Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna august 2020. Pot fi suprapuneri de la o secțiune la alta.
- A. Generale
- B. SEO (optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare)
- C. IT (tehnologie și comunicații)
- D. Psihologie
- E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu)
A. Generale
Restaurarea Casei Memoriale Elisabeta Rizea – Avem prin urmare mare nevoie de ajutorul vostru concret pentru a trece la următoarea etapă a restaurării casei – Blog de Olivian Breda
The Coronavirus’ Effect on Kids Mental Health Is Deepening | Time
Pandemics can be indiscriminate, with viruses making no distinctions among the victims they attack and those they spare. If you’re human, you’ll do.
Dad says that anyone who can’t use a slide rule is a cultural illiterate and should not be allowed to vote. Mine is a beauty – a K&E 20-inch Log-log Duplex Decitrig – Have Space Suit – Will Travel, 1958. by Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988)
Chrome Music Lab
INTERVIU Radu Gologan, profesor: „Rolul şcolii nu este de a-ţi oferi competenţe pentru viaţa practică“ |
Radu Gologan, profesor la Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti şi coordonatorul lotului olimpic de matematică, vorbeşte despre responsabilităţile şcolii faţă de elevi şi despre importanţa abordării educaţiei sexuale în instituţiile de învăţămân.
Cum am ajuns să comand mai mult de pe Amazon chiar dacă nu livrează de multe ori în România – razvanbb
Thread by @george__mack: Josh Waitzkin might be the most INTERESTING person alive. He doesn’t have Twitter. And he barely uses the internet. I’ve compiled my favorit…
Why is the Modern World So Ugly? -The School of Life Articles | Formally The Book of Life
One of the great generalisations we can make about the modern world is that it is, to an extraordinary degree, an ugly world.
Premieră la ANAF: te poți înregistra în SPV fără vizită obligatorie la ghișeu
ANAF a lansat o aplicație prin care contribuabilii români își pot deschide un cont în Spațiul Privat Virtual (SPV) prin identificare video pe internet, fără să mai fie necesară prezența fizică la ghișeu, obligatorie până acum pentru activarea prezenței în SPV.
Poți participa online la evenimente recunoscute mondial, prin parteneriatul BiziLIVE TV și Success Stories – Revista Biz
Bianca Felseghi Am început să muncesc în presa în 2004 și a fost într-o redacție mare Facebook
swissmiss | I Need To Do Better
How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind — from a Magician and Google Design Ethicist | by Tristan Harris | Thrive Global | Medium
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled.” — Unknown.
Frank Chimero · Some Lessons I Learned in 2013
Un tânăr din 5 vrea să părăsească România. Ce le lipsește tinerilor de azi: posibilitatea de a-și alege materiile pe care să le studieze, resursele financiare și consilierea în carieră (sondaj RBL) – Finante & Banci –
Dintre lucrurile care le lipsesc cel mai mult, tinerii menționează în primul rând lipsa opțiunilor în ceea ce privește materiile pe care să le studieze în școală și lipsa banilor.
Un articol bun – Gaslighting și puterea manipulării | Contributors
În 2014, primul meu articol publicat pe această platformă se intitula Gasland sau puterea manipularii. În premieră pentru presa românească, am identificat și demontat atunci principala tehnică de manipulare folosită de pseudo-documentarul Gasland: secvența-șoc cu apa de la robinetul din bucătărie, aprinsă cu o brichetă.
The Mesmerizing Geometry of Malaysia’s Most Complex Cakes – Gastro Obscura
Bold colors and designs set kek lapis Sarawak apart.
Băcănia Fermierului: carne, chifle de burgeri, mezeluri, dulcețuri bune #SustinRomania – nwradu blog
La Băcănia Fermierului din zona Obor am ajuns căutând chifle de burgeri, dar am descoperit genul acela de magazin pe care-l vedeam în străinătate și despre care mă întrebam de ce nu poate exista și la noi.
Fashion’s dirty secret: how sexual assault took hold in jeans factories | Lesotho | The Guardian
After revelations of sexual violence in Lesotho garment factories, where jeans are made for brands such as Levi’s, workers fought for better conditions. But now Covid-19 has hit the fashion industry, those gains may be lost.
Toddlers who use touchscreens show attention differences
New research from Dr Rachael Bedford as part of the TABLET project recruited 12-month-old infants who had different levels of touchscreen usage.
Gorile în bibliotecă – Viorel Ilișoi
Nu de război mă tem, nu de Covid, nu de suprapopulare, ci de prostia omenească. Prostia agresivă, care iese ca păduchele în față, susținută de prostia apatică a unor mase anonime.
HAUSER and Señorita – Vivo per lei – YouTube
Vivo per lei – Andrea Bocelli – YouTube
Antonia Pup – Încă de când am aflat că am luat 10 la Bacalaureat, foarte multă lume îmi adresa următoarele două întrebări: “ce vei face cu ăia 30 de milioane de la Guvern?”, “mergi la Untold pe gratis?”.
Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?
High-profile physicists and philosophers gathered to debate whether we are real or virtual—and what it means either way.
B. Lumea SEO PPC
Writing in a Business Context
Home | Laws of UX
Users often perceive aesthetically pleasing design as design that’s more usable.
I am Russ Jones, Principal Search Scientist at System1, Adjunct Search Scientist at Moz – AMA : TechSEO
I am Russ Jones. I have practiced SEO since 2005. I cut my teeth in black hat SEO but soon transitioned to more risk averse tactics while at Virante, now Hive Digital. I’ve launched multiple SaaS products, sold multiple companies, and have enjoyed the last several years in primarily a R&D role with Moz and now System1. I blog at the Google Cache. Ask me anything!.
Chat Bubble Blindness | Atlist
How removing our live chat bubble led to more conversations.
SEO myth-busting: What is not a Google search ranking factor
Google has said it doesn’t use these signals to inform where your site ranks in organic search results.
To Head Off Regulators, Google Makes Certain Words Taboo – The Markup
The Markup obtained internal documents that coach new employees to avoid creating “very real legal risks” in using words like “market” and “networkeffects”
Big Google Update Rolling Out Now – August 10th
UPDATE at 11:55pm ET: Google has told me this was a glitch, a bug, and it should be resolved. There are more details and examples of this being a bug and being fixed over here.
Top Afiliați și alte noutăți Profitshare pentru Advertiseri și Afiliați! – Marketing afiliat – Profitshare Blog
Profitshare vine cu noi funcționalități care vor ajuta afiliații și advertiserii să utilizeze mai ușor platforma și să facă lucrurile mai interactive.
15 Insanely Efficient Google Sheets Formulas for SEOs | Pigzilla
So I love Google Sheets and use it daily for my work as an SEO. I wanted to share the top 15 Google Sheets formulas and features I use to shave hours off my work week and make my life easier.
Google: Heading Tags are a Strong Signal – Search Engine Journal
Google’s John Mueller says that heading tags send a strong signal about the content.
Frank Chimero · What Screens Want
I read books, looked at art, listened to my heroes, and sketched out scratchy thoughts of my own to search for any sensible response to a question that had been lodged in my head for months: What does it mean to natively design for screens?
PDF: Still Unfit for Human Consumption, 20 Years Later
Summary: Research spanning 20 years proves PDFs are problematic for online reading. Yet they’re still prevalent and users continue to get lost in them. They’re unpleasant to read and navigate and remain unfit for digital-content display.
SEO in Orbit – Technical SEO webinar series
The first ever webinar series sending SEO into space!
SEO Camp Day Lyon 9 septembre 2020 – SEO Camp
Retrouvez-nous au SEO Camp Day Lyon le 9 septembre 2020 à l’Hôtel de région, un lieu haut de gamme idéal pour accueillir une journée de conférence de haut niveau !
Brand storytelling: How to sell more with the proven 7-step framework.
You can understand when you hear a good story. And you then decide to keep listening, reading or watching. The same goes for your website visitors, they can tell if a brand has a good story. And if not, they’ll not buy from you.
How to Improve Email Deliverability Rates (24 Expert Tips)
If your email deliverability rates are low, don’t throw the towel in just yet. There ARE lots of things you can do to remedy this.
Google Tag Manager în Cloud WebAnalyst
Această versiune permite mutarea tag-urilor de pe site sau din aplicație în Google Cloud. Vine cu multe schimbări față de ce am fost obișnuiți până acum, așa că în timp poate fi o schimbare majoră la modul în care vom face web analytics, digital analytics sau tracking pentru marketing, în general.
The Best SEO Tools: 143 SEO Experts Cast Votes (Plus Leaderboard)
Looking for the best SEO tools? We reached out to 400+ experts and used their insights to compile the SEO toolset below.
Serie nouă – Mavericks Digital Academy
Structurarea informației despre Google Ads Search, Display și Video, campaniile de Facebook Ads și interpretarea rezultatelor în Google Analytics
How Users Read on the Web
Summary: They don’t. People rarely read Web pages word by word; instead, they scan the page, picking out individual words and sentences.
Job Specialist Marketing Online – Moloso
Cautam doi colegi noi cu experienta in Google Ads și Facebook Ads.
Daca ai lucrat minim 2 ani cu Google Ads si/sau Facebook Ads si iti place sa-ti petreci timpul cu prietenii si sa vorbiti despre marketing online, esti potrivit pentru gasca noastra.
ecomTEAM 2020 – A new era for the Romanian E-commerce industry
28 – 29 septembrie
Digital Debrief – New Ecommerce Setup and Reporting in Google Analytics App+Web
The wait is over! Ecommerce reporting is finally here for App+Web properties in Google Analytics!
Probabilistic Thinking in SEO – Andrew Charlton
Most decisions in SEO involve hidden information and outside influence. The most obvious of which is Google’s algorithm, which updates regularly and is, for the most part, a black box.
Bryan Harris on Twitter: “Two ways to think of your business: 1. Tool Thinking 2. Problem Thinking Tool Thinking is dangerous and backwards. Short term. Doesn’t endure. Ex: “I want to start a paid newsletter” Thread 👇🏼” / Twitter
Harry’s Marketing Examples on Twitter: “Conversational copy is writing how you talk. No sales megaphone. No business speak. But that’s easier said than done. So I’ve put together my guide. THREAD…” / Twitter
Conversational copy is writing how you talk.
No sales megaphone. No business speak.
Publicitate “otrăvită” pe Facebook. Zeci de pagini cu proprietari ascunși plătesc publicitate politică la început de campanie
Zeci de pagini de Facebook cu proprietari ascunși, unele apărute în ultimele luni, plătesc publicitate politică, distorsionând percepția publicului care utilizează platforma de socializare.
PDF: Still Unfit for Human Consumption, 20 Years Later
Summary: Research spanning 20 years proves PDFs are problematic for online reading. Yet they’re still prevalent and users continue to get lost in them. They’re unpleasant to read and navigate and remain unfit for digital-content display.
Forecast Forge — ML forecasting in Google Sheets
The Whimsical Web
A curated list of sites with an extra bit of fun.
Mental Models: The Best Way to Make Intelligent Decisions (109 Models Explained)
This guide explores everything you need to know about mental models. By the time you’re done, you’ll think better, make fewer mistakes, and get better results.
Instagram Carousels Are the Most Engaging Post Type [STUDY]
A study of over 22 million Instagram posts finds carousels are the most engaging type of post.
Michele Riva – Reviewing the worst piece of code ever
There’s an italian Facebook page called “Il Programmatore di Merda” (which can be translated to “The Shitty Programmer”). I love that page.
They often share shitty pieces of code and memes about programming, but today I’ve seen something quite incredible.
Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?
High-profile physicists and philosophers gathered to debate whether we are real or virtual—and what it means either way.
Frank Chimero · Everything Easy is Hard Again
This talk was given on October 12, 2017 at Mirror Conf in Braga, Portugal, and again on February 9, 2018 at the Awwwards Conference in Berlin.
Tabler Icons – 550+ Highly customizable free SVG icons
578 Fully customizable free SVG icons. (MIT license)
Gradient Magic – Fantastic and Unique CSS Gradients
Forecast Forge — ML forecasting in Google Sheets
The Whimsical Web
A curated list of sites with an extra bit of fun.
The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant
Once upon a time, the planet was tyrannized by a giant dragon. The dragon stood taller than the largest cathedral, and it was covered with thick black scales. Its red eyes glowed with hate, and from its terrible jaws flowed an incessant stream of evil-smelling yellowish-green slime.
Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming | by Charles Scalfani | Medium
I’ve been programming in Object Oriented languages for decades. The first OO language I used was C++ and then Smalltalk and finally .NET and Java.
Modern CSS Solutions
A series by Stephanie Eckles
This Windows 10 ‘Drive Optimization’ Bug Could Harm Your Drive
While this is a necessary part of a hard drive’s upkeep, and letting Windows run the TRIM command on your SSD never hurts, excessively defragmenting the drive is generally unnecessary and can affect an SSD’s lifespan over time.
The 7 Coding Styles That Are Dated | by Elye | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
I was a firm believer in them but now I am converted.
The Just in Case Mindset in CSS
In this article, I will discuss some common design use-cases, and how to handle them just in case the content got longer or different than what’s expected.
Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor
One of the most important color tricks I’ve ever learned was to avoid using the color black in my work.
Michele Riva – Reviewing the worst piece of code ever
There’s an italian Facebook page called “Il Programmatore di Merda” (which can be translated to “The Shitty Programmer”). I love that page.
They often share shitty pieces of code and memes about programming, but today I’ve seen something quite incredible.
Tabler Icons – 550+ Highly customizable free SVG icons
578 Fully customizable free SVG icons. (MIT license)
Gradient Magic – Fantastic and Unique CSS Gradients
The Whimsical Web
A curated list of sites with an extra bit of fun.
The Internet Relies on People Working for Free | by Owen Williams | OneZero
Who should be responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting open-source projects?
Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming | by Charles Scalfani | Medium
I’ve been programming in Object Oriented languages for decades. The first OO language I used was C++ and then Smalltalk and finally .NET and Java.
Modern CSS Solutions
A series by Stephanie Eckles
The 7 Coding Styles That Are Dated | by Elye | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
I was a firm believer in them but now I am converted.
The Just in Case Mindset in CSS
In this article, I will discuss some common design use-cases, and how to handle them just in case the content got longer or different than what’s expected.
Leading-Trim: The Future of Digital Typesetting | by Ethan Wang | Microsoft Design | Aug, 2020 | Medium
How an emerging CSS standard can fix old problems and raise the bar for web apps
D. Psihologie
Forgiveness therapy can free you from the hurts of the past | Aeon Essays
On one of those trips, I was doing laundry and found a note crumpled in the bottom of the dryer.
Grit, the psychology of performance — Vladimir Says
What is the main characteristic distinguishing top performers from the regulars? Is it talent or effort?
How to stop procrastinating by using the Fogg Behavior Model
B J Fogg is a Stanford professor who came up with a simple model of behavior that helps us understand why we take action or not take action at any given moment.
Social connection is the strongest protective factor for depression—ScienceDaily
Researchers have identified a set of modifiable factors from a field of over 100 that could represent valuable targets for preventing depression in adults.
IOS Press
Amsterdam, NL and Costa Mesa, CA, USA – As a person’s weight goes up, all regions of the brain go down in activity and blood flow, according to a new brain imaging study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Groundbreaking new material ‘could allow artificial intelligence to merge with the human brain’ | The Independent
Scientists have discovered a ground-breaking bio-synthetic material that they claim can be used to merge artificial intelligence with the human brain.
The ‘Batman Effect’: How having an alter ego empowers you – BBC Worklife
Thinking of yourself as a separate entity can reduce anxiety, while also kicking up some major benefits for your confidence and determination.
Small Pleasures Are Just As Important For Our Wellbeing As Long-Term Goals – Research Digest
When it comes to leading a happy and fulfilled life, many of us focus on long-term goals: what job we want, whether or not we want children, or how to reach a certain level of skill at a particular hobby or interest.
How to Think: The Skill You’ve Never Been Taught
No skill is more valuable and harder to come by than the ability to critically think through problems.
100 Couples Share Their Secrets to a Successful Relationship – The Profile
“Love is not just an emotion; it is a skill. It has to be worked on; sharpened regularly.”
Structured distraction: how to make the most of your breaks at work
If you went to a traditional school, chances are you were told to avoid distractions at all cost: keep your eyes on the teacher, take copious notes, don’t fidget on your chair, and don’t let your mind wander.
What Neuroscientists Now Know About How Memories Are Born and Die | Mind Matters
Is Modern Media Destroying Our Memories? | The Scientist Magazine®–67483
The Dark Core of Personality – Scientific American Blog Network
What’s your dark core score?
Second Order Thinking – Mental Models
In 1935, when Sugarcane crops in Australia were being ruined by Cane Beetles, the government panicked and introduced the Cane Toad to Australia. Given the urgency at the time and Sugarcane crops being one of Australia’s biggest sources of income, it seemed like a quick and necessary solution.
The surprising upsides of worrying – BBC Future
Anxiety can be exhausting, but there is often a reason for it – and there are some surprising benefits to certain kinds of worrying.
E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu)
Argentina: Dreptul la adio, asigurat pentru pacienții Covid în stare gravă – Coronavirus –
Municipalitatea din Buenos Aires a adoptat joi o lege care asigură “un drept la adio” pentru persoanele atinse de forme grave de COVID-19, care mor adeseori în singurătate din cauza temerilor legate de contagiere, informează AFP citată de Agerpres.
COVID acum, august 2020 – părerea Otiliei | Blogul Otiliei
Sunt la două-trei minute după un live al colegului meu dr. Nicolae Iordache Iordache, care a împărtășit cu noi simptomele-i proprii de suspiciune COVID, apoi testarea pozitivă, apoi boala însăși.
El, negru pe alb, SARS Cov2 pozitiv, cu boala COVID.
Cum să dai feedback fără să răneşti – Andy Szekely | Conectare (Relații Autentice)
În numeroasele solicitări pentru training corporatist pe care le primesc, apare frecvent următoarea temă: Cum să dai feedback.
În special, cum să dai feedback negativ.
Rescuing drowning children: How to know when someone is in trouble in the water.
In 10 percent of drownings, adults are nearby but have no idea the victim is dying. Here’s what to look for.
Romanian midwife championed in Britain as homeland in crisis
“Salaries make a difference, but for me, the work environment makes the bigger difference,” Anghel said in a video interview from her English home. “It’s the respect for the medical staff and the respect for the patient — this mutual respect.”
Medic infecționist: „Este ruletă rusească în continuare cu oricine intră pe ușă” – DoR
În spitale se muncește mai mult, cu mai mulți pacienți și mai multe cazuri grave. Dar e loc și de speranță și conexiune.
Face mask study: Researchers determined which masks are the least effective – CNN
That’s why a group of researchers at Duke University created a simple technique to analyze the effectiveness of various types of masks which have become a critical component in stopping the spread of the virus.
Născut în România – invitat, Mihai Bica, primul absolvent român de medicină la Cambridge – Radio România Cultural
„Sigur că relația cu pacienții din Marea Britanie era una bună, profesională, dar mi-am dorit să tratez pacienți români”, spune Mihai Bica, primul absolvent român de medicină la Cambridge.
Vă trimit o vedere dintr-un salon covid ca să vă lămuriți câți bani primesc ca să vă mint despre coronavirus
Voi scrie trei articole pe care sper ca Republica să mi le publice în continuare, cu momente și detalii intime din viața de spital COVID.
Statistici covid România – Grafice și tabele coronavirus
The Pandemic Is Messing With Your Memories | Elemental
The many stresses of Covid-19 exacerbate our well-known tendency to remember things that never happened
Notă: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri).