Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna mai 2022.
- A. Generale
- B. SEO (optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare)
- C. IT (tehnologie și comunicații)
- D. Psihologie
- E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu)
A. Generale
Even a commie get priority – 9GAG
Pick Your Sunscreen Carefully: 75% Don’t Pass Muster
Overall, the Environmental Working Group found, about 1 in 4 sunscreens, or about 500 products, met their standards for providing adequate sun protection and avoiding ingredients linked to known health harms.
Nu uitați să vă autorecenzați până la termenul limită de 15 mai – nwradu blog
Dacă nu completați voi online formularele respective, va trebui să vină cineva acasă să vă ia la întrebări și probabil nu vreți asta. Mai bine o faceți voi când aveți timp decât atunci când vor ei.
The Best Tents for Backpacking – Backpacker
Find shelter from the storm with these three-season tents.
„Quantum Leap” se întoarce! –
Televiziunea americană NBC a confirmat oficial că vom avea un nou serial Quantum Leap la aproape 30 de ani după difuzarea ultimului episod al seriei originale, The Hollywood Reporter notând că acesta ar putea ajunge pe micile ecrane încă din toamna acestui an.
Ramona Vlai, învățătoarea care face Rai din ce are, la Fibiș: Dacă eu le arăt că la școală e fain, așa vor vedea și ei lucrurile –
Poți face Rai din ce ai, inclusiv la școală, iar Ramona Vlai face asta în fiecare zi pentru copiii ei de la Școala Gimnazială Nicolae Groza din Fibiș, satul ei natal din Timiș.
Business Idea Evaluation Qustions – Jakob Greenfeld – Experiments in Permissionless Entrepreneurship
Here’s a collection of questions and observations that you can use to assess the potential of your ideas.
Radiant Photographs Capture Flowers Veiled in Ultraviolet Light
Artist Debora Lombardi shines a light on flowers in her new photo series—literally.
A former refugee is searching for a stranger who gave her $100 years ago | CNN Travel
Zugay says she was a nearly 12-year-old refugee fleeing the former Yugoslavia with her older sister when a stranger handed them the envelope on a flight to the United States in 1999. The woman made them promise not to open it until they got off the plane.
Guide to Internal Communication, the Basecamp Way
The how, where, why, and when we communicate.
Favorite Founder Reads – Jakob Greenfeld – Experiments in Permissionless Entrepreneurship
Pedepse și amenzi majorate pentru cei care bat, maltratează sau ucid animalele – lege promulgată –
Legea prin care cresc pedepsele şi amenzile pentru acţiuni de cruzime împotriva animalelor, inclusiv zoofilia, a fost promulgată, vineri, de preşedintele Klaus Iohannis.
Why a Meeting Costs More than a MacBook Pro – the Business Case for Fewer Developers in Meetings
Here’s my ballpark calculation of the opportunity cost of a meeting for the company, regardless of whether it is pointless.
Teacher teaches students to dance „ Thriller „ – 9GAG
Meal of a lifetime: what to eat at every age | Nutrition | The Guardian
From training toddlers to socialising septuagenarians – here are the ideal ingredients to eat healthily at every stage of life
How do black holes swallow stars? |
When a star disappears down the throat of a black hole, the flash is just the start of the show.
Cazul Piedone: mașinăria de zgomote unsă cu naivitatea alegătorilor | DELA0.RO
Cristian Popescu Piedone a fost votat, în toamna lui 2020, primarul Sectorului 5 din București în timp ce era inculpat în dosarul Colectiv pentru că autorizase (ca edil al Sectorului 4!) funcționarea ilegală a clubului în care un incendiu devastator a provocat 65 de morți.
Artă Din Gloanțe. Un Artist Plastic Desenează Flori Peste Urmele Lăsate De Cartușe în Gardurile Din Bucha | Libertatea
Gardurile ciuruite de gloanțe din Bucha sunt „recondiționate” de Ivanka Siolkovska, o artistă plastică de origine ucraineană stabilită la Toronto, Canada, dar blocată de războiul declanșat de Rusia în Ucraina, relatează Consiliul Municipal al orașului din apropiere de capitala Kiev, într-o postare pe pagina oficială de Facebook.
Aventurile primului român care a înconjurat singur globul cu un velier: „Ajunsese pe un val așa mare că mă uitam la Ocean ca de pe balcon”
A trecut prin Punctul Nemo, cel mai îndepărtat de orice punct de uscat. S-a lovit puternic la coaste lângă Australia, unde a stat până s-au refăcut. Și el, și barca. Însă a pornit la drum și, la 67 ani, Marius Albu a ajuns primul român care face singur înconjurul lumii într-o barcă cu pânze.
Misiune sub acoperire pentru statul mafiot
„E greu de înțeles unde se termină structurile mafiote și unde încep instituțiile statului, pentru că se întrepătrund”. Aceasta este concluzia lui Ionel Cruț, o persoană care s-a aflat la granița dintre cele două lumi.
Arătați-le fetelor voastre poza cu Maia Sandu: adevărata valoare n-are nevoie de gene false ca să impresioneze – Și Blondele Gândesc
Președintele Republicii Moldova, Maia Sandu, a publicat ieri o poză pe facebook, care a devenit virală.
Overcome These 7 Mental Blocks To Create Wealth | Making of a Millionaire
Your rich friend isn’t smarter than you — but she understands how to attract money.
Ce poți spune când moare un nou-născut care n-ar fi trebuit să moară? – Cristian China-Birta
Cum să te uiți în ochii părinților săi și să încerci să găsești cuvinte de consolare? O consolare care nu are cum să vină…
These Are the Best Milky Way Photographers of 2022
The Milky Way has long been a source of fascination for scientists and astronomy lovers alike.
How man has changed his best friend: Experts reveal what dogs USED to look | Daily Mail Online
From German Shepherds to Basset Hounds, many breeds have changed following years of selective breeding
Pugs are an ancient breed of dog, with roots dating back to around 400 BC
The dogs’ flat faces, curly tails and big eyes did not evolve naturally, and are the result of selective breeding
VANGELIS 12 o’clock 1975 (Best video ever seen) – „Luis Moreira (Setúbal – Portugal)” – YouTube
For 9 euros, you can travel throughout Germany on local/regional trains for a whole month in June, July or August. Sales at Deutsche Bahn will start on 23 May 2022.
Cât am pierdut urând manelele » Georgeisme
Las gândurile de mai jos ca o lecție pentru cei care vin din urmă. O să vorbesc precum un bătrân înțelept. Cât sunt de înțelept e discutabil, iar bătrânețea mea e arbitrară (fac apel la ea doar când am nevoie).
Why it took us thousands of years to see the colour violet | Psyche Ideas
In contrast, though, outside of school, violet was hard to find, be it in paintings or everyday life. I am a painter, and early in my career I noticed that neither the teachers in my painting classes nor my fellow students used violet pigments.
Classical music and documentaries | Seth’s Blog
The broader you seek to make your offering, the more likely you are to run into people who don’t care, don’t get the joke or are simply not open to being satisfied.
La mulți ani cu sănătate! Ce alimente să consumi pentru o viață lungă! – Slab sau Gras
Chiar dacă această expresie nu va deveni probabil niciodată realitate, totuși încercăm să găsim acele alimente care să ne ajute să trăim cât mai bine și în condiții de sănătate cât mai adecvate.
Busola politică a oamenilor de litere din România : Romania
Noua hartă a liniilor de noapte : Romania
Mușamalizarea operațiunii de kompromat. Probă fabricată la două ore după o discuție cu ministrul de Interne Lucian Bode
„Să știți că noi nu ne jucăm aici, doamna Șercan!”. Cu aceste cuvinte chestorul Benone Matei, șeful Poliției Române, mi-a prezentat la 21 februarie o presupusă analiză tehnică din care reieșea că o captură de ecran, devenită originea operațiunii de kompromat împotriva mea, a apărut înainte ca eu s-o predau Poliției pe un site înregistrat în Islanda,;
Q3 2022 ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey
12 inspirational free courses to get your creative juices flowing | Creative Bloq
Improve your art by mastering everything from colour and light to sketching with freedom.
The faces from China’s Uyghur detention camps
Thousands of photographs from the heart of China’s highly secretive system of mass incarceration in Xinjiang, as well as a shoot-to-kill policy for those who try to escape, are among a huge cache of data hacked from police computer servers in the region.
The man who built his own cathedral | Spain | The Guardian
For nearly 60 years, a former monk toiled almost single-handedly on an extraordinary building outside Madrid. Is it a folly or a masterpiece?
What’s the biggest Scam in life that no one wants to admit? : AskReddit
The 15 Most Common Counterfeit Foods—and How to Identify Them Recipe | Bon Appetit
From olive oil to honey to cinnamon, caviar to milk, a guide to the most commonly counterfeited foods
B. Lumea SEO PPC
How Coke and Pepsi’s rivalry shaped marketing — and where it goes next | Marketing Dive
As the most enduring consumer brand rivalry enters a new phase in the metaverse, tall orders around sustainability may demand cooperation over competition.
Elon Musk vrea să salveze libera exprimare. Numai să n-o facă praf | Contributors
Achiziția Twitter de către Elon Musk ridică o problemă foarte interesantă, politic și filozofic: libertatea de expresie devine o valoare de dreapta.
No More „It Depends” – Learn to Set your Visual SEO Resources #London…
Answering with „it depends” to the SEO questions we get doesn’t help to gain trust and make things happen! The solution? Learn to create your #VisualSEO assets to explain processes, workflows and help to set systems!
eMAG introduce o taxă fixă pentru livrarea la easybox
Retailerul online eMAG va introduce o taxă fixă pentru livrarea la easybox, atât pentru comenzile plasate la eMAG, cât și pentru cele plasate la un seller din Marketplace.
Romanii și participarea la evenimente (2021-2022)
Starcom România a lansat studiul Events Behavior in 2022, care analizează preferințele românilor în materie de evenimente.
15 years of content marketing. Orbit’s own strategy. | Orbit Media Studios
That very thought, in the spring of 2007, was our first step on the long road of content marketing.
Google Removed Over 3 Billion Ads, 5.6 Million Advertiser Accounts in 2021 – CNET
The company aims to protect users by getting rid of abusive advertising behaviors.
Apple, Google, and Microsoft team up to support passwordless FIDO logins – The Verge
The tech giants want to roll out FIDO passkey technology in the coming year
Google Responsive Search Ads: What you need to know
Learn the benefits of RSAs, how the transition from ETAs impacts you search strategy and how to write effective RSAs
6 Best Niches for Affiliate Marketing in 2022 (Profitable and Uncompetitive)
Everyone knows that niches like fitness, travel, and tech are lucrative affiliate marketing opportunities. But big, broad niches like these are also fiercely competitive, making it hard for new sites to compete.
10 Google Search Statistics You Need to Know in 2022 [Infographic] | Social Media Today
The team from Oberlo share some key insights into Google search usage in this infographic.
Title The 8 Best Goal Tracking Apps for 2022 (Free and Paid)
“If a goal is worth having, it’s worth blocking out the time in your day-to-day life necessary to achieve it.”– Jill Koenig
14 Universal Digital Marketing Skills You Can’t Ignore
The sooner you start to learn those “universal” skills, the better—because those skills act as investments. They will pay off nicely when you work your way toward becoming an expert in a given field or when you switch to another marketing specialization that’s currently trending.
Inflația și marketing-ul afiliat –
Cum cred eu că va influența inflația activitatea de marketing afiliat în România.
Blue Ocean SEO Strategy — Whiteboard Friday – Moz
If you’re familiar with the blue ocean marketing strategy, you know that SEO is inherently a „red ocean” industry.
Câștiguri lunare de până la 4000 de dolari pentru creatorii de video Facebook Reels
Creatorii de filmulețe scurte Reels pe Facebook vor putea obține recompense de până la 4.000 de dolari într-o lună, în cadrul unui program anunțat de Meta, compania-mamă a rețelei sociale.
When Negotiating a Price, Never Bid with a Round Number – HBS Working Knowledge
Investors who offer “precise” bids for company shares yield better outcomes than those who offer round-number bids, according to research by Petri Hukkanen and Matti Keloharju.
Social media break improves mental health – new study
Results of a study that asked participants to take a week-long break from social media find positive effects for wellbeing, depression and anxiety.
WordPress sites getting hacked ‘within seconds’ of TLS certificates being issued | The Daily Swig
Attackers pounce before site owners can activate the installation wizard
Why Elon Musk Bought Twitter | The New Yorker
The social network’s freewheeling poster child will pay forty-four billion dollars to take it private. What does he have in store?
Bear Blog
A privacy-first, no-nonsense, super-fast blogging platform
Roboto … But Make It Flex – Material Design
There’s no perfect typeface that works for every size, every device, every application, every style, and every mood. But as the default for Android, with over 2.5 billion active users spanning over 190 countries, Roboto needs to be as flexible as possible.
Idee site de afiliere: bricolaj –
Cum o zicală românească ne poate da de înțeles de potențialul în marketing afiliat al unei nișe.
Google Analytics este de facto interzis în Uniunea Europeană – Tudor Galos
Din păcate nu sunt prea multe soluții. Cum mulți dintre marketeri au precizat, Google Analytics nu are o alternativă funcțională în ceea ce înseamnă eforturile de retargeting și remarketing.
What is Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)?
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) helps you measure an advertising campaign’s performance. Learn how to calculate and improve ROAS for your eCommerce store.
Hai la SocialPedia 37 online despre Micro-Influencers Campaigns in 2022 – Sabina Cornovac Online
✅ Ediția 37 a SocialPedia are loc pe 10 mai 2022, de la ora 18:30, online, despre Micro-Influencers Campaigns in 2022 și este powered by Eisberg România.
Speakerii acestei ediții sunt: Nicoleta Scarlat, manager vânzări și marketing Eisberg România, Alex Grecu, creator de conținut, și Cristian Mărgărit, nutriționist.
Dark Pattern: How Youtube Makes Sure You Don’t Always “Skip Ad” | by Allen | May, 2022 | Prototypr
We all know what design dark pattern is, click baits, misleading visuals, hidden fees, we see them every day. However, YouTube’s dark pattern is so dark that most users don’t even notice it.
Forget personalisation, it’s impossible and it doesn’t work
True personalisation is unachievable due to poor data quality, but it’s ineffective anyway and should be replaced with creative that resonates with everyone.
Don’t Write About What You Already Know. I’m “Writing To Learn.”
My mantra while writing has always been, “follow your curiosity.” As long as I want to know the answer to a question, I have the fuel I need to keep “writing to learn.”
Google’s Digital Marketing Certification Course Recommends Word Count & Keyword Density
Guess what SEO advice and recommendations Google offers in this course? Yep, having more than 300 words on a page and making sure you have a keyword density of about 2%.
Underdog SEO: How to Beat Your Competition at Search
In our client work, we’ve successfully ranked many smaller, newer sites for valuable keywords that generate qualified leads.
making friends on the internet :: up & to the right — Jonathan Borichevskiy
(it starts with twitter and might involve a blog)
Eve Online fans literally cheer Microsoft Excel features at annual Fanfest | Ars Technica
New Javacript API will „simplify the access to data for all,” developer says.
Europe’s GDPR coincides with huge drop in Android apps • The Register
Privacy rules increase cost, reduce choice, slash revenues, study concludes
“…somebody else will.” | Seth’s Blog
Human culture has a long history of standards being set by people who refuse this line of reasoning. And as a result of these standards, somebody else doesn’t.
Core Web Vitals Study 2022
Does web page performance matter for ranking in Google organic search?
Which of the Core Web Vitals metrics correlate with first page search engine rankings?
Zitec: 10 reguli de bune practici UX, in e-commerce, pentru cresterea vanzarilor – ECOMpedia
Compania Zitec (lider pe piata de IT & digital marketing din Romania) explica, intr-un comunicat de presa, 10 reguli de care administratorii afacerilor online trebuie sa tina cont, pentru a oferi cea mai buna experienta de utilizare clientilor sai.
WordPress’ market share is shrinking •
There’s no more denying it: if you look at W3Techs CMS market share numbers, WordPress’ market share is shrinking, losing 0.4% market share since February.
Search Console Crawl Stats URL Parameters | ohgm
One of the lovely parts of Google Search Console is the Settings > Crawl Stats report suite.
Some Top 100,000 Websites Collect Everything You Type—Before You Hit Submit | WIRED
A surprising number of the top 100,000 websites effectively include keyloggers that covertly snag everything you type into a form.
ePlan. Cum a afectat războiul din Ucraina ecommerce-ul din România –
Invitatul acestei ediții ePlan este Arthur Rădulescu, fondatorul ShopMania Net compania care a dezvoltat atât comparatorul de prețuri ShopMania cât și platforma de ecommerce MerchantPro.
Venim cu vesti bune! Food Bloggers Conference , evenimentul care se adreseaza tuturor celor pasionati de gatit si de blogging revine cu o noua editie fresh, de vara, pe 8 iunie 2022.
The SEO Kitchen Show by Oncrawl – from June 21st to the 23rd
Welcome to the first ever SEO Kitchen Show created & hosted by Oncrawl! Join us from June 21st until June 23rd to get bite-sized steps for developing a good SEO strategy!
How to Create an Effective Instagram Bio (15 Ideas + Free Templates)
Your Instagram bio might be a small space, but when used well, it can help you convert profile visitors into followers, and eventually into customers.
Dropshipping 101: 7 Simple Steps to Start Your Online Shop
Starting a dropshipping business is the perfect first step into entrepreneurship. You’ll be able to make money by selling products to customers, setting your own prices for those products, and marketing your brand.
How to Write an SEO Performance Report for Your Clients – Key Questions and Template! – Re:signal
We’ve got some top tips on client reporting best practices and an easy formula you can follow to write a report your clients will love.
Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now – Alexey Guzey
Summary: in this post I explain why you should start a blog (to help others and to help yourself), what to write about, and how to start it. I hope to persuade you that you should start a blog even if you feel that you have nothing to say and even if almost nobody will read it.
Tips&Tricks în platforma Google Ads: gestionează timpul de lucru – Canopy
Te-ai întrebat vreodată cum poți lucra mai eficient în platforma Google Ads? Știm cu toții că timpul este cea mai prețioasă resursă, așa că trebuie să profităm din plin de timpul pe care îl avem și să fim eficienți 😊.
Elon Musk on Twitter: „Very important to fix your Twitter feed: 1. Tap home button. 2. Tap stars on upper right of screen. 3. Select “Latest tweets”. You are being manipulated by the algorithm in ways you don’t realize. Easy to switch back & forth to see the difference.” / Twitter
ShadyURL – Don’t just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening.
Don’t just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening.
Why free stuff makes us irrational
When something is free, people feel a positive glow — and standard cost-benefit analyses go out the window.
Digital Service Act – noua aprobare legislativă a Uniunii Europene privind conținutul on-line – Avocatoo
Legea privind serviciile digitale este un ”update” al Directivei 2000, un act legislativ care urmărește să responsabilizeze furnizorii și consumatorii cu privire la conținutul postat pe rețelele de socializare.
How to Measure SEO ROI (Incl. 6 Challenges of Calculating It)
SEO ROI (return on investment) estimates the business value of all SEO activities in contrast to their cost.
Google’s My Ad Center lets users control their ad experience, follow brands
A new privacy tool from Google will allow users to follow brands they love and opt out of sensitive ad categories.
The Ultimate How-to Guide on Google Ads A/B Testing – PPC Hero
When it comes to online marketing, it’s difficult to know what will make for an engaging campaign. You’ll always find that some images, tones, and wordings appeal more to some people than others.
Almost all searches on my independent search engine are now from SEO spam bots
That makes it especially tragic to report that nearly all the traffic to the site is now from SEO spam bots, presumably searching for all that elusive SEO spam-free content.
How did Tropicana lose $30 million in a packaging redesign? | by Catalina Almeida | Bootcamp
In January 2008, a worldwide famous fruit juice brand, Tropicana, launched new packaging for its best-selling product — Tropicana Pure Premium — with sales revenue around $700 million per year.
SEO vs. SEM: What’s the Difference?
In other words:
Both SEO and PPC are types of SEM.
+105 idei de afaceri pe care le poti incerca in acest an
Am ales totusi sa iti ofer azi 105 idei de afaceri pe care le poti deschide online, usor si rapid, mai ales daca profiti la maximum de capacitatile platformei Gomag.
Curs online StartUp in eCommerce – Cum deschizi un magazin online 2022
Un nou curs online care iti arata pas cu pas Cum iti lansezi magazinul online cu succes in 30 de zile
Cum sa faci o pagina de produs care vinde – YouTube
Asigura-te ca paginile de produs au putere de vanzare in magazinul tau online. Astazi, 17 mai, de la ora 14:00, ne vedem live la o noua sesiune ce iti ofera acces in spatele cortinei: in mintea clientilor tai.
+105 idei de afaceri pe care le poti incerca in acest an
Am ales totusi sa iti ofer azi 105 idei de afaceri pe care le poti deschide online, usor si rapid, mai ales daca profiti la maximum de capacitatile platformei Gomag.
Angajam Business Developer / Manager Vanzari in Baia Mare / Bucuresti
Daca esti o persoana sociabila, interactionezi usor cu cei din jurul tau, esti orientat/a spre performanta si te regasesti in cerintele de mai jos, te invitam sa faci parte din echipa Gomag!
Technical SEO audit checklist for WordPress and WooCommerce websites
The goal of technical SEO is to reduce all possible barriers that are making it difficult for search engines to discover pages, images, and other files that you want shown on search engine result pages.
Are Meta Keywords Bad For SEO? | SEOSLY
👉 In this quick SEO FAQ video you will get to know Olga’s insights and commentary on meta keywords.
Marketing Talks: “Digital Marketing – Provocări în context de criză” | Facebook
Investiți o oră în inspirație pe 19 mai 2022, ora 18:00 ! Vă invităm la un nou eveniment deschis din seria Marketing Talks, cu tema “Digital Marketing – Provocări în context de criză”.
Digital News Infographic #3 – Comportamentul utilizatorilor de Social Media 2022 – Gun Media : Gun Media
Activitatea și numărul utilizatorilor de Social Media au crescut în timpul pandemiei. Mai mult decât atât, comportamentul acestora s-a schimbat față de perioada pre-pandemică.
Google backtracks on legacy GSuite account shutdown, won’t take user emails | Ars Technica
Click this link to stop your GSuite account from being shut down! We’re serious.
Please Stop Using Grey Text. For over 1000 years black text on white… | by Andrew Somers | Apr, 2022 | Tangled Web
For over 1000 years black text on white paper has been the best practice for printed texts worldwide. Since the advent of the web and WCAG 2 contrast specs, we’ve seen websites shift toward a very unreadable light grey text over the last 15 years. It’s time to put an end to this practice.
OSC-MarketingManager: Marketingul Cărților | Facebook
Pe 19 mai, Comunitatea OSC-MarketingManager discută despre Marketingul Cărților.
Statistici despre e-commerce, bine de stiut in 2022 – ECOMpedia
In ciuda competitiei intense in domeniu, putine afaceri digitale au succes; estimeaza ca 90% dintre toate magazinele e-commerce rezista doar 90 de zile, din cauza unei strategii de marketing online proaste, a absentei vizibilitatii in Google si a unei cereri prea mici pentru produsele/serviciile vandute.
9 sfaturi pentru a-ti construi strategiile pay per click pentru 1 Iunie – DWF
Observam un interes tot mai mare in ceea ce priveste ziua de 1 Iunie. Reasech-ul in ceea ce priveste 1 Iunie creste accelerat in luna mai.
Webinar #4: Recapitulare topics GA Marea curățenie de primăvară în contul tău de Google Analytics – DWF
La finalul celor trei webinarii organizate de DWF despre setarea contului de Google Analytics a fost prezentată o recapitulare a topicurilor prezentate (The Google Analytics 20’s Checklist, Erori pe numere importante – comenzi, goals, Schema de Enhanced Ecommerce).
111 Time-Saving Keyboard Shortcuts for Social Media Managers (PC and Mac)
Want 20% more time in your day? Use these keyboard shortcuts to do everything faster — from content creation to posting and engaging on all your platforms.
How to make video calls almost as good as face-to-face |
I spend a lot of my day on video calls. Wave is a distributed company, so they’re the main way we communicate.
Under the sea: Building Google’s fiber optic network | Google Cloud Blog
What you might not know is that the first subsea cable was deployed in 1858 for telegraph messages between Europe and North America. A message took over 17 hours to deliver, at 2 minutes and 5 seconds per letter by Morse code.
Expand your SEO knowledge | Wix SEO Hub
Get expert advice and in-depth resources to help you increase your organic traffic coming from search engines.
Instagram Reels Algorithm: Everything You Need to Know
Here’s how the Instagram Reels algorithm works in 2022, and what you can do to make the not-so-secret recipe work to your advantage.
It’s time we fix the unethical design of cookie consent windows | Nicat Manafov | Medium | UX Collective
How can we design an ethical and transparent cookie consent window instead of forcing users to accept all cookies?
How to Win at Content Marketing With Rand Fishkin and Carlos Meza – YouTube
In this webinar, Carlos Meza, CEO of Crowd Content, and Rand Fishkin, CEO of SparkToro, chat about building robust and intentional marketing strategies that drive results.
YouTube’s player gains new features including Most Replayed, Video Chapters, Single Loop and more | TechCrunch
YouTube today is launching a new feature designed to help users identify the most popular parts of a video they’re watching, along with other changes for its video player.
Pe 8 iunie, comunitatea celor pasionati de gatit se reuneste pentru o noua editie Food Bloggers Conference. Ne face placere sa iti prezentam acum programul editiei . Am pregatit sesiuni delicioase pline de continut, pe care ar fi pacat sa le ratezi.
Foodbloggers – Program
That is Marketing – David Perell
Marketing is the Galapagos Islands of human behavior.
The 4 only scalable customer-acquisition channels
There are really only four customer acquisition channels: SEO, online ads, sales, and virality.
EVENIMENT – Viitorul de ACUM in comertul electronic
Te asteptam la evenimentul „Viitorul de ACUM” in care specialisti si antreprenori asemeni tie isi propun impreuna sa inteleaga viitorul comertului electronic, sa creeze solutii si oportunitati ce ne pot aseza printre castigatori.
Evenimentul va avea loc online, joi pe 26 mai 2022, in intervalul 10:00-11:30AM. Pentru inscrieri accesati link-ul: .
Cum sa vinzi online cu profit si sa faci ceea ce iti place – Webinar GRATUIT
Joi, 26 mai, de la ora 20:00, ne vedem la un webinar nou, gratuit, in care iti vorbesc despre cum sa vinzi online cu profit si sa faci ceea ce iti place.
5 Essential Questions to Ask in Every PPC Audit | WordStream
Managing PPC accounts is a lot like playing a game: Once you understand the rules, you can start getting into creative strategy. Account audits are an important part of understanding the rules—essentially it’s getting the board ready to play.
7 pe săptămână #230 | Blogul Mavericks
Why people hated shopping carts when they first came out – CNN
To convince customers to use them, Goldman hired people to walk around the store with shopping carts and fill them up.
Best copywriting niches in 2022 for new freelancers
A copywriting niche is when a copywriter only writes for a specific market or industry.
Discover The Best Free Tools For Startup Founders – features the best free tools and resources to help you build, launch & grow your startup.
Optimize crawling, for the environment •
Sites that do not use the REST API to fill their pages (so, the vast majority of sites) should probably add this to their robots.txt file:
Disallow: /wp-json/
Interview Warmup
Prepare for interviews
Sfârșitul Universal Analytics: Ce înseamnă și ce trebuie făcut acum – DWF
1 iulie 2023 a devenit G-Day, când marea debarcare a Google Analytics 4 (G4) va înlocui Universal Analytics (UA), forma actuală G3 pe care o utilizează cei mai mulți analiști de date, rapoarte și statistici.
StartUp in eCommerce, curs nou in Academia Gomag: creare magazin
E un curs special, in proces continuu de imbunatatire, pe care suntem siguri ca nu vrei sa il scapi din vedere. Hai sa vedem, in detaliu, ce ti-am pregatit.
The Difference Between Print & Web: The File Formats You Need for Each
Are you trying to create the right file formats to use across your marketing collateral? Want to know which file types to use across print and web
Crawler Traps: How to Identify and Avoid Them
Crawler traps—also known as „spider traps”—can seriously hurt your SEO performance by wasting your crawl budget and generating duplicate content.
Google Ads CPC Bug Inflates Click Prices
Google Ads posted about a bug that impacted some non-US campaigns cost per click (CPC) prices. Specifically that the CPCs were inflated. Some advertisers are reporting inflation numbers over 300 or 400 percent.
Google Docs will soon let you select multiple blocks of text – The Verge
You can change multiple blocks of text at once
Sameday Courier – Efectul Easybox
Pe 8 iunie, află cum poți dezvolta businessul tău de e-commerce direct de la liderii industriei!
Marketing Hackers Business Club – Abonament SMARTERS
Construim locul #1 pentru a învăța și a face marketing profitabil în România. Ni te alături?
Older people using TikTok to defy ageist stereotypes, research finds | TikTok | The Guardian
There are an increasing number of accounts belonging to users aged 60 and older with millions of followers
In Extremely Confusing Twist, Facebook Says It Isn’t Building a Metaverse After All
Okay, we’re puzzled.
I got hacked and Facebook banned me
What do you think happens if your personal Facebook profile gets hacked? Until last week I naively thought it would be a simple matter of letting Meta know, and them helping me reclaim my account…
ffmpeg buddy
a friend to help you build ffmpeg commands
Switching your search engine | Seth’s Blog
Make the choice to upgrade from Google.
Lansare automatizare Net Promoter Score: fidelizează clienții cu campanii NPS personalizate – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman
Net Promoter Score este o metodă de a măsura satisfacția clienților cu produsul sau magazinul tău și de a afla cât de predispuși sunt să te recomande prietenilor.
DWF demarează întâlnirile live #HappyThursday eveniment dedicat echipei – DWF
Așa a apărut proiectul #PeopleDiscovery, pus în practică prin întâlniri săptămânale, în fiecare joi, la ora 16.00, ca să… #HappyThursday. Unde? La sediul firmei din București. De ce? Să ne distrăm, să mai schimbăm o vorbă-două despre ce muncim, cum ne petrecem timpul liber, ce ne place să facem când nu suntem în fața ecranelor.
Explorations – Rapoarte personalizate în Google Analytics 4
Rapoartele personalizate ne oferă posibilitatea de a găsi rapid informațiile necesare sau de a analiza datele punctuale dintr-o anumită situație.
Dragoș Smeu: portret de Maverick | Blogul Mavericks
”În Mavericks și în performance media avem multe lucruri care nu țin de performance media per se, ci țin mai degrabă de empatie, de a fi alături de client în proiectul respectiv, de a-l ajuta să se dezvolte împreună cu noi.”
Twitter’s working on a Search Subscribe feature for keyword alerts and notifications – The Verge
Think Google Alerts, but for Twitter
Semrush’s Top 100 Influencers in Content Marketing [2022]
We analyzed all the Twitter posts that used the hashtag #ContentMarketing in the course of 2021.
Scoala de Vara de E-Commerce & Digital Marketing GPeC
În perioada 24-29 august ne vedem la Școala de Vară de E-Commerce & Marketing Online GPeC! Te așteaptă 5 zile de cursuri practice, team building și multe zâmbete – totul în mijlocul naturii, la aer curat de munte!
Am apărut aici
Zelist Blog » Blog Archive » Cum a fost la GPeC Summit 2022?
Pe Facebook, cel mai mult au vorbit despre subiect urmatoarele pagini: MTH Digital, adLemonade, Lumea SEO PPC, StirileProTV, FAN Courier,, Edy Creative,,, ProTV News.
SocialPedia 38 – SocialPedia
14 IUNIE 2022, Ora 18:30, Gspot Restobar
How to Know When You Need a Dedicated Paid Landing Page – Moz
The average SEO-focused product page converts at only 2.9 percent, which is among the reasons many companies pursue paid advertising traffic to achieve their goals and KPIs.
2022 Winners – European Search Awards
Congratulations to all our wonderful winners.
Top 100 SEO Mistakes To Avoid (2022) – SEOSLY
Looking to acquire some practical SEO knowledge? Here is a list of top 100 SEO mistakes I identified in the last 100 SEO audits I conducted.
Readability: The Optimal Line Length – Articles – Baymard Institute
The optimal line length for body text is 50–75 characters
Personal names around the world
How do people’s names differ around the world, and what are the implications of those differences on the design of forms, databases, ontologies, etc. for the Web?
SMX® Advanced | Online June 14-15, 2022 | Search Marketing Expo
SMX Advanced: Expert-level search marketing training
What are you supposed to do about GA4? ▷ Are you ready for the 30th June 2022?
Thursday 16th June, 2022 | 10:00-10:45 Via Zoom
5 sfaturi pentru a face seara de GoFunnel mai interesanta
Daca vrei cateva trucuri pentru a profita la maximum de experienta GoFunnel, dar si pentru a-ti convinge prietenii si familia sa joace, pentru azi am pregatit ceea ce cauti.
Foodbloggers – Homepage
8 iunie 2022 • JW Marriott Grand Hotel Bucharest & Online
Magazinele trebuie să indice de astăzi și cel mai mic preț din ultimele 30 de zile al unui produs la ofertă – nwradu blog
De acum de la final de mai se aplică prevederile unui hotărâri de guvern ce transpune o directivă europeană: comercianții vor trebui să afișeze în cadrul reducerilor și cel mai mic preț practicat în ultimele 30 de zile.
Stunning new AI „could be conscious” – with Elon Musk. – YouTube
Master’s Degree in Computer Science – Evan Prodromou’s Blog
I’m currently applying for a master’s degree in computer science (MSCS). I thought I might share my experience here for other people in the same boat as me.
Microsoft’s new ‘One Outlook’ Windows app is starting to leak out – The Verge
The years-in-the-making revamp appears to be finally done
Ask HN: Is DBA still a good job? | Hacker News
Is database administrator(DBA) as a career fading out in the IT industry?
Join us at ISC 2022 | NVIDIA
Join us at ISC High Performance 2022 (ISC22) to see how high performance computing, machine learning, digital twin technology, and high performance data analytics are driving our future. Meet us at ISC by viewing our special address, visiting our partners on the showfloor and joining us in conference keynotes, sessions and workshops. You can also view our presence virtually through online demos, content, and more.
Home – | E-paper Development Board is a 4.2″ e-paper (like e-ink) development board powered by an ESP32 module. is open-source so you have the freedom to customize.
Earn $200K by fuzzing for a weekend: Part 1 | secret club
By applying well-known fuzzing techniques to a popular target, I found several bugs that in total yielded over $200K in bounties. In this article I will demonstrate how powerful fuzzing can be when applied to software which has not yet faced sufficient testing.
Robots Are Writing Poetry, and Many People Can’t Tell the Difference | The Walrus
Machines are putting out astonishingly human-like writing. What does that mean for the future of art?
Graph all the things – Mike Crittenden
If you have a spreadsheet, graph it. Graph it multiple ways, as many as you can.
Accessible Vue – The Why and How of building inclusive apps in Vue.js
Learn about core concepts of web app accessibility, tips & tricks, best practices strategies and and how to implement inclusive components in Vue 2 and 3.
Henry Heffernan – Portfolio 2022
Henry Heffernan Portfolio Showcase 2022
Microsoft Events Catalog
All these images were generated by Google’s latest text-to-image AI – The Verge
Imagen what else this thing can do
Monotype Study Reveals That Font Choice Subconsciously Affects People’s Emotions –
Have you ever looked at a poster on a lamp post and thought it was dubious? Maybe that’s not your gut feeling telling you that there’s something wrong, but the typeface being used.
GitHub – mxgmn/MarkovJunior: Probabilistic PL based on pattern matching and constraint propagation, 148 examples
MarkovJunior is named after mathematician Andrey Andreyevich Markov, who defined and studied what is now called Markov algorithms.
Pixel Joint Forum: The Pixel Art Tutorial
This tutorial is designed to explain what pixel art is, what pixel art isn’t, how to get started making pixel art and how to make your pixel art better.
See I/O Extended Bucharest 2022 at Google Developer Groups GDG Bucharest
A new year, a new Google IO! Not only that, but for the first time in over 2 years, we will finally have a physical get-together within GDG Bucharest. Come join us in person, grab a beer or a Coke and a slice of pizza and let’s talk tech, just like the good ol’ times.
This is a follow-up tutorial to PIXEL ART TUTORIAL: BASICS.
D. Psihologie
Travel is best with young children | Derek Sivers
So, yes. Dispel the myth. Spread the word. Travelling with babies or young children is the best.
Să fiu premiantă și olimpică, probabil cea mai mare traumă a copilăriei mele – Și Blondele Gândesc
Părinții nu m-au bătut, nu m-au pedepsit, niciodată nu m-au obligat să fiu nici premiantă, nici olimpică. Mai mult, tata adesea îmi zicea să mai bat și eu mingea pe stradă, că prea multă școală mă spală pe cap.
Learn your burnout level |
The assessment scores your burnout, workplace stress, focus and recovery levels compared to other tech people. It’s based on the latest psychology research from BAT and WHO
How Having Fun Makes You Healthier and Smarter – Outside Online
Five scientifically proven ways to up the fun in your life
35+ Mental Model Examples and Their Explanations – Frontera
Mental models are magical.
Once you learn one, you start seeing it everywhere. It changes your thinking forever.
My life was ruled by panic attacks. Here’s my seven-point guide to tackling anxiety | Life and style | The Guardian
Author Tim Clare spent a year researching his condition and trying every treatment he could. This is what worked
This Is How To Get People To Change: 5 Secrets From Research – Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Trying to help someone change can be sanity-straining. Even when people face serious health scares they often don’t do enough to alter their habits, like they’re stuck on some monorail track of doom.
A slightly head-down posture might help you look more friendly, research says. –
Study finds the optimal head posture for maximised apparent cooperativeness is close to level with a slight downward rotation
E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu)
La liftul Ministerului Sănătății. Zeii și prostimea –
Disclaimer: acest text nu este despre un disconfort personal, ci despre un fenomen extins în rândul funcționarilor români. Cu atât mai intens cu cât instituția e mai importantă și poziția mai înaltă.
Scientists Reverse Signs of Aging By 30 Years | What Are Yamanaka Factors?
Shinya Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize in 2012 for the discovery of his eponymous “Yamanaka factors,” which can revert cells to their embryonic state.
Atenție la apărători laterale din pătuț și balansoare înclinate. Biden tocmai le-a interzis prin lege în SUA – Și Blondele Gândesc
Se pare că aceste produse au cauzat peste 200 de decese în rândul bebelușilor din SUA, conform webmd.
Rescuing drowning children: How to know when someone is in trouble in the water.
In 10 percent of drownings, adults are nearby but have no idea the victim is dying. Here’s what to look for.
David Perell on Twitter: „The Icecream Principle: Tell 10 people to get ice cream. If they have to agree on a flavor, they’ll pick chocolate or vanilla every time. Groups of people don’t agree on what’s cool or interesting. They agree on what’s easy. „Consensus” is just another way of saying average.” / Twitter
Ana-Maria Udriste on LinkedIn: Pe grupuri și pe sub mână a vuit că Medlife și-a luat amendă de la
Sunscreen – The Skin Cancer Foundation
Why You Need It. How it Works for You.
Notă: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri).