How to tag people on Facebook?

facebook likeLet’s say you organize an event want to tag 15 people on Facebook. There are people you know and you want them tagged. How to do it in an optimal way?

My suggestion is simple:

  • Always make sure the photo you like best is the last one a person is tagged in.

So, if person X appears in Photo1, Photo2 and Photo3, and the best photo is Photo2, the best way to tag that person would be to first tag that person in Photo1 & Photo3 (the order is not important) and only at the end tag it in Photo2.

What’s the point of all this fuss?

  • On the profile page of that person, the last photo a person is tagged in will be shown.
  • On the wall of person X, the photo a person was last tagged in will display at a higher resolution.

Both these factors matter for a good image.

So, save the last photo for me. :)

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