“You either stop posting on Facebook completely, or you continue to post; there’s no middle ground!”

I was recently told, “You either stop posting on Facebook completely, or you continue to post; there’s no middle ground! You can’t reduce posting a lot, that’s not a solution”.


  • When I was in the UK, some people asked me whether I was vegetarian or not. I told them I’m not vegetarian, but flexitarian, which is almost-vegetarian or near-vegetarian. I can eat meat, but generally don’t do this. I was told “there is no such thing! You’re either vegetarian or not! You invented this word!  This can’t be!”.
  • I think, though, that there is a middle ground, and there are nuances and scales.
  • In Orthodoxy, still, there are scales. You can do perfect evil and perfect good, but you can do a thing that’s in the middle, and that’s fine, too (Despre pretenÈ›iile exagerate pentru fapte bune).
Dan Noyes - Meat
Dan Noyes – Meat, https://flic.kr/p/4s4d8m

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