marvin Liao
My friend Nir Eyal introduced this concept to me in 2012. What is now the crucial underpinning of almost all of the most popular products that have come out of Silicon Valley in the last decade.
How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo | TEDxMechelen – YouTube
Writing Better Self Reviews
Writing self reviews can be hard. For a lot of people, talking about themselves and their accomplishments feels a lot like bragging.
Making Good Decisions as a Product Manager | by Brandon Chu | The Black Box of Product Management
While product managers may not build the actual product, they do produce something very tangible for a team: decisions.
E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu; sunt știri care mi s-au părut interesante, atât!)
TEDxMaastricht – Fred Lee – “Patient Satisfaction or Patient Experience ?” – YouTube
Gest Impresionant Pentru Măriuca La Sosirea în Germania. Fata Arsă De Criminal, Așteptată Cu Prăjituri și Un Mesaj în Română | Libertatea | Libertatea
Exercise 11 Minutes a Day for a Longer Life – The New York Times
The sweet spot for physical activity and longevity seemed to arrive at about 35 minutes a day of brisk walking or other moderate activities.
Here’s Who Won TIME’s 2020 Person of the Year Reader Poll | Time
Essential workers—the nurses, doctors, delivery people, grocery-store employees and many others who continue to risk their lives on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic—have won TIME’s 2020 Person of the Year reader poll.
3 Wishes Project – Helping to make meaningful memories at end-of-life
Helping to make meaningful memories at end-of-life.
De ce avem nevoie de lumină naturală? – DoR
Lumina soarelui e mai importantă pentru corpul nostru decât ne-am imagina. Iar dacă nu primim suficientă, tehnologia ne poate ajuta.
Premieră medicală: Nasul unui pacient, reconstruit în antebrațul acestuia : Europa FM
Nasul unui pacient a fost reconstruit în antebrațul acestuia cu ajutorul unei operații în premieră.
De vorbă cu tânărul Andrei Scafaru, co-fondator al proiectului “Medicină pe înțelesul copiilor”
Au dat naștere unui proiect, Medicina pe înțelesul copiilor, dedicat elevilor cu vârste cuprinse între 6-11 ani și împărtășesc informații utile despre anatomia și fiziologia corpului uman, despre prevenție, despre igienă, dar susțin și diverse teme ce țin de problemele întâlnite frecvent la copii.
Spitale publice din bani privați
Renovăm, reamenajăm și dotăm, spitalele publice din România;
Katalin Kariko’s work in mRNA is the basis of the Covid-19 vaccine – CNN
Through multiple setbacks, job losses, doubt and a transatlantic move, Karikó stood by her conviction: That mRNA could be used for something truly groundbreaking. Now, that work is the basis of the Covid-19 vaccine.
Telemedicina, în sfârșit reglementată și în România: Apar bazele legislative pentru favorizarea investițiilor în domeniu > Romania Blog
Prin norma adoptată se conturează posibilitatea acordării asistenţei medicale prin telemedicină de către unităţile sanitare publice şi private, indiferent dacă acestea se află sau nu se află în relaţie contractuală cu casa de asigurări de sănătate.
Hindsight Bias: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices
Hindsight bias occurs when people feel that they “knew it all along” – when they believe that an event is more predictable after it becomes known than it was before it became known.
Social Media Usage and the Level of Depressive Symptoms in the United States∗ Qin Jiang.pdf – Google Drive
Most existing studies find a positive correlation between using social media and the level of depressive symptoms and support a “bad social media” opinion. At the same time, social media user population has grown steadily over the last decades. It is puzzling that these two trends both exist. This paper tries to solve this puzzle and understands how social media affects users’ feelings.
Platformă pentru programarea online la vaccinarea anti-COVID. Deocamdată se pot înscrie doar angajații din sănătate / Accesul, permis în baza unui document emis la programarea online – Coronavirus –
O platformă informatică ce permite programarea persoanelor pentru vaccinarea împotriva COVID-19 funcționează de luni, însă deocamdată se pot înscrie doar cei care sunt incluși în prima etapă de vaccinare, adică personalul medical, nu și restul populației.
O idee interesantă despre vaccinul covid – nwradu blog
În lista revistei Time de 100 cei mai influenți oameni din 2020 (ar trebui să o citiți, este interesantă), în secțiunea Pionieri, se găsește și Zhang Yongzhen, un cercetător virusolog de la Centrul pentru Sănătate Publică din Shanghai.
Guvernul a pornit platforma de programare pentru vaccinarea covid și un site informativ despre asta – nwradu blog
Guvernul a lansat site-ul oficial de informare și acesta pare bine pus la punct, deși informațiile efective disponibile în acest moment nu sunt foarte mult.
Conferințele UB | Mihai Craiu – Managementul unei situații de criză în direct – YouTube
Ea este Kati, americanca de origine ungară care a făcut posibilă tehnica ARN mesager a vaccinului anti-COVID – Editia de Dimineata
ARN mesager, grație căruia avem acum primul vaccin aprobat și deja inoculat pentru a lupta contra COVID-19, este o tehnică cercetată și dezvoltată de Katalin Kariko.
Six ways to ‘reboot your brain’ after a hard year of COVID-19 – according to science
Here are six evidenced-based ways to change our brains for the better.
Radu Lupescu, medicul român decorat de Macron: „Am plecat după simulacrul de alegeri din 1990”
Medicul român Radu Lupescu (50 de ani) a fost decorat la începutul anului de președintele Franței, Emmanuel Macron.
Trei lucruri care fac Israelul să fie cu mulți pași înaintea statelor europene în cursa vaccinării – Interviu audio –
Israelul are un sistem de sănătate foarte bine pus la punct, informatizat complet, în care, cu un simplu click, poți avea, ca și furnizor de servicii medicale, istoricul medical complet al oricărei persoane.
Care sunt diferențele dintre vaccinurile BioNTech Pfizer și Moderna
Comitetul Național de Coordonare a Activităților privind Vaccinarea a publicat un document în care explică diferențee dintre cele două variante de vaccin disponibile.
Brânză bună în burduf de câine – Ana M. Popescu
Feedback-ul este esențial în dezvoltare și în procesul de învățare. Nu ai cum să corectezi, nu ai cum să îmbunătățești ori să fixezi un comportament, dacă nu ți se răspunde.
How vaccinated grandparents should approach visiting loved ones now – CNN
(CNN)Many grandparents have one goal in mind this winter: Get vaccinated so they can see their children and grandchildren again. But is that safe if their younger family members have not yet been vaccinated?
Pozitiv din negativ. Cum se îmbolnăvesc de COVID-19 pacienții internați în spitale non-COVID
În ultimele două luni, patru persoane din cercul apropiaților redacției PressOne s-au internat în spitale sau saloane non COVID, după ce obținuseră rezultate negative la testare de tip PCR, pentru ca mai apoi să fie infectați cu virusul SARS-CoV-2.
Medicina nu se face cu bățul: medicul nu e Dumnezeu și nici pacientul – un executant – Și Blondele Gândesc
Am plecat să practic medicina în Marea Britanie direct de pe băncile facultății. Am putea spune, fără să exagerăm, că nu știam dreapta de stânga. Teoria diferă de practică, oricât ne-am dori să nu.
» Economia este o știință socială, mai puțin exactă – Cine esti tu, doctore?
Am fost foarte mirat când am aflat, în timpul facultății, că economia este o știință socială, una mai puțin exactă. Eu vedeam economia la un loc cu statistica, matematica, ingineria.
» Recunoștință către dr. Alexandru Pesamosca și dr. Niculina Bratu – Cine esti tu, doctore?
Îmi exprim recunoștința pentru doi doctori care m-au operat de câteva ori – dr. Alexandru Pesamosca (decedat) și dr. Niculina Bratu (profil activ, inclusiv fotografie, pe paginile: a. Spitalul Clinic de Urgență pentru copii Maria Sklodowska Curie București, fost Budimex, b. Medlife).
Romania: Health Service on the Brink – ARTE Reportage – Watch the full documentary | ARTE
With a high mortality rate, a chronically underfunded health service, and doctors leaving to work in other European countries, Romania is in danger of being overwhelmed by Covid-19.
Norvegia: Nu s-a stabilit o legătură între vaccinare și decesul vârstnicilor | AUDIO : Europa FM
Autoritățile norvegiene spun că nu s-a stabilit o legătură între administrarea vaccinului și decese, dar recomandă o evaluare medicală înainte de imunizarea persoanelor în vârstă, cu o sănătate fragilă.
Alo, mamă, nu te speria, te rog să nu intri în panică, nu e nimic grav, dar sunt la spital!
Manole, ești medic de zece ani, nu mai spune asta de câte ori mă suni.
Meet Virginia Apgar, the unlikely anesthesiologist who saved newborn babies
Apgar’s simple, standardized score helped decrease the startlingly high infant mortality rate
A Complaint Is a Gift – Andrew Spittle
That last point is central: each complaint is a gift someone gives you.
Israel sees 60% drop in hospitalizations for age 60-plus 3 weeks after 1st shot | The Times of Israel
Full effects of Pfizer’s shots only kick in around a month after inoculation, but data from Israel shows there is a stark drop in infections even before that point
Social media damages teenagers’ mental health, report says – BBC News
Heavy social media use was linked to negative wellbeing and self-esteem, regardless of a young person’s mental state, with more girls experiencing feelings of depression and hopelessness.
The Sociological Cinema (“Hey I know we have dedicated our whole lives to…)
Ivermectina: cum au ajuns românii să ia antiparazitare pentru câini ca să scape de Covid
Ivermectina: cum au ajuns românii să ia antiparazitare pentru câini ca să scape de Covid
Cum a început „nebunia Ivermectinei” în România și ce știm până acum despre acest medicament. Medic: Nu trebuie să plecăm de la ideea că e miraculos înainte să i se demonstreze clar eficiența – Sanatate –
Incendiile din secții covid ale spitalelor din alte țări. Ce s-a întâmplat prin lume – Și Blondele Gândesc
Am fost curioasă dacă s-au mai întâmplat incendii în secții covid și prin alte țări. Am ajuns cu căutările mult după prima pagină. E drept că România e cap de afiș, însă e probabil ca google să mă localizeze aici și să-mi dea rezultate în funcție de asta.

Notă: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri).