Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna iunie 2020 (și început de iulie). Pot fi suprapuneri de la o secțiune la alta.
- A. Generale
- B. SEO (optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare)
- C. IT (tehnologie și comunicații)
- D. Psihologie
- E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu)
A. Generale
10 principles of strategic leadership
The following 10 principles can help unlock the potential strategic leadership in your enterprise. These principles represent a combination of organizational systems and individual capabilities — the hardware and software of transformation. You may have already adopted some of these tenets, and think that’s enough. But only when you implement all of them together, as a single system, will they enable you to attract, develop, and retain the strategic leaders who’ve eluded you thus far.
Is Fusion Really Close To Reality? Yes, Thanks To Machine Learning
“As a physicist, we always joke that fusion has been 50 years away for 50 years,” said Daniel Kammen, a professor of energy at the University of California, Berkeley. “But in the last four or five years, with the effort that’s going on here, the effort that’s going on with Commonwealth Fusion in Massachusetts, you’re suddenly seeing that old idea—that fusion is great but infinitely far away—has gone away.”
Microsoft sacks journalists to replace them with robots | Microsoft | The Guardian
Users of the homepages of the MSN website and Edge browser will now see news stories generated by AI
The Best Advice for Saving as Much as You Can
There is no one right answer to the omnipresent question of the basic budget, but here’s a few bits of wisdom for any financial planner.
Toți utilizatorii Facebook își pot transfera pozele pe Google… |
Funcția de transfer a fotografiilor și filmărilor postate pe Facebook este acum disponibilă la nivel global și permite copierea acestora pe Google Photos.
Would You Stand up to an Oppressive Regime or Would You Conform? Here’s the Science
We all like to think of ourselves as heroes. But according to science, the vast majority of people aren’t prepared to rebel against totalitarian rulers.
Who Should You Trust? Psychologists Have a Surprising Answer
What is the best indicator that someone you work with should (or shouldn’t) be trusted?
Gardening Makes You Happier According to Princeton Study
Additionally, the authors explain, “Household gardening is the only activity, in this study, where women and low-income participants report higher EWB than men and medium/high-income participants respectively.”
A teen who spent ten hours cleaning up after a protest in Buffalo and rewarded with a car and a college scholarship – CNN
He saw Gwynn ask for some car buying advice on Facebook, and Matt decided to offer up his sports car.
It turns out that gift has more meaning than Block ever imagined. Gwynn’s mother, who passed away in 2018, also drove a red Mustang. When he realized the coincidence, Gwynn says that he was so shocked he “didn’t have any words,” and Block says it gave him “goosebumps.”
5 mari proiecte care pot ajuta România să prospere
Ce vom face cu miliardele de euro pe care ni le va pune la dispoziție Uniunea Europeană?
eMAG: 100 lei / an și livrare mai rapidă – eMAG genius – serviciul tău premium de cumpărături
Marin Moraru, Gheorghe Dinica, Oana Pellea, Marcel Iures in “O noapte furtunoasa“. De astazi pana duminica, gratuit, in online
Teatrul Odeon pune la dispozitia publicului o montare exceptionala a piesei “O noapte furtunoasa”, din 1998 in regia lui Mihai Maniutiu avandu-I in distributie pe Marin Moraru – Jupân Dumitrache, Gheorghe Dinica – Nae Ipingescu, Dorina Lazar – Zita, Oana Pellea – Veta, Marcel Iures – Chiriac, Marian Ralea – Rica Venturiano, Marius Stanescu – Spiridon.
Widespread mask-wearing could prevent COVID-19 second waves: study – Reuters
Population-wide face mask use could push COVID-19 transmission down to controllable levels for national epidemics, and could prevent further waves of the pandemic disease when combined with lockdowns, according to a British study on Wednesday.
INTERVIU Daniel David, rectorul Universităţii „Babeş-Bolyai“: „Educaţia este calea regală spre succesul social“ |
Şi aş încerca să comunic că, în mod sigur, calea regală spre succesul social este educaţia. Fără educaţie, lucrurile bune ţi se întâmplă doar la nimereală, la noroc.
The reasons why people become incompetent at work – BBC Worklife
All of this raises a serious dilemma for companies hiring for a vacancy. Focus too much on current job performance and they risk promoting someone who struggles with management strategy; focus too much on other qualities and their lack of technical expertise may demotivate and disenchant the rest of staff. Clearly a fine balance between the two is needed.
Celebrity Deaths That Changed Music History: Gone Too Soon
Early, untimely deaths – and the questions and legacies left behind – from Janis Joplin to Elvis Presley to Whitney Houston to Chris Cornell.
Online Photo Archive Brings Romania’s History Back to Life | Balkan Insight
A free archive that publishes analogue pictures donated by the public is filling a void in Romania’s collective memory – and creating a ‘mosaic of its history’, its founder explains.
Cum arăta turismul în România, acum 50 de ani?
Un misterios fotograf ungur a făcut mii de fotografii între 1969-1974.
În 2019, sute de imagini realizate în România au fost găsite aruncate la gunoi, pe o stradă din Budapesta.
Find the #1 Song on the Day You Were Born
Where Did The Rock Go? (Broadway Cast Recording) | SCHOOL OF ROCK: The Musical – YouTube
Use the Shortest, Coldest Wash Cycle to Preserve Your Clothes
The aim was to figure out which wash cycle did the least amount of damage.
Turns out, it’s the gentlest, shortest and coldest wash cycle.
21 Day Habit Timeline: How to Form a Habit in 21 Days (Day by Day!)
Can You Form a New Habit in 21 Days?
Based on my experience, I am inclined to say yes. It takes about 21 days to form a new habit.
Is It Possible to Shower Too Much? – The Atlantic
For now, targeted hygiene—again, wash your hands!—and social distancing amount to crucial, lifesaving medical interventions.
Top 5 judete de la polul saraciei, cele mai proaste rezultate la Evaluarea Nationala. Portretele baronilor care le controleaza cu mana de fier
In coada clasamentului se afla, ca si in alti ani, judete din sudul tarii […]. Aceste judete se “scalda” in saracie, conform datelor INS din ultimii ani.
Ele au in comun faptul ca au fost conduse, in ultimii 20 de ani, de baroni locali care si-au extins constant sfera de influenta in administratia publica, indiferent de culoarea guvernarilor.
Valabilitatea cardurilor naționale de sănătate, prelungită cu 7 ani – Sanatate –
Valabilitatea cardurilor naționale de sănătate emise până la 31 decembrie 2014 a fost prelungită cu 7 ani.
Should I Kill Spiders in My Home? An Entomologist Explains Why Not To
Spiders are a natural and healthy part of your home’s ecosystem.
Adrian Stanciu: Credințe și fapte – Revista Biz
În ultima lui carte, “Factfulness”, regretatul medic suedez Hans Rosling începe prin a pune un set de întrebări despre starea actuală a lumii. Dacă sunteți curioși, le puteți găsi pe
The Best Parts of Your Childhood Probably Involved Things Today’s Kids Will Never Know
Like exploring the neighborhood whenever you wanted … and reading books.
Eroii 22 decembrie 1989
Acestea sunt numele si circumstantele mortii martirilor Revolutiei din Decembrie 1989
Can I have two biscuits? The best of kids interrupting television interviews | Television & radio | The Guardian
As two interviews featuring impromptu appearances from children go viral on the same day, we take a look at some memorable others
Want To Move To The Country? 15 Things To Consider – Frugalwoods
I’m no expert, I’ve only been here for four years, and I’ve only lived in Vermont, but I’ve devoted a lot of ink to dissecting the experience of going from ultra-urban (NYC, Washington, DC, Cambridge, MA) to ultra-rural.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: The Rich Results Test is out of beta
Today we are announcing that the Rich Results Test fully supports all Google Search rich result features – it’s out of beta 🥳.
Remembering Nellie Bly, Rabblerouser and Pioneer of Investigative Journalism
Clever, gifted, and fearless, Nellie Bly inspired both journalistic and social change in the late 19th century.
Why time feels so weird in 2020
Some days seem to pass very slowly while some weeks, and even months, fly by. A set of simple perception tests illustrate some factors that can distort our sense of time.
understanding – nabeelqu
The smartest person I’ve ever known had a habit that, as a teenager, I found striking. After he’d prove a theorem, or solve a problem, he’d go back and continue thinking about the problem and try to figure out different proofs of the same thing. Sometimes he’d spend hours on a problem he’d already solved.
post: selling – nabeelqu
This post contains everything I wish I’d known, before I started, about doing sales at a startup. It’s really hard to find good information about sales without a lot of fluff, so I set out to write down as much as I could about it.
Eigenquestions: The Art of Framing Problems
When Coda was founded, we found ourselves faced with a number of tricky choices. From years of working together previously at YouTube, (our founding PM) and I had developed a bit of a shorthand for how to “frame” problems. Over the years, we’ve refined and formalized the techniques, and we teach these skills as part of onboarding new employees at Coda. This document is a handbook of these techniques.
B. Lumea SEO PPC
Design Psychology: 8 Strategies to Use in Your Projects | Design Shack
Psychology, the study of the human mind, is a very complex subject that even the scientists struggle with. In fact, scientists and researchers are still trying to figure out why we have dreams when we sleep.
Which Type of Influencer is Right for Your Brand? | Growth Hackers
In this post, we will go through the different types of influencers and how to work with them effectively.
Gomag Selling Day – Eveniment Online gratuit despre Vanzari
Hai si tu la Gomag Selling Day – eveniment 100% online, 100% gratuit!
Inscrie-te chiar acum si asigura-te ca esti prezent la sesiunile live, pe 18 iunie 2020!
10 Tehnici de vanzare pentru magazinul tau online
Sigur te-ai intrebat si tu, cel putin odata, ce tehnici de vanzare folosesc cei mai buni oameni de vanzari.
Exista numeroase programe de training, carti si cursuri pe care specialistii le-au parcurs si le revad chiar si dupa multi ani de experienta in vanzari.
How online video helped one e-commerce brand sync with customers
Partnering with digital marketing agency Mavericks, the team shifted 100% of TV ad spend to digital. They began by developing new creatives, using different story arcs, branding, and pacing, rather than repurposing what was used for TV. The core audience for is broad, 18-45 year olds, but using YouTube’s tools they were able to pinpoint more specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and intent.
Bing Webmaster Tools now gives you competitive link data
Bing announced it pushed out a new feature for its backlinks tool within Bing Webmaster Tools. The new feature is named “similar sites” and it lets you compare your site’s backlinks to another site.
Prima conferinta din Romania dedicata podcast-urilor
Pe 8 iulie, intr-un format inedit, va avea loc prima editie a Podfest Romania , o conferinta de o zi, ce va fi difuzata online si care va reuni podcasteri, agentii digitale si de comunicare, vloggeri, bloggeri si in general creatori de continut.
The Art of Building Perfect Links, by Jared Carrizales
Jared Carizzales is a link-building hero. Yes, he saves companies from the unspeakable pain of building quality backlinks on scale themselves. Today, we’re delighted to ask him a few questions about his company, perfect links, link-building best practices, the tools they use, nofollows, ranking websites without backlinks, and many other things!
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A reminder about links in large-scale article campaigns
Lately we’ve seen an increase in spammy links contained in articles referred to as contributor posts, guest posts, partner posts, or syndicated posts. These articles are generally written by or in the name of one website, and published on a different one.
Bing Webmaster Tools new Site Scan feature finds SEO issues
New goodies are in Bing Webmaster Tools; first we got a competitive link tool and now a new SEO audit tool.
Web Vitals for SEOs: A guide to using and visualising their data %sep®
When it comes to search engine rankings, page speed is one of the most important and yet neglected factors.
This is simply because even with the best content, if the user cannot load it fast enough and interact with it, they will leave.
How to Build a Successful Amazon Affiliate Site (Step by Step)
Do you want to make some extra dough promoting products on Amazon?
Gomag – Evaluare obiectiva: Pareri, Preturi & Motive sa NU alegi platforma SAAS.
Testăm în articolul de față soluția platformei de e-commerce (comerț electronic) a celor de la Gomag. Vom trece prin mai multe aspecte, detaliate în cuprinsul de mai jos, iar la final vom trage concluzii.
6 Free Marketing Certifications That Will Boost Your Credibility
Ads, Analytics, Twitter — free education might lead to a paid gig
Starlink, internetul care vine din cer
Iar acum, Starlink, serviciul prin care Elon Musk și SpaceX vor să ofere internet întregii planete până în 2021, poate fi apogeul acestei ascensiuni.
Insight-uri de nota 10 de la eCommerce Growth Summit – ECOMpedia
Agenda evenimentului a fost plina de subiecte diverse, toate inradacinate in strategie, achizitie, conversie si retentia clientilor in industria comertului online. Am vazut live 35 de personalitati de renume, precum Nir Eyal, Douglas Patfield, Karl Gilis, Brian Clifton, Greg Zakowicz, Burc Tanir, Dennis Yu, Ton Wesseling si alte 27 de nume. Un total de 4.471 de participanti (si inca ii mai numaram, dupa eveniment) si zeci de profesionisti din 139 de tari au interactionat cu speakerii si au format o retea de oameni gata sa treaca peste orice dificultate, pentru a-si duce afacerile la urmatorul nivel.
6 Beneficii cand faci campanii pe bloguri – Vezi de ce sa le folosesti si tu!
In functie de strategia de comunicare si de obiectivele pe care le-ai stabilit, exista o multime de beneficii pe care le poti obtine in urma unei campanii pe bloguri.
What Is the Best Word Count for SEO?
How many words do you need to rank in first place? What is the optimum length of copy for SEO? Find out the truth behind word count and SEO.
Explore the SMX Next agenda!
Join us online June 23-24 (for free!) to access 40+ tactic-rich SEO and SEM sessions from leaders in search marketing technology.
Job la înălțime: PPC Specialist – Canopy
Oamenii pot face diferența în orice fel de organizație și echipă. Dacă vrei să faci parte dintr-o echipă care te va aprecia și unde ai ocazia să te afirmi pe plan profesional, avem un job de Mid-Senior PPC Specialist pentru tine.
De la idee creativă la antreprenoriat | Blog-ul GPeC
Proiectul Decât o Revistă a pornit când 5 prieteni jurnaliști și-au dorit să facă, măcar într-un singur exemplar, o revistă fără restricțiile și blocajele editoriale de care s-au lovit pe parcursul carierei. Unul dintre acei 5 prieteni este Cristian Lupșa; el a acceptat invitația noastră de a povesti la GPeC Live cum dezvolți un start-up de nișă și de ce este important să construiești o comunitate în jurul brand-ului tău.
Good for your health: Design Philosophy from the technology of healing
They collected data from 200,000 iPhone users and ranked the apps that made people feel the happiest, and the ones that made them most regret the time they’d spent there.
MozCon Virtual July 14-15, 2020 – Not Your Typical Marketing Conference.
Join us at MozCon Virtual July 14 & 15, 2020 including Birds of a Feather discussion groups and live session Q&A with all of our amazing speakers. Also includes full access to the MozCon video bundle once it’s released and for every ticket sold, MozCon will be making a charitable donation.
The History of Search Engines
Search Engines play an integral role in the lives of many of us, sometimes without us realising. A purchase on Amazon, usually starts with a product search. A new vacation booking, often begins with a hotel search. The answer to any question, is just a web search away. We look at the history behind one type of search engine – the web search engine.
How We Made Knowledge Sharing Work (After Failing Twice)
So we tried (and failed) twice to create an effective knowledge sharing process, but the third time was the charm. Read on to discover what we did wrong and what we’re currently doing right.
20+ digital marketing pros reveal their industry stressors – Mental Health & Me
And right now, stress is often unavoidable. The news is full of sadness, worry and anger, and our usual way of working has been thrown out of the window for an unknown amount of time.
Ecommerce SEO Summit from brightonSEO & SEMrush by Rough Agenda
In this practical and hands on virtual conference we will explore how you can take your ecommerce SEO efforts to the next level.
MeasureCamp is an open, free-to-attend unconference, for the analytics community who make MeasureCamp what it is. Due to the ever-increasing demand and limited supply of tickets, we limit the number of tickets to 3 per company.
Our next ticket release will take place on June 16, 2020 at 3pm (CEST)
SEOlium: our Google Rank Tracker is coming up nicely and we’ll be releasing a new version soon.
As a side-project, we worked on this fun SEO quiz
What happens online in 60 seconds? | Smart Insights
Our ‘60 seconds’ infographic visualizes what happens in just one minute on the web. The number of Google searches, Facebook posts and WhatsApp messages sent in a mere 60 seconds is truly phenomenal! We first created this infographic a few years back and we’ve now updated it for 2020, showing the statistics for the past three years.
MerchantPro – Evaluare obiectivă: Păreri, Prețuri & Functionalitati testate » Servicii de Marketing Digital – Agentie Publicitate online – Promovare Site Web
Testăm soluția platformei de e-commerce (comerț electronic) a celor de la MerchantPro, care este noua identitate a platformei ShopMania BIZ. Vom analiza mai multe aspecte, detaliate în cuprinsul de mai jos, iar la final vom trage concluzii.
Căutăm Content Architect [remote] care să creeze briefuri SEO friendly pentru articole – DWF
Ce vei face în calitate de Content Architect la DWF?
Vei realiza briefuri pentru echipa de content writeri.
Cu alte cuvinte, le vei da scriitorilor informațiile necesare pentru a redacta articole competitive, descrieri optimizate de categorii și recomandări pentru îmbunătățirea conținutului deja existent. De aceea, n-ar strica deloc să ai oleacă de experiență în realizarea de texte SEO.
De lucrat, vei lucra remote, în regim de colaborare, cu plata per brief.
ESSENTIAL SKILLS aduce în mod exclusiv pe grupul “Primii pași în afiliere prin 2Performant” discuții live cu experți din domenii de interes pentru a te ajuta să îți îmbunătățești cunoștințele esențiale pentru a avea rezultate din ce în ce mai bune în marketing afiliat.
Joi 18 Iunie de la ora 11:00 îl avem invitat pe Horia Neagu, owner – care va prezenta pe înţelesul unei persoane non-tehnice, fără jargon neinteligibil noțiuni de bază care impactează cel mai mult calitatea SEO a site-ului tău.
Dacă dorești să participi, te invităm să dai ”join” grupului de Facebook.
15.07.2020: Visualfest by Evensys
Dupa doua editii dedicate fenomenului Instagram, conferinta revine cu un nou format si un nou nume. Visualfest este o sarbatoare a comunicarii vizuale, un loc de intalnire, chiar si virtual al creatorilor de continut cu branduri interesate de tendintele momentului in social media. Te invitam sa fii alaturi de noi.
Here’s how to use the new Microsoft Ads Audience Network Planner
You can expand your reach beyond your Audience Ads campaigns by uncovering more data with the new audience planner.
The birth of Customer Value Optimization: Reveal Product Launch – Omniconvert Blog
We are officially launching REVEAL, our Customer Value Optimization platform in an amazing online event on June 24th, 12 PM EDT (5 PM UK)
Topic GPeC Live: Rand Fishkin (CEO & Co-Founder SparkToro) & Andrei Radu (CEO & Founder GPeC)
Jun 24, 2020 08:00 PM in Bucharest
Webinar Registration – Zoom
YouTube Announces New ‘Storefront’ Video Format With A Twist On DR | AdExchanger
The new ad format creates a browsable feed of products within an ad, and will link from the YouTube video to the brand’s own product page. By contrast, Facebook’s recently-released “Shops” commerce toolkit creates on-platform storefronts but keeps the users and the transaction within Facebook.
Is Google E-A-T Actually a Ranking Factor? – Whiteboard Friday – Moz
In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Cyrus Shepard explores whether it can be considered a true ranking factor, making your E-A-T goals SMART, and how to communicate it all to curious stakeholders. In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Cyrus Shepard explores whether it can be considered a true ranking factor, making your E-A-T goals SMART, and how to communicate it all to curious stakeholders.
Former Google ad boss Ramaswamy to launch new search engine Neeva
Neeva will be subscription based and won’t have advertising.
Rolul optimizarii link-urilor interne ale unui site – Nimicul lui Krumel
De obicei link-urile interne sunt pana la un anumit nivel create din inertie. O pagina ofera un link intern catre o alta pagina doar daca stim ca exista un continut asemanator sau prin sistemele automate de legaturi oferite de unele platforme de blogging sau ecommerce.
What’s at the front of the line? | Seth’s Blog
A study of behavior at breakfast buffets showed that the first item in the buffet was taken by 75% of the diners (even when the order of the items was reversed) and that two-thirds of all the food taken came from the first three items, regardless of how long the buffet is.
Analiza unui business de e-commerce și a unei campanii Google Shopping | Blog-ul GPeC
În principal, la orice comunicare cu o agenție de performance marketing, orice business de e-commerce trebuie să comunice câțiva indicatori de performanță. Fie că vorbim de CPA (Cost-per-action – în cazul de față action = tranzacție), Cost/venit (sau ROAS invers) sau CPC (cost per click), cea mai bună comunicare se învârte în jurul acestor metrici pentru că sunt ușor de măsurat (teoretic) și poți cuantifica munca agenției.
Top Social Brands 2020 | Facebook
Află care sunt cele mai puternice branduri în social media în 2020!
Conferinţa Top Social Brands prezintă în fiecare an cele mai eficiente strategii de promovare în reţelele sociale şi identifică tendinţele industriei digitale.
Studiul reuneşte brandurile care au reuşit cele mai bune campanii şi cel mai coerent mix de comunicare în social media marketing cu specialiştii care vor aduce în prim plan provocările industriei în 2020.
127-Point Local SEO Checklist for 2020 (with Working Examples)
Are you struggling to rank your local business in Google, Bing and other search engines?
Two articles on writing:
How Great Writing Begins – Better Humans – Medium
Analyzing the patterns of first paragraphs from 94 of the most compelling feature articles from The Atlantic, Fast Company, and NYT Opinion Editorials
How Great Writers End Their Articles – Better Humans – Medium
What you can learn from the final paragraphs of 100 top feature articles from Malcolm Gladwell, the Atlantic, Fast Company, and the New York Times
Hybrid positioning with CSS variables and max() – Lea Verou
One of my side projects these days is a color space agnostic color conversion & manipulation library, which I’m developing together with my husband, Chris Lilley (you can see a sneak peek of its docs above).
Home – Rostype
All our fonts are, and will always be, free to download for both personal and commercial use.
SendTest.Email | Test send your HTML email is a free and open-source tool for testing your email campaign’s HTML, ⚡4email, and plaintext versions before launch, in a real email client.
Search by Muzli
Search for design elements.
Diacriticele, încotro… — Liviu Vasilescu
Dacă te grăbești și vrei doar să vezi care sunt diacriticele corecte, iată-le mai jos.
Nu-ți irosesc timpul cu povești, tocmai pentru a încuraja și ușura scrierea cu diacriticele corecte. Totuși, dacă vrei să afli mai multe, după imaginile aflate mai jos vei găsi mai multe despre istoria acestor semne, aspecte tehnice și alte informații utile.
Why Google Ads Might Not Be Working for You
When a Google Ads account struggles, there are usually some go-to areas to check out first. Here are seven common issues to look at and how to fix them.
Webinar Virtual Summit & DWF: Cum adaptăm strategia SEO la contextul generat de Covid-19
Miercuri, 1 iulie, ora 15:00, Mihai Vînătoru, Managing Partner la DWF, va susține un webinar în cadrul sesiunii speciale Virtual Summit, Back to Business.
Top Social Brands 2020 | Facebook
Află care sunt cele mai puternice branduri în social media în 2020!
Conferinţa Top Social Brands prezintă în fiecare an cele mai eficiente strategii de promovare în reţelele sociale şi identifică tendinţele industriei digitale.
Joburi în Digital (79) – Sabina Cornovac Online
Pentru că articolele din această categorie de „Joburi in Social Media” au fost bine primite, iată că revin cu ediția 79. Vă doresc să vă ajute și să vă găsiți locul de muncă potrivit.
The Canva Backlink Empire: How Outreach & Content Led To A $6B Valuation
This is a complete breakdown of the Canva marketing strategy that helped the brand grow to a $6 billion valuation…
No – Safari 14 Does Not Block Google Analytics | Simo Ahava’s blog
No, Safari 14 (or any other version of Safari) will not block Google Analytics from loading and running on a website.
Download the SEO’s Local Search Cheat Sheet! – Moz
Whether you’ve just made a new hire at your agency, or your team simply wants to save time by having the most common local SEO resources, FAQs, and solutions all in one spot, the SEO’s Local Search Cheat Sheet is free to download and easy to print and share.
The Top 25 Most Influential PPC Experts of 2020 | PPC Hero
Paid Media Marketers – the time has come! We are releasing the latest edition of The Top 25 Most Influential PPC Experts.
Google US ad revenue will drop for first time this year, eMarketer says
Google will see a 5.3% drop in US advertising revenue in 2020, eMarketer predicted in a new report, marking the first dip since the research firm began modeling the business in 2008.
Publicitatea politică pe Facebook în pandemie: cine a plătit și în favoarea cui
În topul advertiserilor care au sponsorizat pe Facebook materiale pe teme politice, atât în starea de urgență cauzată de pandemia de COVID-19, cât și după anularea acesteia, se află principalele partide din România.
Disponibil gratuit în seara asta.
Episodul 6. Mihnea Măruță în dialog cu Lucian Despoiu – Carousel – TIFF UNLIMITED
The Dirty Secret to Ranking #1 on Google (Part 2 of 3) | SparkToro
Yesterday, we explored how Google puts their own products before any others, often regardless of quality. When they do, even when those results are superb, it discourages competition. Why bother building something better if Google’s going to send 70, 80, 90%+ of the search traffic to their own property?
Cât de des e ok să trimiți campanii de email pentru magazinul online? – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman
Trimiterea a 1-2 newslettere pe săptămână. Este ideal pentru majoritatea magazinelor online, mai ales dacă abia sunt la început de drum cu email marketing-ul.
The simple cure for writer’s block | Seth’s Blog
The best way to address this isn’t to wait to be perfect. Because if you wait, you’ll never get there.
Bing’s search ranking factors; relevance, quality & credibility, user engagement, freshness, location and page load time
Want to know how Bing ranks web pages? Here is how Bing describes it within its own guidelines.
Top Social Brands 2020 | Facebook
Află care sunt cele mai puternice branduri în social media în 2020!
Conferinţa Top Social Brands prezintă în fiecare an cele mai eficiente strategii de promovare în reţelele sociale şi identifică tendinţele industriei digitale.
Joburi în Digital (80) – Sabina Cornovac Online
Pentru că articolele din această categorie de „Joburi in Social Media” au fost bine primite, iată că revin cu ediția 80. Wow, vă dați seama că asta înseamnă că postez aceste joburi de peste 6 ani și jumătate? Vă doresc să vă ajute și să vă găsiți locul de muncă potrivit.
Compania clujeană Blugento a lansat Zento, o nouă platformă pentru magazinele online – Revista Biz
Blugento, companie clujeană specializată în furnizarea de soluții de eCommerce, a lansat Zento, noua platformă eCommerce de tip SaaS bazată pe Magento 2.
Media industry in Romania: the 2019 edition of Media Fact Book
Looking back from 2030, we may say that 10 years ago there was a second infestation besides SARS-CoV-2, caused by a virus which we had hosted for a long time before – digitalization.
UPGRADE 100 Focus: Creativity vs Crisis | UPGRADE 100 – Install The Best Version of You
35+ Cannes Lions, including 3 Grand Prix won by teams using the thinking tools described in this online event
Why Google Ranks Singular and Plural Keywords Differently
Google explains why the algorithm ranks singular and plural versions of a keyword differently
Screaming Frog SEO Spider Update – Version 13.0 | Screaming Frog
We are excited to announce the release of Screaming Frog SEO Spider version 13.0, codenamed internally as ‘Lockdown’.
ContentSpeed – (Parere obiectiva): Analiză, Performanță și Funcționalități testate
ContentSpeed – În articolul de față, testăm soluția de e-commerce din perspectiva unui specialist cu experiență de 10+ ani în comerțul electronic.
Survey: 734 Marketing Professionals Share How They’re Hiring in the 2020 Recession | SparkToro
If you’re a marketing student about to graduate, a job-seeker considering the field of marketing, or someone who’s looking to advance in their marketing career, this report is for you. Marketing is an immense, growing, and well-paid field, and is one of the few where credentials and alma mater mean far less than quality of work and level of knowledge.
[Guest post] Scrierea de texte bine realizate, sfaturi de la A la Z
În această calitate, vin cu câteva idei despre cum ar putea arăta textele pe o pagină.
Information And Information Architecture: The BIG Picture — Smashing Magazine
We are living in a world exploding with information, but how do we find what is relevant to us at the time that we need it?
YouTube Sans: The Making of a Typeface – Library – Google Design
How YouTube created a tailor-made font that doubles as a brand ambassador
An Alternative Approach to XML Sitemaps | ohgm
The number of submitted URLs has fallen from 159k to 156.6k, but the number of indexed URLs has increased from 105k to 124k. Nineteen thousand more URLs are now eligible to receive organic traffic. One template went from 58% of URLs indexed to 76%.
Rețeaua de Podcasturi – Thinkdigital
Downloadează preview-ul primului studiu legat de evoluția și consumul de podcast în România, realizat de BRAT – Biroul Român de Audit Transmedia – la inițiativa Banca Transilvania. Cu sprijinul Thinkdigital.
Îmbunătățește strategia SEO prin 3 moduri de analiză de date | Blog-ul GPeC
Pe lângă suita de tool-uri pe care o folosim în cadrul DWF, am dezvoltat intern o serie de instrumente pentru a ne conecta la datele clienților și pentru a putea lua decizii sau a livra strategii puternice bazate pe date.
OPEN POSITIONS la Upswing – Technical SEO – Upswing Seo Agency
Dacă poți explica și trezit din somn care e treaba cu canonical, noindex, hreflang și internal linking, atunci ai ajuns unde trebuie.
Visualfest 2020 – Homepage
Dupa doua editii dedicate fenomenului Instagram, conferinta revine cu un nou format si un nou nume. Visualfest este o sarbatoare a comunicarii vizuale, un loc de intalnire, chiar si virtual al creatorilor de continut cu branduri interesate de tendintele momentului in social media. Te invitam sa fii alaturi de noi.
Interview with Sparktoro’s Co-Founder, Rand Fishkin
For this forty-second episode, I talked to Rand Fishkin, formerly Co-Founder and CEO of Moz and now Co-Founder and CEO of Sparktoro, a new solution and data provider for audience intelligence.
How to Analyze Instagram Stories Ads : Social Media Examiner
In this article, you’ll discover how to analyze Instagram Stories ads data so you can find out what’s working and what isn’t.
Is WebP really better than JPEG? –
If you have used tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights, you probably have run into a suggestion to use “next-gen image formats”, namely Google’s WebP image format. Google claims that their WebP format is 25 – 34% smaller than JPEG at equivalent quality.
SEO Negotiation: How to Ace the Business Side of SEO — Best of Whiteboard Friday – Moz
SEO has become more important than ever, but it isn’t all meta tags and content. A huge part of the success you’ll see is tied up in the inevitable business negotiations.
Apple Is Killing A Billion-Dollar Ad Industry With One Popup | by Anupam Chugh | Mac O’Clock | Jul, 2020 | Medium
The new iOS 14 privacy feature spells trouble for advertisement agencies and promises to end an era of personalized ads
Only 9% of visitors give GDPR consent to be tracked
TL;DR: 90%+ of your visitors will not give the GDPR consent
eCommerce Stack | eCommerce Marketing Inspiration
eCommerce Stack curates & adds the best marketing inspiration to help inspire growth for eCommerce entrepreneurs & enthusiasts
app · Streamlit
HTML Table Scraper 🕸️
A simple HTML table scraper made in Python 🐍 & the amazing Streamlit!
How Big Tech Makes Their Billions – Visual Capitalist
Across the board, greater technological adoption is the biggest driver of increased revenues.
Written communication is remote work super power – Snir David Blog
Writing intentionally for asynchronous communication can solve all the issues mentioned above.
Computaris Programming Academy: Open Enrollment
Paid internship. Online program.
Community of 50 fellow junior programmers in 4 countries.
Choose your technology of interest from among the 4 tech tracks and check one of the 6 hubs available in Bucharest, Galati, Warsaw, Bialystok, Chisinau and Noida.
Design Better Forms – NextUX – Medium
Common mistakes designers make and how to fix them
Slash\Escape – the RegEx learning game | Robin Lord
The first and only slasher themed text based RegEx learning game.
Adobe launches Photoshop Camera, a free app with tons of elaborate face filters – The Verge
Adobe is launching a new app today called Photoshop Camera that’s filled with a bunch of very elaborate filters that can change your face and the world around you.
Timeless web design: Online portfolios today — and in the year 2000
A nostalgic trip through homepages of brand agencies and type foundries on the cusp of the new millennium.
Functional Programming in Data Science Projects – Towards Data Science
At least a short story of how I use it and what I learned
How to Reverse CSS Custom Counters | CSS-Tricks
I needed a numbered list of blog posts to be listed with the last/high first and going down from there.
Hybrid positioning with CSS variables and max() – Lea Verou
One of my side projects these days is a color space agnostic color conversion & manipulation library, which I’m developing together with my husband, Chris Lilley (you can see a sneak peek of its docs above).
Home – Rostype
All our fonts are, and will always be, free to download for both personal and commercial use.
SendTest.Email | Test send your HTML email is a free and open-source tool for testing your email campaign’s HTML, ⚡4email, and plaintext versions before launch, in a real email client.
Search by Muzli
Search for design elements.
Zettlr | A Markdown Editor for the 21st Century
Goodbye Word Processing. Hello Future.
There’s never been an easier time to write your own language / Josh Sharp
Today, it’s possible to build a simple programming language in the same way you’d build a web app.
Surpriză: Bucureştiul a luat faţa marilor metropole europene precum Barcelona, Madrid, Stockholm, Varşovia sau Frankfurt şi a urcat pe locul 7 în topul celor mai bune oraşe din Europa pentru IT. Iaşi şi Cluj au urcat în top 3 raportat la costuri
Capitala României este primul oraş din Europa Centrală şi de Est menţionat în top, alte destinaţii din regiune fiind Varşovia (locul 15), Moscova (18), Sofia (20), Praga (22), Talin (23) şi Cracovia (24).
MIT designs a robot that can disinfect a a warehouse floor in half an hour—and could one day be employed in grocery stores and schools – CNN
MIT has designed a robot that is capable of disinfecting the floor of a 4,000-square foot warehouse in only half an hour, and it could one day be used to clean your local grocery store or school.
Without a doubt, you’ve seen a clock like this in demos of HTML5
However, right click and view the source of this page…
It is not Javascript code! Instead, you will find Python code in a script of type “text/python”.
Dates and Times in JavaScript – Igalia Compilers Team
tl;dr: We are looking for feedback on the Temporal proposal. Try out the polyfill, and complete the survey; but don’t use it in production yet!
One second code: Do YOU know how much your computer can do in a second?
Do you know how much your computer can do in a second?
How to Migrate from Bootstrap Version 4 to 5
With the release of Bootstrap 5, there are a number of key updates to the framework. While the whole framework did not go through a complete rewrite, code quality was improved.
22+ Horizontal Timeline CSS Examples – csshint – A designer hub
Latest Collection of free Hand picked Pure Html Horizontal Timeline CSS Examples for you to use in your projects. Demo and Download the zip (*.zip).
In Defense of a Fussy Website | CSS-Tricks
When a site is done with care and excitement you can tell. You feel it as you visit, the hum of intention. The craft, the cohesiveness, the attention to detail is obvious. And in turn, you meet them halfway. These are the sites with the low bounce rates, the best engagement metrics, the ones where they get questions like “can I contribute?” No gimmicks needed.
New in Chrome: CSS Overview | CSS-Tricks
Here’s a fancy new experimental feature in Chrome! Now, we can get an overview of the CSS used on a site, from how many colors there are to the number of unused declarations… even down to the total number of defined media queries.
Hybrid positioning with CSS variables and max() – Lea Verou
One of my side projects these days is a color space agnostic color conversion & manipulation library, which I’m developing together with my husband, Chris Lilley (you can see a sneak peek of its docs above).
Home – Rostype
All our fonts are, and will always be, free to download for both personal and commercial use.
SendTest.Email | Test send your HTML email is a free and open-source tool for testing your email campaign’s HTML, ⚡4email, and plaintext versions before launch, in a real email client.
Search by Muzli
Search for design elements.
Timeless web design: Online portfolios today — and in the year 2000
A nostalgic trip through homepages of brand agencies and type foundries on the cusp of the new millennium.
Zettlr | A Markdown Editor for the 21st Century
Goodbye Word Processing. Hello Future.
There’s never been an easier time to write your own language / Josh Sharp
Today, it’s possible to build a simple programming language in the same way you’d build a web app.
We’re not prepared for the end of Moore’s Law | MIT Technology Review
It has fueled prosperity of the last 50 years. But the end is now in sight.
D. Psihologie
The 4 Brain Superpowers You Need to Be a Successful Leader, According to Neuroscience |
A well-fed, rested, and oxygenated brain is necessary for mental resilience and peak performance amid stress and uncertainty. “When all other things are equal, mental resilience is the factor that really distinguishes the CEO,” says Swart.
How to Recognize and Avoid Common Thinking Traps | Savvy Psychologist
Your clever brain can work overtime building worst-case scenarios. Here’s how to recognize and avoid common thinking traps so you don’t get stuck.
Your Brain Is 10 Million Times Slower Than a Computer—So Why Are You Smarter?
How massive parallelism lifts the brain’s performance above that of AI.
How Poverty Changes the Brain
“We have people in our programs that have made it all the way out of poverty to a family-sustaining wage,” Babcock said. “Most organizations that are working with low-income families are trying to get them connected into jobs. Ours is trying to get them to a place where they can sustain themselves and their families.”
13 Lessons to Make You Really, Truly Happy. Maybe.
Outside’s favorite curmudgeon completed UC Berkeley’s ten-week Science of Happiness online course. Did it make him happier? Not really. But he still came away with some important, if obvious, rules to live by.
What Makes Some People More Resilient Than Others – The New York Times
The very earliest days of our lives, and our closest relationships, can offer clues about how we cope with adversity.
PsyArXiv Preprints | Citation counts and journal impact factors do not capture research quality in the behavioral and brain sciences
In light of these results, we argue that research evaluation should instead focus on the process of how research is conducted and incentivize behaviors that support open, transparent, and reproducible research.
Phineas Gage, Neuroscience’s Most Famous Patient
Each generation revises his myth. Here’s the true story.
The One Resilience Skill You Need to Overcome Life Stress | Psychology Today
Of all the character strengths assessed, only hope was a significant moderator of well-being in the face of negative life events. In other words, hope acted as a protective factor; in those with high hope, wellbeing was high even when many negative life events occurred. The other strengths, including grit, gratitude, meaning and so on did not protect against the negative impact of adversity.
The Four Stages of Life
As we transition through life, we experience traumas, reshuffle priorities, and lose relationships. But this all allows us to reach our true potential.
E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu)
Isolate turns an airplane’s middle seat into a COVID-19 sneeze guard
It might not stop the spread of COVID-19, but it would probably make you feel safer.
The Kids (Who Use Tech) Seem to Be All Right – Scientific American
A rigorous new paper uses a new scientific approach that shows the panic over teen screen time is likely overstated
How to Hug During a Pandemic – The New York Times
Of the many things we miss from our pre-pandemic lives, hugging may top the list. We asked scientists who study airborne viruses to teach us the safest way to hug.
Thousands Who Got COVID-19 in March Are Still Sick – The Atlantic
About 80 percent of infections, according to the World Health Organization, “are mild or asymptomatic,” and patients recover after two weeks, on average. Yet support groups on Slack and Facebook host thousands of people like LeClerc, who say they have been wrestling with serious COVID-19 symptoms for at least a month, if not two or three.
Ca Să Facă Legale 20% Dintre școli, Care Nu Au Condiții, Ministrul Tătaru Schimbă Normele și Permite Fosele Septice în Care Mor Copiii! | Libertatea
Fosa septică din curtea şcolii, puţul cu hidrofor şi soba cu lemne din clasă sunt acceptate în noile norme de igienă propuse de Ministerul Sănătăţii.
(via Paul Alexandru)
When 511 Epidemiologists Expect to Fly, Hug and Do 18 Other Everyday Activities Again – The New York Times
When epidemiologists said they expect to do these activities in their personal lives, assuming the pandemic and response unfold as they expect
Don’t Flush Disposable Masks Down the Toilet
And never, ever flush your disposable face mask down the toilet.
Exploring the Links Between Coronavirus and Vitamin D – The New York Times
“Mechanistically, there is a link between vitamin D and respiratory tract infections,” said Dr. Susan Lanham-New, an author of the study and head of the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Surrey. “But there is nowhere near enough evidence to come out with these claims that Covid-19 is because of vitamin D deficiency.”
I am an ICU nurse. We are drowning.
I am an ICU nurse. I love what I do; It’s not just a career: It’s who I am. No other job could offer me the intimate opportunity to support and guide a total stranger through the worst (and occasionally best) days of their life.
Good for your health: Design Philosophy from the technology of healing
They collected data from 200,000 iPhone users and ranked the apps that made people feel the happiest, and the ones that made them most regret the time they’d spent there.
Frontline employees at high risk of burnout and other mental health challenges | Employee Benefit News
“The fear of contracting this virus while at work doesn’t go away,” Brewer, a nurse with Ready Responders, an at home care provider, says. “We do the best we can to protect ourselves with the proper PPE, but one tiny slip could mean the difference.”
Widespread mask-wearing could prevent COVID-19 second waves: study – Reuters
Population-wide face mask use could push COVID-19 transmission down to controllable levels for national epidemics, and could prevent further waves of the pandemic disease when combined with lockdowns, according to a British study on Wednesday.
Coronavirus: Dexamethasone proves first life-saving drug – BBC News
A cheap and widely available drug can help save the lives of patients seriously ill with coronavirus.
The low-dose steroid treatment dexamethasone is a major breakthrough in the fight against the deadly virus, UK experts say.
City Enters Phase 4 Of Pretending Coronavirus Over
Thanks to the efforts of municipal employees, I’m happy to say we’ve reached the final phases of completely deluding ourselves into thinking that this pandemic has somehow stopped spreading and that we’re safe
Face Masks May Be The Key Determinant Of The Covid-19 Curve, Study Suggests
“Our analysis reveals that the difference with and without mandated face covering represents the determinant in shaping the trends of the pandemic,” the team, from Texas A&M University, the University of Texas at Austin, California Institute of Technology, and the University of California San Diego, write in their new paper.
Următorul episod le aduce în fața voastră pe Carmen Uscatu și Oana Gheorghiu, fondatoarele Asociației Dăruiește Viață.
Evenimentul va fi live pe pagina Biz, iar participarea este gratuită. Vă invităm să ne urmăriți și să puneți toate întrebările care credeți ca-și au raspunsul la invitele emisiunii.
Two articles on writing:
How Great Writing Begins – Better Humans – Medium
Analyzing the patterns of first paragraphs from 94 of the most compelling feature articles from The Atlantic, Fast Company, and NYT Opinion Editorials
How Great Writers End Their Articles – Better Humans – Medium
Experţii britanici spun că unii pacienţi nu se vor recupera niciodată complet după infecţia cu coronavirus |
Unul din trei pacienţi îmbolnăviţi grav din cauza infecţiei cu coronavirus riscă să aibă o sănătate precară pe termen lung sau chiar să fie afectaţi pe viaţă, potrivit studiilor realizate pe alte boli provocate de coronavirus, dar şi datelor referitoare la pacienţii în curs de recuperare.
Radu Dumitru: Mă simt dezamăgit de oameni – nwradu blog
Oamenii nu au învățat că trebuie să se protejeze, că virusul nu ține cont de amenzi și de ordonanțele guvernului, ci fiecare trebuie să aibă grijă de el și de aproapele său.
Am avut noroc! Apelul inedit al managerului Spitalului Găești pentru atragerea medicilor tineri! –
Mulțumiți profesorilor și veniți să vă maturizați profesional. Vă asigur că o să aveți tot ce vă trebuie, material și mental, pentru a crește. O să vă las să vă dezvoltați ca medici buni și foarte buni. Vă las să zburați, să creșteți ca doctori.
Coronavirus: How many more people are dying? – BBC News
BBC Reality Check’s Chris Morris explains why looking at “excess deaths” proves to be one of the best measures of judging the death toll from coronavirus.
Trei românce din diaspora își ajută orașul natal în lupta cu coronavirusul – DoR
Dornenii plecați peste granițe și-au unit forțele cu cei din oraș ca să strângă 25.000 de euro pentru echipamente medicale și pachete cu alimente pentru persoanele nevoiașe din Vatra Dornei și împrejurimi, la începutul pandemiei.
Primul ZID de Bine la spitalul Grigore Alexandrescu – Revista Biz
Inițiată la începutul lunii iunie de Asociația Zi de Bine alături de Asociația Edit, campania „Zid de Bine” și-a propus ca în luna dedicată copiilor să readucă speranțele și optimismul micuților internați la Spitalul de Copii Grigore Alexandrescu și la Institutul pentru Sănătatea Mamei și Copilului din Capitală, pictând zidurile exterioare ale instituțiilor cu imagini-manifest.
EXCLUSIV Cum a ajuns o româncă simbol național în Marea Britanie în lupta anti-Covid / O poveste emoționantă despre ambiție, perseverență, sacrificii și multă muncă
NHS -National Health Service (Sistemul de Asistență medicală de stat) a ales-o ca simbol reprezentativ în an de pandemie pentru munca și aplecarea față de oameni.
Dr. Daiana Voiculescu: „Baronii din Sănătate au moștenit sistemul de la părinții și socrii lor, personaje bine poziționate în lumea lui Ceaușescu”
Medicul Daiana Voiculescu a părăsit România în urmă cu 24 de ani. A refuzat să dea șpagă 7.000 de dolari pentru a ocupa un post în București. În acea perioadă, la parterul Spitalului Municipal, acolo unde își făcea tânăra rezidențiatul, își instala biroul firma Hexi Pharma.
The Doctor Who Championed Hand-Washing And Briefly Saved Lives : Shots – Health News : NPR
This is the story of a man whose ideas could have saved a lot of lives and spared countless numbers of women and newborns’ feverish and agonizing deaths.
Artificial Intelligence Set To Dominate Operating Rooms By 2024
According to a new study from Frost & Sullivan, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics in conventional operating rooms will help hospitals address inefficiencies and clinical challenges physicians face when performing surgery.
Notă: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri).