Follow-up: About NGO Fest (2009.09.11-13, old centre of Bucharest)

Today, 2009.09.13, I went to the old centre of Bucharest to have a look at NGO Fest, which started two days ago on Franceza, Stavropoleus and Smardan streets. See below my thoughts on this.

I’ve met a few people I know. I’ve met with peole from some NGOs which I know. I’ve also seen NGOs with which I collaborated in the past. Lots of memories in there.

I made no pictures today, but instead I made two clips.

The first is a Romanian Red Cross exercise:

You can find out more about the Romanian Red Cross on their website.

The second clip is a video with a game demonstration by SOS Children’s Villages:

See more on SOS Children’s Villages.

Also, you might be interested in the official web site of NGO Fest, their Twitter account, or the complete list of participants.

I felt good.

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