Usability audits made by me

Generally, an audit made by me is private. The ones below are public:

An old UX audit, which is not big, but huge (RO): (beta): site review, generare de idei şi analiză SEO.

A check-up of implementation, for a small review, not a complex one:

When I look at a usability audit, I look for the main criteria in which a web site can be analyzed – Is the structure of the web site relevant? Is it easy to navigate the website? Is the information presented in a clear way? Are the colors of the website chosen properly? Do the call to action buttons really do call users to act? Are the images relevant to the texts? Is the text legible, both from a design perspective (size of fonts, number of words per line, the contrast between text and background), and from a user’s perspective (easy-to-understand words and sentences, use of active voice, clear texts).

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