Hello everybody, in this blog post I do a complex site review for marazul.ro; you will find below the analysis of the main elements of the web site, an analysis of the site elements, my analysis of each page, a detailed SEO analysis, and some generated ideas.
Contents of my blog post:
A. Analysis of the main elements of the web site;
A1. Design
A2. Usability
A3. Summary SEO review
A4. Copywriting
A5. Information structure
B. Analysis of the site elements
B1. The logo
B2. The footer area
B3. The main menu
B4. The sliding text 1
B5. The sliding text 2
B6. The buy online box
C. Analysis of each page
C1. Saloon
C2. Services
C3. Prices
C4. Information for epilating (“Info epilare“)
C5. Catalogue
C6. Contact page
C7. Account page
C8. Careers page
C9. History and presentation
C10. Eyelashes and eyebrows
C11. Universal Contour Wrap
C12. Permanent laser hair removal
C13. Manicure and pedicure
C14. Milesman Premium Laser Diode
C15. Differences between laser and IPL
C16. Types of equipment
C17. The page of a product
C18. The checkout page
D. Detailed SEO Analysis
D1. First impressions
D2. Accessibility and ease of navigation by search engines spiders;
D3. Google health check
D4. Duplicate Content
D5. URLs
D6. Site titles
D7. Content
D8. Meta tags
D9. Redirect sites
D10. Internal links
D11. Geographical location;
D12. External links
D13. Semantic HTML
E. Generated ideas
So, what I would do better about the web site?
A. Analysis of the main elements of the web site;
A1. Design
+I like the use of white space, it’s very nice to read;
+I like the curved lines, makes a very good impression;
1. Some texts are hard to read due to the combination of small font and colors with low contrast;
A2. Usability
+The account box is in the upper-right area, good job!
1. In the upper-right corner of the web site I would expect to find a search field; this one is missing;
2. From a usability point of view, the use of Flash on the homepage is a bit disappointing; I don’t think you would miss the special effects from the homepage if they were gone, so I would avoid using Flash altogether;
3. The homepage is pretty crowded;
A3. Summary SEO review
+You have a lot of content on the web site, good job;
1. Empty pages just for SEO? 1, 2 and 3;
A4. Copywriting
+The texts are nice, easy to read, follow and understand; nice!
A5. Information structure
+Most of the pages have main category they belong to, which makes them easy to identify;
1. I find it a bit hard to comprehend from the start what is the structure of the web site;
2. I find the lack of a sitemap disturbing;
B. Analysis of the site elements
B1. The logo
+I can easily see a logo that I like, and this is one beautiful logo;
1. You are using two fonts (one for “Marazul” and another one for “Estet”), you change the color two times (black, green, black again), you write with different font size; this game of changing things is a bit tiring to my eyes;
2. The flower from the logo (if that is a flower) reminds me of esthetics, it is elegant; I would prefer something more logical and with a substance; as a separate rule, considering you company’s activity, I can accept a logo with purely esthetics appeal, nothing too brainy, let’s say;
B2. The footer area
+It’s great that you have this space, whenever a person stops reading some article, that person goes to the footer and wants to read something more; great idea!
1. I generally recommend people to have a footer just like yours – with lots of links and things to go from; yet, I think that in your case, you went a bit over board; it’s just that your footer is so large that it is another, completely separate part of the web site; I would look for a method to make the footer smaller;
2. Why give me two phone numbers? I would prefer just one;
3. You give me these two email addresses:
contact@m[I cut this, to avoid spamming]
programari@m[I cut this, to avoid spamming]
How should I pick out the two? One is for contact, another one is for programming; the choice you give me only makes things more complicated;
4. In Romanian the title “The Saloon” doesn’t sound as good as “The Marazul Saloon”:
“The Saloon” is just not enough explanatory;
5. I would prefer that this text, with a link:
toate produsele”
is not split on two different rows; you can have it on just one row;
6. I think that this sentence:
“Suntem unic intermediar” (we are the only middleman)
sounds better as:
“Suntem unici intermediari” (we are the only middlemen);
7. The last link on the page:
“Echipamente laser”
doesn’t have a call-to-action, it doesn’t invite me to click on it;
Also, I think, since it’s the last word on the page, and it is preceded by a dot, that this small text also ends with a dot;
8. We’re in Romania; saying
“Shop online”
instead of
“Cumpara pe Internet”
seems a bit awkward;
B3. The main menu
+The contact menu is near the end, which makes it easy to spot; it’s also in a dedicated area, great!
1. I think the font is too small;
2. For the Contact title, you have a small icon attached:
Unlike this, for both “The saloon” and “Contact” you have no icon and I was wondering why is that;
Also, I think the Contact menu item should be the last one;
Also, I see no reason for making “Shop” with a different color, I’d try to make them all look pretty much the same;
The “Salonul” (Saloon) item should better be name About (“Despre”);
3. The menu itself seems a bit crowded;
4. I would love a larger font size;
B4. The sliding text 1
+The fact that you use the logo of a company makes the box trustworthy;
1. I think that in Romanian it’s better to say 2 hours like this:
“doua ore”,
instead of:
“2 ore”;
2. You use the term
“Universal Contour Wrap”
3 times in a box; it’s just too much!
The same for “Detoxifiere si slabire”; too much usage in that small area;
3. Instead of
“efectul nu tine”,
it is better to use
“efectul nu dureaza”;
“Tine” is not an appropriate use for “The effect doesn’t last”;
4. In the box on the right you use diacritics, while in the box on the left you don’t use them; why is that?
B5. The sliding text 2
+I like the use of the “perfect skin” (pielea perfecta) words; nice!
1. The image isn’t very appealing to me; it also has a red area, which is the first time I see red on the design of the web site;
2. When using numerals like “25000” is best to have a separating point, which in Romanian would make the number look like this:
3. The text basically says that you’ve tested your methods on so many clients, that you can now safely proceed with newer clients; sorry, but it’s a bit creepy to me; what you are saying is that you have done experiments on 25,000 people and only now you offer quality services? What about those poor fellows? This isn’t a selling point to me;
4. The image with your logo I think would be better to have the same colors as the logo itself (the small bullets from the bulleted items);
B6. The buy online box
+It’s so good that you’ve used a different font color for this box, makes it so much easier to understand it all;
1. I personally don’t prefer text written in ALL CAPS, even for the titles;
2. A lot of the texts in the image are written with a too small font;
3. It’s too much variation in those boxes; you switch from “Buy online” to “Gifts” and then you go to “About us” and then the products you offer for sale; I’m confused;
4. Ending a sentence like this:
“in doar 28 de …”
seems a bit strange;
C. Analysis of each page
C1. Saloon
+I’m glad that you offer details on each page, so I know what to expect prior to clicking;
1. Please be more precise; which Spanish group do you belong to?
“Marazul Estet face parte dintr-un grup spaniol”;
2. Instead of having a passive tense, you should use, in my opinion, an active voice:
“filozofia noastra consta in oferirea clientilor nostri a celor”
should be:
“Oferim clientilor nostri …” (we offer to our clients…);
3. What’s that, a reasonable price?
“la preturi rezonabile”;
4. This sentence ends strangely:
“catre doua arii principale”;
C2. Services
+Looking at the page, I have a clear idea what’s behind each page you link to; great!
1. If you look at this:
you may agree with me that there’s just too much vertical space used for this part;
C3. Prices
+I’m happy that you have discounts, makes it easy for the client to know what’s an advantage of ordering more;
1. In Romanian it’s better to say:
“Pentru doua”
rather than:
“Pentru 2”;
2. Comma missing:
“alegere poti”;
3. I would avoid using abbreviations and this text:
“Nr. tratamente”
sounds better with a preposition:
“Nr. de tratamente”;
4. This really doesn’t sound as Romanian:
“1 sedinta gratuita”;
You should have used
“O sedinta gratuita”;
5. You have an offer since November? This looks bad;
“Oferta noiembrie”;
6. If you do use abbreviations, at least use the dot:
should be
7. The title of the column with the price is this:
“Pret RON”,
and yet you specify that the price is in RON; why that?
“Pretul este in RON”;
C4. Information for epilating (“Info epilare“)
+I’m very glad that this section exists;
1. I think it’s better not to use the abbreviation “info” for “Information”;
C5. Catalogue
+You do have pictures for the items presented, that’s good, makes me want to click;
1. For a page that’s called “Catalogue”, there are far too few items presented; I would do my best to have a larger list;
2. (idea generation also) Scenario: I enter your web site, click on “Catalogue”, select:
a. A price range; or
b. The list with top sales; or
c. The cheapest products; or
d. The products with most views from the visitors; or
e. The products that have price discounts; or
f. New products on your store;
g. Products from a certain producers;
h. Products that have been given good ratings by your viewers;
i. Items that you, as a store, recommend;
j. Products that have been recommended by your viewers to their friends, using a function such as “Send to a friend”;
k. Most commented items;
I would love this scenario to be put into practice; right now; I enter “Catalogue” and only see a list in a given order; I would prefer to sort the products on your web site using various criteria, to filter the results; this would really ease my decision-making process;
C6. Contact page
+It’s great that you have a map, makes me pinpoint you easily; you have a link, I guess that’s fine too;
1. I would love the map to be interactive, to be able to scroll or zoom-in;
2. I’m not sure why you give the postal code on your web site;
3. I think it would be better to have fiscal data on your contact page; you can read my blog post about possible legal implications of not doing so;
4. I would love to see a contact person on the contact page, this would help me get a better understanding of your company;
5. In the contact form you ask for an email and you set that field to be mandatory; I would much rather ask for an email or a phone number (either of the two), and answer the client the way he/she wants;
6. You say this (you will answer in the shortest time possible):
“vom raspunde in cel mai scurt timp posibil”;
This is nothing; you aren’t telling me a thing; give me a time frame if you want to, or don’t say it at all; has anyone ever complained to you that the answer time wasn’t actually the smallest one possible? Would this make sense?
7. You use a politeness form in Romanian (dumneavoastră) all over the place, and for the send button you use the casual form (Trimite); I’d try to keep a consistency in the way you express yourselves;
8. (idea generation also) I would love to see on the Contact page also an outside photo of your building; there are also some 3D maps (see Norc, for example) which could help me get to you faster;
9. (idea generation also) Also interesting to see on the Contact page would be some photos of your employees, it would make me get a better understanding with whom I communicate;
10. (idea generation also) You give me a form to fill-in on the Contact page; yet you give me nothing about the protection of my data, how will you use my email address, when will you phone me if I leave a phone number, what do you do with the list of persons who contact you? Help me get a glimpse on what’s behind a contact form;
11. (idea generation also) Wouldn’t it be nice if on the Contact page there was also a link to a Frequently Asked Questions page? I would love to see such a page;
C7. Account page
+You make it clear which fields are mandatory and which are not; great!
1. Scenario: I visit your web site, click on “Account” (cont), see the login page; the “Create a new user link”:
is very small and barely visible; I would look for solution to make that link more prominent; you can put it right next to “Autentificare” button, for example; right now it’s barely visible”; another option would be to split the current page into two sections, one for login, and another one for creating a new account;
2. You say in this text:
“IntroduceÅ£i numele utilizator Marazul.”
to basically insert Marazul as the username;
I’m sure you meant to say that the user should insert the username for Marazul web site, but that’s not what you did say; I would correct this;
3. After clicking on “Create an account”, I insert my data, and click on “Create an account” button; well, the problem is I don’t get any message after this, I am redirected to the homepage; that’s some very poor usability; I entered your web site, wanted to create an account, and now, out of nowhere, I’m on the homepage again; what should I do? I’m so confused;
4. (idea) After creating an account, I would love to have a discount page, which should list the possible discounts I’d get for ordering more;
C8. Careers page
+I love that the page even exists, it shows you care for your team;
1. The text is a bit sexist, you could have some problems with the law:
“Daca esti manichiurista”;
2. I think it’s best to give the contact person, when you ask for a CV via email; people tend to also send a cover letter, and it’s best to know to whom it will be addressed;
C9. History and presentation
+Very nice to show the past of the company, helps build trust;
1. You say you had the first top equipments in the US in 1997; I would be more precise – what kind of equipments? You could even state the models:
“cu primele echipamente de top din USA”;
2. In an enumeration, it’s best to separate the last to items with “si” (and):
“Israel, Italia”;
3. I don’t think that it’s best to say that you had “cases”; it sounds like a problem; you had 25,000 solutions and 25,000 clients – I think it’s better to say it like this;
4. This numeral:
“25, 000 de cazuri”
is better said in Romanian:
“25.000 de cazuri”;
5. “Bucuresti -Marazul” => “Bucuresti – Marazul”;
“progresiv -definitiva” => “progresiv-definitiva”
6. I have no idea about this institution, please explain or link to them:
“aprobat de catre FDA”;
7. Poor language skills:
“asa dupa cum arata”;
8. Whenever you cite a study, it’s best to have an external link to prove your claims:
“Eficienta sa este demonstrata stiintific, asa dupa cum arata studiile”;
And if there are more studies, cite them all;
9. “traditional” => “traditionale”;
10. If you do use abbreviations (and not the whole words, as I suggest), use them correctly:
instead of
11. There is no Romanian language use of more than one “!”; this is incorrect:
it should have been, top, like this:
12. (also an idea) I would love that on the Presentation page you also list some CVs of the doctors; it would be very nice to have a good understanding of the person that will treat me; put photos, CVs, even some small videos with them talking, it helps create a friendly atmosphere; and some photos with the whole team would be nice also;
C10. Eyelashes and eyebrows
1. You say that the eyebrows are considered unimportant:
“Desi apreciate ca un detaliu estetic neimportant”;
Perhaps, prior to reading this, I would have considered them important, but after reading your site I changed my mind; I would avoid making such statements;
2. You have put a comma between the subject and the predicate, which is wrong:
“o spranceana conturata gresit, schimba”;
C11. Universal Contour Wrap
+It’s great to have warranties;
1. “femei-” => “femei -“;
2. “indefinite” is not a word in Romanian with the meaning you intended it;
3. “cataplasma” is a hard to comprehend word by me; same for “elastina”;
4. This:
“pielii cum ar fi psoriazisul si eczema, pot”
should be either like this:
“pielii, cum ar fi psoriazisul si eczema, pot”
or like this:
“pielii cum ar fi psoriazisul si eczema pot”;
5. “15cm” => “15 cm”;
“cumulati– sau” => “cumulati – sau”;
6. “absolute” => “absolut”; in English it sounds well, “absolutely free”, in Romanian not so much;
7. What’s that – a “normal” client? How do you define what’s normal?
“Un client normal”;
8. “sin e” => “si ne”;
9. You end the page with a call-to-action, but you don’t provide a phone number or email:
“Ce mai asteptati? Cand doriti sa veniti?”;
C12. Permanent laser hair removal
+I love the fact that you have a page dedicated for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ);
1. The page should contain FAQ in the title;
2. “Majoritate” => “Majoritatea”;
3. “medicatii cat” => “medicatii, cat”;
4. “multe melanina” => “multa melanina”;
5. I don’t think you used this word right: “conservativa“;
6. “24- 72 ore” => “24-72 de ore”;
7. “bronz- fie” => “bronz – fie”;
8. “2 saptamani” => “doua saptamani”;
9. “melaninei Este” => “melaninei. Este”;
10. Huh? “parului – raderea”;
“spatele – cat”;
11. “melanina nu” => “melanina, nu”;
12. “Foarte rar, pot” => “Foarte rar pot”;
13. “pielii- caz” => “pielii – caz”;
C13. Manicure and pedicure
+I love the fact that you list fashion tendencies, it’s a good idea;
1. Unfortunately, the time for the latest tendency on your web site is a bit outdated:
“Tendinte toamna–iarna 2009”;
C14. Milesman Premium Laser Diode
+I really love the FAQ;
1. “1999 – 2001” => “1999-2001”;
2. (idea) Whenever you talk about something, put a photo or even a photo gallery; a video would be even better; so, if you talk about a treatment, help me visualize and put photos;
3. “Certificat EC?” – what’s that? Link or detail;
4. Instead of:
“FDA (Food & Drog Association)”
you should obviously have:
“”FDA (Food & Drug Association)””
5. Lose the comma:
“lume, dovedit”;
6. “undaƒ,energie” => “undaƒ, energie”;
7. Huh? “ÂşC”;
8. (repeated) “discomfort” => “disconfort”;
C15. Differences between laser and IPL
+Good explanations, nice use of tables;
1. This:
“Atat laserul cat si IPL, se”
should be either:
“Atat laserul cat si IPL se”
“Atat laserul, cat si IPL, se”
2. “absoarte”?
3. “din-prejur“?
4. I would avoid writing ALL CAPS texts:
5. “par –fara” => “par – fara”;
6. “intervala” => “intervale”;
7. “par dar” => “par, dar”;
8. “Realizarera”?
C16. Types of equipment
+Lots of explanatory texts;
1. “frecuenta”?
2. Sometimes you say:
other times you say:
“810 nm”;
You should be more coherent;
3. Remove the comma:
“eficienta, este”;
4. “doi parametrii” => “doi parametri”;
5. Instead of:
“importanta cu”,
it’s either:
“importanta: cu”
“importanta – cu”;
6. “2000W comparat” => “2000W, comparat”;
7. “cuvine”?
8. “2-4J/cm2, fiecare/secunda” => “2-4J/cm2 fiecare, pe secunda”;
9. “2-2.5 ori” => “2-2,5 ori”;
10. “ca.” => “cca.”;
11. “8nm- 15nm” => “8nm-15nm”;
12. “nanometrii” => “nanometri”;
13. I would love to have seen explained what nm is right at the beginning of the page;
C17. The page of a product
+You have photos of the product, that’s nice;
1. (idea) I would like to see more photos of the same product, perhaps even a video, at the products pages;
2. What’s with the price?
Why so many decimals?
3. “Pret:90,00RON” => “Pret: 90,00 RON”;
4. (idea) I would love to have a button to recommend a product to other persons, this is missing to you;
C18. The checkout page
+I love the fact that the labels of the fields are on the left of the field, makes it so much easier to read;
1. You say “the address below”, but the address in on the right:
2. Why a dropdown menu with only one item?
3. I really think that the “Cancel order” button is a wrong kind of thing to have on a page; why would you want to help the visitors give up their order? Make it either less visible or disappear completely; very bad button; if I press accidentally, the results are very bad;
D. Detailed SEO Analysis
D1. First impressions
1.1. Usability;
I have looked over each individual page of the web site and have detailed usability in that page.
Basic thoughts:
– The site can be easily navigated-through via the menu;
– I can easily understand the architecture;
– You have a missing site map (the “site map” means something likethis);
– There is no search function;
D2. Accessibility and ease of navigation by search engines spiders;
2.1. Navigation without:
a. JavaScript
– I can navigate the site without the JavaScript activated, which is fine;
– You can see here why it is important to have JavaScript activated;
b. Cookies;
I couldn’t order an item, that’s a big issue; so, I can’t even order something from your web site; also, I get no error message for this;
c. Flash
The flash animation is really not an important issue, I can navigate without Flash just fine; it’s just for decorative purposes, and it’s only a line, that’s Ok with me;
d. CSS;
I can see the web site, even without CSS activated just fine, which is a good thing;
You can see your web site without CSS very simply if you have Mozilla Firefox and do View => Page Style => No Page Style;
Hint: Search engines do not interpret CSS very well, that’s good for your site to see better without CSS;
2.2. Robots.txt presence;
I expectrobots.txt file first to exist, and then include a link to the file sitemap.xml, so that search engines know that you have a sitemap in. xml (It’s OK, both file files are, but you should know that the robots.txt would be good to have a link to sitemap.xml, and right now it doesn’t; also, sitemap.xml does not seem to contain all the pages on your web site, which is bad)
2.3. Testing the site navigation (crawling);
We tested the site with this solution and found no major problems;
The alternative to Smart IT Consulting is the solution offered by Google, which is also very good, just see Section Crawl errors of Google Webmasters Tools and see there some potential bugs when Google is crawling your web site; other search engines have similar options with Google Webmasters Tools: Bing and Yahoo! Site Explorer;
D3. Google health check
3.1. Site: sitename.com:
A. Are most of the pages indexed?
I compared sitemap.xml with a Google search;
Thus, sitemap.xml has listed 31 links, but the actual number shown by Google is 98 results; you should make sure that the sitemap.xml contains all of the important pages on your web site, which currently doesn’t happen;
b. Is the first page when doing a Google search?
Yes, www.marazul.ro site is first in the above search; this shows that the homepage is considered the most important page (probably, because most links are to that page);
3.2. Search Google’s brand name;
If I search for [marazul in Romanian] (name of company), you are the first ones;
Also relevant to positioning on Google are some keywords like:
[epilare definitiva];
[tratamente cosmetice];
[produse cosmetice];
Unfortunately, you are not in the first ten positions for any of the searches above.
The result is not very good.
3.3. Google cache:
a. Content hidden;
For 5 pages on your site (123,4,5) I looked in Google cache. I selected all the text on the page and saw if selecting text indicates a written text the same color as the background, then for each of the links above I chose to compare the results stored on Google’s server in text-only version; I did not find problems with hidden content;
D4. Duplicate Content
4.1. Search site Google content (a sentence);
I made several searches (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) looking duplicate content to Google for 5 pages on your site (123,4,5). Problems encountered:
– You should check out these web sites: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 since they seem to have copied text from your web site;
4.2. Check the two versions: with www. before the site URL and without the www. before the site URL;
Currently marazul.ro redirects, as it should do normally, to www.marazul.ro. It’s good that you have a redirect to the same page, you solved the problem of duplicate content! Note that there are other solutions: 1,2;
4.3. Check all areas / business sites; Site Check IP;
Using selfseo.com, I found that IP of www.marazul.ro is and is assigned to the United States;
And using this: yougetsignal.com I found out that there are over 1,063 domains hosted on the same web server as marazul.ro (, including, naturally, www.marazul.ro;
It seems to me a rather large figure – 1,063; my solution? I would try to find a hosting service that provides fewer sites hosted on same IP; please note that if at least some of the other sites are marked as SPAM, you may experience problems with search engines on your web site;
D5. URLs
5.1. One URL per page (you avoid tracking URL / different parameters);
I said above that the problem with www. and non-www. is not a problem for your web site, very well;
I noticed that in general there is a single URL for a content page, no URL parameters; good examples:
If in the future you will have more URLs to the same page, you should to either set acanonical URLs or redirect one page to the another;
However, URLs with parameters are not a problem now;
As a problem: have a look at this:
1, 2 and 3;
1, 2, 3 and 4;
These are problem URLs;
5.2. URLs are short, descriptive, no ID number
Fortunately, the URLs of the site looks pretty good:
There are still some problems:
I would look for a solution not to have ID number in the URLs;
D6. Site titles
6.1. To be unique
Using a Google search and 100 results per page, I looked over the titles that Google displays on your site within the first 100 results and I found a problem: you have several pages with the same title: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
In the future, I would find a solution that pages do not have the same titles, it might be a pretty significant problem, Google can treat those pages as a source of duplicate content (which is, of course, bad);
6.2. Be descriptive; Brand name and keywords;
I noticed that your Marazul brand name is used in all the titles of the web site, at the end of the title; for the titles which have “Marazul” at the beginning of the title, I would look for a solution to this;
The titles are generally descriptive, I am pleased with how it looks right now;
I avoid having more pages with the same title (you can verify that a script automatically checks the title when you insert a new page);
Also, I would suggest you to use more keywords in the title, to make it more SEO friendly; a lot of titles mean close to nothing when searched on Google;
So, instead of:
Marazul: Descopera placerea atingerii pielii perfecte!,
you can have:
Clinica pentru epilare definitiva cu laser: Marazul
6.3. Not too long;
The titles are not too long, yet have a look at this title:
Marazul: Descopera placerea atingerii pielii perfecte!
It’s on a lot of pages (see above), and it’s too long;
I would suggest that the titles should be limited to 65-70 characters;
D7. Content
7.1. It is enough text content on the site?
I saw that you have a good amount of content on the web site, a few pictures, that’s fine;
On the other hand, most of the content was generated by you, not by your site visitors; I would try to empower my visitors to generate some content;
Also, I would think how to encourage more comments on the site; it is a bit risky though, you might receive negative comments;
Also, it would be nice to have a human voice through a blog, I would recommend to have a person to deal with the Web 2.0 site (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, blog, etc.);
7.2. H1 Tags
I saw that you use H1 tag on the homepage for the logo, on the other pages for the page title; also, you use the h2 tag for menus;
My suggestion would be to continue to use h1 for title pages, and also use h1 for title in the homepage;
I would use h2 for subtitles;
H3 tag does not really matter; Go here for information about this tag, and a resource also says:
a. H1 tag: Keyword Use as the first Word (s) in the H1 Tag – 45% moderate importance;
b. H2-H6 tags: Keyword Use in Other Headline Tags (H2-H6) – 35% Low importance;
So even use H1 tag for the page titles;
D8. Meta tags
8.1. Keyword Stuffing?
You use the Keywords meta tag on all pages; had this tag be important, you should have something more keywords in the fields (up to 200 characters for all fields);
My suggestion would be to avoid struggling to write your meta keywords tag, it is useless, the only search engine that it was never used Yahoo, but it will be taken over by Bing, so avoid it altogether;
Regarding the site’s content, I noticed that you don’t do keyword stuffing, you avoid bolding keywords and repeating them obsessively;
8.2. Meta Description:
a. Does it exist? All pages on your site have a description, excellent!
Unfortunately, a lot of pages share this description:
La Marazul Estet gasesti servicii de epilare difinitiva cu laser, tratamentul garantat Universal Contour Wrap, servicii de cosmetica si poti cumpara online produse cosmetice profesionale.,
instead of each page having its own description;
It would be very good to have a custom description for each page (but please note that only has a minor importance, helping up the visits, but not rankings in Google);
Why is it important to describe each page? Apart from the fact that Google takes that description and usually displays it as a snippet in search results (the small texts that are displayed in search results under the title page – information on this here), Facebook takes that description and uses it for the links
b. usability – this implies that people would be inclined to click on results from Google:
i. directly (“Enter our web site” / “Click here” / “We invite you to the web site”);
ii. By giving benefits (“Site offers X and Y and Z”, “The advantage of using the site is that A, B, C”);
Your current description don’t invite people to visit the web site and generally don’t give a specific advantage for visiting it;
8.3. Robots meta tags;
It would be advisable to have this tag only for pages that do not want to give access to search engines (the administration pages of the site could be examples);
You are currently not using this tag on the site, which means that you allow the search engines to index, there’s no harm in it, it shows that you do not want pages to be indexed;
D9. Redirect sites
9.1. Live HTTP headers
I visited some pages on your web site, even nonexistent pages, and I found out:
A. Most often the web site returns codes 304 for files that have not changed from last visit – very well – and 200 for new files – good;
b. Good part: if I choose to visit a page that doesn’t exist, I get error message 404;
Unfortunately, it would be more appropriate to have a search box and a brief summary of the site; since I didn’t accomplish my mission in finding the right page, please give me something to do on your web site;
D10. Internal links
10.1. Number of links;
The homepage has 33 links and other pages you’ve checked have 31, 31.
According to Matt Cutts – webspam team manager at Google -, it is optimal that any site (yes, and yours too) has less than 100 links;
You successfully meet this requirement, congratulations!
Hint: install the Opera browser, open a page on the site in Opera, let it load completely, visit Tools=>Links, copy all links in Excel and see how many links you have;
10.2. Anchor text:
The vast majority of situations, you have the correct anchor text, and alt text for images (I checked all the opera, see above – View => Images => No images); What interested me was how relevant is the ALT text for images (you can get substantial traffic from Google Images search by keywords);
All right, anchor text is good; still, I did find a page where no ALT text for image was given;
10.3. Check Nofollow; If there is not also see if there is, see that there are no links to spam sites;
Since there is no reason for using nofollow as a page sculpting method anymore, I’m glad that you didn’t use nofollow on your web site;
For the future, use nofollow strictly if you have a possible spam on the web site (potential spam comments, potential spam in forum signatures);
D11. Geographical location;
11.1. IP Country site;
IP is in United States of America (see above), which is less good, but you can still specify country site in Google Webmasters Tools, and tells you to do this (however, the country was probably already recognized by Google, there are usually no problems here even if IP is from another country);
11.2. What the TLD?
The site has a .ro domain, which fully satisfied me, this is very good for searching in Romania;
11.3. On the contact page to have a physical address;
You do this very well, the engines can properly see your address;
I saw you put in the footer the physical address, that’s awesome for the engines;
11.4. Register on Google Local;
You can do this by using Google Maps (create a KML file and then add it to Google Webmasters Tools, or alternatively, add a location on Google Maps);
With this method, you would help some searches who are not well placed (like the word [epilare definitiva bucuresti]);
D12. External links
12.1. Anchor text to be consistent with what the destination site;
Yes, that happens in most links I’ve seen on your site;
I can analyze using Google some links that you have;
And Yahoo says this;
in my opinion that you have only 1 link listed in Google is not necessarily a realistic indicator, but if I had to give it credence that number, you have a problem with the number of links;
A solution is, simply put, trying to increase the number of links you have;
Also, I suggest you to look in the Google Webmasters Tools, and its counterparts at Bing and Yahoo for webmasters;
There, you should analyze the anchor text, you have access to many more links there; For example, Yahoo! tells me that he found 408 links to you;
12.2. Deep links? Check that you do not have any links to the homepage;
Most links go to the homepage;
12.3. The links look natural?
Yes, profile links look natural, just that there are only a few links visible;
12.4. Pages with links to external sites;
I have seen pages with external links (to other sites) on your web site;
12.5. Enough links?
I am quite dissatisfied with the number of links, you may nevertheless increase the quality of links (so both more links to you, and also of better quality);
D13. Semantic HTML
13.1. Pages that load slowly?
I saved the pages I found FireFox and pages sizes: 15, 15, 15, 17 (only HTML file), if we add the rest of the file (s JavaScript, CSS, links, images), the average size of a page the site is somewhere to 98-99Kb; it’s pretty good, you can still find solutions to optimize the files that are loaded with the HTML file;
Romania is forth (link) on the percentage of broadband connections out of all Internet connections, but still a problem if you have large pages;
If you check out this link, you will find the following loading times:
# | Domain name | Size | Load Time | Average Speed per KB |
1 | www.marazul.ro/ | 13.18 KB | 0.82 seconds | 0.06 seconds |
2 | www.marazul.ro/preturi | 15.31 KB | 0.51 seconds | 0.03 seconds |
3 | www.marazul.ro/servicii | 13.35 KB | 0.54 seconds | 0.04 seconds |
4 | www.marazul.ro/info-epilare | 13 KB | 0.46 seconds | 0.04 seconds |
It’s a pretty good result, things are fine.
13.2. ALT text for images (especially those with links)
Yes, images have alternative text in general, I am satisfied; I have given above a link to a page with a picture with no ALT text;
13.3. Incorrectly formatted text pages;
Whenever I encountered this problem, I have mentioned it; generally speaking, your site has easy text which is easy to read;
E. Generated ideas
1. I think having a dictionary with terms used in your industry would be most welcomed by people strangers to the field, such as me;
2. Scenario: I enter your web site, click on “Catalogue”, select:
a. A price range; or
b. The list with top sales; or
c. The cheapest products; or
d. The products with most views from the visitors; or
e. The products that have price discounts; or
f. New products on your store;
g. Products from a certain producers;
h. Products that have been given good ratings by your viewers;
i. Items that you, as a store, recommend;
j. Products that have been recommended by your viewers to their friends, using a function such as “Send to a friend”;
k. Most commented items;
I would love this scenario to be put into practice; right now; I enter “Catalogue” and only see a list in a given order; I would prefer to sort the products on your web site using various criteria, to filter the results; this would really ease my decision-making process;
3. I would love to see on the Contact page also an outside photo of your building; there are also some 3D maps (see Norc, for example) which could help me get to you faster;
4. Also interesting to see on the Contact page would be some photos of your employees, it would make me get a better understanding with whom I communicate;
5. You give me a form to fill-in on the Contact page; yet you give me nothing about the protection of my data, how will you use my email address, when will you phone me if I leave a phone number, what do you do with the list of persons who contact you? Help me get a glimpse on what’s behind a contact form;
6. Wouldn’t it be nice if on the Contact page there was also a link to a Frequently Asked Questions page? I would love to see such a page;
7. After creating an account, I would love to have a discount page, which should list the possible discounts I’d get for ordering more;
8. I would love that on the Presentation page you also list some CVs of the doctors; it would be very nice to have a good understanding of the person that will treat me; put photos, CVs, even some small videos with them talking, it helps create a friendly atmosphere; and some photos with the whole team would be nice also;
9. To better trust your company, a list of testimonials, with full name and phone number would be great; this would help me decide better;
10. Even cooler than testimonials would be a list of case studies – a person came to you and you did this and that and those were the result; and, finally, the person has this and that to say; very good selling points;
11. Whenever you talk about something, put a photo or even a photo gallery; a video would be even better; so, if you talk about a treatment, help me visualize and put photos;
12. I would like to see more photos of the same product, perhaps even a video, at the products pages;
13. I would love to have a button to recommend a product to other persons, this is missing to you;
14. I would like to see a box which says “We call you”; in it, I should write only one phone number, you would ask for a name and / or captcha so that are not assaulted by SPAM; and you call the clients, who only leave a phone number;
15. I would love to see an option to recommended a page to others as easily – put the links like “Send via Yahoo Messenger”; You can also include networks such as FTW.ro, problogger.ro, Facebook, LinkedIn, Hi5, communications protocols like Skype and the list goes; pick two or three out of these and put them on the page;
16. Suppose I visit your site on a mobile phone; it would be useful option to see a version with only a few pictures, or at least a mobile version;
17. You yourselves would benefit from a presence on social networks: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn;
18. I would like to see the site a few things:
a. Value Selling Proposition (VSP) – I wish you to answer me the question “What value brings the site? What are the benefits of your site?” And, on a dedicated page or on the FAQ page, answer these questions;
b. Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – another question to answer: “What do you do and others (in your business) are not doing?” and also “What do you have and others (in your business in general) do not have?” That might be what differentiates you from your other service providers; what makes your site unique and how are you better than others; Why you and not others? – this is a key question that deserves an answer;
c. Guarantee – I buy from you, I do not like the service; I buy from you and I change my mind; I buy from you and you don’t deliver to my expectations; I would like to know what happens in each of these situations before I buy;
d. Testimonials – What other customers who bought from you say about you, it should include names, photos and names of companies they work for; do you have thousands of customers? I want to see them;
e. Case studies – I would love to see a person coming to you with a problem and leaving you with a solution; detail the exact problem and the final solution and you’ve got a case studies; do a few of these and put them on the web site; do a clip and I’m in seventh heaven;
19. It would be helpful if every page of the site would be read by a graduate of letters faculty and make corrections;
20. A list of your pages that have the most visits would be most welcome;
Final words: I like the web site marazul.ro, everything is well done.
Excellent review Olivian!! Your suggestions are gold for everyone interested in web-site optimizing.
Thank you so much, Costin!