On “Kill Bill”, Vol. 1 (2003), & 2 (2004). What a movie!

I’ve seen Kill Bill, Vol. 1 (2003) and Vol. 2 (2004), for a few times now, most recently the past week. What a movie!

  • The graphics are magnificent.
  • The plot is interesting, you can surely tell from the way Quentin Tarantino directs and writes the dialogues that it’s a movie with his trademark.
  • I enjoyed it so much, what a beautiful movie.
  • Despite being very aggressive, it’s a rather relaxing movie. Sure, there’s blood and violence, but the movie makes it funny, somehow.
  • A lot of things are exaggerated, thus, funny.
  • The music is one of the best I’ve seen in cinema.
  • Every second of the movie seems calculated and thought over.
  • I used to cry at the end of the second movie, now it was OKish.
  • I didn’t write down a single idea, I didn’t have huge emotions this time, but, boy-oh-boy!, was it entertaining. It made me smile, and enjoy it.
  • Some critics didn’t like the movie (Agenda LiterNet / Andrei Gorzo: Cruella DeBill – Kill Bill – Vol. 1; Agenda LiterNet / Andrei Gorzo: Videoteca ambulantă – Kill Bill Vol. 2).
  • I remember some scenes in the movie so vividly.
  • The movie didn’t win any Oscars. Sure, it’s not extremely smart, it’s not extremely emotional, it’s just pure entertainment. To me, it has some Oscars.
  • 10/10.

My favorite song from the movie:

This one is also good:


There’s also the song by Gheorghe Zamfir:

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