Go to the grand final

There’s a lot of emphasis on the big games – Real vs. Barcelona, the grand final of the Champions League, or the match that determines the World Champion in soccer. It’s the same with conferences – there are some big conferences everyone wants to attend.

While it’s true to some degree that the big games have a higher probability of being enchanting, great, and beautiful, there could be more minor games with great intensity.

You can have a match with 4–5 goals, while another can end with 1-0.

The same goes for conferences—yes, while a big-name conference may lead to ideas, you can likely get ideas from smaller conferences.

Pick a big one if you go to a single conference in 5 years.

But if you have a large budget, consider spending it between more events. You might get more ideas from attending multiple, smaller events.

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” ― Beverly Sills

Also, if you want to prepare for a big concert, go to smaller ones, first.

It’s fine to go overseas and see Metallica in a concert, but try some local concerts, also.

Don’t go just to Metallica and Pink Floyd.

K.H.Reichert [ ... ] - Federal press conference building | Bundespressekonferenz - Kronprinzenbrücke| Berlin - Germany
K.H.Reichert [ … ] – Federal press conference building | Bundespressekonferenz – Kronprinzenbrücke| Berlin – Germany, https://flic.kr/p/yqVKeT

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