Planes (2013)

Planes (2013) – IMDb – the problem with this movie is that they kept exaggerating. You can’t go from first to last, then again last, then again first (everybody else just seems to keep their positions, the real fight is only for the first place). You can’t take a few training lesson from an ex-military and all of a sudden be much better than anybody else who flies in the competition. You can’t have a problem with heights the whole movie, and then you just stop having this. You can’t lose your place in the formation in the previous-to-last step in the race and then continue the race in the last stage as if nothing happened. You can’t have a stalled engine, and via the mere power of high altitude currents be better than the top performer. You can’t beat your system so easily (a plane built for agriculture be better than another one built for races), with no reasoning for this. You can’t get to be the second to finish the race, milliseconds behind the winner, and everyone to boo you.

These are questions you can’t answer just like that – „well, it’s not anymore”. You can beat your condition, but it shouldn’t be at a blink of an eye. You need more than this.

Things are soooooo much exaggerated.

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