What I insights I had at Training 08? (7-9 October 2008, Marriott Hotel)

On 7 to 9 October 2008, I took part at Training ’08, an event organized by Business Edu at Marriott Hotel in Bucharest. You can download the brochure of the event.

I’ll mention below the workshops I took part to each day and what insights did I have at each and every one of them.

Day 1 – October 7:

Master in leadership (Rares MANOLESCU – Human Invest)

Be a player: pro-active, agile, and persuasive! (Vasile PAUN – Intell Competitiv)
– avoid playing the game of life in order to avoid losing it; play it to win it!

How do we implement an efficient leadership program: from analysis to solutions (Diana ROSETKA – Achieve Global, Anamaria FORNADE – Orange)

The motivating leader (Marius BALASOIU – For People)
– learning is like fire; to exist, it needs:
a. A spark (training itself);
b. Oxygen (organizational environment);
c. fuel (the boss);
If one of the above isn’t there, the fire does not exist;
– do you know how to drive at a drivers’ license examination? You won’t know things after a training either;
– Physics law: a participant to a training pushed by a HR manager is fighting back against the training with an equal force;
– three types of participants at trainings (Romanian acronym T.V.R.: T – tocilar / nerd; V – visator / dreamer; R – recalcitrant / recalcitrant):
a. The nerd – the say things; very active;
b. The dreamer – they get lost in their minds; they are the biggest challenge to a trainer;
c. The recalcitrant – they are angry; they have been pushed too much to participate to the training; they want the trainer’s blood;
– you shouldn’t train people; you shouldn’t make people laugh; you should make people go: Aha! (they should discover things at trainings);

Case study: Training and Coaching in Performance Management (Raluca MOHANU – Wrigley Romania, Mihai POPA-RADU – Seeds4success)
– the role of the performance management? to stimulate and help employees in attaining their own objectives and those of the organization while smiling;

Expanding Innovation & Creativity (Sid JACOBSON, South Central Institute of Neuro Linguistic Programming, SUA)
– stories give creativity (to the speaker and to the audience);
– at 12 years old, people are very creative;
– small children filter very few of the things they say;
– there is little to none of an information transfer without a transfer of the state of minds;
– Walt DISNEY made his employees go into these three specific states:
a. Creative; Encouraged ideas; Everything was Ok to say; Great ideas in here;
b. Critical; Nothing is good; People had issues for saying such things; Everything is bad; A lot of cutting of ideas;
c. Realistic; Combining a. and b., people should select the top ideas from a., that weren’t that badly criticized on b.; And they would act on those ideas;
Those are also the three steps into creativity;
Albert EINSTEIN: “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”

Day 2- October 8:

HRM Strategic Fit (Decebal Leonard MARIN – Corporate Dynamics)

New innovative ways for learning (Catrinel POSTEMA – Interact)
– there are four ways to learn things:
a. Instruction / Training;
b. E-learning;
c. Blended learning (a mix of a. and b.);
d. Coaching;

I accept any feedback I receive during a training program! But I only agree to some! (Romeo CRETU – HRD)

Emotional intelligence in human resources management (Sabina IRIMIE – Caro Trainer)

Smart Emotions® personal development trough emotional intelligence (Daniel BICHIS – Competent Consulting)

Day 3 – October 9:

How much do leadership abilities matter in the process of performance management? (Viorel PANAITE – Human Invest)

Business NLP – beyond persuasion and manipulation (Daniel BICHIS – Competent Consulting)
– the potential within ourselves manifests in what we are, do and have;
– the emotions should be an integral part of our cognition, not subordinated to them;
– anatomically, the brain has three parts: rational, emotional, and instinctual;
– there are four basic emotions: fury, fear, sadness, happiness;
– we are built do have negative states to stay out of, rather than have positive states to which to be attracted;

Solution-focused leadership (Petra MUELLER-DEMARY – MDI)
– focus on different things: small steps, desired outcome, solution, resources; but not at all time;

Effective training using classical psychodrama techniques? How? (Irina STEFANESCU – Flux Training)
– life instructions:
a. Have fun;
b. Do not hurt people;
c. Do not humiliate people;
d. Strive to learn;
– any experience is beneficial to learning;
– rules for role-playing:
a. Specific context;
b. Clear and well understood objectives;
c. Clear and well understood instructions;
d. Specific, relevant, realistic, immediate feed-back;

Workshop (Bruno MEDICINA)

Bottom line: I’ve learned quite a few things at the training event.

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