Targeting the right kind of customers – case study: blog posting

I’ve recently read an article – ~ « – whose thesis is:

E un lucru aşa de rar dialogul, încât l-am pierdut din vedere. Un fel de sacrificiu. Trebuie să presupun dinainte că celălalt m-ar putea convinge; mai mult, că voi ieşi din acest dialog cu viaţa zdruncinată de revelaţia că toate lucrurile în care am crezut sunt eronate. Trebuie să-mi imaginez această posibilitate care-mi pune în joc fiinţa. Să ai un dialog înseamnă să tremuri. Cei doi conced că nu au principii, ci convingeri şi, mai puţin încă, opinii. Să-ţi spui că orice principiu al tău e de fapt o convingere, care nu e în definitiv decât o biată opinie.

In order to have a proper dialogue, the author says, one has to start with a sort of sacrifice – both partners of the conversation have to be willing to sacrifice his own convictions to make the dialogue work.

What this blog post inspires me to say is:

  • Targeting the right kind of customers for you blog is a crucial. Avoid trying to change perceiptions.

Now, you can look for people and convince them. You can try to change some person’s opinions, with facts, logic, arguments. Or you may want to engage that person emotionally with metaphors, and powerful emotions, and create an attitude.

How about a different approach – try to give the answers to the people already looking for it? “How do I …” / “How to make …” / “What’s the best possible …”. My original idea for the blog was something like this – giving solutions. Getting results.

Right now, I might have changed the blog’s directions a bit, but I still try to offer people practical advice, from time to time, at least.

It can be very hard to convince some people that they may be wrong. But it’s a good thing to offer answers to those who are actively looking for them.

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