Follow-up: Public Speaking Support Group (British Council, 2010.06.22)

On 22nd of June 2010, I went to British Council, for a Public Speaking Support Group. Below you’ll find two videos I filmed at the event and photos.

You can see my video and presentation at the event in a separate blog post.

Two videos:

Vezi mai multe video din Evenimente

Thank you Răzvan DABA, for a great event.

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2 comentarii la „Follow-up: Public Speaking Support Group (British Council, 2010.06.22)”

  1. Waw, nice presentation but I didn’t know the meetings were taped and that you can end up with your picture and sometimes a movie of you on the internet. Gotta be careful what you say, in that case.

  2. Dan, it was not a secret, I didn’t hide the camera to catch a bad presentation and broadcast it.

    I specifically asked for permission to film everybody prior to making the movie.

    I also asked the participants if it’s fine to put the pictures on the blog.

    Had anyone asked me not to put it online, I wouldn’t have.

    I can also delete any clip or video, by request.

    So, you can rest assured, that if you want to be anonymous while at Public Speaking Support group, you can be anonymous.

    Have I answered your dilemmas?

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