Sometimes, quite often actually, I’m being asked – “How are you?”. Some thoughts on how to answer this?
- There are two aspects:
- What are you doing, overall? How’s life treating you, all-in-all? (also, included in these, are future plans; so, what happened recently, of high importance, in your life, but, also, what will soon happen)
- How are you doing, at the moment? How are you feeling? Where are you headed, what’s the “now” moment?
- Some people answer the question “I’m fine.”. I generally prefer to answer a bit broader than that. If I haven’t talked to the person for a few weeks or more, I will say more things about my life, if that person already knows what’s up in my life I will focus on what am I doing at the moment.
- In Romanian, we ask “Ce faci?” / “What are you doing?”. One funny answer I read in a magazine, by Dan Perjovschi: “I’m leaving!” (“Plec!”).