On one-page websites

I like one-page websites quite a bit.

A single, long page, where you add all the basic information (who you are, the services/products you offer, contact details), all in one place.

You could add things like Terms and Conditions, a Privacy Policy, and perhaps a blog, but, all-in-all, you could do a lot of things by having just a single page.

Find such examples here: One Page WordPress Themes from ThemeForest.

Sometimes, you can’t do a one-page website; you might need something more complex.

But if the project scope allows for it, I suggest you go for it – create a one-page website.

junaidrao - #Design The imposing “Atomium”, designed by Belgian engineer André Waterkeyn to depict nine iron atoms in the shape of the cubic cell of an iron crystal. While long clad in aluminium, it is now more appropriately clad in steel. [4833 x 3254][OC]
junaidrao – #Design The imposing “Atomium”, designed by Belgian engineer André Waterkeyn to depict nine iron atoms in the shape of the cubic cell of an iron crystal. While long clad in aluminium, it is now more appropriately clad in steel. [4833 x 3254][OC] https://flic.kr/p/UYQtJx

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