SEO tip: what kind of content can you post on a travel blog?

Let’s take a travel blog:

What content can one post on such a blog?
In my opinion, it’s best to post:

  • Travel reviews – how it was for X in a travel, what experiences did X have, how did it feel, did it worth the investment, how is X better after the travel;
  • Photos and videos – much more compelling than mere words, multimedia such as photo galleries and videos with destinations convince the viewers;
  • PowerPoint presentations, online via SlideShare or Scribd – some hotels create PowerPoint presentations with their hotel; you can upload those presentations (if they’re copyright free) on SlideShare or Scribd and embed them on your web site;
  • Special offers – “special” may mean exclusive to your web site, or with a price discount, or two packages for the price of one;
  • More details about an offer on your web site – sure, most of the time you can easily place more details about an offer on your web site on the very page of that offer; but there are times when you get information about the offer which you need to present in a non-formal way, and for this a blog may be best suitable;
  • Practical information – travel tips, airplane tips, health tips, visa tips, money tips – you can have blog posts about each of these and more on the subject of “How to do …”;
  • Travel events in Romania – fairs, exhibitions – it shows you’re connected to the world;
  • Surveys – you can ask your visitors for information on what destinations do they prefer, for example;
  • Case studies – you can show a real example of a person who wanted to travel, and present how that person got information on the future trip, chose an agency, traveled, and how that person enjoyed the experience;
  • Information about your company / team – sure, you can be all formal, and only present corporate information, but being human, with a team made of real people, may help your viewers connect with you; so, do post personal information, from time to time;

Enjoy your inspiration!

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