Știrile lunii iunie 2022

Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna iunie 2022. Pot fi suprapuneri de la o secțiune la alta. În general, predomină știrile de SEO.



A. Generale

ATLT – abonează-te la newsletter https://atlt.ro/


Acesta este ATLT, o nouă publicație despre sport. O citești doar la tine în mail, gratis.


Emilia Sercan – Facebook https://www.facebook.com/emilia.sercan/posts/8347182028641326


S-a terminat cu integritatea academică în țara asta. Curtea Constituțională a României (CCR) tocmai a amnistiat în masă toți plagiatorii din România cărora de acum înainte nu li se va mai putea retrage titlul de doctor pentru plagiat.


O carte bună cu peste 100 de rețete tradiționale românești: Gătește cu Gina Bradea – Gustul unic de acasă – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2022/06/gateste-gina-bradea-gustul-acasa/


Este foarte bună cartea, grosuță, cu multe rețete clasice “de acasă” în ea și am început să o folosim tot mai des ca inspirație.


This Entomologist Has a Travel Warning: Always Put Your Suitcase in the Hotel Bathroom https://getpocket.com/explore/item/this-entomologist-has-a-travel-warning-always-put-your-suitcase-in-the-hotel-bathroom


Or better yet, inside the tub.


The People’s Tramp ❧ Current Affairs https://www.currentaffairs.org/2022/06/the-peoples-tramp/


Charlie Chaplin’s films are insightful explorations of poverty, homelessness, and the callous moneyed classes. They also show cinema’s capacity to act as a small empathy-generating machine.


România needucată. Reportaj pe ulițele copiilor care abandonează școala – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9mmP4U1BN0


Love Island: Second hand clothes and the trouble with fast fashion – BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-60382624


Love Island contestants are dressing in second-hand clothes, to make the new series „more eco-friendly”.


⭐️ Forget painful problems. Start with a great market and business model instead. – Jakob Greenfeld – Experiments in Permissionless Entrepreneurship http://jakobgreenfeld.com/great-markets


Instead, founders should focus on three things: picking a market, choosing a business model, and providing maximum value.


Present & Correct on Twitter: „Input any train station in Europe & this site maps all the places you can travel without transfers. https://t.co/YUvSUvERzO Useful! via the prepared. https://t.co/xxsh8ygFts” / Twitter https://twitter.com/presentcorrect/status/1480574811063599111?t=5mpufu1cCzkZpvZkEgLOeQ


Scientists craft living human skin for robots https://techxplore.com/news/2022-06-scientists-craft-human-skin-robots.html


The finger looks slightly ‚sweaty’ straight out of the culture medium, says first author Shoji Takeuchi, a professor at the University of Tokyo, Japan.


Magic FM – Tu vorbești adolescenteză? https://www.magicfm.ro/articol/9254/tu-vorbesti-adolescenteza-10-cuvinte-si-expresii-pe-care-trebuie-sa-le-stii


10 cuvinte și expresii pe care TREBUIE să le știi. De la Bubble Tea la Sheesh!, când interacționezi cu un adolescent al vremurilor noastre, ai toate șansele să auzi cuvinte care habar n-ai ce-nseamnă.


Sony says smartphone cameras will soon produce better images than DSLR cameras – PhoneArena https://www.phonearena.com/news/sony-says-images-from-smartphones-will-top-those-from-dslr-cameras_id140717


According to a report in Nikkei Japan (via Android Authority), Shimizu says that „still images (from smartphones) will exceed the image quality of single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras within the next few years.”


Imaginea succesului la vârf: Moldova și Bulgaria au diplomă la Harvard, România – cursuri la SRI și Armată https://panorama.ro/harvard-sri-armata-imagine-succes-moldova-bulgaria/


În Moldova și Bulgaria, sar în ochi „harvardiștii”: o președintă (Maia Sandu), o șefă de parchet anticorupție (Veronica Drăgălin), premieri (Gavrilița și Petkov) sau miniștri școliți la Harvard și alte școli prestigioase din străinătate, specializați în politicile publice pe care le gestionează.


Reportaj. Mii de ucraineni au folosit în ultimele săptămâni o aplicație cu care scanează 3D clădirile, monumentele și obiecte de patrimoniu, pentru a le reconstrui în cazul în care sunt distruse în timpul războiului. – Biziday https://www.biziday.ro/ucraina-mai-multe-ong-uri-au-dezvoltat-o-aplicatie-cu-care-scaneaza-3d-cladirile-monumentele-si-restul-obiectelor-de-patrimoniu-pentru-a-le-reconstrui-in-cazul-in-care-sunt-distruse-in-timpul-razbo/


Ucrainenii au scanat până acum sute de repere, situri culturale și monumente, folosind aplicația Polycam pentru smartphone, explică CNN în reportaj. Soft-ul generează un model 3D detaliat al fiecărui obiect studiat, care este apoi salvat într-o arhivă digitală.


Luck Surface Area: How to Get Lucky In Life – Frontera https://fronterablog.com/luck-surface-area/


Luck surface area is a mental model that explains it’s possible to increase your chances to get lucky in life.


Black Friday de vacanta https://www.litera.ro/bfvacanta


Rarely Seen Paintings by J.R.R. Tolkien Portray a Lush ‚Lord of the Rings’ Landscape | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/jrr-tolkiens-estate-publishes-rare-lord-of-the-rings-paintings-and-maps-online-180979674/


The Tolkien Estate recently published a trove of rare, unpublished art by the famed fantasy author on its website


What we learned in studying the most effective founders https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/entrepreneurs/effective-founders-project/


Our goal: put the most effective entrepreneurs under a microscope to understand their best leadership strategies.


David Popovici vrea să fie cel mai bun înotător din lume și are toate șansele – DoR https://www.dor.ro/david-popovici-fenomen-inot/


În bazin, sportivul de 17 ani e un fenomen. Experții spun că un înotător ca el, capabil să zdrobească recorduri mondiale, se naște la 100 de ani.


40 Unusual And Fascinating Maps That Might Change Your Perspective On The World (New Pics) | Bored Panda https://www.boredpanda.com/interesting-maps-of-the-world/


If you’re a visual learner like we are, a good image helps you bring data to life. But if you ever stumbled across a great one, you know it can genuinely change how you see the world. And maps have that power.


The Technium: Construction is Life https://kk.org/thetechnium/construction-is-life/


So now when I encounter cranes shooting up from a street, I feel reassured that this place is alive and in good health. When I see a neighborhood with contractor trucks parked along the street, doing remodels, and repairs, I think, yes, this feels good.


Două articole despre Năvodari, unul mai nou, unul mai vechi:

FOTOREPORTAJ Cum arată stațiunea Năvodari, mutilată de betoane și blocuri de 10 etaje lângă plajă/ Comparație cu Mamaia/ Impactul celor doi primari condamnați la închisoare pentru corupție https://www.g4media.ro/fotoreportaj-cum-arata-statiunea-navodari-mutilata-de-betoane-si-blocuri-de-10-etaje-langa-plaja-comparatie-cu-mamaia-impactul-celor-doi-primari-condamnati-la-inchisoare-pentru-coruptie.html


Împăratul din Năvodari – Casa Jurnalistului https://casajurnalistului.ro/imparatul-din-navodari/


Strigătul unei generații: „Nu e nevoie de mine aici”. Amărăciunea directoarei Colegiului I.L. Caragiale: „Este anul în care am semnat cele mai multe recomandări pentru plecat în străinătate – 80% vor pleca” https://republica.ro/strigatul-unei-generatii-znu-e-nevoie-de-mine-aici-amaraciunea-directoarei-colegiului-i-l-caragiale-zeste


Nu mai puțin de 80 la sută dintre absolvenții clasei a XII-a de la Colegiul I.L. Caragiale din Capitală din acest an au cerut recomandări de la conducerea instituției de învățământ pentru a pleca la studii în afara țării, spune directoarea colegiului, Andreia Bodea, invitata emisiunii „În fața ta”, de la Digi24.


Pare că am găsit o soluție cu problema lătratului generat de câinii vecinei – razvanbb https://razvanbb.ro/pare-ca-am-gasit-o-solutie-cu-latratul-generat-de-cainii-vecinei/


Și cumva am avut baftă, primul produs comandat (recunosc că nu l-am luat la întâmplare) pare că funcționează. E unul sub formă de căsuță.


Detox your Feed – un experiment simplu pe care toate mamele de fete trebuie să-l vadă orice-ar fi – Și Blondele Gândesc https://www.siblondelegandesc.ro/2022/06/20/detox-your-feed-experiment-simplu-care-orice-mama-fata-trebuie-vada-orice/


Nu-s mamă de fată, dar l-am văzut de cel puțin trei ori și am plâns de fiecare dată. Musai-musai să-l vedeți și voi, mai ales dacă sunteți părinți de fete.


The Purpose Of Life Is Not Happiness: It’s Usefulness https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-purpose-of-life-is-not-happiness-it-s-usefulness


Happiness as an achievable goal is an illusion, but that doesn’t mean happiness itself is not attainable.


„Suntem foarte sensibili la emoții și, de aceea, ușor de manipulat prin povești”. Interviu cu Gaia Vince, jurnalistă de știință – Mindcraft Stories https://mindcraftstories.ro/cultura/suntem-foarte-sensibili-la-emotii-si-de-aceea-usor-de-manipulat-prin-povesti-interviu-cu-gaia-vince-jurnalista-de-stiinta/


Însă dacă vrem să îndreptăm lucrurile cât mai e timp, agricultura este ceva ce trebuie neapărat schimbat. Și asta înseamnă să trecem la o dietă pe bază de plante, practic, să mâncăm mult mai puțină carne și mult mai puține lactate.


Festivalul Untold e in top 5 cele mai mari festivaluri din lume – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-untold-25635622-festivalul-untold-top-5-cele-mai-mari-festivaluri-din-lume.htm


​Festivalul UNTOLD a intrat în lista celor mai mari cinci festivaluri ale lumii, conform datelor publicate de compania de analiză Vibrate.


Pentru Constanța, cu dragoste și abjecție https://dilemaveche.ro/sectiune/tema-saptamanii/pentru-constanta-cu-dragoste-si-abjectie-638886.html


Dacă nu ar fi fost abuzată de-a lungul anilor de administrațiile defectuoase, Constanța ar fi putut deveni un exemplu de succes al locuirii urbane, așa cum sînt mai toate orașele europene ce au deschidere la o mare.


Benzi desenate românești – BD https://benzi-desenate.ro/


Weekend trending în București: 10 locuri din oraș unde poți să mănânci o înghețată cu adevărat spectaculoasă – HotNews.ro https://life.hotnews.ro/stiri-prin_oras-25656085-weekend-trending-bucuresti-10-locuri-din-oras-unde-poti-mananci-inghetata-adevarat-spectaculoasa.htm


​În această ediție a rubricii „Weekend trending în București” vorbim despre gelaterii cool din Capitală, unde chiar se stă la coadă pentru înghețată.


Elevii români au stabilit un record în istoria Olimpiadei Balcanice de Matematică. Palmares impresionant la ediția din acest an – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-educatie-25657193-elevii-romani-stabilit-record-istoria-olimpiadei-balcanice-matematica-palmaresul-impresionant-editia-din-acest.htm


​Lotul olimpic de juniori al României a obținut un palmares absolut impresionant la a XXVI-a ediţie a Olimpiadei Balcanice de Matematică pentru Juniori/JBMO (Sarajevo, 26 iunie – 3 iulie): patru medalii de aur (dintre care două cu punctaj maxim), două medalii de argint și locul I în clasamentul pe națiuni cu 224 de puncte (din 240 posibile).


Vremurile grele prin care trece presa independentă din România (exemplu de la DoR) – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2022/07/presa-independenta-romania-vremuri-grele-revista-dor/


Un articol foarte bun de pe site-ul DoR.ro vorbește despre viitorul incert al revistei, care de astăzi funcționează cu o echipă restrânsă.


Motivul pentru care Lacul Techirghiol a devenit roz și e chiar mai bun pentru sănătate acum (Video) – spotmedia.ro https://spotmedia.ro/stiri/social/motivul-pentru-care-lacul-techirghiol-a-devenit-roz-si-e-chiar-mai-bun-pentru-sanatate-acum-video


Localnicii și turiștii din Techirghiol au remarcat că lacul, cunoscut pentru nămolul său cu efecte benefice pentru sănătate, a devenit roz.


What’s best at fighting extreme poverty: cash or ultra-poor graduation? – Vox https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23152657/poverty-cash-graduation-ultra-poor-brac


In other words, however gingerly, both camps are taking steps toward each other, realizing that the best approach could lie somewhere in the middle.


Ce ai făcut la Bac? Ce spun datele despre generația care a dat Bacalaureatul în 2022 https://panorama.ro/bacalaureat-2022/


Urmărind graficele de mai jos (cu un click pe fiecare buton pentru a ajunge la detalii), veți avea o imagine de ansamblu asupra ceea ce a însemnat școala pentru generația care și-a început educația în 2010 și a dat Bacalaureatul în 2022.


‘Just stop buying lattes’: The origins of a millennial housing myth https://thehustle.co/just-stop-buying-lattes-the-origins-of-a-millennial-housing-myth/?sponsored=0&position=5&id=f7381e4c-d051-4f92-8989-668a4a351eed


Financial gurus want young home shoppers to stop complaining and cut back on small luxuries. But there are broader affordability issues at play.


Democrația nu moare, dar se predă https://pressone.ro/democratia-nu-moare-dar-se-preda


Banca Mondială anunță din nou că România a intrat în categoria țărilor cu venituri mari (a mai fost acolo în 2019, dar a ieșit în pandemie), alăturându-se țărilor vestice în această privință. Sigur, reintrăm în acest club la 11 ani distanță de Polonia, care pornise în 1990 de la același PIB pe cap de locuitor, dar ce mai înseamnă 11 ani pe inflația asta?


Is a Bidet Seat Right for You and Your Bathroom? – Consumer Reports https://www.consumerreports.org/bidets/is-a-bidet-seat-right-for-you-and-your-bathroom-a6974431905/


From a simple spritz to personalized settings, a bidet seat takes freshening up to another level


Viitorul Planetei nu trebuie să-ți apese greu pe umeri – DoR https://www.dor.ro/ce-facem-cu-eco-anxietatea/


Nu trebuie să ne mai explice nimeni că schimbările climatice sunt reale, trebuie doar să deschidem geamul. Dar știm cum să ne trăim viețile mai departe pe o planetă în declin?


De trei ori Paul Goma – Viorel Ilișoi https://viorelilisoi.ro/de-trei-ori-paul-goma/


N-am auzit prea multe despre tine în România. Întrebi: Goma? Și lumea se uită lung și întrebătoare la tine, întrebătorul: ce-i aia? Iar dacă totuși știe cineva ceva, ce știe? Că ești un om rău. Dur. Intransigent. Spurcat la gură. Supărăcios. Că ești antisemit. Ți-ai luat nevastă evreică doar așa, ca să ne păcălești pe noi, vigilenții.


Playing my part – Analysis – IEA https://www.iea.org/reports/playing-my-part


How to save money, reduce reliance on Russian energy, support Ukraine and help the planet


15 lessons in comedy creativity from George Carlin https://mattruby.substack.com/p/15-lessons-in-comedy-creativity-from?s=r


In the words of Carlin, Bill Burr, Jerry Seinfeld, Bill Maher, Roseanne Barr, etc.


The Golden Age of the Aging Actor – The Ringer https://www.theringer.com/movies/2022/6/27/23181232/old-actors-aging-tom-cruise-top-gun-maverick


Tom Cruise in ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ isn’t the exception—he’s the rule. There’s long been anecdotal evidence that top-line actors and actresses are getting older. Now, The Ringer has the data to back it up.


Filmul de Piatra | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/filmuldepiatra/


Prima zi de la Filmul de Piatra #14 s-a desfășurat sub un apus tare frumos!


B. Lumea SEO PPC

8 Mari Probleme De Rezolvat Pentru Succes În Marketing Afiliat https://afiliatti.ro/8-mari-probleme-de-rezolvat-pentru-succes-in-marketing-afiliat/


Află care sunt cele mari 8 probleme la care trebuie să găsești soluții dacă vrei să ai succes în marketing afiliat.


Google Ads shares three automation best practices https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-shares-three-automation-best-practices-385563


Google’s new best practices guide aims to ease advertiser concerns over adopting an automated keyword and bidding strategy.


Premieră la Poşta Română: Clienţii vor beneficia de servicii poştale automatizate, prin „Ghişeul poştal digital” https://www.zf.ro/eveniment/premiera-la-posta-romana-clientii-vor-beneficia-de-servicii-postale-20895019


Poşta Română a lansat luni primul Ghişeu poştal digital, cea mai nouă şi completă soluţie de servicii poştale automatizate, ce vor fi accesibile clienţilor în regim de self-service, nonstop.


Trenduri în Digital Marketing pentru 2022 – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/trenduri-in-digital-marketing-pentru-2022


Anul 2021 nu a fost o încercare de revenire la normal – deoarece normalitatea știută a devenit, la rândul său, istorie – ci mai mult o reconfigurare a ceea ce viața poate fi, potrivit noilor priorități.


The Only 29 Free SEO Tools You Need https://ahrefs.com/blog/free-seo-tools/


Looking for a list of free, useful SEO tools? Then look no further.


Ghid: Cum promovezi online un magazin de nunta & cum vinzi pentru nunti https://www.gomag.ro/blog/promovare-magazin-nunta/


Dupa o scadere brusca in ultimii 2 ani si numeroase restrictii legate de organizarea evenimentelor, nuntile revin in stil mare.


Data Breach OTP Leasing – CVD – Cristian Iosub https://www.cristianiosub.ro/data-breach-otp-leasing-cvd


Important este că până la momentul publicării acestui articol nu am primit niciun răspuns din partea OTP Leasing deși am oferit dreptul la replică.


The Professional’s Guide to SEO – Moz https://moz.com/professionals-guide-to-seo


Welcome to the Professional’s Guide to SEO!


Keith Goode on Twitter: „One common aspect of Technical SEO most people don’t talk about is the overwhelming number of imperfections you could address but probably shouldn’t. This all goes back to prioritization. Does it matter? #SEO” / Twitter https://twitter.com/keithgoode/status/1533891345844260866


Sahil Bloom on Twitter: „Pick a house and ring the doorbell. If someone answers, say something like: “Good morning! I’m [Name]. I’m [Age] and I’m trying to learn more about different careers. Would you mind if I took 10 minutes of your time over a coffee and asked you a few questions about your work?”” / Twitter https://twitter.com/sahilbloom/status/1533492499754491904


How to pick the least wrong colors || Matthew Ström, designer-leader https://matthewstrom.com/writing/how-to-pick-the-least-wrong-colors/


An algorithm for creating color palettes for data visualization


Cum comunicăm eficient cu clienții? – Canopy https://canopy.ro/blog/ppc/cum-comunicam-eficient-cu-clientii/


Am pregătit pentru tine o serie de puncte pe care este bine să le urmărești pentru a avea o comunicare eficientă de fiecare dată.


Tools for better thinking | Untools https://untools.co/


Collection of thinking tools and frameworks to help you solve problems, make decisions and understand systems.


Taxe noi ULTIMA ORĂ EXCLUSIV – Impozit mai mare și cu 60% la… | PROFIT.ro https://www.profit.ro/taxe-si-consultanta/exclusiv-cea-mare-schimbare-fiscala-ultimii-ani-impozit-mare-60-case-taieri-facilitati-tva-mare-unele-bauturi-plafoane-activitati-independente-liberale-reguli-microfirme-20726274


Românii și vacanțele – Ce se caută pe Google, unde se duc oamenii și cum arată tendințele în turism pentru vara lui 2022 – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-25605596-romanii-concediu-vacante-cautari-google-bilete-avion-litoral-mamaia-vacante-2022-tendinte-hoteluri-cazare.htm


Românii au un chef nebun de vacanțe în vara lui 2022, iar asta se vede atât în căutările Google, cât și în datele companiilor din turism. Deși s-a scumpit tot ce ține de călătorii și cazare, românii merg în număr tot mai mare la all-inclusive pe litoralul românesc, dar se duc în număr tot mai ridicat în Grecia, Bulgaria și Turcia.


PC on Twitter: „Recession looms. What should you do? Lots of generic advice past month. Ran an analysis on 23.2k subscription and SaaS companies, and here’s what I found. Things will mostly be fine, but two data points are pretty scary (especially in consumer and soon B2B). Let’s ride 👇” / Twitter https://twitter.com/Patticus/status/1534541513564332032


FAQ Pages for SEO (+ Examples & Best Practices) https://ahrefs.com/blog/faq-pages-seo/


FAQ pages (when done well) can be a double win: They provide valuable content that users want to see and Google wants to rank.


Rulex – Home https://rulex-rs.github.io/


A new, portable, regular expression language.


My 5 Favorite SEO Newsletters – Practical Ecommerce https://www.practicalecommerce.com/my-5-favorite-seo-newsletters


Ecommerce merchants know the value of organic search for traffic and conversions. The five newsletters below will help you stay current with search engine optimization and learn new tactics quickly and succinctly.


Marketing vs. promotion | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2022/06/marketing-vs-promotion/


Marketing is creating the conditions for a story to spread so you can help people get to where they hope to go. Marketing is work that matters for people who care, a chance to create products and services that lead to change.


How AI will change the future of search engine optimization https://searchengineland.com/how-ai-will-change-the-future-of-search-engine-optimization-385543


AI will completely change SEO as we know it. From optimization to link building, it will significantly impact every aspect of SEO.


WordPress Community Reacts To 6.0 Arturo https://www.searchenginejournal.com/wordpress-community-reacts-to-6-0-arturo/453174/


The response to the rollout of WordPress 6.0 Arturo was generally positive, with some surprising experiences and responses


Platforma de automatizare easySales integreaza solutiile Filbo de finantare a afacerilor – ECOMpedia https://ecompedia.ro/platforma-de-automatizare-easysales-integreaza-solutiile-filbo-de-finantare-afacerilor/?nzm_re=511432918-f2a588c3022a46bd39fb6f0c16b42d6c-968536


Platforma easySales anunta, intr-un comunicat de presa, ca a integrat direct in interfata digitala o solutie de finantare a afacerilor cu sume de pana la 115.000 de lei, asigurata de Filbo.


Six Social Media KPIs You Have to Track [INFOGRAPHIC] – Giraffe Social Media https://www.giraffesocialmedia.co.uk/six-social-media-kpis-you-have-to-track-infographic/


When it comes to social media, measuring and recording various KPIs will ensure you’re on track with your digital marketing efforts. These KPIs will help you to understand what is and isn’t working, and inform your decisions when making changes to your strategy.


Using Content as a Business Differentiator : Social Media Examiner https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/using-content-as-a-business-differentiator/


Looking for something that can give you a unique edge? Wondering if creating the right content can raise you above the competition?


La inceput de vara, venim cu vesti bune! Visualfest Romania, cea mai importanta conferinta dedicata pasionatilor si creatorilor de continut vizual din Romania, revine cu o noua editie, in format hibrid. Pe 5 iulie, te asteptam la JW Marriott Hotel pentru o zi cu tendinte actuale, strategii de promovare si bune practici pentru o comunicare vizuala eficienta.




220 Tool-uri de marketing, design, business. — Alexandra Ene │ Online Business Simplificat https://alexandraene.com/220-tool-uri-de-marketing/


Vrei să începi o afacere online? Ai idei pe jumătate formate, dar nimic clar cum să generezi bani online? Oh, been there.


SEOday | The only SEO event in three languages https://puntorojo.com/en/seoday/english


The only SEO event in three languages


Chris Silver Smith on Twitter: „SEO folks, you might be interested to know that Twitter is apparently no longer using rel=”nofollow”. So, profiles, tweets, and other pages on Twitter may now contain followed links!🔗‼️ Observations🧵👇 https://t.co/P5ldLSfaxq” / Twitter https://twitter.com/si1very/status/1535326024036122626


Firefox and Chrome are squaring off over ad-blocker extensions – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/10/23131029/mozilla-ad-blocking-firefox-google-chrome-privacy-manifest-v3-web-request


Mozilla will let extensions use the most privacy-preserving blocking techniques on network traffic


How DALL-E could power a creative revolution – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/23162454/openai-dall-e-image-generation-tool-creative-revolution


Thoughts on my first week with OpenAI’s amazing text-to-image AI tool


Always Own Your Platform http://www.alwaysownyourplatform.com/



<)  )╯Always

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Învățăturile lui Mitzuu, singurul influencer român nominalizat la ABOUT YOU Awards, pentru adolescenți (și părinți): „Cu ½ milioane de vizualizări lunar, te poți întreține din vlogging” – HotNews.ro https://life.hotnews.ro/stiri-showbiz-25612254-invataturile-lui-mitzuu-singurul-influencer-roman-nominalizat-about-you-awards-catre-adolescenti-parinti-1-2-milioane-vizualizari-lunar-poti-intretine-din-vlogging.htm


​Mitzuu este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți vloggeri din România având pe canalul lui de Youtube peste 700 de mii de abonați. Am stat de vorbă cu Mitzuu după ce vloggerul a fost nominalizat la ABOUT YOU Awards, eveniment care premiază creatorii digitali ai anului din Europa.


Download Tables from any Webpage to Excel sheets. https://www.pagetosheet.com/


Google’s AI Doesn’t Understand Restaurant Menus – Terence Eden’s Blog https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2022/06/googles-ai-doesnt-understand-restaurant-menus/


In the glorious future, every website will be chock-full of semantic metadata.


14 Best Social Media Management Tools in 2022 https://adespresso.com/blog/social-media-management-tools/


In this article, we’ve compiled 14 of the best social media management tools for 2022 so you can choose the one that best fits your needs.


Content, Curated. – Issue #33 – Search Valley https://searchvalley.co.uk/content-curated-33/


It’s finally here, issue #33 of Content, Curated. Due to a busy month or so, including welcoming a new baby to our family, it’s been a larger than usual gap between issues.


Microsoft Teams now uses AI to improve echo, interruptions, and acoustics – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/13/23165520/microsoft-teams-ai-machine-learning-acoustics-interruptions-echo-cancellation-features


Your Teams calls should sound a lot better


Trust signals boost conversions. Use them to back your copy. https://copyhackers.com/2022/06/trust-signals-boost-conversions/


Trust signals are written or visual features on your website and in your emails indicating your business is trustworthy to customers.


⭐️ I discovered a cure for writer’s block that actually works – Jakob Greenfeld – Experiments in Permissionless Entrepreneurship http://jakobgreenfeld.com/content-ideas


If you struggle with writer’s block (and I mean who doesn’t), I got good news for you.


Robert Katai | Content Strategist on Instagram: “Orice marketer deștept folosește aplicații care îl ajută să-și facă treaba mai bine. Așa că în acest carousel vei descoperi 5 aplicații…” https://www.instagram.com/p/CexYEwUqb5t/


Alain Schlesser on Twitter: „Can we please talk about the fact that #WordPress themes are not about „colors & fonts”, but are what shapes the markup being generated on the frontend – the super-power that allowed WP to remain relevant across multiple iterations of the web. => theme.json is not a replacement.” / Twitter https://twitter.com/schlessera/status/1536389022918053895


Firefox Rolls Out Total Cookie Protection By Default To All Users https://blog.mozilla.org/en/products/firefox/firefox-rolls-out-total-cookie-protection-by-default-to-all-users-worldwide/


Starting today, Firefox is rolling out Total Cookie Protection by default to all Firefox users worldwide, making Firefox the most private and secure major browser available across Windows and Mac.


Google, Apple, and Amazon Stifle Innovation When They Favor Their Own Products – SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/google-apple-and-amazon-stifle-innovation-when-they-favor-their-own-products/


I think I owe it to my fellow marketers and readers of this blog to explain why I believe this bill fits with SparkToro’s values and why I think anyone not planning to spend their professional life as a Google, Amazon, or Apple executive should support it.


Comerciantii eMAG Marketplace pot cumpara coduri EAN chiar si pentru un singur produs – ECOMpedia https://ecompedia.ro/comerciantii-emag-marketplace-pot-cumpara-coduri-ean-chiar-si-pentru-un-singur-produs/


Din dorinta de a sustine antreprenorii digitali si a facilita accesul pe marketplace pentru cat mai multi comercianti, eMAG.ro a incheiat un parteneriat cu asociatia non-profit GS1, prin care antreprenorii pot achizitiona coduri de bare unice (EAN) valabile la nivel international, in orice moment, chiar si la bucata.


LinkedIn announces Business Manager https://searchengineland.com/linkedin-business-manager-385677


LinkedIn’s new centralized platform should make managing multiple assets easier for large enterprises and agencies.


6 Ways to Scale Facebook Ads (The Right Way) | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2022/06/08/how-to-scale-facebook-ads


With that point of view in mind, here are some ways you can try to find scale within your Facebook Ads accounts.


Microsoft Bing is building a new retail marketplace https://searchengineland.com/microsoft-bing-is-building-a-new-retail-marketplace-385826


Bing aims to drive a modest $25 million in merchandise sales by the fiscal year 2023.


28 Daily Hashtags Ideas To Boost Your Engagement (Cheatsheet) https://blog.hootsuite.com/daily-hashtags/


Daily hashtags are always trending. If you’re ready to join the conversation, we’ve got the top hashtags for every day of the week.


Google Domains vs GoDaddy: Which Domain Registrar to Choose https://kinsta.com/blog/google-domains-vs-godaddy/


When registering a new domain to the domain name system (DNS), you have so many options.


6 Upselling and Cross-selling Examples from B2B and B2C Companies | CXL https://cxl.com/blog/upselling-examples/


In this article, we’ll show you how six companies employ the best upselling strategies. Then we’ll tell you how to do it yourself so you’re not leaving money on the table.


Local SEO Audit: Everything You Need to Know [+ How to Perform One] https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/local-seo-audit


While a local SEO audit may seem daunting if you’ve never done one before, it can actually be completed in seven easy steps — and there are several tools that can make yours quick and efficient.


The State of Link Building 2022 Report – Aira http://aira.net/state-of-link-building/


Welcome to the State of Link Building 2022 Report from Aira.


Asking for a date of birth – Design in government https://designnotes.blog.gov.uk/2013/12/05/asking-for-a-date-of-birth/


On the Register to vote project, we have been testing different ways of asking for a date of birth.


The Power of Second-Order Pain Points – Animalz https://www.animalz.co/blog/second-order-pain-points/


One of the simplest (and best) content marketing strategies is to write about pain points — the ugly problems your product is designed to solve.


Nora Ignat, Kooperativa 2.0: Tips & Tricks pentru Facebook Ads https://www.iqads.ro/articol/60153/nora-ignat-kooperativa-2-0-tips-tricks-pentru-facebook-ads


În cadrul oricărei strategii de marketing digital este nevoie să utilizăm un mix de canale de promovare pentru a ajunge la publicul țintă.


INTERVIU Florinel Chiş (ARMO): În actuala criză a preţurilor, românii se vor îndrepta spre shopping online | AGERPRES • Actualizează lumea. https://agerpres.ro/economic-intern/2022/06/09/interviu-florinel-chis-armo-in-actuala-criza-a-preturilor-romanii-se-vor-indrepta-spre-shopping-online–931792


Românii au descoperit beneficiile comerţului electronic, oferta de produse a devenit din ce în ce mai variată, iar acestea se traduc într-o valoare estimată a pieţei locale de 6,2 miliarde de euro, la nivelul anului 2021, în creştere cu 10% comparativ cu datele din 2020, a declarat, într-un interviu acordat AGERPRES, directorul executiv al Asociaţiei Române a Magazinelor Online (ARMO), Florinel Chiş.


New Photoshop update will restore an old photo in a single click – DIY Photography https://www.diyphotography.net/new-photoshop-update-will-restore-an-old-photo-in-a-single-click/


The latest update of Adobe Photoshop includes the ability to restore an old photo in just one click, thanks to the software’s groundbreaking addition to their Neural Filters.


Dans Tools – Online tools for users and developers. https://www.danstools.com/


Below is a collection of various tools that I have found helpful for many years.


Digital News Infographic #4 – Date despre Social Media Ads – Gun Media : Gun Media https://www.gun.ro/digital-news-infographic-4-date-despre-social-media-ads/


Tu te-ai întrebat vreodată care este rata de succes a reclamelor în Social Media? Ei bine, noi ne-am întrebat.


WordPress Forcibly Updates Over a Million Websites to Fix Critical Plugin Flaw https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/wordpress-forcibly-updates-over-a-million-websites-to-fix-critical-plugin-flaw/


Wordfence urges Ninja Forms users to ensure that their websites are running one of the patched versions, despite WordPress’ efforts to deploy automatic updates.


Amazon to launch in Belgium https://ecommercenews.eu/amazon-to-launch-in-belgium/


Ecommerce giant Amazon is launching in Belgium, with Amazon Belgium.


22 idei utile pentru business de la Brand Minds 2022 #BrandMinds2022 https://calinbiris.ro/22-idei-utile-pentru-business-de-la-brand-minds-2022-brandminds2022/


Ediția Brand Minds de anul acesta a fost un succes. Peste 6.000 de participanți s-au inspirat din discursurile a 8 speakeri de talie globală și au avut ocazia de a face networking de calitate.


Cum se lasă românii păcăliți de aplicații false care promit câștiguri enorme în urma unor like-uri – Stirileprotv.ro https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/inspectorul-pro/cum-se-lasa-romanii-pacaliti-de-aplicatii-false-care-promit-castiguri-enorme-in-urma-unor-like-uri.html


Mirajul îmbogățirii peste noapte ruinează mii de români care își plasează banii, fară să verifice, în așa numite instrumente financiare. În realitate, sunt rețele de pe internet care își selectează victimele cu promisiunea unor câștiguri uriașe.


▷ Manipularea scorului DA și site-urile de advertoriale https://mariuscalin.ro/manipularea-scorului-da-si-site-urile-de-advertoriale/


Văd că în ultimul timp inboxul, dar și piața este inundată de site-uri cu scor DA fals și acest metric ajunge să nu mai însemne nimic din moment ce poate fi manipulat chiar atât de ușor.


Cum sa vinzi mai mult clientilor cu puncte de fidelitate – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0py-TSgNAVQ


Azi, 21 iunie, de la ora 14:00, ne vedem la o noua sesiune live pe YouTube Gomag. Discutam despre impactul punctelor de fidelitate in strategia ta marketing si despre cum sa folosesti aplicatia Gomag la maximum.


Implementeaza un program de fidelizare automat, ce iti aduce clienti valorosi pe termen lung. Afla cum!


Map Data V: False Assumptions Programmers Make – The Solution Space https://solutionspace.blog/2022/06/18/map-data-v-false-assumptions-programmers-make/


Maps are a rich source of edge cases. Especially when you start dealing with global maps, be prepared: That weird situation you assume does not exist? Somewhere in the world, it does.


WordPress.org Strongly Urges Theme Authors to Switch to Locally Hosted Webfonts – WP Tavern https://wptavern.com/wordpress-org-strongly-urges-theme-authors-to-switch-to-locally-hosted-webfonts


In light of a recent German court case, which fined a website owner for violating the GDPR by using Google-hosted webfonts, WordPress.org’s themes team is updating its recommendations for hosting webfonts.


Visualfest – Homepage https://www.visualfest.ro/


Visualfest este o sarbatoare a comunicarii vizuale, un loc de intalnire al creatorilor de continut cu branduri interesate de tendintele momentului in social media.


Dacă vreodată aveți nevoie să vă testați viteza de acces la internet (de pe mobil sau de acasă), vă recomand fast.com – razvanbb https://razvanbb.ro/daca-vreodata-aveti-nevoie-sa-va-testati-viteza-de-acces-la-internet-de-pe-mobil-sau-de-acasa-va-recomand-fast-com/


E ușor de reținut și de introdus în browser, e curat (fără publicitate) și este pus la dispoziție de Netflix (probabil pentru apelurile la suportul tehnic), deci de încredere.


Urmăritori, adepți, follower(ș)i https://dilemaveche.ro/sectiune/editoriale-si-opinii/pe-ce-lume-traim/urmaritori-adepti-followersi-638998.html


Un caz interesant este cel al substantivului urmăritor (cu corespondentul feminin urmăritoare), pe care dicționarele noastre îl definesc în cheie preponderent negativă, ca evocînd un scenariu al amenințării: „persoană care urmărește pe cineva (pentru a supraveghea, a prinde, a aresta)” (DEX).


Mini-Volume Keywords: Why Targeting Small Search Volumes Makes Sense https://www.growandconvert.com/content-marketing/mini-volume-keywords/


But despite this data and our reasoning, we still get client pushback on proposed target keywords because SEO tools say the number of searches is low.


Google Signals în GA4 https://webanalyst.ro/2022/google-signals/


Google Signals este o funcționalitate care oferă către analytics date despre utilizatorii autentificați în conturi Google. Pe baza acesteia, putem afla numărul de utilizatori unici.


Search marketers agree: automation the least favorite part of PPC https://searchengineland.com/search-marketers-agree-automation-the-least-favorite-part-of-ppc-385845


We asked and you answered. Automation and lack of transparency ring in at number one. Support and clients are a close second.


Ce pot face ca newsletter-ul meu să ajungă în INBOX-ul abonaților? – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman https://blog.newsman.ro/trimitere-newsletter-in-inbox/


Trimite campanii de email în Inbox. Rolul furnizorului.


Oh, My MUM. Or how to think SEO in the era of algorithms based on AI https://www.iloveseo.net/oh-my-mum-or-how-to-think-seo-in-the-era-of-algorithms-based-on-ai/


I am going to be clear from the beginning: in this post, you are not going to find patents, their schemes, and speculations about algorithms.


Twitter will expand beyond the 280 character limit with Notes, its upcoming blog-like platform https://www.androidpolice.com/twitter-notes-blogging-platform/


Blogging like it’s 2003 again


Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides extend Microsoft Office support to offline edits https://www.androidpolice.com/google-workspace-microsoft-office-offline-edits/


Offline editing has been around for a long time, just not for documents in Office editing mode


Este legal un program de adblocking? – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-specialisti_stoica_si_asociatii-25653091-este-legal-program-adblocking.htm


Pentru un simplu utilizator de internet, înlăturarea tuturor reclamelor de pe paginile pe care le accesează reprezintă un scenariu ideal, fie că vorbim de pop-ups sau de bannerele publicitare, care pot trimite la pagini web infectate cu malware.


GitHub – edoardottt/awesome-hacker-search-engines: A list of search engines useful during Penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, red team operations, bug bounty and more https://github.com/edoardottt/awesome-hacker-search-engines


A list of search engines useful during Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments, Red Team operations, Bug Bounty and more


LevelUp Summit – Eveniment gratuit pentru clientii Gomag https://www.gomag.ro/blog/levelup-summit/


LevelUp Summit: 11 – 15 iulie 2022


Doar strategii de marketing si vanzari care functioneaza


Inscrie-te GRATUIT si asigura-te ca participi la sesiunile live!


Supermarketul online Sezamo s-a deschis într-un fel de beta testing și mi-am făcut cont – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2022/06/supermarket-online-sezamo-deschis-cont/


Long story short, dacă vă duceți pe prod.sezamo.ro, puteți vedea tot ce vinde supermarketul online. S-ar putea să fie posibil să vă faceți și cont și să dați comenzi, că Sezamo este de fapt deschis într-un fel de beta testing/soft launch.


avocatoo on Instagram: “Te bate gândul să deschizi un e-commerce? Uite un checklist sfânt pe care să îl în vedere când vrei să faci asta. 💕, salvează și dă mai…” https://www.instagram.com/p/CfVkx1ZIkEB/


Twitter Name Ideas: The Do’s and Don’ts of Choosing A Twitter Handle https://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/4495/twitter-handles-dos-and-don-ts-and-ebook.aspx


With over 200 million daily users, using Twitter right offers you massive benefits as a new or existing business.


20 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid in 2022 https://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/31310/7-rookie-social-media-mistakes-from-big-brands.aspx


According to 2021 HubSpot Blog research on social media trends, 77% of social media marketers say social media marketing was somewhat to very effective for their company in 2021.


Google and Apple should remove TikTok from their app store, FCC commissioner says – CBS News https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tiktok-removed-national-security-threat-app-stores-google-apple-fcc-commissioner-brendan-carr/


U.S. – Google and Apple should remove TikTok from their app store, FCC commissioner says


A federal official issued a new warning to Apple and Google, urging the tech giants to remove China-based app TikTok from their app stores.


How to Write Expert Roundups: 5 Clever Marketing Roundup Examples https://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/how-to-write-expert-roundup/


As a content marketer you have lots of options for formats, from gated guides to research reports, from infographics to interviews. And of course, the expert roundup blog post.


Nu au folosit niciodată internetul https://panorama.ro/nu-au-folosit-niciodata-internetul/


Peste o treime din populația lumii nu a folosit niciodată internetul, potrivit Națiunilor Unite. […] În România, 11% din populație nu a accesat niciodată internetul.


A guide to making your phone suck – Mike Crittenden https://critter.blog/2022/06/30/a-guide-to-making-your-phone-suck/


If you spend more time on your phone than you want to, try these stupid tips.


5 plugin-uri WordPress populare și alternativele lor – Simplenet https://simplenet.ro/pluginuri-wordpress-populare-alternative/


Doar cele mai bune pluginuri WordPress ar trebui să ajungă pe site-ul dvs. web. Și pentru a vă ajuta, iată care sunt alegerile de top ale oamenilor.


Googlebot and the 15 MB thing  |  Google Search Central Blog  |  Google Developers https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2022/06/googlebot-15mb


What does this 15 MB limit mean to me?


Most likely nothing. There are very few pages on the internet that are bigger in size. You, dear reader, are unlikely to be the owner of one, since the median size of a HTML file is about 500 times smaller: 30 kilobytes (kB).


How To Use FileZilla Like a Pro (and Resolve Errors Too) https://kinsta.com/blog/how-to-use-filezilla/


As one of the most widely used FTP clients, FileZilla serves as a common go-to solution for transferring files between computers over the internet.


Unique Selling Proposition: cum să creezi oferta unică de vânzare https://seo365.ro/unique-selling-proposition/


Ce este Unique Selling Proposition sau „oferta unică de vânzare”, cum să o formulezi și de ce contează? Discutăm în acest articol.


FREE Hobo SEO Checklist & Task Manager (V1 .1) – Google Sheets https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Pr0kjCQc93qrDFJyLA-FuhIOLeFFGNCDPOkGzeQxo-8/edit#gid=1637374961


Useful Tools We Will Be Using


Searchency https://www.searchency.net/


Instant Smart Search for your E-shop.


Ask the Data | Data Management | Customer Experience https://institutuldemarketing.ro/management-de-date-pentru-customer-experience/


Urmăriţi înregistrarea ultimei ediţii Ask The Data, un proiect realizat alături de partenerul nostru SAS, liderul global al soluțiilor de management de date, într-o ediție dedicată serviciilor financiare.


Hai la SocialPedia 39 despre Social Media în 2022 – Sabina Cornovac Online https://www.sabinacornovac.ro/hai-la-socialpedia-39-despre-social-media-in-2022/


✅ Ediția 39 a SocialPedia are loc pe 12 iulie 2022, de la ora 18:30, offline, despre Social Media in 2022 și este powered by Forcapil, Urgo și Bio-Oil, sponsored by BCR.


5 ways to get PPC and SEO working together https://searchengineland.com/get-ppc-seo-working-together-386083


Causes of friction between SEO and PPC often occur because we tend to use different sources of truth for each channel and build silos of communication between teams.


Tendințe în e-commerce: creștere de până la 10% față de 2021, anticiparea de stocuri pentru livrări rapide, livrarea la lockere – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/tendinte-in-e-commerce-crestere-de-pana-la-10-fata-de-2021-anticiparea-de-stocuri-pentru-livrari-rapide-livrarea-la-lockere


Potrivit estimărilor principalilor jucători din domeniu la GPeC SUMMIT desfășurat pe 30-31 Mai, în acest an, sectorul e-commerce românesc va aduce creștere o cuprinsă între 5 și 10% față de 2021, anul trecut piața de e-commerce atingând pragul de 6,2 miliarde. Comerțul online românesc va continua etapa de consolidare și ușoară creștere, apropiindu-se de valoarea de 7 miliarde de euro la finalul anului 2022.


Marketing online în era cookieless – GA4 și datele personale – DWF https://dwf.ro/blog/marketing-online-in-era-cookieless-ga4-si-datele-personale/


Ca să vină în întâmpinarea acestei nevoi, trecerea la Google Analytics 4 marchează începutul erei cookieless. De la 1 iulie 2023, noua versiune de GA nu se va mai baza pe informațiile stocate în browsere despre vizitatorii site-urilor.


Reason number 5445131 why some SEOs destroy the reputation of SEO – I Love SEO https://www.iloveseo.net/reason-number-5445131-why-some-seos-destroy-the-reputation-of-seo/


I don’t usually write publicly about black hat cases, also because I am of the idea that SEO is not a matter of black and white but, rather, of a large scale of gray, where some are closer to white and others closer to black.


Brian Feroldi (🧠,📈) on Twitter: „What website is a hidden gem?” / Twitter https://twitter.com/BrianFeroldi/status/1541094872207310849


evoMAG este acum în Profitshare! – Marketing afiliat – Profitshare Blog https://blog.profitshare.ro/evomag/


De curând evoMAG s-a alăturat brandurilor mari din Profitshare și completează lista în creștere de advertiseri pe nișa de “Retail” !


How to Identify and Fix Poorly Performing Facebook Ads : Social Media Examiner https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-identify-and-fix-poorly-performing-facebook-ads/


In this article, you’ll learn how to improve your Facebook ads results by updating everything from objectives and targeting to offers and creatives.


Carrying costs | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2022/06/carrying-costs/


How much does a puppy cost?


Local SEO Ranking – 5 factori de care Google ține cont în afișarea locațiilor din Maps – DWF https://dwf.ro/blog/local-seo-ranking-5-factori-de-care-google-tine-cont-in-afisarea-locatiilor-din-maps/


Optimizarea Local SEO este una dintre cele mai bune modalități prin care îți ajuți afacerea să apară în rezultatele de căutare locale relevante din Google.


Cum sa cresti numarul de clienti pentru afacerea ta profitabila https://www.gomag.ro/blog/cum-sa-cresti-numarul-de-clienti-pentru-afacerea-ta/


O afacere online, indiferent de tipul ei, nu poate supravietui fara clienti.


14 Best Free Chrome Extensions for SEOs (Tried & Tested) https://ahrefs.com/blog/seo-chrome-extensions/


SEO-related Chrome extensions can help you work faster and smarter.


5 Proven Ways To Increase Your Google Rankings https://www.searchenginejournal.com/improve-rankings-google/412864/


SEO can be overwhelming – but simply paying attention to these five basics will position you for ranking success.


SEO Writing: 7 Steps to Create Search-Optimized Content



But what is SEO writing? How do you write for search engines while still writing for the people who use them? Is there a process anyone can follow to be a better SEO writer?


What are Identical Keywords and why they matter for Google Ads https://searchengineland.com/identical-keywords-google-ads-386116


Google Ads has clarified what identical keywords are. But does this tactic go against what Google has been preaching for years?


New Study Shows Twitter is the Most Used Social Media Platform Among Journalists | Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/new-study-shows-twitter-is-the-most-used-social-media-platform-among-journa/626245/


According to a new Pew Research study, incorporating responses from over 11,500 journalists based in the US, Twitter is by far the most used social platform among this group, which means that much of the reporting that you’re then seeing in media outlets is, at least in some way, being influenced by tweeted opinion.


Scoala de Vara de E-Commerce & Digital Marketing GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/scoala-de-vara-de-e-commerce-marketing-online-gpec/


Am deschis înscrierile pentru programul Școala De Vara în Ecommerce & Marketing Digital GPeC, care se va desfășura în perioada 24 – 29 August!


Directorul e-commerce Noriel: Automatizarea crește productivitatea angajaților și a companiei – Stirileprotv.ro https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/eplan/eplan-directorul-e-commerce-noriel-automatizarea-creste-productivitatea-angajatilor-si-a-companiei.html


Directorul de comerț online al celei mai mari afaceri de jucării din România a vorbit pentru ePlan despre cum vede anul 2022 în e-commerce.


Asistăm la OTVizarea podcasturilor românești – hoinaru.ro https://www.hoinaru.ro/2022/06/06/asistam-la-otvizarea-podcasturilor-romanesti/


Am tot urmărit în ultimul an cum a mai mers piața de podcasturi și concluziile sunt triste. S-a dus efervescența din jurul fenomenului, poate puțin cam repede. Sigur, asta nu înseamnă că nu vor veni companii în zona asta, de obicei alea care au o viteză de reacție mai mică.


E-book: Cum să devenim foarte buni în Copywriting https://www.whitepress.com/ro/cum-sa-devenim-foarte-buni-in-copywriting


E-book unic pentru copywriteri creat de WhitePress și de experți


Build Up Authority: Cum să te poziționezi ca o autoritate în industria ta https://markeero.com/build-up-authority/


Cursul care te învață cum să te poziționezi ca un expert în industria ta prin creația de conținut.


All the Ways Google Gets Street View Images | WIRED – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oApM0jBRKbY


Twitter Resumes Nofollow Attributes To Links https://www.seroundtable.com/twitter-resumes-nofollow-attributes-to-links-33691.html


A few weeks or so ago, Twitter removed nofollow attributes from its links. Well, it seems like now those nofollow link attributes were added back. Glenn Gabe spotted this on this past Friday, right before the long July 4th weekend.


New Gmail rolls out to everyone, and you can hide that big sidebar now | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/07/how-to-turn-off-gmails-new-sidebar-and-other-ways-to-deal-with-new-gmail/


New Gmail is coming to your account, but things are adjustable.


Google: How to increase feature adoption the right way https://growth.design/case-studies/google-feature-adoption


Growth.Design Case Study #038


Interneting Is Hard | Web Development Tutorials For Complete Beginners https://www.internetingishard.com/


Our mission is to make web development accessible to as many people as possible. That’s why we’re offering our entire HTML & CSS tutorial for free. Get to it!


Style Manual http://stylemanual.org/


A reference document by Andy Taylor.


Don’t fight the browser preload scanner https://web.dev/preload-scanner/


Find out what the browser preload scanner is, how it helps performance, and how you can stay out of its way.


Why We Stopped (Most) Manual Link Building After 1M+ Emails – Siege Media https://www.siegemedia.com/marketing/manual-link-building


After a lot of deliberation and data analysis, we’ve realized that manual link building doesn’t make sense for 90%+ of the companies we help.


Google Says No SEO Benefit To Hosting On A CDN https://www.seroundtable.com/google-no-seo-benefit-to-hosting-on-a-cdn-33559.html


So obviously you can do a lot of these things, I don’t think it would have a big affect on Google at all in regards to SEO. The only affect that I can imagine that something might happen is what users end up seeing.


Google My Business Photography Strategy Part 2 https://seonotebook.notion.site/Google-My-Business-Photography-Strategy-Part-2-c3814d1ecdbf43b7897600a6a3d62409


Here are some common do’s and don’ts that will help maximize your photos.


🐝 johnmu.csv (personal) weighs more than 16MB 🐝 on Twitter: „@mastersanket @Google The concept of toxic links is something that’s made up by SEO tools—I’d just ignore it, and perhaps move on to more serious tools.” / Twitter https://twitter.com/JohnMu/status/1533697837703348224


2022 Winners – European Search Awards https://europeansearchawards.com/2022-winners/


You can also relive all the action from the night by watching the ceremony below.


Kristina Azarenko (techseo.pro) 🔥 on Twitter: „7 things I wish I understood earlier as a technical #SEO A 🧵” / Twitter https://twitter.com/azarchick/status/1535238347605413888


Andrew Charlton on Twitter: „Keywords in Sheets is finally in BETA 🎉🚀 It includes 4 PRO functions 👇 Search Volume Related Keywords Competitor Keywords Search Results And 6 FREE functions: Status Code Checker, Redirect Checker, Local Keywords, Link Checker & XML Sitemap. https://t.co/8VubbQhNuG https://t.co/DfhsfvaVVY” / Twitter https://twitter.com/bertiecharlton/status/1534540733130080256


2022 Winners – Global Agency Awards https://globalagencyawards.net/2022-winners/


Congratulations to all our 2022 Global Agency Awards winners. Be sure to share your success using the assets below. If you missed anything from the ceremony, you can watch it here too.


Tessa Davis on Twitter: „Of all the meeting platforms we’ve used over the last 2 years, Zoom is the one I love most. Most of us think we know Zoom inside out. But we don’t. Here are 7 Zoom hacks you probably haven’t heard of, but you’ll be glad you now know. 🧵👇” / Twitter https://twitter.com/TessaRDavis/status/1513957564316364805


Google No Longer Lowers Importance Of Content Not Visible On Page https://www.seroundtable.com/google-not-visible-content-33630.html


Gary confirmed saying „It just has to be in the HTML. So, basically, if you—Or in the immediate JavaScript. For example, if JavaScript brings in some content from within the JavaScript that’s on the page or linked from the page, basically not using a XHR to bring in content.”


Almost Half of GSC Clicks Go to Hidden Terms – A Study by Ahrefs https://ahrefs.com/blog/gsc-hidden-terms-study/


These instances of hidden terms account for 46.08% of all clicks in our study. The study includes one month of data across 146,741 websites and nearly 9 billion total clicks.


Google Analytics is losing track of millions of users as regulators ban the service https://www.androidpolice.com/google-analytics-gdpr-eu-violation/


Austria, France, and now Italy are now telling webmasters to switch away


UK subscribers will soon be able to leave Amazon Prime in two clicks | Amazon | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jul/04/uk-subscribers-will-soon-be-able-to-leave-amazon-prime-in-two-clicks


The move follows changes across the EU that made it simpler for users to quit the subscription service


Glossary Page Template https://glossary.page/template/


A single HTML page with a built-in editor for creating a glossary that can be hosted anywhere.


SEOday | SEO conference in three languages | 100% Free https://puntorojo.com/en/seoday/talks


SEODay 2022 EDITION, is an important SEO conference with remarkable speakers such as John Mueller, Izzi Smith & More. Live on June 22nd. ¡Register now for free!


Google Says Search Query Pages Are Similar To Low Effort Category Pages https://www.seroundtable.com/google-search-query-pages-equivalent-to-low-effort-category-pages-33699.html


Google’s John Mueller was asked again about should you block your search results pages on your site from being indexed. The answer is generally yes, always has been, but John added that a „selected list of search-queries being essentially equivalent to low-effort category pages,” he said „but overall I’d block them.”


Webinar: TBITalks – Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CristianChinaBirta.ro/photos/a.393592447373225/5291334174265670/


Webinar gratuit.


Află care sunt pașii ce trebuie să-i urmezi. https://edukiwi.ro/mihai-chitoiu/webinar-invata-seo-de-la-un-profesionist/


Câștigi peste 100.000 de lei în primul an și

începi o carieră nouă într-un domeniu totmai căutat în România


Hiding XML Sitemaps | ohgm https://ohgm.co.uk/hiding-xml-sitemaps/


A client was working on a dynamic XML Sitemap containing potentially juicy information competitors would be very interested in.


Externalizarea creării de conținut pentru site-uri de marketing afiliat – Afiliatti.ro https://afiliatti.ro/externalizarea-crearii-de-continut-pentru-site-uri-de-marketing-afiliat/


Foarte util articolul pt incepatori. Nu ai scris nimic despre lungimea unui articol in functie de destinatie: review, informativ. E un minim in functie de destinatie sau nu conteaza lungimea atat timp cat se acopera tot topicul?


Why you should invest in branded keywords even if your company ranks #1 on Google https://searchengineland.com/why-invest-branded-keywords-386220


Investment in brand keywords is critical because it allows you to directly influence your brand’s presentation on the SERP.


Scoala de Vara de E-Commerce & Digital Marketing GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/scoala-de-vara-de-e-commerce-marketing-online-gpec/


Va anunțăm că jumătate din locurile disponibile la Școala De Vara în Ecommerce & Marketing Digital GPeC (24 – 29 August) sunt deja rezervate! Până pe 15 iulie mai este valabilă oferta Early Bird, așa că va recomandăm să nu mai stați pe gânduri.


European e-commerce still growing but new global challenges lie ahead – Ecommerce Europe https://ecommerce-europe.eu/press-item/european-e-commerce-still-growing-but-new-global-challenges-lie-ahead/


Ecommerce Europe and EuroCommerce today jointly published the 2022 European E-commerce Report. In 2021, European e-commerce grew by 13 % to €718 billion euros. The growth rate has remained stable, though it has risen slightly compared to 2020. The 2021 B2C turnover figures show that e-commerce continues to grow, despite lockdowns being lifted and consumers’ ability to visit physical stores again.


Astrofox https://astrofox.io/


Turn audio into amazing videos


Bad UI is causing people to get scammed | Ashlan’s blog https://ashlan.com/blog/bad-ui-is-causing-people-to-get-scammed/


Gmail by default hides the sender email address (but conveniently shows the recipient email address??). I’m sure many people mostly use their phones to email and don’t know how to expand to display the full email address.


AutoRegex: Convert from English to RegEx with Natural Language Processing https://www.autoregex.xyz/


Regex is difficult to write and comprehend to the average human reader because of its complex patterns. This website uses GPT-3 to generate regular expressions from plain English.



Fallacies of Distributed Systems https://architecturenotes.co/fallacies-of-distributed-systems/


Fallacies of distributed systems are a set of assertions made by L Peter Deutsch and others at Sun Microsystems describing false assumptions that programmers new to distributed applications invariably make.


7 Absolute Truths I Unlearned as Junior Developer https://monicalent.com/blog/2019/06/03/absolute-truths-unlearned-as-junior-developer/


In reflecting on this first decade of getting regularly paid money to type weird symbols into my Terminal, I wanted to take some time to share some of the ways my thinking shifted over the years as a developer.


What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered? – Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/184618/what-is-the-best-comment-in-source-code-you-have-ever-encountered


Quantum computer succeeds where a classical algorithm fails | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/06/quantum-computer-succeeds-where-a-classical-algorithm-fails/


Quantum computers coupled with traditional machine learning show clear benefits.


Google Cloud employee calculates pi to 100 trillion digits – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/10/23161647/google-cloud-processing-pi-calculation-100-trillion


The developer previously calculated pi to the 31.4 trillionth digit in 2019


#HEXWORDS https://hexwords.netlify.app/


Why bother with a random green when you can choose to be a #BADA55!


10x (engineer, context) pairs | benkuhn.net https://www.benkuhn.net/10x/


People have big arguments over whether “10x engineers” exist or not.


When GoDaddy fell to Social Engineering: g — LiveJournal https://g.livejournal.com/8578.html


He wanted to make the owner an offer but there was a problem. The owner’s email address was hidden by GoDaddy’s WHOIS protection. This.. simply wouldn’t do.


sciter – Multiplatform HTML/CSS/JavaScript UI Engine for Desktop and Mobile Application https://sciter.com/


Embeddable HTML/CSS/JavaScript engine for modern UI development


Why Everyone Needs a Blog – Daniel Miessler https://danielmiessler.com/blog/why-everyone-needs-a-blog/


I can’t even convey to you how challenging it is to create an about page. Try it. Try to capture what you’re about. Try to capture your beliefs, and why you believe them. Try to capture your interests. Write yourself down.


Recut – Remove Silence From Your Videos Automatically https://getrecut.com/


Recut removes the pauses


AI Wrote and Performed a Jerry Seinfeld Routine! – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1onxri0duN0


Floating Point Math https://0.30000000000000004.com/


Computers can only natively store integers, so they need some way of representing decimal numbers. This representation is not perfectly accurate.


Popular Devices Are Usually the Safest, Bitdefender Consumer Threat Landscape Report Finds https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/popular-devices-are-usually-the-safest-bitdefender-consumer-threat-landscape-report-finds/


As Bitdefender’s telemetry shows, the most popular devices out there are the safest if you’re using security as a differentiator when getting a new device.


Google engineer identifies anonymous faces in WWII photos with AI facial recognition | The Times of Israel https://www.timesofisrael.com/google-engineer-identifies-anonymous-faces-in-wwii-photos-with-ai-facial-recognition/


While visiting the POLIN museum in 2016, Daniel Patt realized he could be walking by his own relatives without knowing it, so he designed a platform ‘From Numbers to Names’


D. Psihologie

We’re giving kids “climate anxiety” and it’s not necessary – Vox https://www.vox.com/23158406/climate-change-tell-kids-wont-destroy-world


Some “climate anxiety” is the product of telling kids — falsely — that they have no future.


Why can’t we remember being born or our first words? | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/06/why-cant-we-remember-being-born-or-our-first-words/


What scientists know about „infantile amnesia.”


Ușurința cognitivă și avântul epocii “post-adevăr”. – Adrian Stanciu https://www.adrianstanciu.ro/2022/06/16/usurinta-cognitiva-si-avantul-epocii-post-adevar/


Celebrul psiholog israelian David Kahnemann a fost laureat cu premiul Nobel pentru economie pentru contribuțiile sale la studierea științifică a erorilor sistematice pe care tindem să le facem când luăm decizii de tot felul.


The Brain Has a ‘Low-Power Mode’ That Blunts Our Senses | Quanta Magazine https://www.quantamagazine.org/the-brain-has-a-low-power-mode-that-blunts-our-senses-20220614/


Neuroscientists uncovered an energy-saving mode in vision-system neurons that works at the cost of being able to see fine-grained details.


Struggling with positive thinking? Research shows grumpy moods can actually be useful https://theconversation.com/struggling-with-positive-thinking-research-shows-grumpy-moods-can-actually-be-useful-185883?xtor=ES-208-[53382_NEWS_NLB_LAP_WK26_Tues_28_June]-20220628-[The+Conversation]


This is known as “positive psychology” and has recently expanded to accommodate not only psychologists, but also social workers, life coaches and new age therapists. But there is evidence to suggest the approach has a negative side.


The two types of creativity peak at very different ages — Quartz https://qz.com/1606423/the-two-types-of-creativity-peak-at-very-different-ages/


That means your best days may lay just ahead.


4 Rituals To Keep You Happy All The Time – Barking Up The Wrong Tree https://bakadesuyo.com/2022/07/gratitude/


It had been a wonderful day. Now he was going for his usual 4-mile walk.


We’re Beginning to Understand the Power of Eye Contact  | Discover Magazine https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/were-beginning-to-understand-the-power-of-eye-contact?eid=cosmeanu%40gmail.com


Next time you’re with a loved one, consider trying an awkward experiment: Take a moment of silence and gaze into each other’s eyes. By the time you reach about four seconds, things will probably feel uncomfortable, according to some social research. Yet the precise reason why is tricky to pin down with a scientific lens.


Psychologists have traditionally focused on the past – what if that’s all wrong? https://theconversation.com/psychologists-have-traditionally-focused-on-the-past-what-if-thats-all-wrong-182308


Then, they explored the building blocks (such as home, family and leisure) to reaching their best future selves. They imagined that everything went according to plan, and were encouraged to think about what life would look like five years from now.


Office gossip | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2022/07/office-gossip/


Humans gossipped before we figured out fire, housing or farming. It’s built into our culture and possibly our DNA.


E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu)

Povestea medicului rezident devenit donator de celule stem hematopoietice pentru pacienții cu leucemie: „E interesant să fii de cealaltă parte a baricadei” – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-sanatate-25607569-povestea-medicului-rezident-devenit-donator-celule-stem-hematopoietice-interesant-fii-cealalta-parte-baricadei.htm


Ionuț Petre are 28 de ani și este medic rezident endocrinolog. În 2015, când era în anul 2 de studenție, s-a înscris în Registrul donatorilor de celule stem hematopoietice.


Tools for better thinking | Untools https://untools.co/


Collection of thinking tools and frameworks to help you solve problems, make decisions and understand systems.


Cat de sănătoși sunt românii – Sănătate – Panorama https://sanatate.panorama.ro/


Radiografia sistemului medical românesc


New superbug found in pigs has ability jump to humans | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/new-superbug-found-in-pigs-can-jump-to-humans/news-story/91e1f67590adbadb8c8f588e3043365d


A new strain of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria circulating among pigs is ringing alarm bells after scientists discovered a concerning feature of the bug.


Still Too Soon? Personalized Diets https://www.webmd.com/special-reports/future-of-food/20220602/personalized-diets?ecd=soc_in_220701_cons_news_personalizeddietslinkinbio


The latest research is moving the needle toward precision nutrition – highly customized diets based on your microbiome, DNA, or other things. Quite a few are already available, but the science may not match the marketing.


De ce se îndreaptă România spre o criză a doctorilor de familie – Panorama https://panorama.ro/de-ce-se-indreapta-romania-spre-o-criza-a-doctorilor-de-familie/


Salariile mici cu care rămân după ce plătesc leafa asistentei medicale, utilitățile cabinetului și cotizațiile la stat sunt doar câteva dintre motivele pentru care viitorii doctori se țin departe de această ramură a medicinei, odinioară una dintre cele mai puternice din țară.


Why sunscreen is not enough to prevent sunburns – BBC Future https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220704-why-childhood-sunburns-are-so-dangerous?ocid=global_future_rss


Five simple steps helped Australia bring down high skin cancer rates – and could help others stay safe in the sun.


I analyzed 1835 hospital price lists so you didn’t have to | DoltHub Blog https://www.dolthub.com/blog/2022-07-01-hospitals-compliance/


I analyzed 1835 hospital price lists so you didn’t have to. But if you’re a data scientist, you can do it too!


gato-gato-gato – imagine the news, https://flic.kr/p/jQN7DF

Notă: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri).

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