Știrile lunilor decembrie 2020 + februarie 2021

Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, ale lunilor decembrie 2020 + febuarie 2021. Pot fi suprapuneri de la o secțiune la alta.



A. Generale

GREG ISENBERG on Twitter: “My guide to startups: I’ve lost millions, hired hundreds, raised millions and sold companies before the age of 30 Read this to become better:” / Twitter https://twitter.com/gregisenberg/status/1358078991660376070


Stop Swiss Cheesing your calendar – Thinking Through https://thinkingthrough.substack.com/p/stop-swiss-cheesing-your-calendar


Does your calendar look like a swiss-cheese? A bunch of meetings spread out throughout the week with only 1-2 hours of gaps in between them.


Drama vieții mele – Cristina Hurdubaia https://hurdubaia.ro/post/642730680474845184/drama-vie%C8%9Bii-mele


Unii dintre voi știți deja despre drama vieții mele (am tot povestit pe aici), mă rog, e mult spus dramă, ferească Dumnezeu de mai rău, însă pentru mine asta a fost (și sper să rămână) cea mai urâtă experiență din viață, deși fix experiența asta urâtă m-a dus pe mine pe calea socială și mi-a dat libertatea de care eu aveam și am nevoie.


Ana Blandiana: „Societatea n-a avut decât puterea de a vota. Și această putere nu și-a exercitat-o decât în mică măsură sau greșit” https://pressone.ro/ana-blandiana-societatea-n-a-avut-decat-puterea-de-a-vota-si-aceasta-putere-nu-si-a-exercitat-o-decat-in-mica-masura-sau-gresit


Înainte de 1989, Anei Blandiana i s-a luat de trei ori dreptul de a publica.


Dai bacul la istorie? Facultatea de Istorie a UB și SSIR organizează, și în 2021, cursuri de pregătire pentru bacalaureat – UniBuc https://unibuc.ro/pregatire-bac-2021-istorie-unibuc/


În perioada 20 februarie – 5 iunie 2021, Facultatea de Istorie a Universității din București în colaborare cu Societatea de Științe Istorice din România – filiala București (SSIR) organizează cursuri de pregătire pentru bacalaureat ISTORIE adresate tuturor elevilor de clasa a XII-a.


Unde suni ca să scapi de electronicele și electrocasnicele vechi | Kapra blog https://www.victorkapra.ro/2021/02/unde-suni-scapi-electronicele-electrocasnicele-vechi/


ECOTIC relansează, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Mediului, Apelor și Pădurilor, campania națională de colectare separată a deșeurilor de echipamente electrice și electronice (DEEE)  “Fii la tine-n țară la fel ca afară!”


Adoptă o mamă – editia a 6-a, 2021 | Adoptă o mamă | mirelaretegan.ro https://mirelaretegan.ro/campanii/adopta-o-mama/adopta-o-mama-editia-a-6-a-2021-id1514.html


Vine luna Martie, luna Femeii, și îmi doresc să le văd zâmbind pe toate mamele din lume.


A lăsat un job de director comercial pentru a paria pe cultură și educație alternativă – Interviu cu fondatoarea Fundației Calea Victoriei – spotmedia.ro https://spotmedia.ro/stiri/educatie/a-lasat-un-job-de-director-comercial-pentru-a-paria-pe-cultura-si-educatie-alternativa-interviu-cu-fondatoarea-fundatiei-calea-victoriei


Așa a apărut Fundația Calea Victoriei, care a devenit între timp unul dintre reperele autohtone pentru cei care vor să se dezvolte pe plan profesional și personal.


Copacul vieții — Inclusiv https://inclusiv.ro/copacul-vietii/


„Dacă mă trimiți acum […] la spital, sunt angoasată. Deși cunosc mulți doctori, aș prefera să nu mă duc. Nu e un mediu în care să ai încredere“, spune Oana Gheorghiu, așezată la masa de ședințe de pe șantierul spitalului Dăruiește Viață.


swissmiss | The Free Soul https://www.swiss-miss.com/2021/02/the-free-soul.html


VIDEO | 7.000 De Euro Lunar Iau Pescarii De Crabi Din Marea Barents, Unde Se Muncește La -30 De Grade. „Am Lucrat Pe Trei Nave și Fiecare Avea Români” | Libertatea https://www.libertatea.ro/stiri/video-cum-a-ajuns-un-tanar-basarabean-sa-pescuiasca-crabi-in-marea-barents-deasupra-cercului-polar-am-lucrat-pe-trei-nave-si-fiecare-avea-romani-3422532


Renat Besolov s-a născut în Chișinău. Vorbește bine limba română, chiar dacă limba sa maternă este rusa.


Acceleratorul Innovators for Children https://innovatorsforchildren.org/


Alături de antreprenori a stat o echipă formată din 10 mentori și specialiști în probleme de educație, sănătate și wellbeing, precum și specialiști în dezvoltarea de soluții scalabile.

În urma programului, startup-uri precum Kinderpedia și Brio au obținut finanțare privată de peste 740.000 de euro.


CITIBILĂ | CITITOARE on Instagram: “📚Cărți ieftine 📚 Pentru iubitorii de lectura in cautare atat de cărți la prețuri mai prietenoase, dar mai ales in cautare de acele cărți…” https://www.instagram.com/p/CKf9i2GJBIu/


… am adunat, cu ajutorul vostru, o lista de anticariate și sugestii de locuri unde se găsesc astfel de cărți.


on writing more – bookbear express https://ava.substack.com/p/on-writing-more


Everyone knows that the way to get good is to be prolific. But it’s incredibly hard to be prolific.


The Feynman Learning Technique https://fs.blog/2021/02/feynman-learning-technique/


The Feynman Learning Technique is a simple way of approaching anything new you want to learn.


10 Breakthrough Technologies 2021 | MIT Technology Review https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/02/24/1014369/10-breakthrough-technologies-2021/


This list marks 20 years since we began compiling an annual selection of the year’s most important technologies.


Proton’s Antimatter Revealed by Decades-Old Experiment | Quanta Magazine https://www.quantamagazine.org/protons-antimatter-revealed-by-decades-old-experiment-20210224/


Twenty years ago, physicists set out to investigate a mysterious asymmetry in the proton’s interior. Their results, published today, show how antimatter helps stabilize every atom’s core.


Azi nu mai mănânc ciocolată – Așii lui Crăciun – Cronici. Satire. Șarje. https://mirceamester.ro/asii-lui-craciun/


Ce forță a întors-o pe poloneză în seturile doi și trei, ca pe o clătită oarecare? De unde a avut Simona Halep puterea aceea? Care este cheia de lectură a victoriei de duminică din Australia?


B. Lumea SEO PPC

How To: Be A Good Employee, Be A Great Boss | #winningcareers – Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik https://www.kaushik.net/avinash/how-to-be-a-good-employee-be-a-great-boss-winning-careers/


Like many of you, I am both an employee and a people leader.


Julian Shapiro (@Julian) / Twitter https://twitter.com/Julian


Tweeting about writing and clear thinking.


I deconstruct how things work and tweet my learnings along the way.


How to Eat an Elephant, One Atomic Concept at a Time – kwokchain https://kwokchain.com/2021/02/05/atomic-concepts/


How Figma and Canva are taking on Adobe—and winning


Applying white space in UI design | by Yuan Qing Lim | Feb, 2021 | UX Collective https://uxdesign.cc/whitespace-in-ui-design-44e332c8e4a


8 practical tips, with examples.


Ross Simmonds on Twitter: “Marketers love conferences. And almost every marketer I know wishes they could improve their public speaking skills. But the system behind breaking into “speaking” feels like a secret. So let’s pull back the curtain & talk about making your way to the main stage🎙[THREAD] 🧵” / Twitter https://twitter.com/thecoolestcool/status/1357688647869464576


Care sunt cele mai importante trenduri în Digital Marketing în 2021 https://www.revistabiz.ro/care-sunt-cele-mai-importante-trenduri-in-digital-marketing-in-2021/


Ce poți face concret, pe baza acestor trenduri, pentru ca business-ul tău să țină ritmul?


Hai la SocialPedia 23 despre TikTok în 2021 – Sabina Cornovac Online https://www.sabinacornovac.ro/hai-la-socialpedia-23-despre-tiktok-in-2021/


✅ SocialPedia revine în forță cu o nouă ediție adaptată noului context, online. Ediția 23 a SocialPedia are loc pe 16 februarie 2021, de la ora 18:00, live pe ZOOM. Speakerii acestei ediții sunt: Laura Savu, Global Community Manager TikTok, Ovidiu Mureșanu, Digital Gentleman, Robert Tatoi, video marketing expert, și Ana-Maria Udriște, avocat.


Ecommerce: 5 lecții din 2020 de aplicat si in 2021 – Upswing SEO Agency https://upswing.ro/ecommerce-5-lectii-din-2020-de-aplicat-si-in-2021/


Pe măsură ce criza COVID-19 și-a făcut simțită prezența, consumatorii și clienții au început să-și modifice comportamentul și tiparele de cumpărare și să treacă la canale digitale, la produse și servicii digitale, deschizând astfel fronturi complet noi în competiția pentru clienți.


Știrile și resursele săptămânii în e-commerce și digital marketing #4 | Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/stirile-si-resursele-saptamanii-4


Cine a primit deja invitație pe Clubhouse, mâna sus!


MTH Digital: 12 tendinte in marketing online si design grafic, pentru 2021 – ECOMpedia https://ecompedia.ro/mth-digital-12-tendinte-marketing-online-si-design-grafic-pentru-2021/


Dezvoltarea rapida a tehnologiei face ca marketingul online sa fie intr-o continua schimbare, iar orice business ar trebui nu doar sa tina pasul cu schimbarea, ci chiar sa incerce sa o anticipeze, pentru a putea sa isi mentina un avantaj competitiv atunci cand ce era stabilit ieri, nu mai este valabil maine.


Agenda Școala de Iarnă de E-Commerce & Digital Marketing https://www.gpec.ro/scoala-de-iarna-gpec/agenda/


7 Best Marketing Newsletters (Most Voted For) https://ahrefs.com/blog/best-marketing-newsletters/


Newsletters are hot again.


Google passage ranking now live in US English search results https://searchengineland.com/google-passage-ranking-now-live-in-us-english-search-results-346034


Google said this can have a 7% impact on search queries – so this might feel like a big update.


Google Search dark theme mode expands but search ads are hard to distinguish https://searchengineland.com/google-search-dark-theme-mode-expands-but-search-ads-are-hard-to-distinguish-346016


Light mode shows a black ad label on a white background but on dark mode, it shows a gray ad label on a black background.


Google My Business adds messaging to desktop interface https://searchengineland.com/google-my-business-adds-messaging-to-desktop-interface-346070


Businesses can now message with customers through their web browser, not just the mobile app.


Facebook Ad Library: How to Model Your Competitors : Social Media Examiner https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/facebook-ad-library-how-to-model-your-competitors/


In this article, you’ll discover how to use the Facebook Ad Library to see how other brands are advertising on Facebook and Instagram.


Giveaway of 16 Full Access Tickets to #WTSFest Virtual in March 2021 https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/personal/tickets-giveaway-wtsfest-virtual-2021/


Are you a woman in SEO who would like a ticket for WTSFest Virtual in March 2021? Leave a comment below with your name and last name!


Update iOS 14 – Impactul asupra promovării pe Facebook https://www.canopy.ro/blog/news/update-ios-14-impactul-asupra-promovarii-pe-facebook/


Concret, Apple va forța toate aplicatiile din App Store să afișeze un mesaj, prin care utilizatorul poate interzice ca datele colectate să fie share-uite (AppTrackingTransparency framework.)


Facebook & Instagram Shops Integrate With Shopify https://www.searchenginejournal.com/facebook-instagram-shops-integrate-with-shopify/395950/


Facebook and Instagram Shops are integrating with Shopify to offer Shop Pay as a payment option.


Ghid 2021: Local SEO – năucește-ți competiția https://smarters.ro/grow/local-seo/


Hai mai întâi să ne imaginăm că eşti în vacanţă. Da, da, chiar acum. Și îți dorești să mănânci ceva bun. Deci ai nevoie de un restaurant aflat în apropierea ta. Ce faci? (te bucuri că restaurantele folosesc local SEO 🙂


Job la înălțime: Marketing Manager la Canopy – Canopy https://www.canopy.ro/blog/news/marketing-manager-la-canopy/


Dacă vrei să faci parte dintr-o echipă care te va aprecia și unde ai ocazia să faci diferența, avem un job de Marketing Manager în echipa Canopy.


Webinar gratuit – Promovează-ți afacerea prin vocea clientului https://event.webinarjam.com/register/28/44v6xsx5


Miercuri, 17 Feb 2021, 4:15 PM


Cea mai bună reclamă este cea pe care o fac clienții mulțumiți. Află din acest webinar cum să ai un magazin online de încredere și cum să-ți marketezi afacerea folosind grija față de clienți.


Fake Amazon reviews ‘being sold in bulk’ online – BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56069472


Fake reviews for products sold on Amazon’s Marketplace are being sold online “in bulk”, according to Which?


UPGRADE 100 Focus: ALL THINGS FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM | UPGRADE 100 – Install The Best Version of You https://www.upgrade100.com/all-things-facebook


Află ce e nou și ce funcționeaza acum pe Facebook, Instagram, Messenger și WhatsApp direct de la specialiștii companiei dar și de la experți de top independenți.


graydon2 | always bet on text https://graydon2.dreamwidth.org/193447.html


So this is my stance on text: always pick text first. As my old boss might have said: always bet on text. If you can use text for something, use it. It will very seldom let you down.


Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update February 17th https://www.seroundtable.com/google-search-ranking-algorithm-update-february-17th-30944.html


I am seeing some early signs of yet another Google Search ranking algorithm update this morning. The SEO community is starting to buzz about ranking fluctuations this morning and some of the tracking tools are already picking up on the changes to the Google Search rankings.


Let’s never talk about SEO audits again – The SEO MBA https://seomba.substack.com/p/lets-never-talk-about-seo-audits


Unfortunately I’ve seen far too many “SEO strategies” that are in fact just audits – a list of technical changes without any plan or ultimate goal.


2020: Scăderi drastice în căutările pentru vacanțe în străinătate, creșteri uriașe pentru cele pe litoralul românesc – City Insider by Bookingham https://bookingham.ro/insider/2020-scaderi-drastice-in-cautarile-pentru-vacante-in-strainatate-cresteri-uriase-pentru-cele-pe-litoralul-romanesc/


Mult mai puțini români doritori de sejururi în străinătate în 2020 față de 2019; de două ori mai puține căutări pe țări ca Grecia sau Turcia.


The 11 Best Image Search Engines https://www.searchenginejournal.com/best-image-search-engines/299963/


Need to find a source for an image? Want a high-res image to use in your next marketing campaign? Find a list of image search engines here.


Lawsuit says Facebook kept inflated metric to avoid sales hit https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-lawsuit-claims-executives-kept-inflated-ad-metric-revenue-concern-2021-2


A judge unredacted parts of a Facebook lawsuit that claims executives knew an ad metric was inflated.


Google updated metric boundaries for core web vitals in Search Console https://searchengineland.com/google-updated-metric-boundaries-for-core-web-vitals-in-search-console-346227


You may see more green scores in your core web vitals report in Search Console.


Closing The Backlink Gap: What It Takes To Outrank Your Competition | CXL https://cxl.com/blog/backlink-gap/


There’s no shortage of SEO advice on how to rank higher for key terms. Create high-quality content. Have an effective distribution strategy. Optimize your on-page SEO.


20 de Sfaturi de Optimizare a campaniilor tale de Google Search Ads | Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/20-de-sfaturi-de-optimizare-a-campaniilor-tale-de-google-search-ads


Am sintetizat în acest articol ce am strâns eu mai bun din ambele arii – din practicile umane/”manuale” de optimizare a campaniilor și din zona de machine learning pentru Google Ads – și am ajuns la 20 de sfaturi de optimizare a campaniilor de Google Search Ads.


Google May Treat Press Releases Different From Other Content https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-may-treat-press-releases-different-from-other-content/396616/


Google’s John Mueller says press releases may be treated different from other types of content in search results.


Google brings Display ads to attribution reports as an open beta https://searchengineland.com/google-brings-display-ads-to-attribution-reports-as-an-open-beta-346242


Now, advertisers can see Display ads alongside search and YouTube.


Slow Down and Write Better Emails https://hbr.org/2021/02/slow-down-and-write-better-emails?ab=hero-main-text


So many of our exchanges today happen in written (or typed) form — think email, text, IM — meaning that listening in its traditional sense has been replaced by reading text on a screen.


Learning SEO – A Roadmap with Free SEO Resources https://learningseo.io/


Do you want to start learning or expanding your SEO learning process and don’t know how?


That might not be the right question | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2021/02/that-might-not-be-the-right-question/


“Where do you get your ideas?”


Microsoft’s New Gig: A LinkedIn Freelancer Market Rivaling Upwork, Fiverr — The Information https://www.theinformation.com/articles/microsofts-new-gig-a-linkedin-freelancer-market-rivaling-upwork-fiverr


LinkedIn is developing a new service called Marketplaces to let its 740 million users find and book freelancers, pitting it against publicly traded firms such as Upwork and Fiverr, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter.


Nou hub pentru 1.000 de firme de comerț online, construit de eMag în apropiere de București https://www.startupcafe.ro/afaceri/hub-firme-emag-comert-online-bucuresti.htm


Peste 1.000 de firme românești care vor să facă e-commerce vor putea activa într-un nou hub care va fi construit de gigantul comerțului online românesc eMag în comuna giurgiuveană Joița, la 19 km de București.


I paid for Spotify playlist placements so you don’t have to | Najinsan!!!!!!!!! https://najinsan.wordpress.com/2021/02/15/i-paid-for-spotify-playlist-placements-so-you-dont-have-to/


As part of my ongoing mission to throw money into thin air I decided to promote some of Corserine‘s songs on Spotify.


Google’s John Mueller: Total Number of Backlinks Doesn’t Matter https://www.searchenginejournal.com/googles-john-mueller-total-number-of-backlinks-doesnt-matter/396638/


The total number of links pointing to a website is irrelevant to Google, says Search Advocate John Mueller.


Afla cum incepi sa vinzi online cu Gomag – Participa la Webinar https://www.gomag.ro/blog/incepi-sa-vinzi/


Ne vedem live in 25 februarie ora 16:00


Aproape 2000 de afaceri vand zilnic cu Gomag.


Vrei si tu? Participa GRATUIT la webinar si afla cum sa iti deschizi un magazin online profitabil!


Robert Dumitru, MTH Digital: 3 Moduri Prin care Poți Optimiza Reclamele pe Instagram https://www.iqads.ro/articol/53886/robert-dumitru-mth-digital-3-moduri-prin-care-poti-optimiza-reclamele-pe


Una din principalele activități din viața unui om de digital marketing este aceea de a optimiza campaniile de performance marketing pentru a atinge obiectivele dorite.


Platforma online Canva a cumpărat remove.bg, un site de eliminare a fundalului din fotografii https://www.startupcafe.ro/afaceri/canva-remove-background-eliminare-fundal-fotografii.htm


Platforma de design Canva, folosită și în România de marketeri, graficieni și studenți, a cumpărat două startup-uri europene: Kaleido.ai din Austria și  Smartmockups din Cehia.


Practical Color Theory for People Who Code http://tallys.github.io/color-theory/


Pick your call to action color!


Știrile lunii februarie | Facebook copiază Clubhouse, TikTok se vede la TV, iar Pinterest e pe plus – Doza de Comunicare https://dozadecomunicare.ro/stirile-lunii-februarie/


Salutare! Am trecut deja de jumătatea lunii și noutățile continuă să apară. Așa că, dacă vrei să afli știrile lunii februarie în online, pregătește-ți cafeaua și hai alături de noi!



Ce ne facem, dom’le, cu influencerii astia? – Cristian China-Birta https://carturesti.ro/carte/ce-ne-facem-dom-le-cu-influencerii-astia-1023360091


Cartea este destinată oamenilor de afaceri, antreprenorilor, brand managerilor sau tuturor celor din zona de marketing, care vor să înțeleagă cât mai bine cum pot să folosească aceste resurse digitale numite influenceri pentru a obține beneficii pentru brandul sau afacerea lor.


In martie, iesi din rutina: idei inedite de campanii de email marketing – ECOMpedia https://ecompedia.ro/in-martie-iesi-din-rutina-idei-inedite-de-campanii-de-email-marketing/


De aceea, iti dam cateva idei sa iesi in evidenta, atat de 1 si 8 Martie, dar si cu ocazii mai putin cunoscute.


Romania, cea mai mare crestere e-commerce din UE, in perioada 2015-2020 (Eurostat) – ECOMpedia https://ecompedia.ro/romania-cea-mai-mare-crestere-e-commerce-din-ue-perioada-2015-2020-eurostat/


in ultimii 5 ani, cea mai mare evolutie la capitolul shopping pe Internet s-a inregistrat in Romania (o crestere de 27% in perioada 2015-2020); pe locurile urmatoare s-au plasat Cehia, Croatia (ambele cu 25%) si Ungaria (23%)


URL Slugs: How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs (10 Easy Steps) https://seosherpa.com/url-slugs/


Do you want to learn how to optimize your URL structure and win more organic traffic and higher rankings?


10 PPC Copywriting Best Practices for Extra Effective Text Ads https://www.searchenginejournal.com/ppc-guide/text-ad-copywriting-best-practices/


Want to write more profitable PPC ads? Get more clicks on your paid search ads by applying these 10 copywriting best practices.


Google Said Title Tags Longer Than What Is Displayed Has Benefit https://www.seroundtable.com/google-longer-title-tags-seo-30985.html


Gary Illyes from Google said in last night’s Google Central Live event that there is a benefit, I assume an SEO benefit, to having title tags longer than what is displayed in the search.


(înscriere gratuită)


brightonSEO – Spring 2021 by Rough Agenda https://spring2021.brightonseo.com/


Helping search marketers meet, learn and do their job a bit better.




25 & 26 March 2021


40% of the web uses WordPress https://w3techs.com/blog/entry/40_percent_of_the_web_uses_wordpress


The incredible success story of WordPress continues by reaching another milestone: 2 out of every 5 websites use it now.


The World’s Most Searched Consumer Brands – Visual Capitalist https://www.visualcapitalist.com/the-worlds-most-searched-consumer-brands/


Strong brands create an emotional link with consumers, and tech brands are no exception.


Digital in Romania: All the Statistics You Need in 2021 — DataReportal – Global Digital Insights https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2021-romania


This report contains all the latest internet stats, mobile stats, and social media stats for Romania, but read on below for essential insights into digital use in Romania in 2021.


2021 Digital Marketing Trends | Falcon.io https://www.falcon.io/handbooks/2021-digital-marketing-trends/


10 Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2021


Featured Snippets Drop to Historic Lows – Moz https://moz.com/blog/featured-snippets-drop-to-historic-lows


On February 19, MozCast measured a dramatic drop (40% day-over-day) in SERPs with Featured Snippets, with no immediate signs of recovery.


Amazon intră în Polonia, pe fondul creșterii concurenței online | PROFIT.ro https://www.profit.ro/povesti-cu-profit/vecini/amazon-se-lanseaza-in-polonia-pe-fondul-cresterii-concurentei-online-20033111


Amazon, cel mai mare retailer online din lume, a lansat marți un site destinat clienților din Polonia, care până acum erau deviați către un site din Germania, transmite Reuters.



Amazon’s New CEO Is Shaping How the Military Uses Killer Robots | by Dave Gershgorn | Feb, 2021 | OneZero https://onezero.medium.com/amazons-new-ceo-is-shaping-how-the-military-uses-killer-robots-9a783d05b7f4


Andy Jassy is a member of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence


Browser ‘Favicons’ Can Be Used as Undeletable ‘Supercookies’ to Track You Online https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7v5y7/browser-favicons-can-be-used-as-undeletable-supercookies-to-track-you-online


Favicons can break through incognito mode, VPNs, and Pi-holes to track your movement online


How Your Favorite Libraries and Frameworks Got Their Names | by Jeffrey Huang | Better Programming | Feb, 2021 | Medium https://medium.com/better-programming/how-your-favorite-libraries-and-frameworks-got-their-names-2a4c4f805cda


Django on Rails in a Flask with a Vue of Laravel and Hadoop


Learn About the Rover – NASA Mars https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/spacecraft/rover/


Click (or touch) and drag to explore this 3D visualization of the Mars Perserverance rover.


Iceberger https://joshdata.me/iceberger.html


Draw an iceberg and see how it will float.


Innovation Labs | Registrations https://www.innovationlabs.ro/register/index.html


a 7-month mentoring & development program for young entrepreneurs and startup teams


Call a Dev | Live programming help is one call away https://calladev.com/


Get live programming help from Stack Overflow users for

$1 a minute.


Free for developers https://free-for.dev/#/


Developers and Open Source authors now have a massive amount of services offering free tiers, but it can be hard to find them all to make informed decisions.


CSS transitions and hover animations, an interactive guide https://www.joshwcomeau.com/animation/css-transitions/


The world of web animations has become a sprawling jungle of tools and technologies. Libraries like GSAP and Framer Motion and React Spring have sprung up to help us add motion to the DOM.


‘Deep Nostalgia’ Can Turn Old Photos of Your Relatives Into Moving Videos https://gizmodo.com/deep-nostalgia-can-turn-old-photos-of-your-relatives-1846363190


So a company called MyHeritage who provides automatic AI-powered photo enhancements is now offering a new service that can animate people in old photos creating a short video that looks like it was recorded while they posed and prepped for the portrait.


Linux command line fundamentals linux-command-line-fundamentals/linux_command_line_fundamentals.pdf at main · gogainda/linux-command-line-fundamentals · GitHub https://github.com/gogainda/linux-command-line-fundamentals/blob/main/linux_command_line_fundamentals.pdf


Beginners-friendly presentation about first steps in Linux Command Line (or MacOS Terminal)


D. Psihologie

How To: Be A Good Employee, Be A Great Boss | #winningcareers – Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik https://www.kaushik.net/avinash/how-to-be-a-good-employee-be-a-great-boss-winning-careers/


Like many of you, I am both an employee and a people leader.


Why You Need a Humor Audit (the Benefits of Laughter) https://www.nirandfar.com/benefits-of-laughter/


Dr. Jennifer Aaker teaches about human-centered AI, designing for VR/AR, and the power of story at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where she was awarded the MBA Professor of the Year, 2018-2019.


Quote by Cherokee Metaphor: “One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson a…” https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/6879503-one-evening-an-old-cherokee-told-his-grandson-about-a


“Which wolf wins?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”


(în comentariile video-ului sunt precizate ideile principale din clip) Marty Lobdell – Study Less Study Smart – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlU-zDU6aQ0


Winners take Control :Robin van Persie – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyntELirRhQ


Commencement Address, American University in Beirut | by Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Medium https://nntaleb.medium.com/commencement-address-american-university-in-beirut-2016-a5c6d57984b


For I have a single definition of success: you look in the mirror every evening, and wonder if you disappoint the person you were at 18, right before the age when people start getting corrupted by life.


Respect the silly – Mike Crittenden https://critter.blog/2021/02/18/respect-the-silly/


I’ve been on dozens of teams in the past 15 years. If I plotted them all on a chart with effectiveness on the X axis and silliness on the Y axis, it’d be up and to the right.


Be a better coworker – Mike Crittenden https://critter.blog/2021/02/19/be-a-better-coworker/


So you want to be a better coworker. He’s what you do. Rate yourself 1 to 5 on each of these.


Why awesome natural beauty drops the jaw and lifts the spirit | Psyche Ideas https://psyche.co/ideas/why-awesome-natural-beauty-drops-the-jaw-and-lifts-the-spirit


Psychological research increasingly reveals that experiences of awe in nature can boost both our feeling of connectedness to others and also a sense of spiritual fulfilment.


How to Think: The Skill You’ve Never Been Taught https://fs.blog/2015/08/how-to-think/


It’s only by concentrating, sticking to the question, being patient, letting all the parts of my mind come into play, that I arrive at an original idea.


People with extremist views less able to do complex mental tasks, research suggests | Psychology | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/feb/22/people-with-extremist-views-less-able-to-do-complex-mental-tasks-research-suggests


Cambridge University team say their findings could be used to spot people at risk from radicalisation


Objective or Biased https://web.br.de/interaktiv/ki-bewerbung/en/


An exclusive data analysis shows that an AI scrutinized by BR (Bavarian Broadcasting) journalists can be swayed by appearances.


Maintaining Eye Contact While Talking Overwhelms the Brain https://getpocket.com/explore/item/maintaining-eye-contact-while-talking-overwhelms-the-brain


Research indicates that eye contact, while powerful, is quite taxing on our brains.


The Hidden Costs of Happiness https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-hidden-costs-of-happiness


Because nothing in life is free.


When Everyone’s a Genius (A Few Thoughts on Speculation) · Collaborative Fund https://www.collaborativefund.com/blog/speculation/


The end of a speculative boom can be inevitable but not predictable.


Stanford study into “Zoom Fatigue” explains why video chats are so tiring https://newatlas.com/telecommunications/zoom-fatigue-video-exhaustion-tips-help-stanford/


Bailenson suggests there are four key factors that make videoconferencing so uniquely tiring, and he recommends some simple solutions to reduce exhaustion.


Dieting Can Lead to Depression, Even If You Manage to Lose Weight | Time https://time.com/3092086/weight-loss-depression/


Going on that diet may help you shed a few pounds, but it could also worsen your mood.


The Science of Well-Being by Yale University | Coursera https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-science-of-well-being


In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits.


Nu știu dacă ați observat, dar toate produsele au acum în magazin etichete d-alea cu eficiență energetică A și multe plusuri de nici nu mai știi care cum e – razvanbb https://razvanbb.ro/nu-stiu-daca-ati-observat-dar-toate-produsele-au-acum-in-magazin-etichete-d-alea-cu-eficienta-energetica-a-si-multe-plusuri-de-nici-nu-mai-stii-care-cum-e/


Te duci în magazin, vezi A și cumperi. Ba unele sunt și cu +++ de zici că-s mărimi din alea exagerate de tricouri. Și ce faci? Cumperi cu conștiința împăcată că salvezi planeta, nu?


3 Ways Your Brain Actually Improves With Age | Inc.com https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/aging-intelligence-brain-health.html


Yes, you might lose your keys more, but aging has its cognitive upsides, according to new research.


Opinion | Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole – The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/18/opinion/fake-news-media-attention.html


Critical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation


AI: Will psychologists be replaced by machines in future? | World Economic Forum https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/02/psychologists-job-mental-health-employment-artifical-intelligence-ai-robots


Psychologists, counsellors, social workers and others in “helping professions” are regarded as working in human domains.


Will It Ever Be Possible to Understand the Human Brain? | by Brian Bergstein | OneZero https://onezero.medium.com/will-it-ever-be-possible-to-understand-the-human-brain-718c8c92722d


Despite technical breakthroughs like Elon Musk’s Neuralink, scientists still have no reliable model of how the brain actually works


E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu; sunt știri care mi s-au părut interesante, atât!)

Cum ascultăm copiii în sistemul medical? – DoR https://www.dor.ro/cum-ascultam-copiii-in-sistemul-medical/


O mamă psiholog își dorește să aducă în spitalele de pediatrie un curs de comunicare empatică.


Schools (and Children) Need a Fresh Air Fix | WIRED https://www.wired.com/story/school-classroom-ventilation-fresh-air-fix/


Classrooms have needed better ventilation for years. It took a pandemic to get us to pay attention.


Tu știi care este calitatea aerului în școli? – Ventilarea unei săli de clasă – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3BRZ3sjYcs


Se duce un medic veterinar la doctor:


Spuneți, ce vă doare?

La care veterinarul:

Păi bine mă, așa-i usor…



Cum promovăm echipamentele medicale? – Tips&Tricks de care să ții cont – Gun Media : Gun Media https://www.gun.ro/promovare-echipamente-medicale/


Promovarea în online a echipamentelor medicale este întotdeauna o provocare, însă nu este un lucru imposibil. Tocmai de aceea, în articolul numărul 2 din seria de sfaturi am vorbit puțin despre principalele aspecte care te vor ajuta în promovarea în acest domeniu, dar și ce greșeli trebuie să eviți.


Simulation: Why You Need High Vaccination Rates To Stop A Pandemic : Shots – Health News : NPR https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/02/18/967462483/how-herd-immunity-works-and-what-stands-in-its-way


What will it take to finally halt the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S.? To answer that question we’ve created a simulation of a mock disease we’re calling SIMVID-19.


Uriașa escrocherie a suplimentelor alimentare: milioane de euro din minciuni care împânzesc internetul https://recorder.ro/uriasa-escrocherie-a-suplimentelor-alimentare-milioane-de-euro-din-minciuni-care-impanzesc-internetul/


O rețea internațională coordonată din Rusia și Ucraina duce o campanie de escrocare în masă a populației de vârsta a treia din România: oamenii sunt atrași cu reclame mincinoase postate pe internet, sunt convinși să renunțe la tratamentele prescrise de medici și să le înlocuiască cu suplimente alimentare fantomă, care le pot pune viața în pericol.

Leticia Roncero - afternoon reads
Leticia Roncero – afternoon reads, https://flic.kr/p/EjE3TZ

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