This evening I’ve seen “Rencontres” / “Intalniri” / “Meetings” (Passe Partout DP) play (Passe Partout DP).
The play was written and directed by DragoÈ™ HULUBA and Violeta TOTIR and the stars were the same DragoÈ™ HULUBA and Violeta TOTIR.
Bellow my feed-back.
First, a loop in three points:
- There is a play and a book called “Ce ne spunem cand nu ne vorbim” / “What we tell each other when we don’t speak”, by Chris SIMION (Ce ne spunem cand nu ne vorbim – roman si spectacol semnat Chris Simion – Cultura –; I am unfamiliar with both; but the title is revelatory in two ways – even without saying things, you can say a lot of things (and pantomime theater works great on that) (i.) and, also, to me, it’s relevant that I can “get” (understand) some things, even if those things are not apparent;
- I’ve seen another Passe Partout DP play – Don Quijote, Miguel de CERVANTES – Teatrul NaÅ£ional BucureÅŸti – I failed to understand too many things out of it; I liked some of the play, but couldn’t understand most of the action, and besides a esthetically pleasing game of horses, can’t remember much of it;
- I like Bruno MEDICINA (Bruno MEDICINA – the trainer whose coaching abilities I like most – Get a result now!) for his ability to make me get insights; he says one thing, I may agree or not, like it or not, but the other thoughts that get into my mind are great; it’s not what he says, but what I make of what he says that matters (even if the two are unrelated);
Now, back to the show;
What I liked?
- Unlike my previous and (as far as I can remember) only other experience with pantomime, I DID understand about 40% of the show; I could focus and understand parts of it; not everything, but much better than nothing; I did have an idea of what was it all about;
- I liked the speech (finally, words!);
- It was great when the audience was involved (I won’t get into details, it was just great);
- The actors played pantomime well;
What was great?
- During the performance, I got something I get in a Bruno MEDICINA workshop – insights; but one was so huge, I’ll do a separate blog post about it;Â it’s like this – the actors do their work, and I try (hard, I might add) to understand what do they do in there, why do they do this and that; and some action / emotion / thought comes to me; and, while I focus on their act I also focus on my own internal feelings, and sometimes, from this intricate game of “what’s there” vs. “what’s here”, I get an insight; cool, huh? Here goes my blog post – Revelation (huge!): God is watching over me and helps me – Get a result now!