Știrile lunii septembrie 2021

Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna septembrie 2021. Pot fi suprapuneri de la o secțiune la alta.



A. Generale

First, our application to #UNFINISHED21 is officially open:


The festival is taking place from October 24th to 31st, 2021, in our very own online world. We’ve kept the best of last year, reinvented even more, and are still cooking up some wild ideas that we just can’t wait to share!


#UNFINISHED21 is a one-week-long multidisciplinary experience taking place online from Sunday October 24th to Sunday October 31st. This application is the only way to join our community!


‘Non-negotiable’ diet, sleep and exercise routines for a longer life https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/25/longevity-expert-shares-his-non-negotiable-diet-sleep-exercising-rules-for-a-longer-healthier-life.html


Thanks to today’s advanced research and new innovations, it’s more than possible for us to live longer, stronger and healthier lives.


Cycasmotivation on Instagram: “You Don’t know what people go through, Be Nice❤️🦋❤️ Credit: Spoken by @grantcardon Edited: @cycasquotes & @cycasmotivation Credits:☝️…” https://www.instagram.com/p/CTZ92aQCse0/


Gabi Bartic: Există două Românii, și acest lucru e valabil și în educație – Educatie Privata https://www.educatieprivata.ro/exista-doua-romanii-si-acest-lucru-e-valabil-si-in-educatie/?


Educația produce cutremure naționale de două ori pe an (la simulările examenelor naționale și la examene în sine) și, la fiecare trei ani, la publicarea rezultatelor testelor PISA. Și, de fiecare dată, titlurile sunt previzibile: peste 40% dintre copii ar pica examenul – sau au picat examenul – respectiv mai mult de 40% dintre elevii români nu înțeleg ce citesc.


6 ani de PressOne. Avem nevoie de ajutorul a 6.000 de abonați. Îi găsim? https://pressone.ro/6-ani-de-pressone-avem-nevoie-de-ajutorul-a-6-000-de-abonati-ii-gasim


O facem deja de șase ani, fără compromisuri. Chiar credem că o putem face și în următorii șase. Împreună.


Criza Cîțu și cum se mișcă miliardele de euro de la un partid la altul https://pressone.ro/criza-citu-si-cum-se-misca-miliardele-de-euro-de-la-un-partid-la-altul


Ce se întâmplă acum pe scena politică e bine cuprins de o idee a lui Aristotel.

Filosoful credea că la începuturile existenței universului se afla un Mișcător Nemișcat, un „motor” care impulsiona totul, dar care nu putea fi modificat de nimic.


Harta interactivă a proiectelor de investiții locale din România https://recorder.ro/investitii/


Am colectat date de la 93 de instituții centrale și locale și am adunat la un loc peste 14.000 de proiecte de investiții aflate în derulare pe teritoriul României în următorii doi ani, din fonduri locale, guvernamentale și europene. Scopul acestei inițiative este ca orice cetățean, din orice colț al țării, să poată verifica investițiile care se derulează în localitatea lui, de unde vin banii, cine îi administrează și care ar trebui să fie termenul de finalizare a fiecărui proiect.


Videoclip Tulburător în Memoria Lui Ivan Patzaichin și Elogiu Pentru Deltă Realizat De Subcarpați și Corul Din Satul Lui Natal | Libertatea https://www.libertatea.ro/stiri/videoclip-tulburator-in-memoria-lui-ivan-patzaichin-si-elogiu-pentru-delta-realizat-de-subcarpati-si-corul-din-satul-lui-natal-3728054


Din colaborarea dintre proiectul muzical Subcarpați și corul Rusalka din Mila 23 s-a născut videoclipul „Ivan”, realizat pe versurile unei cunoscute melodii populare rusești și cuprinzând și vocea cvadruplului campion olimpic, stins duminică, 5 septembrie.


20 de ani de la 9/11 – iată niște articole bune de citit – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2021/09/20-ani-atentate-911-articole/


20 de ani de la 9/11. Au trecut… rapid. Rapid este primul cuvânt care-mi vine în minte apropo de asta.


Miley Cyrus cântând Nothing Else Matters m-a lăsat mască – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2021/09/miley-cyrus-nothing-else-matters-metallica/


Mi se pare că Miley Cyrus este în top 3 voci feminine ale acestor ani. Are un talent extraordinar pentru muzică și sper să cânte mulți ani în viitor poate chiar rock.


Respecting their time | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2021/09/respecting-their-time/


When a school fritters away live classroom time requiring lectures instead of answering questions, they’re squandering precious real-time engagement. It’s far more productive to assign the lecture on video to be done at the student’s own pace.


Your Sense of Smell May Be the Key to a Balanced Diet – Smell Regulates What We Eat, and Vice Versa https://scitechdaily.com/your-sense-of-smell-may-be-the-key-to-a-balanced-diet-smell-regulates-what-we-eat-and-vice-versa/


We are less likely to perceive smells of food that relate to a recent meal, helping us make choices about what to eat next.


Hans Zimmer. Amazing Czarina Russel in Now we are free (Gladiator) – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1UiD2sxoWo


Why plain text notes? – Mike Crittenden https://critter.blog/2021/09/20/why-plain-text-notes/


After spending a decade bouncing around from note app to note app, I’ve settled on plain text notes (i.e., .txt or .md files on my computer).


LinkedIn Makes 35+ Learning Courses Free For a Month https://www.searchenginejournal.com/linkedin-free-courses/419250/#close


A one month trial of the LinkedIn Learning Hub can be redeemed starting today until October 9.


Democrația topoarelor: cine vrea să omoare pădurile și jurnaliștii | România | DW | 20.09.2021 https://www.dw.com/ro/democra%C8%9Bia-topoarelor-cine-vrea-s%C4%83-omoare-p%C4%83durile-%C8%99i-jurnali%C8%99tii/a-59235738


Președintele Klaus Iohannis, ocupat prea mult cu jocurile din PNL și cu cele de pe terenul de golf, nu a avut timp să spună nimic despre cei doi ziariști și un activist de mediu bătuți în pădurile Bucovinei.


Can YOU Fix Climate Change? – YouTube


(via De ce nu putem repara încălzirea globală ⋆ zoso blog https://zoso.ro/putem-repara-incalzirea-globala/)




Email like Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill’s “Brevity” memo… | by David Barnes | Medium https://medium.com/@drb/email-like-winston-churchill-22e6766df5ea


Winston Churchill’s “Brevity” memo, written in the midst of war, carries a great message — and is a great example of great memo writing, too. Here it is:


No more – 9GAG https://9gag.com/gag/a27nAM9


Security audit raises severe warnings on Chinese smartphone models | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/09/security-audit-raises-severe-warnings-on-chinese-smartphone-models/


The audit red-flagged Xiaomi and Huawei phones but gave OnePlus a pass.


10 plante de grădină care înfloresc în fiecare an și rezistă la frig https://lovedeco.ro/10-plante-de-gradina-care-infloresc-in-fiecare-an/


Florile perene sunt cele care au o durată de viață mai mare de doi ani și înfloresc an de an. Chiar dacă se sfârșește perioada lor de înflorire, rădăcina rămâne vie și își continuă procesul de creștere în următorul an. Multe plante de grădină sunt perene, iar avantajul unora dintre ele este că rezistă cu brio temperaturilor scăzute.


Mizeria din balsamul de rufe: 6 chimicale care te vor face să-l arunci la gunoi în secunda doi – Și Blondele Gândesc https://www.siblondelegandesc.ro/2021/09/24/mizeria-din-balsamul-de-rufe-chimicale/


Acum știm că balsamul de rufe strică hainele (mai ales pe cele tehnice, pentru sportivi), dăunează sănătății, în general, și pielii, în particular, și poluează mediul înconjurător.


Easy Ways to Control Your Eating https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-10-ways-to-control-eating


Premierul Cîțu, adevăratul Orban al României https://pressone.ro/premierul-citu-adevaratul-orban-al-romaniei


O Românie nereformată în 2021 este doar un alt pas pentru o Românie nedemocratică în 2024. Una cu un premier – viitor președinte – care preia toate tarele lui Viktor Orban, dar niciuna dintre abilitățile acestuia.


O vară cu solzi – Doru Panaitescu https://www.dorupanaitescu.ro/vara-solzi.html


Pentru că temperatura din termometre s-a mai domolit, fac o mică trecere în revistă a unor specii (doar de reptile) găsite anul acesta, pe la noi și pe aiurea.


Invest Like the Best on Twitter: “This is a special week. A little over 5 years ago, @patrick_oshag invited @jeff_gramm to lunch. They hit it off and decided to record a conversation. 3 shows, 318 conversations, and ~30m downloads later, ILtB just turned 5! Here are 40 things we’ve been taught along the way:” / Twitter https://twitter.com/InvestLikeBest/status/1437435582284771338


#DoveditȘtiințific – Ne spălăm pe dinți înainte sau după micul dejun? – Pagina de Psihologie https://www.paginadepsihologie.ro/doveditstiintific-ne-spalam-pe-dinti-inainte-sau-dupa-micul-dejun/


Igiena orală zilnică, efectuată de cel puțin două ori, nu mai este o noutate pentru niciunul dintre noi. Încă de la vârsta preșcolarității, părinții ne învață că pentru o bună sănătate orală avem nevoie de o igienă corespunzătoare.


Adi Hădean – Sezonul răzgâiaților – Ieri am închis sezonul pe litoralul românesc. https://www.facebook.com/AdrianHadean/posts/10221222595703049


The Power Of The Universe


“There’s something just as inevitable as death. And that’s life. Think of the power of the universe… turning the Earth, growing trees. That’s the same power within you. If you’ll only have the courage and the will to use it.”

Charlie Chaplin




Cîteva întrebări despre autoritatea morală – Dilema veche https://dilemaveche.ro/sectiune/situatiunea/articol/citeva-intrebari-despre-autoritatea-morala


Are dreptul cineva care, înainte de 1989, n-a făcut nici un gest de opoziţie faţă de dictatură să gesticuleze amplu pe scena publică de-acum, etalînd ţîfne, radicalităţi şi îndrăzneli de care n-a făcut uz înainte?


INTERACTIV | România va fi curând condusă de Generația Y. Cum va arăta https://panorama.ro/generatia-y-la-putere/


În momentul în care Generația Y ajunge cu adevărat la putere, profilul cultural al acestei țări se va schimba. Abia atunci vom atinge ultima bornă a integrării noastre europene.

Prof. Dr. Daniel David


The Psychology of What Makes a Great Story – Brain Pickings https://www.brainpickings.org/2016/01/20/jerome-bruner-actual-minds-possible-worlds-storytelling/


“The great writer’s gift to a reader is to make him a better writer.”


Does Perfume Have Hidden Health Risks? https://www.webmd.com/beauty/news/20100512/does-perfume-have-hidden-health-risks#1


‘Secret Chemicals’ May Be Harmful, Group Says; Industry Official Says Products Are Safe


Why hard work alone isn’t enough to get ahead – BBC Worklife https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210921-why-hard-work-alone-isnt-enough-to-get-ahead


We’re constantly taught the recipe for getting ahead is to put our heads down and outwork everyone else. But that’s not quite right.


500 Best Songs of All Time – Rolling Stone https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-lists/best-songs-of-all-time-1224767/daddy-yankee-feat-glory-gasolina-1225288/


Damn, he’s right – 9GAG https://9gag.com/gag/awMRPpD


You Are What You Consume https://markmanson.net/you-are-what-you-consume


This is a Mindf*ck Monthly newsletter from October 4, 2021. Every month, I send out big ideas I’ve been chewing on and stuff I’ve enjoyed reading that month in the hopes that it makes you less of a shitty person.


Babies are full of microplastics, new research shows | Euronews https://www.euronews.com/green/2021/10/01/babies-are-full-of-microplastics-new-research-shows


Worrying research finds that babies have 15 times more microplastics in their bodies than adults.


What Is the Best Way to Deliver a Thank-You? https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_is_the_best_way_to_deliver_a_thank_you


You can take heart in the fact that many of gratitude’s benefits can be attained regardless of how you send the message.


Gurwinder on Twitter: “My peoples, the time has come for a MEGATHREAD. In 40 tweets I will explain another 40 concepts you should know. Strap in. Here we go:” / Twitter https://twitter.com/g_s_bhogal/status/1438972527838117895


Muzica îți poate vindeca inima (VIDEO) – Editia de Dimineata https://editiadedimineata.ro/muzica-iti-poate-vindeca-inima-video/


Muzica ne schimbă inima, respirația și tensiunea arterială și ne modifică variabilitatea ritmului cardiac – indicatorii sănătății cardiace și mintale. Muzica este un catalizator ideal pentru inducerea schimbărilor fiziologice deoarece poate fi disecată sistematic în caracteristici bazate pe conținutul notelor și modul în care acest conținut este comunicat în interpretare.


Calendar Filosofic – Cunoastere – Inspiratie – Cadou https://calendarfilosofic.ro/


Simfonia X https://www.simfonia10.ro/


Moștenirea incompletă a lui Beethoven readusă la viață de inteligența artificială


9 octombrie 2021, 20:00-21:35


Lipsește un simplu site care să-ți spună în limbaj uman restricțiile din fiecare localitate – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2021/10/site-restrictii-localitate/


Mi-am dat seama că, în vreo 18 luni de pandemie, statul român n-a făcut un site pe care să introduci numele localității și să afli ce restricții sunt acolo. Cum e situația cu nunțile, dacă se poartă mască pe afară sau doar în stațiile de autobuz și la ce oră se închid restaurantele. Din astea.


Thoughts on chess improvement, after gaining 600 points in 6 months (1200-1800) :: A blog — Just a blog https://mbuffett.com/posts/chess_improvement_thoughts/


I’ve improved from 1238 to 1802, and based on my win rate currently I think I’ve got another 50 points in me before I plateau again. From what I’ve seen online, this is solid improvement for an “adult improver”, so I figured I’d write up some thoughts/observations.


Introducing The 90/10 Rule of Retirement – The Retirement Manifesto https://www.theretirementmanifesto.com/introducing-the-90-10-rule-of-retirement/


“When we’re planning for retirement, it’s amazing how much time we spend working through the numbers.  What I’ve found interesting is how little time I spend focused on the numbers now that I’ve retired.”


Being good at maths might help you become great at sports – Emma Raducanu showed us why https://theconversation.com/being-good-at-maths-might-help-you-become-great-at-sports-emma-raducanu-showed-us-why-168625


The tennis player, who recently received an A* at A-level, said she loved working on maths puzzles which, she said, gave her a thrill to solve.


B. Lumea SEO PPC

five elements digital, ranked among Top 10 Enterprise and Top 20 Small Business SEO companies at DesignRush ⋆ five elements digital https://www.fiveelementsdigital.com/351/design-rush-top-10-enterprise-seo/


five elements digital has been included into the Top 10 Enterprise SEO Companies and Top 20 Small Business SEO Companies in 2021, by DesignRush, a B2B marketplace that connects brands with top agencies worldwide.


How to Write an Author Bio: E-A-T, SEO Tips & Great Examples https://www.searchenginejournal.com/how-to-write-author-bios/417619/#close


Looking for author bio writing tips? Learn why it’s important for SEO, readers, E-A-T, and UX, plus see examples and a sample template here.


How Much Should an SEO Freelancer Expect To Make? – by Nick LeRoy – The SEO Freelancer https://www.theseofreelancer.com/p/freelancing-earning-potential


Nick LeRoy shares 10 years of SEO agency salary which you may use as a proxy for establishing freelancing income goals.


Google Title Rewrite Checker | SEOwl https://www.seowl.co/title-rewrite-checker/


Because SEO should be accessible, you can use this free tool to check if Google is rewriting the title of a list of pages.


SocialPedia 30 – Content Marketing 101 – SocialPedia https://socialpedia.ro/socialpedia-30/


Te așteptăm pe 14 sepmbrie 2021, la ora 18:30, la Jacq Pot din București, pentru o ediție despre Content Marketing 101.


Curs 100% Practic Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads – GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/cursuri/curs-practic-facebook-ads-instagram-ads/


Curs Intensiv de Google Ads: Search, Shopping, Display & Youtube https://www.gpec.ro/cursuri/curs-intensiv-de-google-ads-search-shopping-display-youtube/


Curs GPeC Intensiv: Strategia de Digital Marketing https://www.gpec.ro/cursuri/curs-intensiv-de-strategie-de-digital-marketing/


Ce este un advertorial și cum poate crește performanța unui site? https://www.whitepress.ro/knowledge-base/911/ce-este-un-advertorial-si-cum-poate-creste-performanta-unui-site


Sperăm că în aceste rânduri v-am ajutat cu adevărat să înțelegeți ce este un advertorial, cum se pregătește, unde se publică și cum putem să îi maximizăm efectele dorite, și vă așteptăm sa vă deschideți un cont în platforma noastră: Înscrie-te în WhitePress și poți începe să publici articole SEO în câteva minute!


BrandRO 2021: Top 50 cele mai puternice branduri românești – Revista Biz – prima revistă de afaceri din România https://www.revistabiz.ro/brandro-2021-top-50-cele-mai-puternice-branduri-romanesti/


Arctic și Borsec sunt cele mai puternice branduri românești în 2021, fiind pentru oară când două branduri ocupă prima poziție în topul realizat de Biz și Unlock Research. Pe locul următoare se află eMAG și Gerovital. În clasament se mai află și Dero, Aqua Carpatica, Dorna, Farmec, și Napolact.


Rezumat digital 2.0 (75) – 01.09.2021 ⋆ Kooperativa 2.0 https://kooperativa.ro/noutati/rezumat-digital-2-0-75-01-09-2021/


WordPress Gutenberg Template Library Plugin Vulnerability Affects +1 Million Sites https://www.searchenginejournal.com/wordpress-gutenberg-template-library-plugin-vulnerability-affects-1-million-sites/418445/


Two vulnerabilities in the Gutenberg Template Library & Redux Framework plugin have been discovered to be vulnerable. Over 1 million sites are affected


e-Commerce SEO Case Study: The short and long-term ranking impact of removing long and fluff e-commerce category descriptions. https://www.gsqi.com/marketing-blog/ecommerce-category-description-case-study/


Imagine the following scenario… Excited about buying a new house, you decide to browse for a new kitchen table. So you fire up Google and start searching. You end up clicking through a search listing to view modern kitchen tables and land on the category page of an e-commerce site.


How to Pick a Job That Will Actually Make You Happy – The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2021/09/dream-job-values-happiness/619951/


Your job doesn’t have to represent the most prestigious use of your potential. It just needs to be rewarding.


Instead | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2021/09/instead-2/


A simple substitute might change a habit.


Instead of a snack, brush your teeth.


December UX Conference 2021 Agenda | Nielsen Norman Group https://www.nngroup.com/training/december/


Full-day live virtual courses about UX best practices, proven methods, and hands-on exercises led by NN/g experts and world-class invited speakers. Enjoy the comfort and convenience of your own office or home as you learn.


Digital Divas 16 septembrie 2021 https://www.digitaldivas.ro/


Pentru ca ai libertatea de a-ti alege propriul drum, pentru ca ai energie si curaj, pentru ca esti un creator de frumos si pentru ca stii ca nu exista visuri prea mari. Pentru ca tu stii exact cine esti, vino alaturi de noi la o noua editie Digital Divas indrazneata, plina de inspiratie si informatii de top. Va fi o zi dedicata unei frumuseti libere, nonconformiste si curajoase.


Google to sunset Expanded Text Ads (ETAs) in June 2022 https://searchengineland.com/google-to-sunset-expanded-text-ads-etas-in-june-2022-374153


This is the latest move that Google is making to push automation through their ad products.


Simple connection tools | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2021/09/simple-connection-tools/


The Rolodex and the Filofax disappeared a while ago, but we’re still not all using the tools that make it easier to coordinate people and time.


Google On How Much Content For Category Pages https://www.seroundtable.com/google-content-for-category-pages-32040.html


Google’s John Mueller was once again asked about how much content should you put on your category pages, be it e-commerce categories pages or other category pages. In short, John said a “little bit of content I think is always useful” but don’t overdo it with too much content.


Eveniment online gratuit – Participa si tu la Black Friday SUMMIT by Gomag https://www.gomag.ro/blog/black-friday-summit/


In perioada 27 septembrie – 1 octombrie organizam un eveniment online gratuit, dedicat zilei cu cele mai mari vanzari din an. Anul acesta a fost un rollercoaster pentru antreprenori, ca vanzari, preferinte si comportament al clientilor.


Asa ca facem +15 sesiuni cu oameni experimentati in eCommerce, pentru ca tu sa te asiguri ca esti cat mai pregatit sa obtii maximum din Black Friday 2021. Vezi detalii mai jos!


Passage indexing is likely more important than you think https://www.slideshare.net/DawnFitton/passage-indexing-is-likely-more-important-than-you-think


Whilst passage indexing may seem like a small tweak to search ranking, it is potentially much more symptomatic of the beginning of a fundamental shift in the way that search engines understand unstructured content, determine relevance in natural language, and rank efficiently and effectively.


The Incentives to Publish No Longer Reward the Web’s Creators | SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/the-incentives-to-publish-no-longer-reward-the-webs-creators/


Here’s what I should probably do: ignore the platforms. Write regularly. Don’t stress about making everything I publish 10/10. Aim for 6/10. Be OK with some 4s and 5s. Let email, word of mouth, PR/press, and the small bits of social media amplification the networks still allow to do their work.


European Digital Commerce https://ic.events/landing/blowPQ==/european-digital-commerce.html


29 September 2021 @ 10:00 – 16:00


Comerțul este în primul rând despre oameni. Brandul contează, însă în spatele lui se află mii de ore de muncă, provocări depășite, nopți nedormite, teste și eșecuri din care înveți.


Mai sunt doar 2 saptamani pana la o noua editie a Influencer Marketing Conference 2021, eveniment ce reuneste specialisti locali si internationali cu experienta relevanta.


Conferinta ofera solutii, idei si raspunsuri brand-urilor, agentiilor si creatorilor de continut care vor sa avanseze in Influencer Marketing.


Peste 1200 de profesionisti s-au inregistrat deja online. Tu ti-ai rezervat locul virtual? Participarea este gratuita.


🚀 www.influencermarketing.ro


#influencerconf21 #influencermarketing #conference


What Matters Now in SEO & Where to Focus Next [Survey Results] https://www.searchenginejournal.com/state-of-seo-opportunities/418703/


Where should you focus your SEO strategy next? Discover emerging trends and ranking factors from the State of SEO 2021 survey report.


Google lansează noi funcții de comunicare și un nou design… | PROFIT.ro https://www.profit.ro/povesti-cu-profit/it-c/foto-google-lanseaza-noi-functii-de-comunicare-si-un-nou-design-pentru-gmail-20388338


Noul design va fi implementat utilizatorilor enterprise pe parcursul săptămânilor viitoare, urmând ca utilizatorii obișnuiți să mai aibă de așteptat.


Faceted Navigation: Definition, Examples & SEO Best Practices https://ahrefs.com/blog/faceted-navigation/


If you’ve worked with any type of site that deals with a large number of listings, you’ve likely come across faceted navigation.


Strategii de preț 2021: cum stabilești prețul corect pentru produsele sau serviciile tale https://smarters.ro/grow/strategii-de-pret-2021/


Dacă vrei să știi cum să alegi prețul corect pentru produsele sau serviciile tale, ai ajuns în locul potrivit!


26 Brilliant Ways to Use Psychology in Copywriting (+Examples) https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2021/09/01/psychology-copywriting-tips-examples


That being said, I’m going to share with you how to write not deceiving copy, but copy that harmonizes with your readers’ brains to deliver more attractive, enjoyable, and effective content.


Rezumat digital 2.0 (76) – 08.09.2021 ⋆ Kooperativa 2.0 https://kooperativa.ro/noutati/rezumat-digital-2-0-76-08-09-2021/


Joburi în Digital (87) – Sabina Cornovac Online https://www.sabinacornovac.ro/joburi-in-digital-87/


Pentru că articolele din această categorie de „Joburi in Social Media” au fost bine primite, iată că revin cu ediția 87. Wow, vă dați seama că postez aceste joburi de peste 7 ani? Vă doresc să vă ajute și să vă găsiți locul de muncă potrivit.


Webstock – Cel mai mare eveniment de social media si comunicare online din Romania

7-8 OCTOMBRIE 2021


Conferinta Webstock se adreseaza comunitatii pasionate de mediul online si propune o serie de subiecte actuale, dezbatute de cei mai indragiti lideri de opinie din industrie.




FameUp îți oferă 100 lei pentru a face reclamă cu influenceri locali https://calinbiris.ro/fameup-iti-ofera-100-lei-pentru-a-face-reclama-cu-influenceri/


Dacă ai o pagină pe Instagram căreia vrei să-i crești numărul de urmăritori sau dacă îți promovezi compania pe Instagram, am o soluție pentru tine. Înscrie-ți compania sau brandul în aplicația FameUp și apoi poți face două tipuri de campanii cu influenceri locali.


The Three Bosses of SEO – Moz https://moz.com/blog/three-seo-bosses


To that end, Moz’s own Ola King walks you through the three main pillars, or as he calls them, “bosses”, of SEO work. All of your SEO strategies feed into their demands, but they all need different things.


Scurt ghid de design Facebook Ads • Blog Digital https://blogdigital.ro/scurt-ghid-de-design-facebook-ads/


Topicul acestei săptămâni este un scurt ghid de design Facebook Ads. Ad-urile Facebook sunt o modalitate excelentă de a atrage noi conversii dar și o modalitate de a fi prezent pe retina persoanelor care au interacționat deja cu brandul vostru.


Why the sales funnel is the cockroach of marketing concepts https://www.marketingweek.com/sales-funnel-100-years/


It doesn’t seem right that most of the industry uses a template built on three layers which are each mostly wrong and not strongly supported by marketing science.


Most used social media 2021 | Statista https://www.statista.com/statistics/272014/global-social-networks-ranked-by-number-of-users/


Published by Statista Research Department, Sep 10, 2021


How To Optimize Your Site for Google’s Core Web Vitals https://kinsta.com/blog/core-web-vitals/


This article will show you how you can optimize your site for Google’s Core Web Vitals metrics.


Improve PageSpeed on my WordPress Site – JC Chouinard https://www.jcchouinard.com/pagespeed/


Here are the steps that I used to achieve decent pagespeed on my WordPress site.


Google Featured Snippet Bubble Links Now Showing in US Search Results – Brodie Clark Consulting https://brodieclark.com/featured-snippet-bubble-links/


Featured snippets are one that can change often in Google’s search results. Due to their prominent placement, they are a feature that SEOs should pay attention to when new updates are rolled out.


Google search terms report adds historical query data for impressions without clicks https://searchengineland.com/google-search-terms-report-adds-historical-query-data-for-impressions-without-clicks-374323


And, on February 1, 2022, Google Ads will be removing historical query data (collected before September 1, 2020) that no longer meets its privacy thresholds.


Retargeting Biz lanseaza noua platforma de marketing automatizat all-in-one https://www.gomag.ro/blog/retargeting-biz-lanseaza-noua-platforma-de-marketing-automatizat/


Aplicatia romaneasca Retargeting Biz revolutioneaza piata de e-commerce din CEE prin lansarea noii platforme de marketing automatizat all-in-one, dedicata magazinelor online si clientilor acestora. Investitie totala este una de peste 3 milioane euro.


6 jucători importanți din E-Commerce s-au alăturat demersului GPeC de a sprijini magazinele online înscrise în Competiția GPeC 2021 – Lumea SEO PPC https://lumeaseoppc.ro/6-jucatori-gpec-2021/


68 de magazine online sunt înscrise anul acesta în Competiția GPeC – singurul instrument de benchmark din România prin care sunt evaluate site-urile magazinelor online prin peste 200 de criterii în scopul optimizării acestora pentru creșterea vânzărilor.


Google Does Not Differentiate Between Category, Filter, Tag Or Search Pages https://www.seroundtable.com/google-category-filter-tag-or-search-pages-32084.html


Google’s John Mueller said in a video hangout that Google Search does not specifically differentiate and treat differently category pages or filter pages or search pages or tag pages from other pages.


AI Copywriting Tool – The Best AI Copy Generator by Anyword https://anyword.com/


Core Web Vitals is a ranking factor – SISTRIX data https://www.sistrix.com/blog/core-web-vitals-is-a-measurable-ranking-factor/


After two and a half months of rollout and a slow start, it is now clear: the page experience in the form of the Core Web Vitals has a measurable influence on the Google rankings.


Web Vitals patterns https://web.dev/patterns/web-vitals-patterns/


A collection of common UX patterns optimized for Core Web Vitals.


Top 10 cărți de marketing online și SEO care m-au ajutat sa conduc o agenție SEO de top – TargetWeb https://www.targetweb.ro/top-10-carti-de-marketing-online-si-seo/


În ultimii 16 ani, pe lângă experienta practică în SEO, multe cunoștințe, lecții sau exemple le-am găsit în publicații de specialitate, urmărind experți și citing cărți de marketing online și SEO.


Cannibalization – Moz https://moz.com/blog/cannibalization


Happy Friday, Moz fans, and today we’re going to be talking about cannibalization, which here in the UK we spell like this: cannibalisation. With that out of the way, what do we mean by cannibalization?


Your boss cares about reporting more than you do – by Tom Critchlow – The SEO MBA https://seomba.substack.com/p/your-boss-cares-about-reporting-more


Reporting is a form of communication, and communication solves all problems


Same Energy is a Visual Search Engine That Finds Similar Photos in a Snap | PetaPixel https://petapixel.com/2021/02/10/same-energy-is-a-visual-search-engine-that-finds-similar-photos-in-a-snap/


Same Energy is a new Web tool that’s perfect for photographers looking for visual inspiration. It’s an AI-powered visual search engine that provides a fast and simple experience for exploring visually similar photos.


Cum incepi o afacere in 5 pasi 🚀 – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw7tqyU7XbY


Ai o idee de afacere? Orice business are in spate cateva bunuri si elemente esentiale, pentru a putea creste pe o baza solida.


Why Don’t Conversions in Google Ads and Google Analytics Match? – Business 2 Community https://www.business2community.com/online-marketing/why-dont-conversions-in-google-ads-and-google-analytics-match-02430505


If there’s one question that every search marketer has had to answer for a client, it’s this one: Why don’t my conversions in Google Ads and Google Analytics match? The answer is simple, yet hard to understand. It’s all about your attribution modeling.


Top 8 Google Ranking Factors: What REALLY Matters for SEO https://www.searchenginejournal.com/ranking-factors/top-ranking-factors/


Which Google ranking factors matter most to your SEO strategy? Read about the ones that top our list and why.


YouTube Demographics & Data to Know in 2021 [+What Different Generations Watch on the Platform] https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/youtube-demographics


In this post, we’ll go over key YouTube statistics you need to know for 2021 to help you succeed in your marketing efforts.


Senior SEO Specialist | DWF – Genuine SEO Agency | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2726594287/


Digital Workforce nu este un loc de munca, este o echipa de oameni intelegatori, amuzanti si dedicati. Pentru noi beneficiile salariale vin la pachet cu respectul fata de angajat si intelegerea fata de nevoile lui de flexibilitate si de planificare. Totodata, ne place ca prin munca noastra sa facem o diferenta in viata oamenilor pentru care lucram.


PayU a implementat plata prin Google Pay – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2021/09/payu-plata-google-pay/


Ce înseamnă asta? Că pe site-uri va apărea un nou buton, Plătește cu Google Pay. Și dacă ai cardul salvat în Google Pay, tranzacția se va efectua imediat, fără a fi nevoie să introduci datele cardului, ci poate doar codul CVV sau verificare cu amprenta. Asta înseamnă că plățile devin mai ușor de efectuat.


Graffiti PR și Cult Market Research lansează prima ediție a Barometrului Influenței în social media – Revista Biz – prima revistă de afaceri din România https://www.revistabiz.ro/graffiti-pr-si-cult-market-research-lanseaza-prima-editie-a-barometrului-influentei-in-social-media/


Cult Market Research și Graffiti PR anunță rezultatele Barometrului Influenței în Social Media din România (BAR), un proiect de cercetare multidisciplinar, cu relevanță națională, care evaluează în premieră mecanismele de formare a influenței în social media.


Zilele Biz. Ediția aniversară 20 ani | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/600140481394891/


Între 8-12 Noiembrie urmărește-i LIVE pe profesioniștii care scriu istoria afacerilor!


Zilele Biz împlinește 20 de ani de când urcă pe scena evenimentului personalitățile și liderii din business, în fața unui public format din top manageri, consultanţi şi investitori.


Meet and greet the leaders who make the Romanian business world go round.


Dark Mode On Google Search Desktop Is Finally Here https://wersm.com/dark-mode-google-search-desktop-finally-here/


Dark mode is now available to Google Search on desktop. According to a recent announcement, the feature started rolling out last week, and will be fully available globally in the next few weeks.


Rezumat digital 2.0 (78) – 22.09.2021 ⋆ Kooperativa 2.0 https://kooperativa.ro/noutati/rezumat-digital-2-0-78-22-09-2021/


Vrei să fii la curent cu Rezumatul Digital 2.0?


Abonează-te la newsletter-ul nostru completând câmpul de mai jos iar noi te vom ține la curent cu rezumatul digital, articolele și activitatea noastră!


European Digital Commerce

29 September 2021 @ 09:30 – 14:00


Scena evenimentului European Digital Commerce, powered by VTEX, îmbracă pe 29 septembrie tema ”The Heroes of the Retail World”, ce se va concentra pe oamenii din spatele brandurilor, miile de ore de muncă, provocările depășite, uneori cu prețul multor nopți nedormite și eșecurile care s-au transformat în adevărate lecții de business.




SEOcrawl Contest | Win 2.000€ for an article | SEOcrawl https://seocrawl.com/en/seocrawl-contest/


IMPORTANT: At the request of many SEO professionals, we have extended the deadline to send the review until October 24 and the announcement of the winner to October 31. Thank you all very much and good luck!


9 Best Web Crawlers for SEO Professionals https://www.robbierichards.com/seo/seo-crawlers/


Looking for the best SEO crawlers to audit your site? Read on.


The Most Hated Brands In Every Country – Rave Reviews https://www.ravereviews.org/brands/the-most-hated-brands-in-every-country/


Don’t give in to hate, Luke. That leads to the dark side.


Urs Hölzle on Twitter: “A trip down memory lane…exactly 23 years ago Google signed its first datacenter contract.  Let’s walk through the lease in a thread. First, the copy you see here was sent by a “fax machine” which was something people used back then. https://t.co/RnNmt4fnag” / Twitter https://twitter.com/uhoelzle/status/1442040678167375877


Google Upsets Auto Retail Industry With New Automobile Search Features https://www.seroundtable.com/google-upsets-auto-retail-industry-32115.html


Google seems to have rolled out new automobile search features that show more details specifications without sourcing where it found those specs. It may be some data relationship but supposedly this data isn’t as easy to come back as one might have thought.


7 pe săptămână #196 | Blogul Mavericks https://mavericks.ro/blog/7-pe-saptamana-196/


Salut! Am venit cu noul număr. De acasă? De la birou? De la un spațiu de coworking de pe o insulă?


The future of attribution is data-driven https://blog.google/products/ads-commerce/data-driven-attribution-new-default/


Data-driven attribution is set to become the default attribution model for all new Google Ads conversion actions.


Big Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update On September 24th and 25th https://www.seroundtable.com/google-search-ranking-algorithm-update-32159.html


Once again, there may have been yet another Google search ranking algorithm update this past weekend. This is unconfirmed still but it seems like a very big update based on the tracking tools and some of the comments I saw from the community.


Cum sa stabilesti procedura de retur: sfaturi si lucruri de stiut https://www.gomag.ro/blog/procedura-de-retur-sfaturi-magazin-online/


Povestim despre ce trebuie sa contina procedura de retur, bune practici si intrebari frecvente legate despre acest subiect.


Si-acum, hai sa incepem.


Marketing Mix as a Planning and Decision Tool | Open Event https://institutuldemarketing.ro/calendar/marketing-mix-as-a-planning-and-decision-tool/


Pe 30 septembrie, de la ora 18:00, vă invităm la un eveniment interactiv și valoros din seria “Marketing Knowledge”, dedicat integrării tacticilor cu ajutorul mixului de marketing, în context postpandemic.


Senior SEO Specialist | Inbound FinTech | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2729663744/


The Senior SEO Specialist will be in charge of building a website’s awareness through Search Engine Optimisation methods and tactics. The candidate for this role will also identify the right strategies and techniques to be used in order to obtain a high ranking on the Search Engine Results Pages.


SEO Sheets – Zeo Agency https://tools.zeo.org/sheets/


5 idei de postări cu care să cucerești inima publicului tău – Canopy https://www.canopy.ro/blog/social-media/5-idei-de-postari-cu-care-sa-cuceresti-inima-publicului-tau/


Scroll, scroll, două postări ți-au atras atenția pentru 1 minut, treci mai departe – scroll, like, scroll, like, scroll…


Shopify reportedly surpasses Amazon in online traffic, heating up race between the e-commerce firms https://betakit.com/shopify-reportedly-surpasses-amazon-in-online-traffic-heating-up-race-between-the-e-commerce-firms/


Shopify has reportedly beaten Amazon in a notable metric, online traffic, according to data reviewed by Business Insider.


VIDEO Google va permite căutări ce combină imagine și text și spune că viitorul căutărilor online ține de înțelegerea lucrurilor în context – IT – HotNews.ro https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-it-25071327-google-cautare-online-search-context-imagine-foto-lens.htm


Google a anunțat că în aplicația vizuală de căutare Lens va fi adăugată posibilitatea de a pune și text, iar userii vor putea adresa căutări legate de ce văd. Un exemplu oferit este dacă ți se strică o piesă de la bicicletă și nu știi cum se numește: faci o fotografie și poți afla direct cum se poate face reparația.


This is Facebook’s internal research on the mental health effects of Instagram – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2021/9/29/22701445/facebook-instagram-mental-health-research-pdfs-documents


The company shared the PDFs Wednesday night


7 Best Online Marketing Communities (Free and Paid) to Join in 2021 https://ahrefs.com/blog/best-marketing-communities/


Online marketing communities are excellent places to gain fresh perspectives, stay on the pulse of trends, learn from seasoned marketers and founders, and have watercooler conversations with like-minded folk.


20 Tips to Write Catchy Email Subject Lines [+ Examples] https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/improve-your-email-subject-line


While this growth is happening, it’s important to maintain reliable avenues for collaboration and communication on your marketing team. Otherwise, your business won’t be able to perform at the highest level. The good news is that marketing collaboration software can help with this.


Rezumat digital 2.0 (79) – 29.09.2021 ⋆ Kooperativa 2.0 https://kooperativa.ro/noutati/rezumat-digital-2-0-79-29-09-2021/


Abonează-te la newsletter-ul nostru completând câmpul de mai jos iar noi te vom ține la curent cu rezumatul digital, articolele și activitatea noastră!


E-commerce SEO guide: New documentation from Google https://searchengineland.com/ecommerce-seo-guide-new-documentation-from-google-374788


The new guide from Google gives e-commerce SEOs documentation they can take to clients and stakeholders to get their recommendations implemented.


Mapped: The Fastest (and Slowest) Internet Speeds in the World https://www.visualcapitalist.com/mapped-the-fastest-and-slowest-internet-speeds-in-the-world/


How quickly did this page load for you?


The answer depends on the device you’re using, and where in the world you’re located. Average internet speeds vary wildly from country to country.


We’ve recently launched free LinkedIn Marketing Labs Certifications allowing marketers like you to be recognized for your LinkedIn marketing expertise. Individuals who pass our certification exam are awarded credentials that can be added to your LinkedIn profile. It’s a great way to boost your digital marketing credibility and stand out from other marketers.




Facebook whistleblower reveals identity, says company ‘chooses profits over safety’ | Engadget https://www.engadget.com/facebook-whistleblower-reveals-identity-says-company-chooses-profits-over-safety-062311634.html


‘Facebook knew its algorithms and platforms promoted this type of harmful content.’


Google Ads launches new budget report https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-launches-new-budget-report-374862


The report shows daily spend, monthly spending limit, monthly spend forecast, cost to date and budget changes you’ve made that particular month.


Studiu MOCAPP 2021: 57% dintre români nu cumpără online decât după ce consultă review-uri – Revista Biz – prima revistă de afaceri din România https://www.revistabiz.ro/studiu-mocapp-2021-57-dintre-romani-nu-cumpara-online-decat-dupa-ce-consulta-review-uri/


În ultimul an, volumul cumpărăturilor online a crescut semnificativ, cu 30% conform ARMO (Asociația Română a Magazinelor Online) datorită contextului pandemic, iar românii își mențin un apetit crescut pentru cumpărăturile la distanță.


Hai la SocialPedia 31 offline despre Girl Power in Social Media – Sabina Cornovac Online https://www.sabinacornovac.ro/hai-la-socialpedia-31-offline-despre-girl-power-in-social-media/


✅ Ediția 31 a SocialPedia are loc pe 19 octombrie 2021, de la ora 18:30, offline și este sponsored by ANSWEAR România.


Speakerii acestei ediții cu tema “Girl Power in Social Media” sunt: Amalia Năstase – președinte Fundația Ronald McDonald, Marta Ușurelu – Owner Biz și Alina Greavu – Creator de conținut @Aluziva.


Joi, 7 Octombrie 11:00, vă invităm la o nouă serie de webinarii GPeC LIVE!


Discuția care deschide sezonul va fi despre ”E-Commerce, experiența integrată Click-to-Door și importanța datelor pentru a avea succes” cu Mircea Stan (CEO & Founder Postis) și Andrei Radu (CEO GPeC).




The rise of dark web design: how sites manipulate you into clicking https://theconversation.com/the-rise-of-dark-web-design-how-sites-manipulate-you-into-clicking-168347


The problem with dark design is that it’s difficult to spot. And dark patterns, which are established in every developer’s toolbox, spread fast.


YouTube – Decizie a Guvernului ULTIMA ORĂ: CNA va controla YouTube… | PROFIT.ro https://www.profit.ro/stiri/politic/ultima-ora-decizie-a-guvernului-cna-va-controla-youtube-si-alte-platforme-video-similare-si-va-putea-elimina-sau-bloca-clipuri-20417495


UPDATE ora 20.34 Proiectul de mai jos a fost aprobat de Executiv.


Ce influențează succesul campaniilor cu influenceri în România https://www.manafu.ro/2021/10/ce-influenteaza-succesul-campaniilor-cu-influenceri-in-romania/


Anunțat în premieră la Influencer Marketing Conference 2021, studiul InfluenceMe powered by Starcom documentează in cea de-a 9-a editie comportamentele care pot influența campaniile cu influenceri din România. Studiul analizează evoluțiile principalilor indicatori din purchase funnel și are la bază toate campaniile consistente de influencer marketing, desfășurate în perioada ianuarie-august 2021.


We Love SEO | For Search Marketing Lovers | Paris https://weloveseo.fr/en/


We Love SEO is THE event for Search Marketing Lovers! Brought to you by Oncrawl and Myposeo since 2014, We Love SEO brings together search professionals from France and all around the world, for a full-day of conferences, panel discussion and SEO expertise. Good practices, feedback, actionable advice: Join us to discover the latest trends and innovations in the sector and develop your knowledge during the next edition of We Love SEO!


Google Search Handled The Facebook Outage https://www.seroundtable.com/facebook-outage-impact-google-search-32198.html


Google’s John Mueller described how Google Search typically deals with site outages on Twitter – the short answer is that a 6 hour outage won’t really impact the overall’s site ranking in the long term.


Aflată la cea de-a unsprezecea ediţie, Biz PR Awards 2021 se va difuza LIVE pe pagina Biz pe 14 octombrie, de la ora 11.00.

Alături de cei mai buni specialişti din domeniu vom afla ce transformări s-au produs pe parcursul ultimului an și cum se adaptează industria de comunicare la noul context de business?




A list of games for bored (and curious) designers | by Francesca Valentini-Marletta | Sep, 2021 | UX Collective https://uxdesign.cc/the-ultimate-game-list-for-bored-and-curious-ux-ui-designers-978677760642


During the years and exploring the internet, I collected all the websites offering games and fun experiences for UX and UI Designers: now it is time to share!


How do Chrome extensions impact browser performance? https://www.debugbear.com/blog/chrome-extension-performance-2021


This report investigates how 1000 of the most popular Chrome extensions impact browser performance and end-user experience.


Reducing Carbon Emissions On The Web — Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2021/09/reducing-carbon-emissions-on-web/


Quick summary – Websites, unfortunately, aren’t as environmentally friendly as we might like them to be. This article contains some thoughts and experiences from trying to clean them up.


An Introduction to Domain Privacy (And How to Implement It) https://kinsta.com/blog/domain-privacy/


If there’s one element of your site that is the most public, it’s your domain name. Of course, this is the visible address of your website, so hiding it away isn’t a good idea. However, one facet you should obscure is the personal information you give to your registrar. Domain privacy helps to tackle this.


New World Game Is a Hit, and Amazon Sees Big Future for Gaming – Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-05/new-world-game-is-a-hit-and-amazon-sees-big-future-for-gaming


Games could end up being the largest entertainment category over the long haul, Andy Jassy, the chief executive officer, said Tuesday at a technology conference.


Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach – SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/shoot-your-shot-a-guide-to-effective-cold-outreach/


“What response rate do you get with cold outreach?”


Gmail’s fancy Contacts side panel is coming to more Google apps https://www.androidpolice.com/gmails-fancy-contacts-side-panel-is-coming-to-more-google-apps/


Whether you like it or not, Google’s spent the last couple of years bringing all of its apps and services closer together. There’s no better example of this than the right sidebar spread throughout various Workspace-adjacent products, like Drive and Calendar. These apps are all getting access to a new tool over the next few weeks, and it’s bound to make communication a little easier.


Google Analytics 4 updates include data-driven attribution, machine learning models to fill in measurement gaps and a Search Console integration https://searchengineland.com/google-analytics-4-updates-include-data-driven-attribution-machine-learning-models-to-fill-in-measurement-gaps-and-a-search-console-integration-374970


Google hasn’t said when it will deprecate Universal Analytics, but the updates and language in the announcement suggest that search marketers should prepare for the change.


8 Recent (Important!) Google Ads Updates You Might Have Missed | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2021/10/04/recent-google-ads-updates-september-2021


Let’s face it, no one likes the feeling of FOMO (fear of missing out). Whether it’s a group project you were excluded from or a concert that sold out tickets before you could snag one, FOMO is sadly found in every corner of life.


What are 5 Digital Assets Worth Investing In? https://www.jeffbullas.com/what-are-5-digital-assets-worth-investing-in/


There is something special about buying your new first home. You are handed the keys and you walk in the front door and it is yours. It is almost visceral.


evoMAG poate livra în easybox la nivel național – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2021/10/evomag-livreaza-easybox-national/


Uite că rețeaua de dulapuri easybox nu-i doar pentru eMAG. Astăzi evoMAG a anunțat că face livrări în cele 1.800 de easybox-uri disponibile la nivel național. Deja sunt 1.800, s-a dezvoltat rapid rețeaua.


Marketing Takeover https://marketingtakeover.substack.com/


YouTube cancels Rewind for good after years of everyone hating it – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/7/22714550/youtube-rewind-canceled-controversy-creators-annual-recap


YouTube Rewind — the company’s annual year-end round-up of trends, creators, memes, and the most popular videos on the site — has been canceled for good, the company confirmed to TubeFilter today.


Content, Curated. – Issue #28 – Search Valley https://searchvalley.co.uk/content-curated-28/


As always there’s been no shortage of great content to include, and in recent weeks there’s certainly been a lot of topical news stories to potentially jump on.


retailArena 2021 https://www.retailarena.ro/


A Game of The Future 27 – 28 October 2021


Este cu adevărat utilă noua opțiune targeting expansion din Facebook Ads? • Blog Digital https://blogdigital.ro/este-cu-adevarat-utila-noua-optiune-targeting-expansion-din-facebook-ads/


Targeting expansion este deja disponibilă default pentru majoritatea campaniilor de conversii – fără opțiunea de opt-out. Cu toate acestea, veți putea exclude anumite segmente de audiență din Ads Manager,  dacă doriți să păstrați un control specific asupra targetarii.


#seozraz webinar: Google Patents: How do they influence search? (with Bill Slawski, SEO by the Sea) | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/609104636938512/


Bill Slawski will talk about Google patents used for search and related technologies such as knowledge graph, indexing, using multiple device signals for personalized knowledge graphs and more.







How to Write Title Elements for Google Search | Google Search Central https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/appearance/title-link


A title link is the title of a search result on Google Search and other properties (for example, Google News) that links to the web page. Google uses a number of different sources to automatically determine the title link, but you can indicate your preferences by following our guidelines for writing descriptive «title» elements.



See DevFest Romania 2021 at Google Developer Groups GDG Bucharest https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-bucharest-presents-devfest-romania-2021/


Blockchain, explained: what’s a block, what’s a chain, and the tech behind crypto – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/22654785/blockchain-explained-cryptocurrency-what-is-stake-nft


Blocks? Chains? How does this whole thing work?


How To Rapidly Improve At Any Programming Language https://www.cbui.dev/how-to-rapidly-improve-at-any-programming-language/


Last year, I submitted a PR to the Clojure web request routing library, Compojure. Even though I was doing Clojure full time at work, there was still a lot for me to learn and always will be.


Încă o companie americană de IT deschide un hub de suport tehnic în România. SonicWall a făcut primele recrutări şi are în plan zeci de angajaţi. Compania de securitate cibernetică a avut în 2020 vânzări “peste aşteptări” în România https://www.zf.ro/business-hi-tech/companie-americana-it-deschide-hub-suport-tehnic-romania-sonicwall-20264667


Furnizorul american de soluţii de securitate cibernetică SonicWall a demarat proiectul de dezvoltare în România a unui centru de suport tehnic cu 50 de angajaţi, primii trei oameni fiind deja recrutaţi şi începându-şi activitatea în cadrul firmei.


Enterprise architecture approach – sustainably scaling from one to many projects – powered by BearingPoint – DevAfterWork https://www.devafterwork.ro/events/32-enterprise-architecture-approach-sustainably-scaling-from-one-to-many-projects


Ever asked yourself how to be nimble in boosting enterprise architecture to the next level? As software development is an ever-growing and always changing industry, we need to keep up to date but at the same time remain stable and scalable. Therefore, having a core approach on enterprise architectures is key, while also remaining flexible to change and adaptations. Join us when we share our tips and secrets!


2021 Kindle Paperwhite gets more screen, USB-C – Android Authority https://www.androidauthority.com/kindle-paperwhite-2021-3028051/


Time to start reading your backlog of eBooks.


The Ultimate Guide for Transpiling PHP Code https://kinsta.com/blog/transpiling-php/


In this guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about transpiling PHP code.


The Framework is the most exciting laptop I’ve ever used | by Cory Doctorow | Sep, 2021 | Medium https://doctorow.medium.com/the-framework-is-the-most-exciting-laptop-ive-ever-used-5415da0a46e5


Sustainable, upgradeable, repairable and powerful.


Security audit raises severe warnings on Chinese smartphone models | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/09/security-audit-raises-severe-warnings-on-chinese-smartphone-models/


The audit red-flagged Xiaomi and Huawei phones but gave OnePlus a pass.


Designing Low Upkeep Software https://www.jefftk.com/p/designing-low-upkeep-software


It’s common for me to get excited about a personal project, put a bunch of time into it, and then lose interest. As much as possible, I want them to continue working; upkeep isn’t fun. What does designing for minimum maintenance look like?


Why You Should Keep Your Email and Hosting Separate https://kinsta.com/blog/keep-email-and-hosting-separate/


Any web host worth its salt wants to provide top-notch server infrastructure and rock-solid security to its customers. As such, providing other (but related) services such as email may dilute the core offering.


AMD – Gigantul american deschide în România un centru de design | PROFIT.ro https://www.profit.ro/povesti-cu-profit/it-c/gigantul-american-amd-deschide-in-romania-un-centru-de-design-20416135


Săptămânile trecute Wall Street Journal a publicat o serie de articole despre Facebook, citând documente interne ale companiei pe care le-au obținut cine știe cum (prin jurnalism muncit, așa le-au obținut).


AI Is No Match for the Quirks of Human Intelligence | The MIT Press Reader https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/ai-insight-problems-quirks-human-intelligence/


We may sometimes behave like computers, but more often, we are creative, irrational, and not always too bright.


DeepMind AI predicts incoming rainfall with high accuracy https://newatlas.com/computers/deepmind-ai-predicts-incoming-rainfall-high-accuracy/


The company’s latest tool is designed to predict oncoming precipitation through what’s known as nowcasting, and the vast majority of meteorologists found it to be more accurate than current methods in early testing.


Microsoft posts instructions for upgrading to Windows 11 on unsupported PCs – gHacks Tech News https://www.ghacks.net/2021/10/06/microsoft-posts-instructions-for-upgrading-to-windows-11-on-unsupported-pcs/


A new support page on Microsoft’s support website provides instructions on installing Windows 11. A paragraph on the page includes instructions on upgrading Windows 10 devices that are not compatible with Windows 11’s system requirements to Windows 11.


D. Psihologie

Empathy is, at heart, an aesthetic appreciation of the other | Psyche Ideas https://psyche.co/ideas/empathy-is-at-heart-an-aesthetic-appreciation-of-the-other


What exactly is this surprising early version of empathy, and can we imagine empathy as an aesthetic practice today?


When Humans Play in Competition With a Humanoid Robot, They Delay Their Decisions When the Robot Looks at Them – Neuroscience News https://neurosciencenews.com/robot-human-decisions-19241/


Summary: The gaze of a humanoid robot influences the way people react to social decision-making tasks.


Rubrica de psihologie: Rețelele de socializare ⋆ zoso blog https://zoso.ro/rubrica-psihologie-retelele-socializare/


Activitatea pe rețelele de socializare ne face mai triști, mai anxioși, mai depresivi și ne scade stima de sine. Totodată ne face să devenim mai alienați și mai decuplați de realitate. În plus, orice ni se transmite în scris pe rețelele de socializare trece printr-un filtru individual și unic fiecăruia dintre noi, filtru care lasă să treacă doar informația brută, fără elementele constitutive asociate ei: tonul vocii, intonața, elementele de mimică și gestică ce completează comunicarea și mesajul în sine.


Why Kids Don’t Want to Talk About Their Day (and How to Get Them to Open Up Anyway) https://lifehacker.com/why-kids-dont-want-to-talk-about-their-day-and-how-to-1847595902


Even if your kid isn’t experiencing bullying, initiating these conversations will show them they can talk to you about these issues.


Our heart rates synchronize when closely listening to the same stories https://www.zmescience.com/medicine/mind-and-brain/our-heart-rates-synchronize-when-closely-listening-to-the-same-stories/


Even when the narrative is trivial and boring.


Making (and Breaking) Eye Contact Repeatedly Makes Conversation More Engaging https://scitechdaily.com/making-and-breaking-eye-contact-repeatedly-makes-conversation-more-engaging/


Making eye contact repeatedly when you’re talking to someone is common, but why do we do it? When two people are having a conversation, eye contact occurs during moments of “shared attention” when both people are engaged, with their pupils dilating in synchrony as a result, according to a Dartmouth study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Key Metaphors in the Most Popular Love Songs Speak of Proximity and Possession – Neuroscience News https://neurosciencenews.com/language-music-love-songs-17719/


Summary: Metaphors represent over 70% of figurative language used to convey love and emotion in pop music. Over two-thirds of love songs reflect the correlation between physical proximity and possession.


“To listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear.”

Mark Nepo



Women Better at Reading Minds Than Men – Neuroscience News https://neurosciencenews.com/women-behavioral-cues-17764/


Summary: New study reveals women are better at mentalizing and picking up on subtle behavioral cues of others than men.


Mister Rogers’s Simple Set of Rules for Talking to Kids – The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/06/mr-rogers-neighborhood-talking-to-kids/562352/


The TV legend possessed an extraordinary understanding of how kids make sense of language.


What we do and don’t know about kindness – BBC Future https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210921-what-we-do-and-dont-know-about-kindness


In recent years, psychologists have gained a deeper understanding of human kindness and its benefits, but as Claudia Hammond writes, there’s still so much to explore.


Cum am ajuns cea mai puțin deprimată țară din Europa – Scena 9 https://www.scena9.ro/article/top-depresie-europa-romania


Suntem, oficial, cea mai puțin deprimată țară din UE.


Dr. Julie Gurner on Twitter: “I’ve worked with athletes around reaching “flow states.” It’s 100% psychology. We’ve all been there – you lose time, are immensely productive, or just crush it in your sport…or work. Let’s look at what flow states are & how to get there. No punches pulled. 1/” / Twitter https://twitter.com/drgurner/status/1441753301427515397


Schimbările în 21 de zile sunt un mit. Descoperă de câte zile au nevoie oamenii pentru a-și contura noi obișnuințe – Pagina de Psihologie https://www.paginadepsihologie.ro/schimbarile-in-21-de-zile-sunt-un-mit-descopera-de-cate-zile-au-nevoie-oamenii-pentru-a-si-contura-noi-obisnuinte/


În agitata viață modernă, majoritatea dintre noi ne dorim să facem schimbări cât mai repede și, într-un timp record, să avem în repertoriul nostru de comportamente și acțiuni o serie de deprinderi și obiceiuri care să ne transforme viața. La o simplă căutare pe Google, vom descoperi că mulți experți sunt de părere că avem nevoie de aproximativ 21 de zile pentru a dezvolta o nouă obișnuință; dar oare chiar așa să fie?


Ce se întâmplă la școală cu copiii din clasele primare după ce primesc acasă telefoane și tablete? Jocurile pe calculator anesteziază „mușchiul” atenției voluntare și al perseverenței https://republica.ro/ce-se-intampla-cu-copiii-din-clasele-primare-dupa-ce-primesc-acasa-telefoane-si-tablete-pentru-jocuri_2


Există, subconștient, în harta mentală a fiecăruia dintre noi o ierarhie a lucrurilor care aduc stare de “împlinire” chimică a creierului. Jocurile pe calculator, animațiile se așază automat pe locul I.


Rubrica de psihologie: Impactul mamelor histrionice ⋆ zoso blog https://zoso.ro/rubrica-psihologie-impactul-mamelor-histrionice/


Unul din lucrurile peste care dau extrem de des în trecutul clienților mei sunt mamele histrionice. O bună parte din adulții care au probleme de stimă de sine sau suferă de anxietate și depresii au avut parte în copilărie de o mamă histrionică.


Mersul la psiholog va deveni gratuit în Franța pentru toți cetățenii țării – International – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-25069742-mersul-psiholog-deveni-gratuit-franta-pentru-toti-cetatenii.htm#.YVSkKetT7Mk.facebook


Tratamentul pentru tulburările psihologice va fi decontat de stat în Franța începând de anul viitor, potrivit unui anunț făcut de președintele Emmanuel Macron marți, relatează ABC News.


The Munger Operating System: A Life That Works https://fs.blog/2016/04/munger-operating-system/


In 2007, Charlie Munger gave the commencement address at USC Law School, opening his speech by saying, “Well, no doubt many of you are wondering why the speaker is so old. Well, the answer is obvious: He hasn’t died yet.”


Mental Models: The Best Way to Make Intelligent Decisions (~100 Models Explained) https://fs.blog/mental-models/


This guide explores everything you need to know about mental models. By the time you’re done, you’ll think better, make fewer mistakes, and get better results.


Confidence is Overrated – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EteY-ExdacU


Digital Addictions Are Drowning Us in Dopamine – WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/digital-addictions-are-drowning-us-in-dopamine-11628861572


Rising rates of depression and anxiety in wealthy countries like the U.S. may be a result of our brains getting hooked on the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure


Lucky charms | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2021/10/lucky-charms/


We’d rather not claim luck. Good luck feels like something was unearned. And bad luck sounds like an excuse.


Computer Game Play Reduces Intrusive Memories of Experimental Trauma via Reconsolidation-Update Mechanisms https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4526368/


We showed that intrusive memories were virtually abolished by playing the computer game Tetris following a memory-reactivation task 24 hr after initial exposure to experimental trauma. Furthermore, both memory reactivation and playing Tetris were required to reduce subsequent intrusions (Experiment 2), consistent with reconsolidation-update mechanisms.


How to Stop Your Job From Becoming Your Identity – The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2021/09/self-objectification-work/620246/


Reducing yourself to any single characteristic, whether it be your title or your job performance, is a deeply damaging act.


ANBerlin [Ondré] - New-Helgoland Impressions
ANBerlin [Ondré] – New-Helgoland Impressions, https://flic.kr/p/2gd1T8m

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