Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna februarie 2020.
A. Generale
Solomon Marcus: Zece nevoi umane de care educatia ar trebui sa tina seama | Contributors
Avem cele zece porunci. In complementaritate cu ele, propun zece nevoi umane. Ele isi au radacinile in copilarie. Ar fi trebuit sa faca obiectul educatiei si invatarii, la toate varstele. Dar nu prea se intampla acest lucru. Poate ne aude cineva; acum, la acest moment al unui nou inceput.
Why There’s No Such Thing as a Gifted Child
Even Einstein was unexceptional in his youth. A book questions our fixation with IQ and says adults can help almost any child become gifted.
VIDEO. PRECIS cu PressOne. Nicușor Dan: „Bucureștenii trebuie să simtă că orașul acesta le aparține”
Nicușor Dan, candidatul independent pentru Primăria Capitalei susținut de USR, a venit în studioul PressOne pentru a explica, tehnic și cât mai precis, cum va rezolva cele mai importante probleme ale Bucureștiului, odată ajuns primar.
How to Retire a Millionaire Starting From Scratch at 30 | Casual Money Talk
And I’m here to ease all your financial worries, and assure you that 30 is a perfect time to embark on the Act I of your journey towards a cushy retirement – even though you might not quite believe it yourself.
I would know. I was that person.
Next to the competition | Seth’s Blog
Books sell better in bookstores than they sell in butcher shops. In a bookstore, surrounded by all the competition, a book is in the right place to be seen, compared and ultimately purchased and read.
Bolnavii cronici – care suferă de boli cardiovasculare, cancer, diabet, boli neurologice, tuberculoză, HIV/SIDA, boli rare etc – dar și pacienții care reprezintă urgențe medicale, ar urma să fie tratați în spitale private, fără să scoată niciun ban din buzunar. Statul promite că va deconta integral tratamentul lor, potrivit unei Ordonanțe de Urgență adoptate marți seară.
How to reduce ‘attention residue’ in your life – BBC Worklife
Mundane chores take up our time and headspace. Bundling life admin into specific time slots – known as GYLIO – might be the ultimate act of self-care.
Cineva mi-a atras atenția la articolul anterior că există acest feature în aplicația STB și am zis să scriu despre asta pentru că este un lucru senzațional și util mai ales dacă ai o stație de tranport public în apropierea casei/biroului.
Din păcate vorbesc aici doar de București, nu știu de restul companiilor de transport în comun din alte orașe.
How to Control Your Mind | Psychology Today
The first step is to become aware of the automaticity of your thought process and what makes it noisy and confusing. You can do it right now, and right here. All you need is a pen, a paper, and a minute to spare.
Simply write down a string of thoughts that emerge when you give your mind free reign for one minute.
The Best Board Games of the Ancient World | Science | Smithsonian Magazine
And 5,000 years ago, in what is now southeast Turkey, a group of Bronze Age humans created an elaborate set of sculpted stones hailed as the world’s oldest gaming pieces upon their discovery in 2013. From Go to backgammon, Nine Men’s Morris and mancala, these were the cutthroat, quirky and surprisingly spiritual board games of the ancient world.
The Key to a Good Life? Lose Yourself in Something.
The specific craft need not matter. For some it may be running, for others sculpting, cooking, or playing the cello. What does matter is that you respect and honor the traditions of the craft, pursue long-term progress in it, and participate not for the sake of raising yourself up (i.e., an ego boost) but for the sake of transcending the very notion of your “self” altogether. You want to express yourself in the work and lose yourself in the work at the same time.
How Smart Exercise Keeps You Younger for Longer
“Ageing science supports that we should do high intensity every week, getting your heart rate up to at least 80% of its maximum,” says Bercovici. “Even 10 or 20 minutes a week will produce results – that means getting up to the point where it feels unpleasant. It should be a feeling that you can’t keep this up much longer.
You Can (and Should) Train Yourself to Sleep on Your Back
Only eight percent of people sleep on their backs. If you’re naturally one of them, count your lucky sheep. Back sleeping is the best option for pain management, as it allows your body to rest in a neutral position, which is great for reducing aches. It also cuts down on heartburn, as it keeps your head elevated above your chest.
Read Yuval Harari’s blistering warning to Davos | World Economic Forum
– Humanity faces three existential threats this century, warned historian Yuval Harari at Davos 2020.
– Technology risks dividing the world into wealthy elites and exploited “data colonies,” he explained.
– “If you like the World Cup – you are already a globalist,” he said, making the case for better cooperation to tackle the challenges.
E irelevant ceea ce ai de făcut, atâta timp cât nu știi ce faci deja. De aceea, oamenii eficienți nu încep cu ceea ce au de făcut. Ci cu timpul. Și nu încep prin a plănui, ci prin a înțelege ce se întâmplă cu timpul lor. Apoi, taie tot ceea ce nu esențial și remediază erorile de sistem. În pasul trei, consolidează largi segmente de timp în care pot face cea mai eficientă muncă, pe care doar ei o pot face.
The Biggest Lie in Personal Finance – Of Dollars And Data
They all say things like, “Make it a goal”, “Track your expenses”, “Establish a system.” Blah. Blah. Blah.
But none of these things are the actual reason for how they retired early. Because the actual reason is either (1) earning a high income or (2) having an absurdly low level of spending, or both.
What Would Happen If the World Suddenly Went Vegetarian?
Eliminating meat from our diets would bring a bounty of benefits to both our own health and the planet’s – but it could also harm millions of people.
Poverty isn’t a lack of character. It’s a lack of cash – The Correspondent
Our efforts to fight poverty are often based on the misconception that poor people must pull themselves up out of the mire. But the relentless struggle to make ends meet has serious effects on the brain. Poverty is not a lack of character – it’s a lack of cash.
How to Stay Fit Forever: 25 Tips When Life Gets in the Way
Can you carry on exercising when your motivation slips, the weather gets worse or your schedule becomes overwhelming? Experts and Guardian readers give their best advice.
Studenții care care vor să învețe programare sau să-și crească nivelul de cunoștințe IT se pot înscrie, până la data de 24 februarie 2020, la Atelierul Digital pentru Programatori, sesiunea de primăvară, un program gratuit, organizat de compania Google, la București, Cluj-Napoca, Iași și Timișoara.
The biggest truth in personal finance
First, become better educated. […] In the U.S., education has a greater impact on lifetime earnings than any other demographic factor.
Second, become a better employee.
Finally — and most importantly — learn to negotiate your salary.
Combinând doar factorii reprezentând media anilor de școală și rezultatele de la testări, un copil născut în 2017 poate atinge la 18 ani 66% din potențialul său, ceea ce dovedește că educația are principala contribuție la contraperformanța înregistrată de România.
Hai cu mine în campania ADOPTĂ O MAMĂ , ediția 2020 | Adoptă o mamă |
Intră cu mine în cea mai frumoasă campanie dedicată mamelor din România! Adoptă o mamă!
Întâlnesc, în drumurile mele prin țară, mii de mame. Unele sunt iubite, fericite, de mână cu bărbați care le adoră și au împreună copii sănătoși, de care sunt mândre până la cer. Altele sunt singure, chinuite și poartă în brațe copii care nu înțeleg de ce stau mereu prin spitale, de ce mami este tristă sau bolnavă, de ce tati a plecat și nu se mai întoarce… Din păcate, sunt foarte multe mame triste, singure, bătute, deznădăjuite, bolnave. Mame cu adevărat disperate.
Sunt femei care au nevoi greu de imaginat pentru majoritatea dintre noi. Visul acestor mame eroine este să aibă lucruri pe care nu și le pot permite: o haină, o eșarfă, o poșetă sau o pereche de pantofi comozi.
Intră în cea mai frumoasă campanie dedicată mamelor din România, pregătește un pachet care să conțină orice lucru nou pe care îl consideri util unei femei (un parfum, o bluză, o pereche de pantaloni, o cremă de față, un card cadou, o zi la un centru SPA, o trusă de farduri) și care ar face-o să se simtă iubită și apreciată! Ambalează frumos pachetul și scrie o felicitare sau chiar o scrisoare pentru mama pe care vrei să o ajuți.
Intelligence is important, but intelligence without effort is sometimes wasted.
Limbajul trupului, întrebările, comentariile trădează oamenii. Parcă simțeai clar că unul a citit prea mult Jules Verne, că altul sigur vrea să-și impresioneze nevasta și copilul, că altul vrea să-și aburească amanta…
În final, după o privire și mai atentă, puteai paria pe doar o mână de oameni. Era un polonez care părea foarte aspru, doar că vorbea prea mult. Ăștia nu rezistă în liniștea nopților polare. Și într-adevăr, nici nu a trecut de kilometrul 350.
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting – The New York Times
But prompted by recent enthusiasm for fasting among people concerned about their health, weight or longevity, I looked into the evidence for possible benefits — and risks — of what researchers call intermittent fasting. Popular regimens range from ingesting few if any calories all day every other day or several times a week to fasting for 16 hours or more every day.
A man I know in his early 50s said he had lost 12 pounds in about two months on what he calls the 7-11 diet: He eats nothing from 7 p.m. until 11 a.m. the next morning, every day.
Care sunt fructele şi legumele pline de pesticide. Ce sfaturi dau autorităţile |
Concret, conform ANSVSA, cele mai nesigure alimente pentru consum: cartofi, căpşunele, merele, nectarine, piersici, ţelină, struguri, cireşe, spanac, ardei gras, roşii, castraveţi. La polul opus, alimentele care conţin mai puţine pesticide sunt: avocado, porumb, ananas, varza, mazare, ceapa, sparanghel, mango, papaya, kiwi, vinete şi pepenele.
Monese ştie foarte bine ce useri vrea |
Am ajuns săptămâna trecută la prezentarea oficială a Monese în România, la care a participat chiar Norris Koppel, fondator şi CEO al companiei. Monese este un fintech lansat în 2015, ce a ajuns în acest moment la 2 milioane+ de utilizatori în lumea întreagă, cu 300.000 de conturi deschise de români. Şi-au propus să tripleze numărul de conturi din România până la finalul anului viitor.
Cu ce se diferenţiază Monese faţă de principalul concurent din România, adică Revolut?
Andrei Pleșu: Multiculturalism – Dilema veche
Mi se pare evident că trebuie să înțelegem ceea ce se întîmplă fără împietrire dogmatic-conservatoare, dar și fără cochetării ideologice la modă. În acest efort, mi-am amintit de o conferință rostită cu mulți ani în urmă (vreo cincisprezece), la Colegiul „Noua Europă“, de profesorul Elie Barnavi, de la Universitatea din Tel Aviv. Vorbitorul a riscat un (graţios, dar ferm) atac la adresa „multiculturalismului“. O parte a publicului a fost contrariată.
Vladimir Oane: Think Better by Taking Better Notes — Vladimir Says
The book is a treasure chest of insight and one can spend a full year following all the references to other studies and books. The ideas I highlight below are just the ones that I found valuable and I skipped some concepts that I was already familiar with.
Research: It Pays to Be Yourself
We found that when they were genuine in their pitches, they were more than three times as likely to be chosen as semifinalists than when they tried to cater to the judges.
How Close Are We—Really—to Building a Quantum Computer?
Intel’s head of quantum computing talks about the challenges of developing algorithms, software programs and other necessities for a technology that doesn’t yet exist.
The Path to Success Is a Squiggly Line – The Atlantic
Too many of us are worried about how our kids will compete globally and are baffled by the desirability of jobs whose titles mystify us: digital overlord, director of insights, growth hacker, innovation Sherpa. We fervently believe that staying “on track” beats wandering around. However, reality suggests otherwise. And instilling this concept of success as a straight line can set kids up for unrealistic expectations and disappointment.
The Best Music for Productivity? Silence
Studies show that for most types of cognitively demanding tasks, anything but quiet hurts performance.
Here’s Why It’s So Impossible to Get Reliable Diet Advice From the News
Part of what makes this hard to answer is that it’s difficult to get a sense of the scope of the problem from one-off studies of dietary choices, or even from comparing across published studies with different methods. So instead, I thought I’d take a look at how confounding surfaces in a lot of dietary choices all together, and I’d focus on body weight. I set out to analyze—using a top-notch data set and standard analysis techniques—a simple question: “Which foods make you thin?”
How to Get Rich: Every Episode
This giant episode collects all of my interviews on How to Get Rich, based on my tweetstorm. It also includes 10 minutes of unreleased material on finding time to invest in yourself—at the end.
Opportunities – Aspen Institute Romania
The Young Leaders Program gathers each year 20-25 high profile regional young leaders with a clear two-fold goal: to promote and advance progressive leadership within society; and to develop the regional network of Aspen Fellows, based on shared values and common interests.
Mentori seniori | Fundația Regală Margareta a României
pentru că experiența dumneavoastră personală și profesională contează și vreți să o împărtășiți celor mai tineri;
ca să vă asumați un nou rol social și să reîncepeți o activitate de valoare pentru dumneavoastră și pentru comunitate;
ca să învațați lucruri noi și utile de la cei din generațiile mai tinere;
pentru că vreți să fiți o resursă în comunitate și să contribuți la binele altora;
pentru a câștiga prieteni noi, a fi activ și a vă reinventa.
Either way, “by the time we get students at college,” said Indiana University professor Polly Husmann, “they’ve already been told ‘You’re a visual learner.’” Or aural, or what have you.
The thing is, they’re not. Or at least, a lot of evidence suggests that people aren’t really one certain kind of learner or another.
Is space just an infinite emptiness that underlies everything? Or is it the emptiness between things? What if space is neither of these but is a physical thing that can slosh around, like a bathtub full of water?
It turns out that the nature of space itself is one of the biggest and strangest mysteries in the universe. So get ready, because things are about to get … spacey.
How to Be More Optimistic – The New York Times
In other words, you can blame your parents for your bleak outlook, but you don’t have to resign yourself to it forever. Here are four ways to start walking on the sunnier side of the street.
The fundamentals stay the same, and the science is pretty well agreed – so by simply arming yourself with a few basic facts, you can step into any gym forewarned against whatever fresh nonsense the #fitstagrammers are preaching. These are the 10 biggest myths in fitness – exercise your synapses for a couple of minutes by memorising them, and do your curls with confidence.
Haideți sâmbătă, 29 februarie, la ora 11.00, la librăria Humanitas Cișmigiu, să ne cunoaștem!
Many Tech Experts Say Digital Disruption Will Hurt Democracy | Pew Research Center
About half predict that humans’ use of technology will weaken democracy between now and 2030 due to the speed and scope of reality distortion, the decline of journalism and the impact of surveillance capitalism. A third expect technology to strengthen democracy as reformers find ways to fight back against info-warriors and chaos
De fiecare dată când cineva mă aude cum zic despre faptul că după ora 18.00 în timpul săptămânii și în tot weekendul nu răspund la telefon, la emailuri, la orice formă de a încerca să mă contacteze cineva se uită cumva ironic la mine. Pe sistem ”da, măh, bine, sigur, îhî”.
Până încearcă să facă asta. Până încearcă să mă contacteze după 18.00 în timpul săptămânii și în weekend. Și își dă seama că e fix cum zic. Și că încearcă degeaba.
Ce putem face deocamdată: ne spălăm des pe mâini, evităm să ne atingem fața cu mâinile fără să fim spălați pe ele, STĂM ACASĂ la primele semne care seamănă cu o răceală/viroză.
The trick is to think as concretely as possible, which makes you perceive the wait time as shorter. Avoid abstract thinking, which typically gives negative meaning to your wait, and spurs negative emotions. “When someone is late for a call, if you think abstractly, you may think that they don’t respect your time, or don’t think the call is important, and therefore you might become mad,” says Dorit Efrat-Treister, an organizational psychologist at Ben-Gurion University. “But if you think they may have just misplaced your number or got another call first, you won’t become so annoyed.”
Un american a furat un dric din fața bisericii cu tot cu mort – Esential –
James Juarez, un bărbat în vârstă de 25 de ani din Los Angeles, a fost arestat de autorităţi după o urmărire ca în filme, sub acuzaţia că a furat o maşină funerară care conţinea o persoană decedată, relatează, citat de Mediafax.
La fel ca multe alte țări, românii au avut tendința să supraevalueze decesele, semnificativ mai multe, cauzate de boli și să le supraevalueze pe cele, mult mai puține, cauzate de accidente, violență, terorism etc. Românii sunt a cincea țară care declară ca sursă principală de informare internetul (33%).
Se manifestă, din păcate, din plin, efectul Dunning-Kruger (o eroare de apreciere în care oamenii consideră eronat competența lor ca fiind mult mai mare decât în realitate) în ce privește răspunsurile românilor și nu numai ale lor.
How to Be Mediocre and Be Happy With Yourself
Give up high standards for more flexibility and an overall easier, more laidback life.
Before Buying Something on Sale, Imagine If You Saved 100%
Eventually, I talked myself down from the perfect charcuterie night with one simple question: Would I rather save 40% on wine and cheese, or would I rather save 100% by buying nothing at all?
Top Economists Study What Happens When You Stop Using Facebook – Study Hacks – Cal Newport
The experimental design is straightforward. Using Facebook ads, the researchers recruited 2,743 users who were willing to leave Facebook for one month in exchange for a cash reward. They then randomly divided these users into a Treatment group, that followed through with the deactivation, and a Control group, that was asked to keep using the platform.
BPay este aplicația de mobil pentru transportul în comun din București – nwradu blog
Am instalat aplicația BPay de la Mastercard pentru plata călătoriilor cu transportul în comun în București (STB, nu și metrou). E bună aplicația. Nu călătoresc foarte des cu STB-ul, dar o voi ține în telefon tocmai pentru că este mai simplă de utilizat decât portofelul reîncărcabil uzual pe care poate nici nu-l am la mine când apare nevoia de a lua un tramvai sau un autobuz.
Celelalte persoane care sunt izolate la domiciliu nu au voie să iese afară din curte, tocmai de aceea am apelat la o firmă de caterincă, să ne aducă o masă caldă la prând, pe care să o distribuim prin personalul de la primărie.
18 Cognitive Bias Examples Show Why Mental Mistakes Get Made
These are things that affect workplace culture, budget estimates, deal outcomes, and our perceived return on investments within the company.
Mental mistakes such as these can add up quickly, and can hamper any organization in reaching its full bottom line potential.
B. Lumea SEO PPC
Brainlabs acquires SEO agency Distilled
Brainlabs is acquiring specialist SEO agency Distilled as it aims to become a major advertising agency.
Ghid SEO pentru magazine online – Calendar de activitati pe 30 de zile
Vrei un ghid SEO pentru magazine online?
Super! Aici primesti calendarul cu actiunile de SEO pe 30 de zile, dar si un ghid cu idei si sfaturi pentru fiecare actiune in parte.
Vezi calendarul si hai sa vedem cum iti vei optimiza site-ul pentru a aparea chiar sub ochii clientilor tai cand cauta in Google.
Large Scale Study: How Data From Popular Keyword Research Tools Compare
We recently analyzed 10 of the most popular keyword research tools in the SEO industry.
Our goal?
To compare the accuracy and breadth of the data found within each tool.
Computer Programming Skills for 2020: Survey Results from 116,000 Developers and Hiring Managers
For the past 3 years, freeCodeCamp has surveyed 10,000s of developers about how they’re learning to code and pursuing their careers. And we’ve made our full datasets publicly available.
Stai liniștit, am pregătit special pentru tine ocazia perfectă să ne cunoaștem: Marketing out of the Box. Vino în data de 19 februarie la sediul Vodafone Romania, Bucharest One, la ora 18:00, să vezi despre ce este MEA 2.0. Te așteptăm cu vibe-uri fresh și oameni mișto, așa că pune-ți un reminder, completează formularul de mai jos și hai să facem cunoștință!
The imbalance between media and advertisers | Seth’s Blog
Ultimately, this destroys the value of the media company, corrupts our culture and hurts the long-term viability of the brands that have worked so hard to cut corners.
It’s possible to stand up and insist on better instead of cheaper.
Beyond exact keyword matching: optimize your text naturally • Yoast
Imagine this: You’re trying to optimize your post for the term [guinea pig]. In your text, you’ll probably use guinea pig (singular) and guinea pigs (plural). However, if your focus keyword is the singular [guinea pig], the keyword density check does not recognize your plurals and will punish you with a red bullet! That’s so annoying and unfair!
Search Console Explorer Sheet [Google Sheet] – Hannah Rampton
If you liked my ‘Search Console Quick Insights‘ tool, you’re in for a treat! Introducing its successor, I’m excited to release the Search Console Explorer Sheet! 🥳
PPC Marketing Strategies To Boost your Results for 2020 (and Beyond)
Pay-per-click advertising can be one of the most effective strategies to drive traffic, brand awareness, and — most importantly — conversions. But the digital marketing tides are shifting, and PPC marketing strategies that used to work are now falling flat.
New platforms are rising up, and new technologies are on the rise.
Ponturi și idei de campanii de email de Valentine’s Day – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman
Mai e puțin până la Valentine’s Day, sărbătoarea iubirii celebrată în toată lumea întreagă și îmbrățișată cu drag și de români. Toți oamenii sunt în căutare de cadouri potrivite pentru cei dragi. Așa că, fie că vinzi online produse tangibile sau consumabile, fie că oferi servicii de rezervare călătorii ori bilete la diverse evenimente, e un bun prilej să creezi oferte speciale și pachete personalizate pentru clienții tăi și alte potențiale persoane interesate.
Criterii pentru un alt tip de link building de calitate – Nimicul lui Krumel
Hai sa privim link building-ul dintr-un alt unghi decat cel dupa are ne ghidam acum. Pentru asta m-am inspirat din cel putin 2 informatii date de doi fosti angajati Google.
Uneltele de analiza din zona link building-ului hranesc (cu succes) mituri si creeaza o mentalitate paguboasa în zona SEO. The SEO Conference Resource
Welcome to a collaborative index of all the digital marketing conference slides, video, and audio recordings.
This site is open source and can be contributed to via its Github repository.
SEO Trends That Will Dominate 2020: 52 Experts Reveal Their Secrets
Experts believe 2020 will be a crucial year for SEO trends. In 2019, search intent dominated the headlines. Voice search, augmented reality, and virtual reality also became hot topics of discussion. A lot of exciting things are happening in SEO, and this is only the beginning of change.
If you want to get ahead in the game, you need to keep up with the latest SEO trends. Here is a quick update on what’s been brewing.
Gala de decernare a premiilor European Search Awards 2020
Premiile vor fi prezentate, în acest an, în cadrul unei ceremonii care va avea loc pe 14 mai, la Palatul Parlamentului, în București.
Numărătoarea inversă a început. Deadline-ul de înscriere pentru campaniile, agențiile și echipele in-house este 28 februarie.
Detailed SEO Extension for Google Chrome (Free) |
Finally, an SEO extension built for full-time SEOs
Get detailed SEO insights at the click of a button.
2020 Digital Trends – Similarweb
Our 2020 Digital Trends report takes a look at these changes, giving you a scope of all that’s happened online in the past year, and all we anticipate for the next year. Over the course of 40 slides, we explore trends across core industries in both the US and worldwide – including retail, travel, personal finance, social media and more, and answer some pressing questions.
Screaming Frog Guide to Doing Almost Anything
Though this original guide was published in 2015, in the years since, Screaming Frog has evolved to offer a whole suite of new features and simplified steps to conduct technical audits, check a site’s health, or simply get a quick glimpse of info on a selection of URLs. Below, you’ll find an updated guide to how SEOs, PPC professionals, and digital marketing experts can use the tool to streamline their workflow.
Bing announces refreshed Bing Webmaster Tools – Search Engine Land
In the coming weeks, a new Bing Webmaster Tools will make for a faster, cleaner, responsive and actionable toolset for SEOs and webmasters.
Introducing the Periodic Table of Digital Commerce Marketing – Marketing Land
Packing an astonishing amount of information into an easy-to-digest visual, it’s well worth the download.
Google Tag Manager vs Page Speed: Impact & How to Improve
One of the main selling points of Google Tag Manager to marketers (that you can notice even on their landing page) is that it optimizes page speed or pages can load faster. But is that really true? Does GTM (or any other tag management solution) really give wings to your website?
The short answer is: it depends.
4 recomandări pentru o strategie Cross Platform de succes – Canopy
Întâi a fost Google, apoi a venit Facebook. Titanii din lumea marketingului digital. Ce-ar fi dacă i-am face să lucreze împreună în beneficiul nostru?
O strategie de tip Cross Platform presupune sa folosim ambele platforme la capacitate maximă prin mixarea celor două.
Firmele mici și mijlocii (IMM) din 23 de județe pot să se înscrie la o serie de cursuri și training-uri intensive gratuite, prin care vor beneficia inclusiv de acces la instrumente și resurse puse la dispoziție de gigantul IT Google, în cadrul proiectului Pașaport de Export, lansat în această perioadă.
Are H1 Tags Necessary for Ranking? [SEO Experiment] – Moz
Despite these assertions from one of Google’s most trusted authorities, many SEOs remained skeptical, wanting to “trust but verify” instead.
So of course, we decided to test it… with science!
Update the ‘Duplicator’ WordPress Plugin to Block a Zero-Day Attack
The WordPress plugin Duplicator—a great tool for migrating your WordPress site to another host or backing up all of your content, themes, and plugins—has more than one million active installations. It also has one glaring vulnerability that you’re going to want to patch right now. Otherwise, a savvy attacker could use the plugin to download critical files from a WordPress site, like your ever-important wp-config.php file.
Cum sa analizezi rapid strategia de continut a unui concurent – Nimicul lui Krumel
De vreo cativa ani optimizarea pentru motoarele de cautare nu se mai bazeaza pe liste de cautari, ci pe subiectele pe care acestea le dezvolta.
Google rolling out new AdSense mobile site ahead of Android app shutdown
Google said last year that it planned to roll out a mobile interface for the existing web app before the end of 2019, but the timeline seems to have slipped a bit, since we’re almost to March 2020. Still, the new mobile layout looks slick.
Google Still Uses PageRank & No, Google Does Not Use Domain Authority
John also added that it is different from the original PageRank Google used in the 90s. He said “It’s not quite the same as the original paper, there are lots of quirks (eg, disavowed links, ignored links, etc.), and, again, we use a lot of other signals that can be much stronger.”
How Low Can #1 Go? (2020 Edition) – Moz
Being #1 on Google isn’t what it used to be. Back in 2013, we analyzed 10,000 searches and found out that the average #1 ranking began at 375 pixels (px) down the page. The worst case scenario, a search for “Disney stock,” pushed #1 all the way down to 976px.
It’s Time to Reconsider Rank Tracking | iPullRank
Rank tracking is conceptually broken and we have to have a conversation about it. My goal is to open up that conversation in hopes that we can collectively come up with a better way to do things. Below is, of course, my thinking on the subject. I welcome yours as well.
Disket is a display monospaced, grid based typeface of 2 weights, regular and bold. Inspired by geometry, grids and architecture.
Supports 20 languages, designed by Mariano Diez. Cyrillic set, by Denis Ignatov.
There’s Already a Blueprint for a More Accessible Internet. If Only Designers Would Learn It
The internet can be a hostile space for 15 percent of the world’s population who experience some form of disability.
Customize Your Mac Screenshots With These Hotkeys
When you’re using Command + Shift + 4 to draw a square around some part of your screen to take a screenshot, and you mess up and start it in the wrong spot, don’t give up. Instead, hold down the space bar and you’ll be able to move that rectangle anywhere you want. Release the space bar, and you can continue resizing it like before.
Computer Programming Skills for 2020: Survey Results from 116,000 Developers and Hiring Managers
For the past 3 years, freeCodeCamp has surveyed 10,000s of developers about how they’re learning to code and pursuing their careers. And we’ve made our full datasets publicly available.
Autofill on Browsers: A Deep Dive
The less you ask of users, the more inclined they are to complete a form, and faster form filling increases conversion. Browsers provide the autofill feature to help achieve that. In this article, we discuss how to effectively use autofill features on web forms.
TOP UE: Firmele românești au cele mai mari probleme în a angaja IT-iști
Firmele din România au cele mai mari dificultăți în a angaja specialiști în tehnologia informației și comunicații (IT&C), comparativ cu societățile din celelalte state ale Uniunii Europene, relevă cele mai recente statistici disponibile, publicate vineri de Eurostat.
Jif peanut butter teams up with Giphy to settle the GIF/Jif debate once and for all – The Verge
In another twist in the long-running debate about how to pronounce “GIF,” Jif peanut butter wants to make the case that it owns the soft “g” pronunciation while GIF should be said with a hard “g.”
Technical Writing | Google Developers
This collection of courses and learning resources aims to improve your technical documentation. Learn how to plan and author technical documents. You can also learn about the role of technical writers at Google.
Fintech Top 100 Influencers – Onalytica
With the initial Fintech boom over our shoulders, we’re now starting to see something interesting happening in the market, Fintech’s boom is beginning to come to fruition. Given the $4.7+ trillion valuation Goldman Sachs has given the industry, having your eyes on the prize has rarely been worth more. It’s never been easy to keep up in the finance world and staying on top of the ever-increasing rate of innovation is even harder. However, with our below list, you can do both. Whether you want to keep an eye on Finances bleeding edge, or become the bleeding edge, knowing who’s who and jumping the news queue is easy.
What AI still can’t do – MIT Technology Review
Artificial intelligence won’t be very smart if computers don’t grasp cause and effect. That’s something even humans have trouble with.
D. Psihologie
Adrian Stanciu: Efectul Anti-Pygmalion – Adrian Stanciu
Un alt exemplu interesant, însă, e cel numit “efectul Pygmalion”. A fost studiat prin anii ’70 de doi psihologi americani, Robert Rosenthal și Leonore Jacobson. Ei au dat elevilor din școli gimnaziale Testul Harvard de Aptitudini și apoi au comunicat profesorilor numele a doi elevi cu rezultate excepționale. La sfârșitul anului de studiu cei doi au fost testați independent cu teste standardizate și au avut sistematic rezultate peste media clasei. Pare logic, dar Testul Harvard nu există, cei doi erau aleși al întâmplare. Faptul că profesorii i-au crezut buni, i-a făcut buni. Din păcate fenomenul se manifestă și invers: dacă crezi că oamenii sunt proști, răi, leneși, etc., ei devin așa. Sigur, nu toți, nu de tot, nu mereu, dar e o tendință clară și măsurabilă.
The Case Against Stretching | Outside Online
Contrary to a half-century of locker-room wisdom, being flexible doesn’t seem to protect you from injury either. This topic is the focus of hundreds of studies, and there are admittedly a few that do find benefits. At the other end of the spectrum, there are a few that find that being too flexible is also associated with injury. But overall, it just doesn’t seem to make much difference. It’s also not associated with non-sports-related problems like low-back pain.
Protecting yourself from coronavirus: The two types of face masks that can help – CNET
A face mask can protect you from contracting a cold, flu or other virus — just make sure you get the right kind.
A New Theory of Complex Emotions
This theory, introduced in 2006 by Lisa Feldman Barrett, a neuroscientist and psychologist at Northeastern University, argues that emotions are not just biological entities. It’s true, Barrett says, that a handful of physiological feelings are distinct and measurable. She separates these into two categories: calm versus jittery (what scientists call “arousal”) and pleasant versus unpleasant (what scientists call “valence”). But these biological signals aren’t emotions. An emotion, she says, is how our brains interpret those sensations using our culture, our expectations, and our words.
As you read this text, you can probably hear your inner voice narrating the words.
You’re a Bad Listener: Here’s How to Remember What People Say
We come into conversations with our own agendas and low attention spans, but if you want to build better relationships you need to master active listening.
E. Medicină
(pentru SUA, dar unele comportamente din articol sunt relevante și pe la noi)
Half of Us Face Obesity, Dire Projections Show – The New York Times
By 2030, nearly one in two adults will be obese, and nearly one in four will be severely obese.
Five Ways Hiking Is Good for You
Hiking in nature is not only good for our bodies, it’s good for our moods, our minds, and our relationships, too.
Traficanții care ne cumpără sănătatea |
În ultimii ani am documentat această piață neagră ca să înțeleg de ce unii bolnavi din România își vând tratamentele după ce le-au primit gratis de la Casa de Asigurări, iar alții nu le găsesc deloc. Am aflat că statul român e incapabil să se asigure că pastilele pe care ar trebui să le luăm ajung în siguranță și la timp la noi. Monitorizarea medicamentelor noastre e deficitară.
How Good Friends Are Good For Your Health : Shots – Health News : NPR
We don’t fully appreciate our friendships, says the science writer and author of the new book Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life’s Fundamental Bond. If we did, we’d take cultivating those intimate bonds as seriously as working out or eating well. Because, she writes, a new field of science is revealing that social connections play a vital role in our health.
You Should Probably Never Eat Sprouts
The issue is, unfortunately, inherent to the way sprouts are grown. Whether you buy them or sprout your own, they are kept moist and warm for several days, making perfect conditions for growing bacteria.
That means that if the seeds for the sprouts are contaminated with Salmonella or E. coli, those bacteria can grow as the sprouts grow and make you sick. Washing does not get rid of the bacteria. Cooking does, but it destroys the fresh crunchy texture that is probably the whole reason you wanted sprouts in the first place.
Cum Dezinfectezi Suprafețele. Ce Soluții Se Recomandă Pentru Dezinfectare | Libertatea
Bacteriile sunt peste tot în mediul înconjurător și se înmulțesc în cazurile de gripă ori viroze, atunci când căile respiratorii sunt expuse în mod direct microorganismelor din aerul respirat. Pentru a preveni dezvoltarea bacteriilor este nevoie de o igienă strictă care să includă dezinfectarea frecventă a suprafețelor cu care intrăm în contact. Iată cum dezinfectezi suprafețele pentru a te feri de viruși, viroze, microbi, gripă sau alte afecțiuni respiratorii.
Exemplu de sesiune de Q&A de făcut pe blog / rețele sociale.
Ask Me Anything about Eating Disorders | Kathryn H. Gordon, Ph.D.
For National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, I tweeted that people could ask me anything about eating disorders. Thank you to everyone who submitted questions – they were very interesting and thoughtful! I aimed to be as concise as possible, while providing links for more in-depth information. If I didn’t fully answer a question, made an error, or was unclear, please e-mail me at to let me know. Thanks for reading!

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