Joker is a part of life

A lot of times, when I think of Joker (2019), I consider it a strange person in a normal world.

It might be wrong.

Perhaps Joker fits perfectly in this world.

Perhaps weirdness is a state, we are all weird.

Joking looks bad, while it does bring happiness it’s also considered aggressive.

But, perhaps, this, too, is part of life.

The thing with joking is that it changes the system.

You laugh at the system, the system moves from A to B. It causes a big shift.

One step in changing an issue is acknowledging that this is, really, an issue.

But when you laugh, two things happen:

  • You acknowledge there is an issue.
  • You either accept it, and it shifts, or you refuse it, and, again, it shifts.

Laughing changes the system.

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