One day, a gigantic fire ravages a rainforest.
Distraught, every animal turns and flees from their burning home. Passive spectators walking past the edge of the forest offer their condolences, but nothing more than a passing glance or hollow words of sympathy. After all, it’s not their home being burned.
As the sky turns grey with ash and searing flames tear through the land, one small hummingbird flits to a nearby river that is yet to be touched by the destruction. Relentlessly, the bird flies back and forth from the river to the fire, filling its beak with a tiny drop of water to toss on the leaves of a burning tree.
Noticing the tiny hummingbird’s efforts, a toucan challenges him:
“You’re crazy, Hummingbird! You’ll never be able to put out the fire on your own! Why even bother when it’s so much bigger than you?”
The hummingbird pauses.
“I know”, replies the hummingbird. “But I am doing my part.”
It’s easier to focus on other’s part. To notice their mistakes, errors, and things that are not working out for them.
But it’s much better to do your own part, to focus on yourself to fix your own errors.
You are in control of your life, you can fix your mistakes easily.
Others’ errors? Not so much.