
I never really had some money on my own. I started having some budgets and money to spend after I finished high-school.

Although I always had plenty of things, and food, and shelter, and fun, and all sorts of pleasures, I never had a big sum of money at my disposal, some things were off-limits. I didn’t live a poor childhood, but, certainly, not a rich one. (OK, if you say “rich” = food + education + love + shelter + some pleasures, then, yes, we were rich)

In the whole childhood, we only went on a trip outside visiting some relatives two or three times. I still have some rather strange travel habits.

So, when I was about 19, I started having some budgets and some money to spend. I made huge mistakes with money for a while, I had no clear way of handling them, I wasn’t aware of what’s expensive and what’s cheap, why should I buy from a supermarket instead of a nearby store, why sometimes the nearby store was the better option, and so on.

It took me a while to get accustomed to the idea of having money, on how to budget them, and to know what’s more important than having money.

As a lesson out of all of these, if you have children, I’d consider giving them a little budget. They will make mistakes, for sure, but sometimes it’s better to make a mistake when you’re 15 than when you’re 20.

Mike O'Sullivan - Money
Mike O’Sullivan – Money,

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