The lone ranger – the only solution in life

I think it’s worthwhile to be the only person doing a certain thing.

Why keep voting, even if your vote doesn’t seem to count?

Why keep an Eco-friendly life (as much as you possibly can), when the planet seems to go down?

Why keep insisting on doing what you perceive is good despite the seemingly low impact?

Read and see The Hummingbird Parable: What We Can Do For Earth.

Also read: The starfish story – The Robert D. and Billie Ray Center.

The answer is this – because it’s worthwhile. Because it’s the right thing to do. Because you can set an example even if no one follows it.

On a practical level, a new iPhone appeared recently. Do you think that people who weep at Avatar (franchise) would think twice about buying the most powerful and newest iPhone?

“Yes, the planet is doomed, but I need the iPhone!”.

No you likely don’t, while the planet will likely suffer.

The iPhone might look like a silly example, but pretty much no one seems to comment, “Oh, by buying an iPhone, you doom the future of the planet!”.

All people seem to think is along the lines of “Oh, but I need it!”. Likely, you don’t.

I’m not saying you should live in a cave, but most people living today don’t need the most powerful phone.

And if you say that Apple does good things for the planet, I’m not to judge that, but it’s impossible to create a $1,000+ product and not have a big impact on the environment. No matter what.

Tell a person buying cryptocurrency that they’re harming the plant. “Who cares?”.

It’s disheartening.

There’s just one solution in life – keep insisting on the good things. Keep doing it. Save the starfish and matter for that precious little being’s life!

Be the lone ranger who keeps doing the good things.

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
Mother Teresa

The Lone Ranger (2013) - IMDb


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