"You're hungry"

I told you about a movie:

Until not too much time ago, I’d consider this logic fine:

  • It’s OK to do your best to earn money, it’s a good test to survive, for both you (you survive with money) and others (others live with your help).

Surviving is good, right?

Yes it is. But in “The Grey” and this evening I acknowledged that money is not everything. Adrian CHIRA (LinkedIn, web site) said something about this care only for money, and, to some point, surviving: “You’re hungry” (not referring to me, as a general rule).

And it’s quite true. A lot of the career decisions are taken on the basis of whether you’re hungry or not. And it’s quite sad. I didn’t take any decisions on this, I’m not hungry, and I do a lot of things for things out of “hungriness”, but, still, very nice idea.

Later Edit: So, what’s the alternative? Actually, they’re two:

  • Ignore being hungry, act as if you’re not. Follow the dream. Do what you want. Act your wishes.
  •  Stop being hungry – lower your needs, so that you’re not hungry anymore.

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