Some suggestions, below, for Știința Azi (science, today) web site.
1. You have in the upper-right corner some social netowrks: Facebook / Twitter / RSS. In the footer, the RSS is replaced by YouTube. I’d keep a consistency in promoting social networks.
2. I don’t find having a motto on a web site attractive enough. I’d think of something better than “Afla! Stii! Cunoaste!” or renounce from it completely.
3. You have two search boxes in the upper right corner. I’d keep just one.
4. You have the categories list listed in two places, I’d just keep the sidebar one.
5. You write “Conferințe” (conferences) in 3 places, I’d reduce it.
6. I don’t like the moving images on the homepage (the slider). I’d give up on it
7. You prefer to put full length articles on the homepage. I’d suggest you just start with a brief of the article and add a “read more” text.
8. “June 3, 2016 · by Marian Banica “. If the author of the blog posts rarely (if ever) change, I’d give up announcing this on the homepage.
9. In the footer, you have a blog post calendar. I’d give up on it, it generally doesn’t do anything good.
10. About videos – I recommend you to embed one or two relevant videos on your web site, from your channel. You do this partially, already.
11. I would consider adding these two:
(they are different, one from another)
12. I would eliminate the footer information they don’t help. If the Facebook group is more relevant than the Facebook page, promote it as such.
© 2016 Stiinta Azi. All rights reserved.Stiinta (grup Facebook) · Site din reteaua de portaluri Science HUB
13. You list the pages on your web site both in the footer, and in the header. I’d pick just one option.
14. It’s OK to have this:
<!– Jetpack Open Graph Tags –>
But, still, I’d consider looking very well at
<meta property=”og:image” content=”×169.jpg” />
, which is generally poorly promoted.
15. Always link to the article which you mention “Dupa cum am mentionat intr-un articol anterior,” (from).
16. You use this provider for Newsletters: I would recommend considering MailChimp.
17. In the sidebar, you list the months as a list. I would choose, from WordPress options, a dropdown option.
18. In the comments fields, name email & web site are placed horizontally. I suggest to place them vertically. Small tip only.
19. You have some share this icons.
My suggestion is to replace the Facebook share button with actual Facebook like & share buttons (they’re different, they’re two and I already told you about these above). I might add Tweet this, but I’d consider just ignoring Twitter and G+.
20. “Recommended for you” rarely, if ever, works fine. I’d suggest you adapt it to make it more realistic. Cheers!
PS: Final thoughts: have a look at:
Why Good Unique Content Needs to Die – Whiteboard Friday – Moz
How to Create 10x Content – Whiteboard Friday – Moz