Follow-up: Street Delivery 2011, second day – Saturday (2011.06.10-12)

The second day of Street Delivery 2011, 2011.06.10-12.
Mission of Street Delivery: reinventing and enhancing the structural role that the public space has in the life of city’s inhabitants, by converting the urban space in a live space.


Photos from the event (see them in full-screen; on one photo there are „Green Horses on the Walls”, a Romanian saying):

A video I made:

Some of the web sites of the NGOs / companies at the event (and in my photos & video):

And a text in a photo:
„Ich kann auch ohne Spass Alkohol haben” / „You can also have alcohol without fun” / „Poți să bei alcool și fără să te distrezi” (nu trebuie neapărat ca alcoolul să fie amuzant, e OK să îl bei așa, ca chestie).

Impressions? As one photo puts it it: Like! Like! Like!

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