What options you have to make money online?
- An offline business only partially related to online – this is the solution recommended by Călin Fusu. In his example, BestJobs (a site similar to Monster.com) sells jobs not only online, but uses its selling team to sell the business idea to off-line businesses. Zumzi (a Groupon-style business) does a lot of interactions off-line. He actually says that “‘nu concura niciodata cu jucatorii internationali pe segmente unde softul este esential’ – poti concura pe domenii unde vanzarile sint de baza (bestjobs/zumzi) sau unde contentul este de baza (trilulilu).” So, avoid facing having Facebook as a competition, but do create a business in which you can compete with either content or selling force.
- A web property, selling ads – You create a web site and you sell either impressions (how many people view an ad, not depending on what they do after seeing it – CPM model, Cost-per-Mile), or clicks (you are paid if people click on an advertisement – CPC, Cost-per-click), or, finally, conversions (you are paid, via an affiliate network, depending on the number of sales generated by your web site).
- A web property, selling products – You can create an online store and sell things this way.
- You can create web a web application – This might be a mobile phone app, a web site which does something, a piece of software which solves a problem.
- An advertising environment – You can make money by using advertising only (for example, you enter an affiliate network, you do AdWords advertising, and have a revenue source based on clicks on your ads).
- There are also solutions to find work as a freelancer (from creating a web site, to translating things).
Some general tips:
- You need a brand. Trust is value in itself.
- Communities help a lot. It’s a different things selling things in general, and selling things to a community on your web site.
- You need a combination of luck, hard work, talent, persistence, differentiation to succeed.
- It’s not that easy to create a lot of quality new content, constantly. You’d better find something at which you can keep on working.
- On a personal note, I find Google AdSense is not working that well. In Romania, I’ve had good experiences with profitshare.ro affiliate network. There are options for everyone, you just need to put some work into it.
(written via a suggestion – A lesson from my father » Oliii.com – by Olivian Breda)
Foarte interesant articolul (la fel ca toate articolele scrise de Olivian Breda). Poate cu unele articole nu sunt de acord (este si normali, suntem diferiti si este bine asta, un batran imi spunea candva ca nici degetele de la mana nu sunt la fel, e bine si normal ca oamenii sa fie diferiti).
Spuneam ca (poate) cu unele articole nu sunt de acord, dar apreciez si la acestea modul in care sunt scrise.
M-ar bucura daca ne-ati impartasi (cat de detaliat se poate si doriti) din experienta dumneavoastra in marketingul afiliat.
Spre rusinea mea, desi am conturi pe profitshare, 2parale, Altex Afiliere, Piata digitala, Wiy (o retea de afiliere mai putin cunoscuta, la fel ca piatadigitala.ro), precum si in programe independente de afiliere (Domo.ro), nu am facut “mare branza”.
Nu am facut mare lucru nici in cazul in care site-urile sunt pe prima pagina in Google (top 3 pe cuvinte cheie cu trafic, peste 27.000 cautari medii lunare pentru “dezmembrari auto”, de exemplu), nici cand am facut Facebook Ads sau Google AdWords.
Nu am mare experiență cu afilierea. Pe forum.seopedia.ro găsești multe sfaturi, la fel în comunitatea celor de la 2Parale, la fel în cărți și resurse online.