Weighty Matters: Use the 95:5 Rule To Forever Ignore All Further Healthy Living Advice

Alex Proimos - Colours of Health, https://flic.kr/p/8qZGRx
Alex Proimos – Colours of Health, https://flic.kr/p/8qZGRx

Focus 95% of your healthy living energies on:

  1. Cooking your meals from fresh whole ingredients while minimizing restaurant meals and ultra-processed foods (and remember too “minimize” is a relative term and one that you can continually improve upon but need not start at awesome), and then eating those meals free from distractions and ideally with friends or family.
  2. Exercising as often and as much as you can enjoy, and ideally more days of the week than not, while still remembering if all you can find are short bursts, they’re good too.
  3. Not smoking
  4. Cultivating good night sleeps (dark, cool and quiet rooms, no screens right before bed, set sleep times, no caffeine past noon, rare alcohol within 3 hours of bed time would be a good start)
  5. When indulging, asking first if it’s worth it, and second what’s the smallest amount you need to be happy?
  6. Drinking alcohol only in moderation (1 daily for women, 2 for men)
  7. Nurturing your friendships and relationships

(source & more: Weighty Matters: Use the 95:5 Rule To Forever Ignore All Further Healthy Living Advice)

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