Marius BURCUS – the best dentist I’ve known

What’s on this blog post? If you’re a Romanian living in Bucharest you might want to check a dentist I recommend. If you just want to see why I would recommend Marius BURCUS as a professional, this blog post still has its value. You can directly go to conclusions: positive conclusions, or less-than-positive ones. For even more speed, you can go to the contact information. You can read this for the health of your teeth.

1. With whom do I compare Marius BURCUS?
2. History of knowing about him?
3. Why do I say Marius BURCUS is the best dentist I’ve known? (and more than this, he’s a professional)
4. What I would do better?
5. What do others feel about him (in Romanian language)?
6. How to contact?

1. With whom do I compare Marius BURCUS?
The basis of comparison in the dentist world is rather small – I can only compare it with a few dentists I’ve visited in the past three years (two) and with another on with whom I’ve had contact with (one). It’s thus helpful to have the opinions of other persons that speak about this dentist. Also, if I extend the the “dentist” world to the “medicine service” the range is much broader. I will only say that Marius BURCUS is the best dentist I’ve known, but I have seen persons providing professional services in other fields of medicine also. Also, you might want to use some perhaps-existent campaigns in your country where you can visit a lot of dentists for a free check-up. But generally speaking, you don’t want too many tests on your teeth before picking the right dentist. There’s little margin for error.

2. History of knowing about him?
My visits to dentists in general begun in the childhood, continued until I was about 12, then comes a long long period of time when I saw no dentist.

Finally, I’ve made a one-time visit to a dentist in the summer of 2005, in the last year of college. I had a small problem which was solved by filling (I had a small cavity behind two upper central incisors). I was terribly scared and I don’t think that the dentist used anesthetics. The sound of the high-speed dental handpiece was a killer, and I associated this sound with the lack of comfort I’ve had during the operation itself. Visits like these make you want to care a lot more on your teeth (so you do prevention, instead of later fixing things).

Now begins a period in which I’m looking for a dentist, and can’t find any relevant information on what a good dentist is (my best friends in Bucharest were in Bucharest just since college, and information on the Internet about dentists was scarce and questionable). In May 2006 I visit another dentist for a free check up of my teeth and he leaves me a poor impression. I contact a dentist I knew from a forum where I was very active, but things don’t evolve. Then it happens. A person I valued posts a forum post on the Internet about a dentist in Bucharest. I go “Wow!”, contact the forum guy immediately, get the contact data and … I wait. Finally, I go to the dentist a few months later.

I go, I tell him I’m scared of pain, I haven’t been to a dentist for more than two years, but I do a relatively good personal hygiene for the teeth (actually, it’s hard for me to see where I can improve on that). He sprays a little anesthetic for me not to feel the pain of the injection (he would not repeat this in the days to come, but it was fine), he then makes an injection (after a while I can’t speak normally – whatever “normally” is). He goes for the lower first molar from the right. Things advance for a bit to another teeth, and soon I’m able to see a nerve (he makes a joke to the dental assistant – “Wow! What a specimen we have in here!”; And the dental assistant was actually looking; Until he explains me it’s a joke, I took it seriously and I was actually thinking “Hmm, so I do have good nerves!”). For the next session I go to make a radiography, and he continues working on those teeth. Since the very first operation lead to a relatively big thing (we got to the nerve, two teeth were involved), I was feeling uncomfortable with the process itself (I’ve had a lot more bad teeth to go), but things got better from there.

For the coming weeks, I’ve had a lot of fillings done, some even to the third molars (wisdom teeth). When possible, the dentist made more than one filling in one day. I’ve never experienced pain, none whatsoever. I always felt comfortable. I never felt that I wasted my time.

3. Why do I say Marius BURCUS is the best dentist I’ve known? (and more than this, he’s a professional)
1. He had a very kind, attentive and followed each of my requests. He talked slowly, in a low voice. He answered to each of my questions in detail. He told me things that I didn’t care about, but made me feel important. He smiled, and I felt that he cares about me as a patient. Very polite person.
2. He was wise. When I came with the request: “I’m afraid of pain. Kill me with anesthetics, but don’t make me feel any pain”, he used anesthetics even for the preparatory anesthetics injection. But at the very next meeting he “forgot” about that. So he first paced with my feelings, and followed my wishes, then he changed them for the best choice. He didn’t argue, he tricked me. Beautiful.
3. He made jokes. OK, some of the jokes might be dentist jokes (so funny just in a context), but nevertheless he tried to make a pleasant atmosphere.
4. He didn’t rip me off. “You don’t have to pay me today, you can pay me a bit later. If possible, I will combine the price of two operations into one, so I won’t charge the price of two operations, but a larger, and cheaper one. I will always charge you with the smaller operation, not the larger one, when possible”. This seemed to be the pricing philosophy of mr. BURCUS. What I can say is that I’m very satisfied with this.
5. I felt no pain. I don’t know how he did this, but my one and only concern (other than the teeth problems themselves) was solved. This was nothing like my past experiences with dentists.
6. If someone would describe a programmer’s work without having any idea on what the programmer does, he would say: that programmer types all day, he gets paid and he works intensively. It’s the basic thing which any programmer should do (so, he would analyze the programmer’s work from what he should do, not how well he does it). You can’t really tell whether the programs he writes are good, excellent or poor. The situation is similar with my dentist: I can say that he uses the right equipment, and that I’ve had no problems so far with the work the dentist has done to me. But I can’t really evaluate the work he has done for me professionally (has he used the right tools? has he treated me correctly? could he have done it better? I can’t say; I was very satisfied with his work, though, and felt it was all fine).

4. What I would do better?
1. I would do a little manual, with instructions on: what toothpaste/dental floss/mouth water to buy, how to use these things, what are the precaution I must take not to hurt the teeth, what are some general advices on tooth care, some tricks & tips that I will value much higher than general advice found on the Internet, for example;
2. I would call if I’m late.

5. What do others feel about him (in Romanian language)?
I’ve found out about the dentist by reading this topic on the XF Forum (it’s in Romanian): “La dentist” (“to the dentist” – Romanian also). More specifically, I’ve read this blog post of whiskas (a Romanian forumist): “Stomatolog care rulez” (“A dentist that rules” – in Romanian). whiskas also wrote this forum post (Romanian). I’ve contacted whiskas, and he gave me some details. I then visited the dentist and wrote a forum post (Romanian) myself. Finally, another person (Marius ’95) visits the dentist and writes this post of “Dentist Review” (Romanian). These are all pretty good ways to find more things on other people’s perceptions on the dentist. The topic itself is quite useful for knowing more things on teeth problems and solutions.

6. How to contact?
You can contact Blue Clinic, and ask for Marius BURCUS. Marius BURCUS works also on a different clinic near Constantin Brancoveanu, but I don’t have the contact data for this one, and I can’t recommend it since I haven’t been there. You can ask the dentist for this other clinic, if you like to.
Blue Clinic’s contact data:
(close to Calea Dorobantilor) 15 Brazilia st, District 1, 07000, Bucharest. Map of Blue Clinic on Salut Bucuresti web site.
Phone: (+4) 021-231.23.75
External link on
You can say you found out about Marius BURCUS as a result of a recommendation of Radu OBADA (whiskas on XF Forum).

Would you like to add something valuable new to my words in here? Do you have a personal experience with Marius BURCUS? Post it below.

Edit 2015.05.17: Topicul cu dentiștii de pe există, dar este privat, poate fi văzut doar de anumiți membri ai forumului. Vedeți un topic mai nou: Recomandare dentiști (ortodont, chirurg / implantolog și „generalist”) | X Forums.

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7 comentarii la „Marius BURCUS – the best dentist I’ve known”

  1. As with any industry word of mouth recommendations is the best form of advertising.
    When you carry out an excellent service and make your customers satisified, that is priceless.
    “Do a good job and your customer will tell a friend, do a bad job and the customer will tell 10 people.”

  2. I agree. Finding a good dentist, the one that is passionate about what he’s doing, is important. I’m living near polish border and found a great dentist in Stettin (Szczecin). It’s about 1 hour from Berlin by car and since last year there’s no border controls. Type ‘dentus stettin’ in google if you want to check it out.

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