On Rocketman (2019)

I’ve seen Rocketman (2019). Some ideas? (SPOILERS!)

  • I think the main message of the movie is that we all need love. I only understood this message from the movie at the very end of it. Very deep and nice.
  • The movie was a bit too fast-paced for my preference. Lots of things to cover in little time. I would have preferred less information, with more time given.
  • I compare a lot of the movie with The Wolf of Wall Street (2013). Unfortunately, I just compare it with it, I didn’t find the same enjoyment watching this movie.
  • Some of the things in the movie succeeded too fast. Scene A, B, C. One or two words, boom!, we’re married. We’re having breakfast, something is wrong, one person says one thing, boom!, we’re divorced. What was that?
  • Too much can-can. Highly exaggerated on this part.
  • A song referenced in the movie: Marty Robbins – The Streets Of Laredo – YouTube;
  • Some of the things were barbarian. How do you know the actors have feelings? They cry. How do you know there’s something at stake? They yell. How do you know there’s something important? They draw attention to them. Barbaric.
  • While the design of costumes must have been authentic, I didn’t like the overall graphics of the movie that much. Yes, they felt real, but not nice.
  • I could focus on the movie, I could understand the script, I could empathize with the actors. That was nice.
  • While I watched the movie, I thought about how we get bored during movies. When you know the movie lasts for two hours and after a while, you won’t remember much from the movie, but you will likely remember how it made you feel, you might have second thoughts on considering to watch the movie. Still, you watch it, you take the time to do so, and at the end, you feel good. It’s like a run in the parks – you feel tired when you do it, but, in the end, you’re glad you did it.
  • I realized during the movie, that I don’t know that many Elton John songs.
  • On another hand, a movie about Elton John without “Candle the wind”? That’s a bit strange, even if the movie’s covered history didn’t include the time the song became famous. The song »
  • I give the movie an 8/10. It’s not a bad movie, I got some ideas, the main message was nice, at some points it was educational, but, all-in-all, not that great.

Favorite quote from the movie:

“- I’m scared, Bernie. What if I’m not as good… without the drink and the drugs? [chuckles]
– You know that’s not true. You’re not scared you’re not good without it, you’re scared to feel again.”

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