What are my thoughts on “How to work efficiently at a PC”?

On 22nd of June 2010, I went to British Council, for a Public Speaking Support Group. I held a presentation in English about “How to work efficiently at a PC?”. Below you’ll find the video at the event, the presentation and my side notes for the presentation.

The presentation

You can download the presentation: PPT, PPTX, PDF.

The video

Vezi mai multe video din Evenimente

The presentation outline (with italics you’ll see my annotations):

How do YOU do it?


A. Why there are no magical solutions?

B. The hardware
PC vs. smartphone
PC vs. laptop
– An article on How to Ergonomically Set Up Your Laptop as a Desktop;
– Why wide screen? See this article – Benefits Of Widescreen Computer Monitors;

– Article – Tips & Tweaks: Two Monitors Are Way Better Than One;
– The standard keyboard I like;
Camera & microphone
– You may want to read this article: What is an “ergonomic” chair?

C. The habits
Multi tasking
– You can read Multitasking May Not Mean Higher Productivity;
Reading email
– See the Inbox Zero video;
– I use touch typing;
Learning shortcuts
– Windows XP keyboard shortcuts;
Learning software options
– You can read my tutorial (in Romanian) on installing Windows XP Service Pack 3; a lot of software options in there;
Turning off distractions
Running less programs
Running more programs
– I mentioned Rescue Time;
– I talked about Last.fm Scrobbler;

D. The knowledge

Research everything:


Any other ideas?

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