Various tips on making a profile photo

Hello, recently I changed my profile photo. :)

I know, I know, applauses, thank you, calm down now. :))

During this time, I made quite a research on creating / editing / changing the profile photo.

Below, some tips I found to be valuable during my research.


1. Smile with teeth
2. Dark-colored suits, light colored buttondowns
3. Jawline with a shadow
4. Head-and-shoulders, or head-to-waist photo
5. Squinch
6. Asymmetrical composition
7. Unobstructed eyes
(The Science Behind Finding Your Best Profile Picture)

1. Don’t block your eyes.
2. Define your jawline.
3. Show your teeth when you smile.
4. Try formal dress.
5. Head and shoulders (or head to waist).
6. Try a squinch.
(The Science Behind Finding Your Best Profile Picture)

1. Focus on your face: There’s no room for your family, dogs or company logo
2. Go asymmetrical: Symmetry makes a photo less interesting. Don’t put your face in the middle. Use hypothetical vertical lines to divide your photo into thirds and place your eyes on one of these lines (see Kawasaki’s avatar below)
3. Face the light: The source of light should come from in front of you
4. Think big: Upload a photo that is at least 600 pixels wide. While people will most often be scanning your posts and see the postage side image, when they click on one of your posts they will see a crisp, clear and large photo of you. It’s important to have this 600 pixels wide image.
(The Science to Having an Attractive Profile Photo on Social Media | Socialnomics)

Slight variations in how an individual face is viewed can lead people to develop significantly different first impressions of that individual, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

“Our findings suggest that impressions from still photos of individuals could be deeply misleading,” says psychological scientist and study author Alexander Todorov of Princeton University.
(Every Profile Photo Is a Lie (New Research from our Academic Partner))

Eight Profile Pictures That Help You Win at Online Dating
1. You being active / doing something you love.
2. You, not alone.
3. You with your family.
4. You with your pets.
5. Your full body shot.
6. Are flattering.
7. Are genuine.
8. Are accurate and recent.
Meet More People with Better Online Dating Profile Pictures

Finding the right mate is no cakewalk — but is it even mathematically likely? In a charming talk, mathematician Hannah Fry shows patterns in how we look for love, and gives her top three tips (verified by math!) for finding that special someone.

“Using data collected from OKCupid, Fry explains how looking too good in your photo is limiting your overall range. When you look too good in a photo, it can make people feel like they don’t have a chance with you, so they don’t bother. Of course, a really terrible photo won’t help much either, but a photo somewhere in the middle ground is what you want to shoot for. You want to look somewhat attractive without looking like you’re too out of reach. Express what makes you different and keep the tone down to Earth.” (The Mathematical Reason You Shouldn’t Use Perfect Online Dating Photos)

Some tips:

An infographic:
New Research Study Breaks Down “The Perfect Profile Photo”

Update, 2015.04.30: Smile with power. Be very happy. Smile intensely. Show your teeth. Be proud. It literally shows.

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