Follow-up: Mădălin Milea – Customer Service – în cadrul Bucharest WordPress Meetup, ediția pe februarie 2020 (2020.02.27, Romania Visitor Center)

În data de 27 februarie 2020 a avut loc la Romania Visitor Center (Bd. Carol I, nr. 27) evenimentul “Bucharest WordPress Meetup“, ediția din luna februarie 2020.

A prezentat Mădălin Milea, Support Manager @Themeisle. Gazda evenimentului a fost Radu Cănănău-Voiță.

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In your daily business there are times you might need to reach out to a company for support or maybe a customer reaches out to you.

We are delighted to have with us this month Mădălin Milea, Support Manager @ Themeisle, who will tell us all about what takes to provide Customer Service to clients all over the globe.
In their daily tasks they tackle all sorts of support requests and struggle to keep a balance between fast replies and good customer service to make sure customers are happy.

But is Customer Service profitable or just a costly department for the business?
Join us Thursday, 27 Feb, and find out the answer from one of the top WordPress Romanian companies with global success: Themeisle.

► 👩‍💻From 18:30 we’ll be trying to help or give advice to anybody who is stuck in their project or learning.

► 🕵️‍♂️From 19:00 our guest speaker, Mădălin Milea, Support Manager @ Themeisle, will tell us all about Customer Service and share his experience.

► 🔊From 19:30 we will have a Circle Talk where we can all share our experiences and find answers to our day to day challenges.

► 🍻From 20:00 we can move the party to a nearby pub or stay at the location for as long as we feel comfortable.

Un alt video de la eveniment »

Mădălin Milea

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