How to increase the security of online test-taking?

My suggestions:

  • Transform the text in the questions into images.
  • Make those images impossible to OCR (use some special characters/fonts).
  • (with permission) Record the screen.
  • (with permission) Record the camera.
  • It has such a format that it focuses on answering many questions in a short time so that it focuses more on instincts and less on long-time judgment.
  • (optional) Make the test short – 5 to 10 minutes should suffice.
  • Automatically adjust the level of the next question based on the previous question.
  • (debatable) Make the test impossible to return to the previous question.
  • (debatable) Give the results of the test quickly.
  • Don’t use a multiple-choice test. Instead, make the person type the answer.
  • Have a large database of questions.
  • (debatable) Tell the persons to speak while taking the test, justifying why they chose an answer.

Kyller - Test day
Kyller – Test day,

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